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Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series)

Page 11

by Sterling, Ginny

  Matt cracked a delighted smile. “I think you've killed me,” he said jokingly, when he really wanted to tell her that he loved her and he had never felt like that before, not even with his first marriage. Making love was so intense with her. He shook his head, there was no way he could tell her that yet.

  Sarah was so content. Her body felt like Jello and every bone had melted. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else right now. His smile, his touch, the scent of their lovemaking in the room. She was at peace and could not be happier.

  Matt got up and strode to the restroom to dispose of the condom. He flipped off the overhead light, joined her again in the bed as she rolled over, curling himself up to her back. He wanted to climb back inside of her body and stay that way, but he knew that was not possible. He had never felt so content nor so whole. He laid small kisses on her shoulder and neck, as she lay there with his arm wrapped around her waist. Both lay there silently for quite some time, alone in their thoughts.

  Sarah had enjoyed herself thoroughly, and felt such a sense of peace right now, she did not want it disturbed by anything. She had never been loved so completely. She thought of moments that had made her happy in the past and was afraid to analyze it all too much. So far, this moment was ranking pretty highly in her life and she was scared at exactly what that could mean. Was it a deep friendship, was it more?

  Matt too was lost in his own world. He lay there listening to her breathe, knowing he should let her sleep but not wanting the night to be over. He dropped a kiss again on her neck and slid is hand down onto her hip, silently hoping she might be awake still. He did not want her to be upset or tired the next day, since she had insisted earlier this afternoon that she would be back in to work in the morning. Reality would be here too quickly for both of them. He too had to work in the morning and was concerned about leaving her alone.

  With the movement of his hand, he watched as she curled and stretched like a lazy cat in delight. Matt took that as a yes and again rolled her underneath him. He saw her smile up at him in the darkness. “What a magical night... thank you,” he heard her whisper softly, as she gently ran her fingers lightly along his shoulder. He responded with only a kiss. He couldn't voice what was in his heart yet. He watched as she melted in his arms and he made love to her again tenderly in the darkness.


  Sarah rose with the alarm on her phone the next morning. She left him lying in the bed they shared and got in the shower. She thought of the nights events and how good she felt. She had never been loved so thoroughly nor made to feel so good and so complete. She heard him come into the bathroom, he offered to wash her hair for her. She laughed and let him in the shower, which was entirely too small for the two of them and she ended up getting out quickly.

  Matt frowned and said he would join her in a few minutes. He had hoped she would take him up on the offer to wash her hair. He would have attempted to make sure she was late for work by making passionate love to her in the tiny shower.

  The thought of having water cascade over her body while he touched her was getting him excited again and he had a goal set for the next time certainly! He could not imagine a better way to finish up the night nor start the day! He washed up and toweled off, wrapped the towel around his hips and started the coffee for the two of them.

  Sarah braided her hair and dug through her bag of clothes, finding jeans and a shirt but no socks…still at her condo, she assumed. He had packed her bag hastily when the police had said to leave and stay somewhere else. She sighed and slipped on her shoes regardless.

  Matt poured her a cup of coffee and went to dress as she perched on the stool at the breakfast bar. He replayed the night’s event over and over again in his mind. She was simply perfect for him and made the sweetest sounds as he touched her. When he made her scream with her orgasm, he thought he would burst apart at the seams with desire. There was something so animalistic about being able to make your woman scream in pleasure.

  Sarah poured his cup of coffee for him as he returned and offered to get him some donuts for the guys at work as he dropped her off. Matt buttoned his uniform shirt and finished getting ready to go for the day. “You do not have to do that, baby, but they would not say no to them either.” He smiled at her.

  Sarah just beamed, it was not the acceptance of the offer... it was the endearment he used. She liked it a lot. She loved the way he watched her and looked at her. She adored how he had called her princess the night before. She felt like the only woman in the world when he gazed into her eyes.

  The walked out to his car, hand in hand like two teenagers. He walked her to the passenger side and she joked that she really needed to get her car so they did not have to do this every day. She didn't want to be a bother to him.

  He responded, “No problem, you can park next to me...but I kinda like knowing you got to work safely, you know?” and offered to take her back to her place after work for a few more items and to get her car so she would not go alone.

  Matt arrived at the bakery, pulled slowly around front looking for anyone and when she reached for the handle, he stopped her. “No, I will take you around back and walk you in, maybe I will take you up on breakfast after all.” He said with a smile. He wanted to make sure no one was waiting for her inside. He pulled around back of the building and looked around the lot. He got out, and opened her door for her.

  She dug out her keys from her purse and unlocked the door. The alarm system was supposed to be installed tomorrow and that would bring some sense of comfort knowing she just had to hit a panic button for help, if needed. Matt went inside first, but Sarah had to push him aside to reach the light switch. They both laughed, some protection he was when he couldn't find the switch on the older building!

  The switch was lower than most places and a lot further ‘in’ on the wall, not close to the door like you would expect. Sarah teased him “the boogeyman would have gotten you,” she said laughingly and poked him in the stomach.

  Matt turned red with embarrassment. “Maybe,” he said. He watched as she donned her apron and was surprised at the desire that it created. He could just imagine making love to her with that and nothing else on. He kind of chuckled to himself wondering if she would be embarrassed or if she’d like it. He felt like a teenager with her and was starting to act like one.

  Sarah flipped on the fryer like usual, got out the dough and started to slice him some of the coffee cake he had enjoyed so much when she stopped. Tyler was standing there quietly and had walked in through the front door. “Oh my gosh,” Sarah said shocked putting her hand on her chest. “My goodness, you gave me a start! I am going to put a bell on you like people do cats! I never heard you walk in!” she explained shakily. He had given her quite the shock when she walked through the opening of the kitchen to the dark dining area.

  Tyler had thought to take some time to talk to her this morning about how he felt about her. He wanted a chance to be the one for her, but decided against bringing her flowers. He wanted to talk to her first and see how she felt. “Sorry about that,” Tyler said walking around the case. “I did not mean to scare you. You sure are jumpy,” he said smoothly trying to put her at ease. “Is anything wrong? You are practically glowing this morning, Sarah.” He meant it, she was stunning and her pink shirt matched her complexion.

  Matt decided to announce his presence at that time. “Good morning, Tyler, how are you?” he said leaning casually against the open door frame. He did not trust Tyler with his Sarah. Tyler was a good looking guy and Matt felt like he was real competition for her attention. They worked together and spent a lot of time together. He wanted Tyler to back off and know that he was pursuing Sarah. He felt like someone tugging on a favorite toy - the only difference was that he loved her, whereas he did not feel Sarah’s safety was first on Tyler’s mind. He was not fully sure that the theft was not due to Tyler and he did not understand what was taking the police so long to get back with her.

  Tyler sized up the situation. He assumed
they had come into town together, which did not sit well with him. Surely his Sarah would not have spent the night with this guy, he thought. “Oh, good morning,” he said quietly and turned back to Sarah. “You did not mention you were bringing in company, again, this morning.”

  Sarah brushed it off. “Tyler, Matt gave me a ride in to work this morning and I thought it would be nice to get him and his coworkers breakfast,” she said leaning around him to start the coffee pot. Tyler leaned in towards her and took a deep breath. Sarah did not notice, but Matt sure did and he did not like it one bit.

  Matt frowned. That was a classic ‘dick move’ to intrude on someone else's girl…he didn't feel like he had done that to Tyler because Sarah had mentioned that she was not seeing anyone...but Matt had definitely shown interest in Sarah and Tyler was still putting the moves on her, in front of him.

  Maybe it was time to lay it on thick and get it into Tyler’s head. “Princess, want me to pour your coffee? Will you join me for a few before you get started?” Matt asked sweetly to Sarah as she sliced the coffee cake. He wanted to establish the ground work so Tyler would step back without having to be told bluntly to back off of his woman.

  Sarah preened. He called her princess again! “Sure, do you mind if we eat in the kitchen so I can watch one of the mixers?” She had a mixer that was temperamental and tended to wobble a bit with the thicker dough she made for the coffee cakes.

  Matt smiled at her, and tucked a stubborn lock of hair behind her delicate ear. “Absolutely,” he said and grabbed two cups and poured. He brought Sarah hers, and took a sip of the other. Looking at Tyler, he took another sip of the coffee, stood next to Sarah, and politely asked Tyler if he wanted a cup too.

  Sarah looked at both, the tension was quite thick in the air. Matt was being nice to Tyler and definitely showing a possessive streak she didn't realize he had in him. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that she liked it. She normally did not like dominance or possessiveness. Matt had a tenderness to it, whereas Josh it was almost hateful. She could see that there was quite a difference.

  And Tyler? Tyler was like a combination of the two: she could see the tenderness Matt offered, however, she had also seen Josh’s temper or dominance… part of the reason she would never go out with him. She had thought Tyler had been quite a pest for some time, always after her but he was definitely not going to confront Matt in her kitchen. Tyler shook his head, thanked him for the offer, and began punching down the dough with force.

  Sarah raised her eyebrows and looked at Matt. Matt shook his head back at her to not respond. She watched for a few and offered to take over. Tyler declined and proceeded to roll the dough out again. Sarah shrugged, moved to the front of the bakery, leaving Tyler in the kitchen area.

  She boxed up several danishes and coffee cake muffins for Matt to take with him in to the depot before he headed out on his runs. “Will I see you later?” she asked him. She had enjoyed their night together and hoped to have a repeat of it.

  Matt teased her, “I’m not sure. Did you order anything to be shipped by us?” he quipped. Matt lovingly and slowly kissed her. He then whispered in the shell of her ear, “I cannot wait to see you later. I will be thinking of you all day,” he said kissed her earlobe.

  Sarah blushed and nodded happily. She could not wait either, if last night was any indication of what she had to look forward to later. His whispers made her think of a bevy of mental images from them together last night. The feel of his breath on her ear and neck, stirred heat in her and she wanted to touch him.

  Matt finished his coffee cake, grabbed the box and offered to pay for the treats. Sarah declined. “On the house,” she replied with a smile. She would not hear of it! She wanted to please her man and figured plying him with sweets for his sweet tooth would do it. Matt gave her another kiss and headed out the door, not wanting to be late. “See ya, Tyler,” he said with a wave. “Have a great day, baby, see you later,” he said softly to Sarah.

  She waited ‘til he was in the car, waved and locked the back door to the bakery behind him. She loved watching the way he moved. She imagined him naked over her again and let out a deep, satisfied sigh of contentment.

  Tyler could not stand watching the two of them any longer. “What exactly do you see in him?” he asked quietly. “I have never seen you really date anyone before and I know I have asked you to dinner a few times,” he whined. He did not intend to, but he felt hurt. He knew he would be so good to her, if he only had the chance. “Sarah, you know we would be so good together,” he began and moved towards her, as if to touch her.

  Sarah mentally groaned and quickly moved backwards, grabbing the broom. She knew this was coming and it was only a matter of time. “Tyler, I have always told you that I do not date employees. My personal life is just that: personal. I appreciate the fact that I have the ability to work with someone I get along with and whom I consider a friend, but I do not share my personal life. I am sorry if that bothers you.” She said carefully gauging his reaction.

  He was acting like a child who had to share his toy and didn't understand why. She was not his toy. She was not his girlfriend. She was his boss. Period. If he did not understand that it was poor ethics to date your supervisor, that was his problem, not hers.

  Tyler did not say a word. He went on moving about the kitchen, cutting the doughnuts as Sarah checked on the loaves rising in the warmer. She checked the mixers and poured out the muffins. Flipping through her recipe books, she spied a recipe and decided she may try her hand at it later this afternoon. Matt will love it, she thought, thinking of the dinner they had shared the other night.


  Sarah’s day passed quickly for her. She brightened every time the bell chimed on the door, silently hoping it was Matt. She was happy to see some of her favorite clients, a few new ones. She was pleasantly surprised that the person asking about the wedding cake & groom cake stopped in.

  She happily let Tyler take over at the counter, grabbed some little cakes, a variety of items, her album book with photos of other cakes and they decided together that she would make up some flavors and set up a tasting for them. Maybe she would run a few decorating ideas past Matt on the grooms cake?

  She jotted notes down, asked the bride to bring in a few photos of what she would like, color swatches of her bridesmaids dresses or pictures of her color scheme. They would come up with a plan together to make it special.

  She began to clean up in the front early in the afternoon once things had started to slow down a bit and moved to start the new recipe. Tyler offered to help out, however, she wasn't completely sure which recipe she was going to go with yet.

  She wanted to make something special, something amazing that could be served in small servings for the shop or in a full pie/cake too. She wanted something that reminded her of her date with Matt. She decided to try something different, but it needed to look good in the case... most places have cannoli’s, however, she wanted something different.

  Sarah started a fancy panna cotta first... it would be simple to fix, set up first, and be available to decorate once the other recipe was ready to bake. Besides, panna cotta could be served in small containers or put in a torte, either would work for the shop. She cooked the sugar and cream together, whipped in the ingredients, and strained the mix into several colorful ramekins. She had twelve ready to go into the walk-in fridge to set. The smell of the rosewater used in the ramekin was lovely to breathe and made her sigh. She really truly loved cooking.

  Tyler mopped the front area and wiped down the tables. He bagged the day old bread and proceeded to wrap up the front of the bakery. “Want me to flip off the sign just yet?” he asked. This was probably the first full sentence he had spoken to her since she told him, in not so many words, that her personal life was none of his business. He wanted his chance to talk to her and felt like he did not know where to start. He, honestly, wanted to kiss her and sweep her off her feet.

  Sarah did not look up from th
e recipe book and mixer. “Nah, Tyler, I appreciate the help today. I have one more recipe I am going to see about starting and then I will lock it up. If you will just put the sign on the counter to ring the bell for service and lock the till for me. I will see you in the morning?” she asked. She then glanced up as she saw him standing close by, she saw Tyler nod, placed the sign, and sulked out the back door.

  Sarah dusted her hands off on her apron after he left. She went and checked the front to make sure no one was waiting, that the sign was in place and that the till was locked. She pushed the button and opened the till. It was unlocked. She sighed in frustration. Why did he not lock it like she asked? She took a quick glance, counted the paper money, put it back and locked the drawer.

  She returned back to her work table with enthusiasm and began the second recipe: a thick caramel cake with meringue. It sounded amazing and would make wonderful cupcakes or an impressive large cake for the display case. She melted the butter and added the brown sugar in the heavy pot while the mixer whipped the egg whites. Sarah let the caramel cool while she added the dry ingredients and began to form the batter.

  “My goodness, that smells amazing,” Matt said as he walked in the front door. He saw the sign on the counter and called out to her as he walked in. The warm scent of caramel wafted through the air. He looked around noting the small feminine touches on the bakery and marveled again at what a wonderful woman Sarah was.

  Sarah silently cursed the timing of the customer and quickly realized it was Matt. “Oh! Hang on! I will be right there! I cannot leave the mixer yet or the egg whites will curdle!” she shrieked. She was terribly glad to have him here and wanted to greet him, however, she was at a crucial part of the mixing process and could not leave it unattended.


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