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Heart Of Texas (Historical Romance)

Page 18

by Constance O'Banyon

  Teague cocked the gun, releasing another bullet into the chamber. "Don't pretend you care when I know you don't."

  "What you did is murder," Gabe said, straightening to his full height. "Cold-blooded murder."

  "Why don't you pick your rifle up? You might stand a chance."

  "I won't, play your game. If you're going to shoot, do it." Gabe folded his arms over his chest. "You're a dirty coward, but have you ever shot a man who was looking at you?"

  Gabe was playing for time, hoping Flint would arrive before it was too late. He didn't fear death; he just wanted to live long enough to see Casey again.

  "You had everything I ever wanted. If Cyrus had been my pa, I'd've made. him proud of me. You were just a little half-breed, and you didn't deserve to be his son."

  "Apparently my father agreed with you."

  Teague leveled the gun barrel at Gabe's heart. "So now you die beside him."

  Gabe knew he had just run out of time. He knew Teague's marksmanship; he rarely missed. He waited for the impact.

  A shot rang out, but it didn't come from the foreman's rifle. It came from the small hill just to Gabe's right. He jumped to the side as Teague fell. He let out a relieved breath, expecting to see Flint.

  Harwood laid his rifle aside and walked closer to see if Teague was dead. He nodded in satisfaction and stood. "It looks like I came along just in time."

  Gabe nodded. "Thanks. You were almost too late."

  "I followed Miss Hamilton when she rode out to meet you just keeping an eye on her like we agreed. I was about to leave when I saw your pa riding up. So I hung around to see what was happening." Harwood smiled slowly. "Teague caught you by surprise, didn't he?"

  "Yeah. I'm not as sharp as I should be."

  "It's the woman." Harwood laughed. "Those females got a way of messing with a man's mind, making him careless, 'cause he's always thinking about her."

  "I can't disagree with you there." Gabe stuck out his hand. "You saved my life, Ranger."

  Harwood stepped over Teague's body and bent down beside Cyrus, making sure he was dead.

  "He didn't know Teague was there. Otherwise he'd be alive."

  "Too bad. All that money and all that power snuffed out with one pull of the trigger." He glanced up at Gabe. "I guess this makes you a wealthy man."

  "I don't think so. My father would never have left Casa Mesa to me. And I wouldn't want it if he had."

  Harwood nodded. "I can see how you'd feel that way. Your cousin is just over the rise."

  "I know," Gabe said. "I heard him."

  Ron Harwood stood on the porch with his hat in hand. "Can I talk to you, Miss Hamilton?"

  Casey came out of the door, wiping her hands on her apron. "Of course you can, Ron."

  "Well, ma'am, it's like this." He looked sheepish for a moment, dreading that he had to tell her the truth. "I kind of misrepresented myself to you. And I want to set everything right, because I'll be leaving in the morning."

  She felt her hopes dashed, but she'd half expected him to leave-Cyrus cast a long shadow over the Spanish Spur. "I had hoped you would like it here, Ron. My brother tells me you are a good worker." She met his gaze with a probing one of her own. "You don't seem to me to be a man who could be scared off by Mr. Slaughter."

  He thought she was such a sweet lady, and she had enough troubles without him adding to them. "It's not like that" He let out his breath and looked at her squarely. "This is going to take some telling."

  "I have time," she said, crestfallen because they would be without help again. Where was she going to get someone else to work for them, with Mr. Slaughter threatening everyone to stay away from the Spanish Spur?

  "You see, my name really is Ron Harwood, but I am a Texas Ranger, not a cowhand."

  She was puzzled. "I don't understand. What is a Texas Ranger?"

  "The Rangers are a branch of the law. Sometimes when someone is operating outside the law, they call us in to investigate or make an arrest."

  Her eyes clouded. "Why would you ask to work for us if you are the law?"

  "Because Gabriel Slaughter came to my office in San Bastion and asked me to have the Rangers look into Cyrus's dealings and to protect your family."

  She nodded, beginning to understand more about what Gabe had done. "He went against his father to help us. I didn't know it at the time."

  Harwood looked at the toe of his boot. "Cyrus Slaughter won't be a problem for you anymore, ma'am." He didn't know any other way to say it but to blurt out the truth. "He's dead."

  Her head snapped up, and her hand went to her throat. "Gabe! Is he all right?"

  "Gabe had a close call with a man named Teague. You may have heard of him; he was the old man's foreman. Anyway, Teague shot Cyrus, and he was getting ready to draw down on Gabe. I had to shoot the man."

  She frowned, trying to sort out everything he was telling her. At last she nodded. "Gabe wasn't hurt at all?"

  He felt the tension in Miss Hamilton, and he wanted to put her mind at ease. "There wasn't a single scratch on Gabe as far as I could tell."

  "It's so difficult to believe that both those men are dead," she said as if she'd just realized how Mr. Slaughter's death might affect Gabe. "Mr. Slaughter was a wretched man, but I didn't wish him any harm."

  "A man like Cyrus Slaughter has lots of enemies. He met the kind of death that comes to most men who think they can live above the law."

  "Mr. Harwood, I appreciate what you have done for us, and we thank you for it. I'm sorry you have to leave-but I understand. What you did took a lot of courage."

  "Miss Hamilton, I've done nothing compared to what Gabe Slaughter did. He hung in there doggedly, determined to help your family. So save your thanks for him."

  "I will thank him. He is a very fine man."

  He watched her eyes fill with sadness. Gabriel was one fortunate man. Harwood didn't think much time would pass before there would be a wedding in these parts.

  Gabe was in a dark mood when he attended his father's funeral. He wag one of the few who had come out in the cold rain to stand at the grave site. The only other mourners were people who worked on the Casa Mesa ranch.

  Gabe tried to feel pity for the man who had ruined so many lives, but it was difficult not to think of Nora. He had not heard one word the preacher had said about his father. He stood stiffly as people filed past him to offer their condolences.

  The one person he did smile at was Juanita, the cook and housekeeper.

  Long after the others had gone he stood there in the rain, aching inside. He wasn't grieving for the life that had just ended, but for the lives that had been changed by Cyrus's greed.

  Gabe knew of two small ranches and three farms his father had taken over in the last year, and who knew how many there had been before that?

  How did one mourn a man who had destroyed lives for his own pleasure?

  Omous and Flint had not attended the service. They did not believe in showing respect to a person who did not deserve it. He had considered going away with his uncle and cousin when they left, but he didn't belong with them any more than he belonged at Casa Mesa.


  He turned around to face Casey. She hadn't attended the service, so she must have just arrived. She was dressed in the appropriate black for the occasion. He couldn't tell whether tears or raindrops clung to her lashes.

  "Do you weep for me?" he asked.

  Even now she blinked back fresh tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks. "Yes, I do. I stood back from the other mourners because I could tell you wanted to be alone. I waited-until everyone left to speak to you."

  He breathed in and out. "I don't think this has hit me yet. It probably will in a day or two. I don't want you to think I am heartless, but you are aware that my father and I were not the best of friends. I'm not mourning his passing."

  She touched his hand and then clasped it in hers. "I do know. But it's all right if you grieve for what might have been between the two of you."
  "There could have been nothing between us."

  "I'll be leaving now. I just wanted you to know that my family is thinking about you in this terrible time."

  "Casey," he said, clamping her hand tighter. "Your family is safe now. You don't need me to protect you."

  She would need him for the rest of her life. When she was an old woman, she would still remember the way he looked today, with torture in his silver eyes. She would never forget that he had ridden into her life and made everything all right.

  She would never love another man, because her heart would go with Gabe wherever he went.

  Her hand slid away from his and Gabe felt the first sense of loss-not the loss of his father, but the loss of something meaningful and beautiful. "I want you to know... I need you to know that I'll be heading out tomorrow."

  His words came as no surprise to Casey, but they hit her hard all the same. "You are leaving Texas?"

  "Yes. For good."

  Her heart cried out to him not to leave her. How could she go on without him? "Wherever you go, remember there is someone wishing you happiness."

  She did not say another word as she stepped away from him and headed down the hill.

  Gabe watched Sam jump down from the buckboard and help Casey aboard. As they disappeared into the rain, he walked the few paces to Nora's grave just on the other side of his father's.

  He clutched his hat in his hand as the rain fell on him. "Are you with Frank now, Nora? Have you found the happiness that was denied you in life?" He closed his eyes. "I pray that it is so."

  Gabe realized someone was behind him, waiting a few paces away. He turned to see Fletcher standing near the road.

  With his shoulders straight, he walked down the hill, where Fletcher fell into step beside him.

  "Gabe, the men, well... they asked me to be spokesman. They want to know what they should do."

  "Do? I hope none of them are under the mistaken impression that Casa Mesa belongs to me. I can't tell any of them what to do, and I don't know who the new owner is, but I am sure Cyrus picked someone to be his heir. I always thought it would be Teague.

  "I'11 be leaving now." He shook hands with Fletcher and nodded at the others who had gathered in a group near the wagons.

  With those words, Gabe mounted his horse and rode away.

  Casey watched the rain make wide runnels against the window, her heart troubled, her sadness deep.

  When she had gone to Mr. Slaughter's graveside service, she had not intended to approach Gabe at all. But when she had seen him standing there, looking dejected and so alone, she knew she couldn't leave without speaking to him. She had wanted only to reach out to him, to let him know that at least her family was thinking of him in his pain.

  But her sorrow had bitten deep when she had looked into his tormented eyes. He was still alone, maybe even more so now.

  She stepped outside onto the porch and listened to the rain peppering the roof. She had always loved it when it rained because she thought of the water's nurturing power, but tonight she felt as if the sky were weeping with her.

  She glanced toward the barn as the figure of a man detached itself from the evening shadows. Her hand went to her mouth. It was Gabe; she was sure of it!

  What could he be doing there?

  Ignoring the downpour, she ran across the yard toward him and caught up with him just as he was about to mount his horse.

  She was soaked to the skin, and so was he. "You were going to leave without seeing me?"

  Gabe took her hand. "Let's get you out of this weather."

  He led her into the dark interior of the barn, his hand lingering on her arm. "I only came to leave something for jenny."

  She already knew what it was; she could hear the yelp of a puppy coming from the tack room. "You are the kindest man I. have ever known, Gabe."

  "You didn't always feel that way."

  "I know, and I'm sorry."

  He felt her shiver with cold. He didn't know how it happened, but the next moment he slid his arm around her and brought her body against his heat.

  In the darkness their hungry mouths crushed together, fingers intertwined, and desire burned inside them.

  "Sweetheart, I didn't mean for this to happen."

  She pressed her hands to his face. "I know. It just happens when we are near each other."

  Wet clothing was stripped away and thrown aside. They couldn't get close enough. In a fury of passion, Gabe tore the canvas covering off the buckboard and threw it onto the ground. He then picked Casey up in his arms and laid her on top of it.

  When he came down to her, Casey's arms opened for him. For a long moment she just held him, brushing her fingers through his damp hair, rubbing the other hand up and down his back. This was the only way she could think of to comfort him.

  Gabe lay against Casey's naked body; his passion forgotten for the moment. He needed something deeper than desire from her. He needed her closeness, the touch of her hand, his head lying against her breast in comfort.

  "Rest, Gabe. Close your eyes and don't think about today." She felt him settle against her, and she bore the full weight of his body. Time passed as she nestled him in her arms, touching her lips to his face, whispering comforting words much as she would to jenny when the child was troubled about something.

  "Even in your day of sorrow," she said, her hand settling on his back, "you thought of jenny."

  In Casey's arms, Gabe seemed to throw off all the troubling shadows that had darkened his life for so long. Her gentleness had healing power; it was like a warmth spreading throughout his body. And he wanted all she had to give him.

  After a moment the soft body beneath him be came more than a comfort; it became a temptation. Gabe nestled his face against hers. "I want to make love to you," he said almost pleadingly. "Give yourself to me and hold nothing back."

  "Yes," she moaned.

  There was not a place on Casey's body that Gabe didn't touch while he kissed her into burning submission. He spoke seductive words, and she ached for him to do the things to her that he was whispering in her ear.

  Casey ground her lower body against his, and she felt rather than heard him hiss through his teeth.

  A cry of longing escaped her throat when he dipped his head, his tongue sliding around her nipple, then drew it into his mouth.

  Gabe could stand no more. He opened her legs and eased inside her, gritting his teeth at the intense pleasure that stabbed through him.

  Casey felt her emptiness fill with his warmth. She wanted to hold on to this moment for the rest of her life. When he probed deeper, she sighed with even greater pleasure.

  It was hard for Gabe to harness his desire. For so many nights he had lain awake thinking about doing this to Casey. Now it was almost impossible to hold back, but he did manage to slow his movements.

  Casey was overcome with emotions. One had hardly registered before another took its place, making her tremble beneath Gabe.

  When the tremor hit them both, they clung to each other as they reached for the moon.

  After they caught their breath, Gabe rolled to his side and adjusted Casey to his body. Long moments passed as his fingers interlocked with hers, and he raised her hand to his lips. She slid her hand from his and pushed his hair back, kissing his full mouth.

  "Will you marry me, Casey?"

  She still had the same questions as before. "Why?"

  His hand swept across her back. "Because we are good together."

  "That's not much of a reason."

  "Casey, I could have gotten you with child."

  "That's a reason, but not enough of one. The last time I talked to you, Gabe, you wanted to leave town."

  "I still do."

  She closed her eyes, her heart aching. He was running away, just as he had when he had left to join the Confederacy. He had to stop running from the past, from Nora's death. But that was something he would have to decide for himself.

  "You want to leave me?"

/>   "No, Casey. I don't. You, Sam, and jenny can come with me."

  She pushed his arm away and sat up. There was such strength in him when it came to helping others, but he didn't know how to help himself. And she couldn't help him either. "We can't go with you, Gabe."

  He had known what her answer would be. He grasped her arm and pulled her to her feet. "It sounds like it's stopped raining."

  Casey fumbled around in the dark and found her clothing. If it were just her, she would go anywhere with Gabe, but she had Sam and jenny to consider.

  When she was dressed, he took her hand and raised it to his lips. "I do want to marry you, Casey."

  She tiptoed and kissed his mouth. "I'm going to go in now because I don't want to watch you ride away."



  "I will spend the rest of my life remembering tonight."

  She waited. She needed to hear him say he would spend his life loving her. "Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

  "Casey, you have to understand-I can't stay here. There are too many memories."

  "Good-bye, Gabe."

  She hurried across the yard and didn't stop until she was inside the house. She closed the door and leaned against it, clamping her hands over her ears so she could not hear the sound of departing hoofbeats.

  Gabe lay on a lumpy bed in the Randolph Hotel, his hands clasped behind his head, an empty feeling in his gut.

  He wasn't sorry he'd come back to Texas. And he wasn't sorry to be leaving. He would be sorry that he'd be leaving behind the woman who'd enabled him to feel emotion again.

  With Casey he had found hope and, for a few short hours, joy. He might have been better off if he had never met her. Then he wouldn't know what he would be missing for the rest of his life.

  There was a rap on the door, and he called out in irritation, "It's open."

  Harwood poked his head around the door. "I was told you were here. And I heard you were heading out in the morning. So I've come to try to recruit you into the Rangers."

  Gabe sat up and waved the Ranger to a chair. "What makes you think I'd be interested?"

  "You're just the kind of man we're looking for: dedicated, honest, not afraid of a damned thing."


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