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INV 2 - An Invitation, Ariel's Pet

Page 11

by Qwillia Rain

  Determined to show him his assistance wasn't necessary for her to achieve climax, Ariel repositioned her right hand from the chair seat to the heated flesh of her pussy. She ignored the niggling reminder that despite the innumerable times she'd masturbated, reaching orgasm had been a rare thing. Two fingers did a cursory slide along her nether lips before she found the wet opening and pressed in.

  “Stop.” Dane's lips flattened out. His gaze wandered from the hand on her mound to her face.

  “You said—”

  “Much as you want to be in charge, Ariel, your body craves more,” Dane informed her.

  The heat of his hand covered the back of hers. He eased her fingers from inside her vagina and stroked her damp fingertips higher. Keeping his hand cupped over hers, he guided her in spreading the natural lubrication her body produced to the plump lips of her pussy.

  “Stimulation builds on stimulation.” He held her gaze as he smoothed her fingers along her outer labia before sliding inward. “When you know what pleases your body, then you can control the reaction of your body.”

  Ariel barely registered the words as she followed the pressure on her fingertips and applied it to her delicate flesh. The heat in her belly began to expand, and the look in his eyes mesmerized her.

  “Close your eyes and feel.” Dane's voice was soft, the whisper of his breath across her face nearly as stirring as the movements he directed along her sensitive flesh.

  Her eyelids were too heavy to keep open. Letting them drift shut, she gasped at the increased sensation building in her core. The heat of his hand drifted away as she stroked over her flesh, exploring the frilled edge of her inner lips. The rapid flutter of the tissue echoed the way her empty sheath quivered and pulsed in tandem to the attentions from her fingertips.

  “Find your clit.” His directive was quiet but resolute.

  She transferred her touch upward, her damp fingertips rubbing and pressing against the apex of her mound. Her breasts ached, her nipples taut, but when she lifted her other hand up to cradle the fullness in her palm, Dane's fingers captured her wrist and returned her hand back to the seat behind her hip.

  “No touching without permission, Tink.”

  Her groan mingled with the moans slipping from her lips as the coil of arousal tightened in her core. Her hips rocked against the strokes of her fingertips as climax bubbled closer to the surface. The muscles in her vagina flexed and pulled, desperate for something to grip, but the most intense sensations were focused on the tiny knot of flesh she'd coaxed from beneath the hood of skin.

  “That's it, baby. Show me how good it feels.”

  His voice egged her on, encouraged her to go faster, apply firmer pressure, but there was something missing still. An emptiness that begged him to fill it, and she voiced her yearning to him. “Please.”

  “Please, what?”


  Qwillia Rain

  She could hear in his voice that he knew what she wanted—craved. “I want more, please.”

  He was closer—she could feel the heat of his body along the front of hers—but he wasn't close enough to touch. The desire twisted, grew tighter; her fingers sped up, pressing harder against the nubbin of nerves. “Please.” Tears clogged her throat. The sensations bombarding her were different from any she'd experienced in the past. This was nothing like the tepid trembling and heated rush she'd felt before. It thrilled and frightened her at the same time, making her hand pause, hesitate.

  “Keep going, Ariel,” Dane ordered.

  “I-I ca-can't.” She shook her head.

  Warm fingers covered hers, pinching the aching knot of her clit, shooting fire through her body. Another warm palm cupped the back of her head, his fingers tangled in the short blue spikes of her hair. Dane's breath stilled hers. “Open your eyes.”

  Fear billowed in her chest. The longing to please him blended with the painful need to climax, while another part of her screamed at her to turn away and run, to get as far away from this man as possible. But her body betrayed her, arching closer.

  “Open them up, love. Look at me.” His command softened to a purr as he stroked his fingers over hers, squeezed her aching clit, and sent another pulse of pleasure through her center.

  She couldn't deny him. He was so close, she could only see the intense blue of his eyes.

  Like the images she'd seen of Lake Tahoe, the dark blue seemed bottomless, inviting her to dive in and tempt the danger awaiting her. Ariel swallowed, waited.

  “I have you, Ariel. You're safe.”

  How he could be crouched over her, his body close but not touching her, registered only vaguely in the back of her mind, but his words stilled the panicked pounding of her heart. The guiding hand over hers slipped away and drew a whimper from her lips that the recalcitrant part of her sneered at.

  His lips brushed over hers. “Time now, Tink.”

  “Wha-what?” She tried to draw a breath to still the wild snarls in her head. It only made matters worse; inhaling the heated scent of his body and the smell of her arousal jacked her hunger into overdrive.

  “Come. Show me how good it feels to have that beautiful climax roll through you.”

  Her internal rebel cursed, but the orgasm that welled up from her core, spread down her legs and up her belly, silenced the minx temporarily. As shudders and quakes rolled through her, Ariel never lost contact with Dane's gaze. The hand cupping her head and the one he'd slipped around her waist ensured she didn't fall, but the rest of her body jerked and twitched as wave after wave of pleasure broke over her before sweeping her further into the ocean of confusion surrounding her.

  It wasn't supposed to be like this, her rebel complained. He wasn't supposed to be able to do this. Tamping down the fear beginning to well up inside her, Ariel forced herself to focus, to return to reality and ignore the blissful lassitude trying to steal over her. No fucking way would she lose this challenge, she determined, drawing one deep breath after another.

  He watched her, his body close, its heat wrapping around her like a safe blanket. The flush in his cheeks, the darkened color of his eyes attested to his arousal. Ariel let her gaze drift down.

  The press of his hard-on against his trousers was visible, but he wouldn't give in to the desire.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  Not like she had. Rebellion flared in her breast. If he can ignore the feeling, so can I. She may have lost this battle, but the war raged on. No way was she letting him win. Her intent must have communicated itself to him, because Dane eased his hold on her body. He made sure she was securely ensconced on the chair before he returned to his seat.

  The springs squeaked beneath his weight, but the rollers were silent as he slid back and put distance between them.

  “Okay?” he asked. His gaze seemed to measure if she had recovered enough to dress.

  “I'm”—she cleared her throat and tried again—“I'm fine. Are we through here?”

  He held her pants and underwear out to her with a nod. “Yes, Ariel. Lesson's over.”

  She shoved the chair away, scrambled toward the bathroom, and slammed the door. The click of the lock engaging filled the quiet room. She kept her attention away from the mirror as she dampened a washcloth and hastily bathed her wet thighs and fingers. The smell of her climax surrounded her. Ariel cringed inside at the knowledge that her scent hovered in the air of the office. Dane was probably drawing it in. Savoring it like a trophy, a testament to his power over her. Her clit pulsed, betraying her determination to deny the feelings the man stirred within her.

  “I'm my own woman. I don't need a man to tell me how to please myself. My body,” she whispered the reminder to her reflection. But the glint in her eyes knew she lied. Or at least was unwilling to see the truth that was right in front of her.

  She wanted what Dane could give her, but she'd stay silent if it was the last thing she ever did.


  Qwillia Rain

  Chapter Seven />
  Day 13

  The café was closed when Dane pulled his car to the curb and shut the engine off. The sun hadn't crested the horizon yet. He fought back a jaw-cracking yawn before he climbed out of the car. Even at five in the morning on a Saturday, there were people heading into the various businesses and shops, delivery trucks making their rounds, and the general hubbub of a city waking. He didn't expect anyone to be in the café since it wasn't supposed to open for another three hours. Considering the way Ariel had avoided him in the day and a half since he'd guided her to climax, he doubted she'd be coming in early. The alarm let out a soft beep as he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

  “Leave the lights off, Dane.” Her voice was pitched so that it made it as far as the door but didn't go beyond to the early foot traffic on the sidewalk behind him.

  Intrigued, he followed her instructions, stepped inside, and then shut and locked the door.

  “You're in early.”

  “Had a special errand I wanted to finish up.”

  He could barely make out her form on the other side of the café in the dim light. Ariel didn't leave her seat at the counter. She kept her elbows propped on the tiled surface behind her, the heels of her hiking boots hooked over the lower rung of the stool, and her eyes focused on him.

  His body kicked into overdrive, and the snug fit of his faded jeans grew tighter. The scuffed and worn boots on his feet made little noise as he crossed the room. He shed his leather jacket, revealing the black T-shirt beneath, and draped it over his right forearm.

  She eased off the bar stool and sauntered toward him.

  Dane tossed his jacket into the nearest booth. “Errand?” And would it happen to involve a bed with both of us naked?

  “Yes. A very important one.”


  Ariel tried to hide her smile, but he could see it lurking in her eyes. She seemed so proud to be able to turn the tables on him. He wasn't about to let her know it wouldn't be for long. Lessons for a submissive were definitely in her future. Let her enjoy the sense of accomplishment and power. If the thought of pushing his buttons brought her pleasure, he'd show her the true pleasure to be found in following his directions.

  He shifted with her as she carefully circled him, her gaze stroking over the faded creases in the denim where the cloth cupped his manhood before dropping to the firm muscles in his thighs An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  covered by the heavy cotton. He could feel the stiff peaks of his nipples poking at the ebony material stretched across his broad chest.

  “Oh my, yes.” She finally stopped in front of him and grinned.

  “And what errand has you here at four in the morning when the café won't open until eight today?” Dane didn't cross his arms or try to conceal the reaction of his body to hers.

  Ariel let her eyes drift to the growing bulge behind his zipper and then brought them back to his deep blue gaze. “I thought I'd see if you were willing to put your money where your mouth is.” She stepped closer, her fingers stroking his erection, then roaming upward to tease one of his nipples beneath his T-shirt. “Or perhaps more accurately, put your body on the line, Master Reese.”

  He pretended to mull over her response before answering. “How so, Ariel?”

  Ariel used her free hand to motion to the room around them. “Neutral territory, Dane. You can say no and run away to work on your little lists and spreadsheets. Or you can say yes and let me direct you in a little exercise I've been thinking about.” Stepping back, she settled her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the right as she looked up at him. “Which is it gonna be?”

  “Going to try to play mistress?” He grinned and wasn't surprised at the narrowing of her eyes that signaled her irritation.

  She looked so sure of herself, but he could see the frustration his nonchalance stirred in her.

  Ariel leaned close and whispered in his ear, “Not play, my pet. Be.”

  Dane was surprised at the zing of heat that curled around his balls at her declaration. The throb of his erection kept time with the vibrating triangle of flesh at the base of her throat. He'd spent years learning his craft as a dominant—hours, days, weeks, honing his skills and educating himself to accurately read every nuance of a sub's body, voice, and expression. But the determination and challenge in Ariel's gaze heated his body faster than any past lover with the most expert of touches had ever done.

  “Show me,” Dane encouraged her. He'd taken the role of bottom before. It was a position necessary for him to experience in order to understand more precisely the ramifications of a dominant's behavior on the sub he or she was leading. The role had never held the appeal it suddenly did when he envisioned Ariel in charge of the reins.

  His agreement must have surprised her, because her green eyes went wide for a moment before she straightened her shoulders and stood taller. Or as tall as her diminutive height would allow.

  “Get a chair down and take it to the counter. Place it on the floor in front of the seat I was in when you entered.”

  Dane pulled a seat from the top of one of the tables and carried it to the spot Ariel indicated. The rising sun cast a pale glow through the shut blinds on the front windows and door.

  It glistened off the polished wood floor and shimmered in the glass picture frames decorating the pale walls. He waited beside the chair for her next instruction, noting the increased pulse throbbing at the side of her neck, the jut of her aroused nipples against the pink tank top she wore, and the careful way she stepped as she crossed back to the counter and turned to face him.

  “I think a little lesson in anatomy is required.” She cleared her throat, then crossed one arm over her chest and lifted her other hand to stroke her fingers along her chin.


  Qwillia Rain

  “Whose anatomy?” Dane asked, although he was sure from the glint in her eyes and the wicked grin lifting her lips what her answer would be.

  “Why yours, of course, my pet. If you're to pleasure me, then it's important to ensure you have an astute comprehension of how your body works.”

  He couldn't suppress the chuckle at her formal pronouncement. He'd known she'd look for retribution after his lesson the night before last. He just hadn't expected it would be as entertaining as this.

  Her humor must have been stimulated, because she let slip a short burst of laughter before regaining composure. “Now you should show me what kind of toys we have to play with.”


  She sidled close and held his gaze as her hand drifted from her chin to cup his thickening erection through the denim enclosing it. “Oh yes. This bit of fun is sure to be worth all sorts of amusements.”

  He settled his hand over hers and pressed her closer. “I wouldn't call it a 'bit,' Tink.”

  Her fingers squeezed and stroked the shape developing inside his pants. “Hmmm.”

  His cock reacted to the throaty purr and pushed into her touch.

  “Definitely right. This isn't a 'bit.' More like a stalk.” She caressed him one last time before stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest. “Show me my toy, pet. Take everything off.”

  Dane admired her bravado. He could see the excitement stirring her pulse and flushing her cheeks, but none of her body movements betrayed her thoughts.

  Taking his time, he slipped the boots and socks off his feet. With the jeans he was more careful, slowly sliding the buttons on the fly free since he'd chosen to go without his usual boxer-briefs that morning. The moment the last button was loosened, his dick popped free.

  The pink in her cheeks deepened, and her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips. Dane shed his jeans and stripped off his T-shirt, then folded the garments and set them on the floor beside his boots.

  “Oh my, and a very impressive stalk I must say,” Ariel whispered.

  Dane could feel heat creep across his cheekbones at her declaration. It had been a long time since he'd been uncomfortable with comme
nts about the size his cock, and it surprised him that her admiration of his endowment discomfited him.

  Hoping to reestablish some control, Dane smirked. “I haven't had any complaints so far.”

  “I'm sure you haven't.” Ariel didn't seem to realize she'd spoken aloud until Dane laughed.

  He watched her shake off her surprise and regain composure. “Ah, but do you know the parts that make up the whole?”

  “Do you?” he returned, his inclination to direct overriding his promise to follow instructions.

  Ariel didn't seem to identify his insubordination, or she chose to ignore it. “Shaft, glans, scrotum, urethra, meatus, and frenulum.”

  Dane smiled. “Very good.”

  “Now, now.” Ariel clicked her tongue and shook a finger at him. Her sexy frown and disapproving look reminded him of a teacher correcting a recalcitrant student. Images of her with spectacles, a ruler, and a frumpy dress sent his cock curving upward, closer to his belly. Her An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  sexy, bossy teacher being taught a lesson by my bad-boy student would be a very interesting role-play.

  Dane brought his attention back to her as Ariel stepped closer and wrapped the fingers of her right hand around his erection. “Tell me which part I'm touching, pet,” she commanded.


  Her fingers stroked up and down, the pressure of her grip shifting from soft to firm. She took her time before sliding her hand lower and cupping the sac between his legs. “And now?”

  “Scrotum.” He kept still, awaiting her next onslaught. The way her fingers flexed around his balls drew pearls of precum from the tip of his dick. Controlling his climax wouldn't be a problem. He'd worked for years on managing his body; his sultry sprite would find it difficult to undermine that training, no matter how his body clamored for her touch.

  She worked her fingers through the rough thatch of hair surrounding the base of his shaft before she slid her fingers along the underside of his cock until her thumb smeared the fluids bubbling from the tip over the sensitive head. “No foreskin, I see.”

  “No.” Shit, she knows all the right spots. Dane evened the pace of his breath as he fought the urge to tremble under her touch. Tiny as her hands were, each smooth finger unerringly found every special pleasure point along his shaft.


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