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INV 2 - An Invitation, Ariel's Pet

Page 15

by Qwillia Rain

  “The lemon glaze for your pound cake,” he repeated, his grin hidden by the attention he gave her beautiful breasts.

  “Wha-what about it?”

  “I've imagined drizzling it over these sweet tits since the first day Logan and I ate lunch at the café.” Dane relocated his attention to the other nipple, enjoying the moans spilling from her lips. “In my mind, when I was finished licking it off your nipples, I wanted to cover your pussy with it and bury my face between your thighs.”

  He could smell how wet she was; he didn't even have to touch her. The scent filled his nostrils as he eased to his knees and yanked the sneaker and sock from first one foot, then the other. After pulling the puddle of silk and cotton off, Dane settled Ariel's left leg over his right shoulder and opened her cunt to his attentions.

  One long swipe of his tongue had both of them groaning. Her taste surpassed any he'd imagined as he delved deeper and used the fingers of one hand to hold her open. Again he stroked his tongue from bottom to top, halted at her clit to nip the sensitive knot, dragging a cry from Ariel. The thigh on his shoulder tensed as she arched into his touch. Her fingers tangled in his hair, her words nearly incoherent as she urged him on.

  Ariel ached. The fire she'd been able to ease flared to life, pounded through her body, coiled in her belly, waiting to explode. “Please, I want you inside.” She groaned, pushing upward to increase the pressure on her clit. Her fingers tangled in his curls, and her head rolled back and forth against the wall behind her.

  “Patience, Tink.” His assurance didn't help. The stroke of his tongue teased around the throbbing nubbin his teeth nibbled. Then he sent his attentions south, nipping at the inner frill of tissue before stroking downward to the opening weeping for attention.


  Qwillia Rain

  He teased and nibbled, ignoring her pleas, the tug of her fingers in his hair, even the squeeze of her leg as it curled over his shoulder and pushed him closer to the spot she longed to have filled.

  The first thrust of his tongue into her pussy was a teasing foray. A flick against the opening before he retreated to sip at the moisture wetting her thighs. With the next teasing swipe, she rose onto the ball of her foot, and a keening cry slipped free. The deeper penetration shuddered through her belly into her womb and vibrated up to the aching tips of her breasts.

  Dane seemed to have a sixth sense about the pulse and sting of her arousal as it made its way to the sensitive flesh throughout her body. With his tongue thrusting and pumping in and out of her pussy, assailing her senses with a preview of the rhythm his cock would use, Dane tugged the fingers of one of Ariel's hands free from his hair and transferred it to her breast.

  Moaning, eyes half-closed with the sensations bombarding her, Ariel met Dane's cobalt gaze over the curve of her belly. His fingers covered hers, directing her in the pressure and timing to squeeze her aching tit before shifting her fingers to the taut nipple and pinching the beaded tip with enough force to turn her knees weak and momentarily stop her breath.

  Her second cry echoed in the foyer as the pace stopped along with the wet slide of mouth over pussy. Before she could protest, Dane slid her leg from his shoulder and surged to his feet.

  His mouth, wet with her juices, covered hers, shared the flavor of her body and his taste as his fingers tangled with hers on the slide of his belt and the fastener of his trousers.

  Pulling back, he fumbled with his billfold before shoving pants and underwear out of the way. Ariel tried to separate the buttons from buttonholes on his shirt with her shaky fingers. She fumbled, missed, fumbled again, but she refused to give up. The rip of cellophane and the swish of latex over flesh barely registered. After successfully baring his throat and the smooth muscles below his collar, Ariel pressed her mouth against the pulsing vein in his neck. The blend of spices she associated with him flooded her senses.

  His hands gripped the backs of her thighs, lifting her off her feet, making her clutch his shoulders. The hot tip of his cock teased the entrance to her body. Ariel rocked forward in an attempt to draw him in, but his grip kept her separate. Raising her head, she looked at him. As if he'd only waited for her gaze to meet his, Dane thrust inside, filling her empty depths, forcing tight muscles to give way.

  Her thighs wrapped around his waist; her hips pushed down, wanting more; her arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled his mouth to hers. Finesse was lost; grace and gentleness obscured beneath the hammering need driving them together.

  The speed, depth, and power of each thrust grew. The force of his possession slammed her into the wall, dragging cries and moans from her lips. He swallowed each one with his mouth.

  The thrust and retreat of his tongue mirrored the motion of his thick cock, propelling sensation upon sensation through her core.

  The neat arrangement of pictures on the foyer table beside them tumbled to the tile. She registered the sound of a crash from some knickknack or picture frame on the other side of the wall as it hit the floor. Her entire focus remained locked on the sensual battle in which she was engaged. Satisfying the craving that had built between them over the last two weeks consumed her attention.

  Desperate for air, the fire of climax licking at her womb, Ariel pulled her mouth free of Dane's. She didn't feel pain as her head bounced off the wall behind her. The flames extending An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  outward from her pussy, down her legs, and into her torso scattered all thought beyond ending the craving for his possession. Unable to silence it, a primal scream ripped from her throat and echoed off the walls as the first orgasm rolled through her. A second welled up immediately behind it.

  “Ahh God. Fuck.” She was barely aware of the nonsense words that spilled from her lips as she slammed her hips down to meet each powerful stroke. The second release had barely faded when a third began to build. “No. Yes. Harder. Dane, I ca… I can't. Not again.”

  “Again, Tink. And again.” His words were a mixture of command and amusement.

  Laughter mingled with groans as he changed his pace and the depth of his thrusts. The clutch of his hands on her ass was sure to leave bruises, but Ariel couldn't have cared less.

  On the edge of exhaustion, her voice hoarse from her cries, she felt Dane's shoulders tense beneath her hold. His body pressed closer; his cock pushed deeper than it had gone before, sending her head back in surprise as the spiral of another orgasm exploded inside her. The way he locked his hips to her, the tightening of his fingers on her ass, the throb of his cock, and his deep bellow echoing off the walls and in her ears signaled Dane's climax.

  Ariel was awash in sensation. Feelings, impressions, emotions overwhelmed her, destroying any reasonable thoughts she might have. Sex wasn't like this. It had never been like this in the past. Her body vibrated with every beat of her heart, trying to match the rhythm of Dane's as he held her close to him.

  She felt too languorous to contemplate pulling away. Ariel visualized cuddling in bed with him. Hours spent playing, talking, simply being together rolled against her closed eyelids.

  Worry, sharp and intrusive, prodded her to run, to separate herself from him, to get away. Ariel pushed it aside. Don't make me think now. Let me just enjoy him. I'll think about this after he leaves. She forced herself to ignore the shaft of pain at the thought of his leaving.

  His knees felt like gelatin, and his throat was raw from the shout he'd given as the universe exploded behind his eyes. His head dropped to Ariel's shoulder as his legs gave out. Dane had barely enough strength left to get from upright to kneeling without dropping the warm bundle of pleasure in his arms. Eyes closed, he breathed slowly in an attempt to regain his composure.

  Fucking her had been in the cards, but this? Rough, aggressive, almost an animalistic coupling in the entryway of her home, wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

  The suspicions he'd voiced to Shendah about how Ariel would change his life buzzed through his mind. He hadn't even come close to the reality.
To the tangle of emotions building inside him. All the rationalizations in the world could never override the plain fact that his actions tonight constituted a claiming. Not fucking. Not making love. But an outright stamp of ownership a man placed on his woman.

  The line between his past and future hovered before him. He could retreat, keep what was between Ariel and him simply sex. Or he could face the challenge of showing Ariel she belonged with him and allow the feelings inside him to fully develop.

  Alarms bells clanged out a warning in his head. And he ignored them. Mentally stepping across the line, he made his choice.

  The smell of her satisfaction, the sticky wetness that clung to their thighs, the sweat from her body staining his shirt, had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with love.

  And his instincts to run stayed silent. Damn the luck.


  Qwillia Rain

  Finding her might have been the easy part. The battle he had to win lay in convincing her that submitting to him was the reason she existed. And there were only two weeks left to do it.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  Chapter Ten

  Day 16

  Dane was waiting for her when she arrived at the shop the next morning. Her body responded to the sight of him—her nipples hardened, belly knotted, and the ache inside her cunt increased. “You would have been better off simply staying at my place instead of driving all the way out to the mansion, then back.” She grinned as he checked a yawn and followed her into the café.

  “Miss me?” He locked the door as she shut off the alarm.

  Ariel snorted, then sighed as he pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. It didn't take much to coax a response from her. The stroke of his tongue across her lips, a gentle nudge, and his taste filled her mouth, making her body hum with sensation. Pulling back, she croaked,


  Incorrigibly smug, Dane chuckled and kept his arm around her waist as they walked toward the office. “Hmmm, we'll have to discuss your habit of understatement of, Miss Valerian.”

  “You're the one calling me with 'we have to talk' excuses, Mr. Reese,” Ariel reminded him.

  “And we do,” he assured her as he guided her into the office and pushed the door shut. He set the bag he carried on the desk before he turned to face her.

  “About what?”

  “I'm going to be busy with some clients at my office this morning, so I won't be in until after the lunch rush.” He kept his attention on her face, but his fingers wandered down her shirt, sliding buttons through holes.

  Ariel didn't stop him since her fingers were doing the same to his shirt. “Okay, so you'll be in late. Was that all you wanted to discuss?” She stepped close as he opened the front clasp of her bra. The heat of his bare chest against her aching breasts ratcheted up the fire inside her.

  “Not completely.” He upended the bag with his left hand, spilling the contents onto the desk. His right hand caressed her bottom, holding her close, allowing her to feel the aroused length of his cock through his jeans and her pants.

  Ariel's fingers stilled on his chest once she saw the bright blue toy and bottle of lubricant resting on the desk.

  “Are you familiar with one of these?” Dane asked, lifting the rubber cone up for her to see.

  Ariel swallowed. “It's a butt plug, right?” She could feel the heat suffuse her cheeks as she envisioned him using the device on her.

  Dane smiled. “Yes. Have you ever used one?”


  Qwillia Rain

  She stroked over the cool surface of the toy with a trembling fingertip. “No.”

  “Have you ever wanted to?”

  Dane didn't allow her to look away. Hesitantly she bobbed her head up, then down once.


  “Have you ever had anal sex with one of your lovers?”


  “You have such a sexy ass, Ariel. Didn't any of them try to tempt you?” Dane stroked his hand over her bottom and squeezed one rounded globe then the other before he traced the crease between them.

  “One did. I just—I couldn't—didn't like the idea of it,” she stammered. “Not with him.”

  Lowering the toy out of sight before he set it on the desk, Dane held her gaze and asked,

  “May I fuck your ass?”

  Ariel tried to suppress her laughter, but his words and the sincere expression were too much. Her head dropped to his shoulder, breaking eye contact as she snorted and guffawed over his request.

  The rumble of amusement beneath her palms as Dane chuckled kept her from feeling uneasy as he coaxed her head up so he could look at her. “I'm serious, baby,” he assured her.

  “I've dreamed of taking your sweet behind for weeks. It'll be so tight and snug around my cock.

  Not that your pussy isn't the hottest thing I've ever had.”

  Her amusement drifted away. Her body ached more than usual at the temptation he offered.

  “You really want—”

  “God yes. I told you when we started our challenge that I wanted to get you stretched and ready to take me.” Dane settled a hot, openmouthed kiss on her before he pulled back and continued. “The fact that I'll be your first will only make it sweeter.”

  “You're crazy.” Ariel sighed.

  “Let me show you how good it feels,” Dane whispered. His hands skated to the front of her waist and released the button and zipper on her slacks.

  Ariel didn't resist. Her body hummed with curiosity, and the passion he'd slaked the night before rose inside her. “Okay.”

  Quickly stripped of her clothes, Ariel followed Dane's directions to step around him, face the desk, and lean on her elbows forward across the surface. When his fingers stroked between the petals of her pussy, she couldn't swallow a gasp.

  “Just the idea has you wet, huh?” Dane teased as he smoothed the damp evidence of her arousal from her pussy to the tight pucker of her ass.

  Again and again he stroked over her clit, drawing the nubbin out, teasing it before he shifted his touch to her rear entrance. Ariel started to pull away when she felt the cool drizzle of lubricant, but Dane soothed her surprise and took his time working the tip of his finger past the opening. “Shhh, it's okay, love. We'll take as much time as you need,” he coaxed, his voice soft, the press of his finger slow and steady.

  He repositioned the fingers of his other hand to the knot of nerves peeking from beneath its hood, rubbing over it, building the heat, the ache inside her pussy, coiling the arousal in her belly tighter. She wasn't even aware she'd begun to rock backward, allowing his finger to penetrate deeper, until he praised her in a rough, throaty voice.

  An Invitation: Ariel's Pet


  “That's it, Ariel. Push against it.”

  Dane took his time working the first finger in, pulling it out, then pushing it back in again.

  At the addition of a second finger, Ariel spread her legs and rocked forward and back into the press of his fingers as he stretched her tight muscles. The ridge of his arousal strained his jeans, but he fought the temptation to release it. Preparing her to take his cock was the goal, not a quick fuck on the desk, no matter how much they both wanted it.

  He pulled his fingers free, used a tissue to wipe them off, then grabbed the plug and bottle of lube. “Okay, Tink. Don't tense up. Breathe deep and push back.”

  Ariel nodded.

  Both her ass and the plug glistened as he set the tip to her entrance and pressed forward.

  She shifted backward, gasping as he worked the device past the first ring of muscles.

  “You know, this wasn't what I expected— Oh God.” Ariel gasped. He could see her fingers grip the edge of the desk.

  “Didn't expect what, love?” Dane teased. His lips coasted over her bare shoulder as he eased the plug deeper.

  It was so easy for him to see the warring desires imprisoning Ariel. It seemed part of her wanted to shift away from t
he toy filling her ass. The heat of arousal built in her center, while another part of her yearned to press backward, to increase the sting and stretch of unused muscles.

  “Didn't expect what?” Dane prompted again as he seated the plug completely and smoothed his hand over her bottom. He smiled and traced the inked design on her cheek before leaning down to nip the rounded flesh with his teeth.

  “When you…were waiting…outside this morning.” Ariel gasped as she lowered her forehead to the desk.

  Dane was sure Ariel debated rising from her elbows because of the burn; he continued to smooth his hands over her bottom, enjoying the way she arched into his touch. “Were you hoping for a replay of last Saturday?”

  Her head came up, and she drew a deep breath before releasing it slowly. She ignored his taunt. “I was under the impression our meeting was for business purposes,” Ariel finished as she slowly worked herself into an upright position.

  Dane's hands gripped her upper arms, held her still as she began to sway. “It was.” His lips nibbled on the curve between her shoulder and throat. “Don't you remember my promise to find the right-sized plug for this sweet ass of yours?” One of his hands dropped to smooth over the bare curves quivering in reaction to the arousing stretch of delicate muscles for the first time.

  Ariel leaned back. The desperate longing to take her again surfaced with the warm weight of her lush body against him. But he wouldn't, not here. Not yet. Turning her to face him, Dane took a moment to study her face. Her damp brow and flushed cheeks attested to her arousal; the hard nipples and rapid breathing only reinforced his observation.

  Bending, he brushed her lips with his. “When I get you stretched out, Ariel, I'm going to take my time fucking your sweet ass. Then I'll push a nice big plug inside and slide into your pussy. You'll be so tight, we'll both come the first time I get all the way in.”


  Qwillia Rain

  “Now. Do it now,” she demanded against his mouth. Her fingers tightened around his upper arms as she deepened the kiss, tangled her tongue with his, and pressed her body tight to him.

  Careful to go slowly, Dane settled her onto the desk. A cut-off cry escaped her lips as the plug pressed in at a different angle. “I would like nothing more than to spend the whole morning taking you on every flat surface and against every wall in this diner, baby, but I have to leave.”


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