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Taking Her Innocence (Killer of Kings Book 1)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “How you feeling today?” he asked.

  Pepper shifted her head to the side, wearing his oversized t-shirt that nearly reached her knees. “I’m not as sore today. Time really does heal.”

  “Not everything.” He stood beside her, watching the splash of color reflect off the city skyline. Soon only streetlights would keep away the darkness.

  “You never did tell me how you got your scar,” she said. Pepper faced him and traced her finger along the nasty scar on his face. He’d been a monster for as long as he could remember. Good thing he didn’t give a fuck about impressing anyone.

  His first instinct was to push her away, but he held back and stood rigid. Talking about his past wasn’t a possibility. It was something he tried to forget all his life, and failed. Reliving some of the worst memories would only strip down his barriers.

  “You’re right, I didn’t.”

  She let her fingers slip away, and she let out an exaggerated breath. “Why can’t you talk to me? I mean, really talk to me?”

  “Some things are better left forgotten.”

  “It’s a simple question,” she said. “I’m trying to get to know you better. Every time I think we’re having a breakthrough, you pull away. Why?”

  “Pepper, don’t push this.”

  She frowned and crossed her arms. The girl was stubborn as a mule. “So, what, you’re using me for my inheritance? Is that all you care about, the almighty dollar?”

  Viper scoffed. “Look around you, sweetheart, do I look like I need your money?”

  “I guess hitmen only know how to use women. No sense actually opening up and getting close, right?” Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on him.

  He held both her upper arms, securing her in front of him. The sky had darkened since the sun disappeared on the horizon, leaving them in partial shadows. “I haven’t had an easy life. Most of it would give a girl like you nightmares, and I’m trying to protect you from that shit. I’ve never cared about anyone before—until you.”

  She swallowed hard, her anger draining away. “Then stop putting up walls, Viper.”

  They sat on his oversized sofa, the one set up with his sheets and pillows. “If you have to know about the damn scar, I’ll tell you. When I was a kid, around ten, I think, a pregnant dog got into our compound. We were surprised when they let us keep her. A month later she had five puppies, black with white spots. I can still remember them like it was yesterday.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  He frowned. “Six months later they brought us to the main yard. One of the leaders had gathered up the mother dog and pups. He forced us to slaughter them. It had all been a test, to teach us to block out emotion, and remind us that love made us weak.”

  Pepper cupped her hands over her nose and mouth. “Oh my God, did he cut you for crying?”

  “I didn’t cry. Didn’t even flinch. I knew better.”

  “Then how did you get the scar?”

  “They’d forgotten one of the pups. I hid him in my hut and tried to keep him safe, but as he grew, he wanted to play and I couldn’t keep him quiet. When they found out what I did, they beat me, forced me to watch them stomp the life from the puppy, and then used a machete to slice my face.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “As a warning to the other boys not to break the rules. A visible reminder.”

  Those assholes had destroyed him, body and soul. But Viper was a man now, and he’d never be a victim again. He bolted to his feet and began to pace, not wanting Pepper’s sympathy.

  “Where are those wicked men now?”

  “They’re dead. All of them.”

  “Oh. How did they die?” she asked.

  “I killed them.”

  It had been a long time coming. It wasn’t until he’d physically matured, after the years of training behind him, that he dared to fight back. They’d transformed him into a vicious animal without considering the long-term consequences. It still gave him a natural high when he reflected on that day, the day he took his revenge and snuffed out their evil lives. He’d been killing ever since.

  He expected Pepper to turn away in distaste, to judge him, to hate him. It wasn’t easy sharing such dark secrets. Instead, she stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I can’t even imagine living like that. No child should have to go through what you went through.”

  “Now you know,” he said, trying to replicate disinterest.

  Her head was pressed to his bare chest. He draped his arms loosely around her. When she started to kiss his pecs, slowly, sensually, his emotions shifted to lust. Passion was ripe in the air, feeding into their mutual desire.

  “Pepper, don’t start something you can’t finish. I’ve already told you that you belong to me, so I can only hold back for so long.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to hold back.”

  If anyone was using a person, it was her. There was no way a good girl like Pepper wanted more than a fling with a man like Viper. She was right, for course—she deserved more; she deserved a man who wasn’t broken. But he wouldn’t deny her, not when he was pent up and hadn’t stopped replaying her little moans from their shower together.

  “Take off your shirt,” he said. “I want to see your tits.”

  She actually didn’t argue, tugging the shirt off over her head and tossing it on the sofa. Fuck, she looked good enough to eat, all soft curves and milky flesh. Pepper was youth and innocence personified. And he had to claim her, even though he knew he didn’t deserve her.

  “You’re not shy anymore?”

  Pepper shook her head. “You’re the first man to make me feel beautiful in my own skin. I hope you weren’t lying.”

  He rubbed his rock-hard erection pressing diagonally behind his jogging pants. “I don’t need to lie. If I didn’t want you, I wouldn’t have let you put your hands on me.”

  “Do you want me now?”

  Viper growled, tugging her against his body. He’d never taken a virgin before, and for the past few days he hadn’t thought of much else. “No more waiting, baby girl. Tonight I make you mine.” He scooped her up into the cradle of his arms, and she let out a cute little squeal. The condo was dark now, only the lights of the city casting their glow through the many windows. He kicked open his bedroom door, and dropped her on the bed.

  “I’ll get protection,” he said.

  She shook her head. “I’m on the pill for my periods. I want to feel you. The real you.”

  He stared down at her naked body, her chest rising and falling in deep, rapid waves. Her blonde hair fanned out over his navy sheets, and her feminine scent had taken over his room. There was uncertainty in her eyes, but also trust. He liked that.

  “It’s going to be long night,” he warned. Viper licked his lips, not sure where he’d start first, but knowing he wouldn’t stop until Pepper screamed his name.


  Pepper stared up at the hulk of a man looming over her. He was a bad boy, hardcore, and dangerous. The man was a killer for hire. But she felt safe, and a little bit in love. She could empathize with him now that she’d been given a glimpse of his past. Everyone had a story, and his explained a lot.

  She studied all his dark tattoos, the hard ridges of his muscles, and the intensity in his eyes. Every place he looked, burned with need. Pepper was close to begging, but bit her tongue and waited anxiously for his touch. And, she hoped, his kiss.

  He braced one hand on the bed, the mattress sinking. With the other, he painted a line from her ankle to her hip. Then he brushed the backs of his fingers back down along her inner thigh, making her tremble.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as if mesmerized by the sight of her. Pepper never expected to find a man who would actually appreciate her rather than tolerate her. It was empowering and healing.

  He shifted slightly, supporting an arm on either side of her. Viper leaned down and nuzzled her neck, breathing in deeply and releasing a
near-growl. Why wasn’t he taking what he wanted? How could a killer be so controlled?

  Pepper reached up and smoothed her hands over his powerful shoulders. “You have so many tattoos,” she said. She never wanted to stop feeling him, savoring the warmth and firmness of his muscles. “Do they mean anything?”

  He trailed his lips along her collarbone, a feather light caress. Her nipples were hard and achy, but he never touched her where she needed him most. He was driving her crazy.

  “Just old demons. Better on my skin than inside messing with my head.”

  Viper crawled lower, kissing along her center, making her quiver with need. When he reached the apex of her thighs, she tensed. “Relax, baby. You’re mine, so I’m going to enjoy every inch of you.”

  He spread her legs apart, leaving her so exposed. She felt the cool air swirl against her folds. When he swiped his tongue along her pussy, she cried out and grasped the sheets on either side of her. She’d never felt anything so electric in her life. Viper delved in, licking and sucking as he held her knees open. He sounded like an animal, completely focused on her cunt. “God, you’re fucking sweet, baby girl. Soft and sweet and perfect.” His voice was a deep baritone, a man on the edge. He flicked her hyper-sensitive bud with his tongue, over and over, making her buck her hips. How could any man be this talented? She closed her eyes, spiraling out of control, barely able to handle the intense pressure building inside of her.

  “Viper, I can’t take any more!”

  He gave her no reprieve, fucking her with his tongue, feasting on her pussy like a starved man. When she thought she’d die from the intensity, she reached a new plateau where everything felt delicious, each pleasure magnified. Pepper’s heart raced, and she knew she wouldn’t last long. She remembered the shower, and knew this orgasm would win hands down. But before she could explode, he pulled back.

  Viper was massive as he rose up, his shadow swallowing her whole. His chest heaved, and his eyes looked feral like wolf spotting its prey. It turned her on even more. She’d never be satisfied with a good boy, not after Viper.

  “Why’d you stop?” she managed to ask. He’d stolen that beautiful orgasm away. She wanted it back, needed the relief more than breath.

  “I want you to come around my cock,” he said, kicking off his jogging pants.

  Pepper stared at his erect cock. It jutted out, massive and heavy, dark and ribbed. Would it even fit inside of her? She was anxious but also ever so turned on. “You’re big.”

  He smirked. “Don’t think you can handle me?”

  “I don’t care. Just give it to me.”

  One of his eyebrows rose. “Bossy little thing, aren’t you?” He rested a hand by each side of her head, using the strength in his arms to lower enough to tease her nipples. Pepper let out a moan as he suckled the tight bundles of nerves. “I love these tits.”

  Viper made her feel sexy to the point she began to love her own body for the first time. It had always been her enemy, but not anymore.

  “Kiss me,” she said. Pepper wanted to experience full intimacy with Viper. She wanted it all.

  He braced himself on his forearms, his hard cock tight to her hip. Why was he looking at her like that? He had a rough five o’clock shadow and thick, kissable lips. Those same lips had just been between her legs, and the mere thought made her clit throb. Their naked bodies were pressed together, and she was only minutes away from losing her virginity. Her core felt like molten lava, and the longer he stalled, the more desperate she became.

  “You’re going to destroy me.” Viper tilted his head slightly, then gave in to her request. He kissed her, a gentle brush at first. Then he really kissed her, their tongues intertwining. It felt so right. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. They devoured each other, no doubts, no holding back.

  She wanted to blurt out that she loved him, but wasn’t sure if it was her heart or hormones reacting. Viper used his thigh to part her legs, not breaking their kiss. When he ran the thick head of his cock up and down her slick pussy lips, she thought she’d come on the spot. He felt so good, that thick mushroom head promising intense satisfaction to come.

  He pushed inside her, the first inch burning as it filled her. She could barely breathe, her nerves and desires bombarding her. Viper tongued the rim of her ear, before sucking on her pulse point. “Good girl,” he said. “Just relax for me. I’ll take care of you.” For a man who claimed to put his own needs first, he went impossibly slow, easing his big dick into her pussy. She’d never been so wet and achy. He slid inside, inch after thick inch. Once he was fully seated, he exhaled in a groan. “Fuck, you’re tight. I never knew a woman could feel this damn good.”

  Pepper wanted to be everything for him. They were joined together in the most intimate way, her innocence lost, and for some reason it felt so much more than sex. It felt like a physical and emotional bonding, and she prayed he didn’t walk away like he had so easily with other women.

  Viper began to pump his hips, a slow, steady rhythm at first. He didn’t stop, fucking her over and over until the friction brought her orgasm dangerously close to the surface again. Viper was so well-endowed, filling her to overflowing. She wrapped her legs around his waist, prodding him with her heels.

  “Behave,” he warned, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to stop holding back, to fuck her hard and rough like she knew he was capable of. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I can handle it,” she said. “I’m a big girl.”

  He growled. “You’re my dirty girl. And I’m going to fuck you real good.” He kissed her hard on the mouth as he kicked things up a degree. The bed began to shudder and creak, each thrust making her cry out with pleasure. His back became slick with clean sweat as he tirelessly pumped his hips, pistoning in and out of her hungry cunt. She knew he was close, his movements faster and less erratic. The man was a machine.

  Pepper combed her fingers into his hair, pulling his head down, anything to anchor her.

  “Come for me,” he said. It sounded like a command, the dominant tone in his voice enough to push her to that perfect place of pre-orgasmic bliss. She panted, a cascade of heat and white light raining down on her. It took one more hard thrust to set her off, her entire body convulsing as wave after wave of contractions rocked her body. Pepper screamed Viper’s name, over and over like a mantra.

  Then he joined her, his hot seed filling her as he reached his peak. His weight momentarily dropped over her, stealing her breath, until he rolled to the side. “That was better than I imagined,” he said. Viper tucked her into the crook of his arm, absently brushing her hair with his fingertips.

  Only the sound of their heavy breathing broke the silence in the condo. This was nice. She felt sated like she never thought possible, she felt safe, she felt wanted. If only this moment could last forever.

  “You’re my girl now,” he said. “Only mine.”

  She twisted in his embrace, and began tracing the shape of his chest with a fingertip. “What does that mean, Viper?”

  “It means no other man will enjoy your body but me.”

  “Is that what this is? Just sex?”

  He exhaled. “I’m not good at this, sweetheart. Relationships are new for me. I’m trying my best here.”

  “I just don’t want to get hurt,” she said.

  “I won’t kill you, even if Killer of Kings orders it. I can promise you that much.”

  Pepper didn’t want to talk anymore because she was afraid of getting answers she didn’t want to hear. She wanted him to tell her he loved her, that he’d never leave her behind. Pepper craved security after enduring the past few months from hell. But now that the lust had settled, she doubted a checkered man like Viper was capable of giving her forever.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Do you like pizza?”

  Pepper loved pizza, and it sounded amazing since they’d been living off Viper’s stocked pantry for the past few day
s. She’d had her fill of canned goods and pasta. “How? Are you getting delivery?”

  “No, I’ll go pick one up. There’s a good place on this block.” He slipped out of bed and started getting dressed, tugging on a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. God, he looked tempting. “Listen to me, Pepper, I don’t want you answering the door under any circumstance. Got it?”


  “As long as you’re here, you’re safe. I won’t be long.”

  She looked forward to a night of cuddling with Viper on the sofa, watching movies, and eating pizza. Before he left the room, his cell dinged from a text message. He glanced at the screen for a just a second, then cursed, tossing it on his dresser.

  Once she’d heard him leave the condo, the door secured behind him, she got out of bed and stretched. Her body was pleasantly sore. Pepper opened one of Viper’s drawers and grabbed a t-shirt. She wandered around. It was strange being alone in Viper’s private domain. But there really wasn’t anything personal to find because he had no mementos, no pictures, nothing tying him to real life. His phone dinged again, so she checked it out, reading the screen before it faded away. She slapped her hand over her mouth. Oh no, please no…

  The text was from someone named Maurice. It was a warning. Some Bianchi crime family had put a hit out on Viper for killing one of their men. They were scouring the city. He was in danger.

  Pepper danced around the room in a panic. She couldn’t call him because he’d left the phone behind. But he’d read the damn message. Did he have a death wish? Or had the first message been something else? She rummaged through her possessions and slipped on her tights. The pizza place was close, so she’d find him, and warn him. Faced with the possibility of losing him, made her realize how much she needed him.


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