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Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning

Page 9

by KR Bankston

  Ray smiled and told her he would, turning and getting inside the cab and greeting the driver. He thought on the way to the hospital about the incident and everyone’s reaction. Even in his distress he hadn’t missed the cool nonchalance of his only son. He couldn’t prove it but Ray suspected the incident tonight was far less of an accident than everyone was being led to believe. The ambulance arrived at the hospital and Ray pushed the ponderings away, deciding to deal with them once his woman and his child were out of the woods.


  Nikki walked into the apartment after an extremely long and laborious day of class. They had a new project and she’d spent almost four hours in the library doing preliminary research on her topic. Granted she probably didn’t have to stay that long, the competitor in her wanted to get the best grade. In order to do that, she had to put in the time. The apartment was unusually dark and quiet. Normally Ryan would have the TV on and at least one light. Feeling her way around, she found the wall plate and flipped the switch to on.

  “What the hell,” Nikki mumbled noticing something off about the place.

  Putting her books on the counter she made her way to Rayne’s room to give the little girl a goodnight kiss and tuck her back in. Rayne always managed to somehow kick her Dora the Explorer covers off every night. Smiling at the thought she quietly made her way to the room, gently pushing the door open. The room was illuminated with the soft glow of the matching nightlight and she could tell the bed was empty.

  Bewildered, she turned and headed to the master bedroom expecting to find Rayne cuddled next to her father, or better yet, her leg thrown across his neck as she slept peacefully. Nikki chuckled silently at the visual in her mind, reaching the room and gently pushing the door open as she’d done previously. The findings were the same.

  “Where the hell are they at this time of night,” Nikki murmured glancing at the clock.

  It was well after 1:00AM. There was no reason Ryan should have their daughter out this late. The note on the dresser caught her attention and she walked over to it, heart beginning to race, and the knot in her gut tightening. Nikki picked up the short note and read it, growing more scared and angry with each line. ‘I’ve decided to give you your space and the time you need to do you.’ It began. ’Rayne is fine and she will be well taken care of until you and I decide what to do about this thing we’ve been living these last few months. I’ll contact you and we’ll work out your visitation.’ The note ended there and Ryan’s signature was beneath.

  “No this asshole did not take my damned daughter,” Nikki ranted.

  She was angry yes, but she was terrified. Terrified that Ryan was gone from her life and she would only see her daughter on weekends and holidays. Nikki wasn’t stupid and even though she knew legally she could get full custody of Rayne, she wasn’t sure she would live to even hear the verdict.

  If she knew nothing else, Nikki knew Ryan loved his daughter and no judge on this side of hell would keep him from her.

  “What am I going to do,” she mumbled the shock still settling in.

  Nikki knew things were bad between them. She even admitted that she’d neglected Ryan way more than she should, but he should try to understand her point of view. Law School was something she’d wanted all her life. Does he want me to give that up and stay at home with him, she fumed angrily picking up her cell and calling him.

  “Yeah,” he answered calmly.

  “Ryan, what the fuck,” she threw out acidly. “Where is Rayne, what the hell is this crap you’re pulling,” Nikki continued to rant.

  Ryan breathed into the phone but said nothing more.

  “Ryan, answer me, where is my baby,” Nikki screamed almost losing control until she willed herself to calm down.

  “I told you Rayne was fine,” Ryan told her once more the tone too calm for her taste.

  “That’s not telling me where she is,” Nikki returned.

  “I don’t plan to tell you where she is,” Ryan told her evenly, his irritation beginning to show.

  Nikki knew he was pissed, but so was she.

  “You cannot keep my daughter from me,” she told him hotly.

  “Says who,” Ryan returned and she exploded again.

  “Relax,” Ryan barked and Nikki stopped mid sentence. “When I get back, I’ll get with you about seeing Rayne,” he told her adding nothing more as he disconnected.

  Nikki called back immediately but the call went straight to voicemail.

  “Bastard,” she fumed still furious.

  She scrolled through the cell phone she still held finding Cameron’s number. She needed someone to talk too; someone who understood her and what made her tick. Dialing the number she waited on the call to connect. Cameron answered on the third ring sounding sleepy. Nikki apologized for waking him, explaining that she was really keyed up and needed to talk. Cameron sweetly told her to come over and he would make them some coffee and allow her to unburden herself. Thanking him Nikki rose, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her hair was all over head and she looked wild. She reached out for the brush laying on the dresser and tamed her hair again, going into the bathroom and washing her face. Finally feeling she looked presentable, she grabbed her purse and began walking down the hallway, pausing at Rayne’s empty room. The tears came but Nikki stubbornly and willfully pushed them away, gaining her stride once more and making it out of the front door, closing and locking it behind her.


  Ray kissed India’s head softly as she rested. The doctor assured them everything was fine with both her and the baby. They’d gotten a chance to see the fetus on the ultrasound. It was of course far too early to determine the sex, but Ray was eternally grateful to see the rapid, strong and steady heartbeat of the child. India stirred slightly but didn’t wake. He continued to watch her as she slept again thinking how much he loved her. What if the child is a girl, his mind threw out. Doesn’t matter, plans don’t change, Ray immediately answered. He also planned to keep a closer eye on Brent. He knew his only son was a spoiled brat and he was sure that even though he was saying everything was fine and he had no quarrel with India having Ray’s child, there was a level of resentment there. You should be prepared for a war with him, his business instincts spoke now. Ray nodded thoughtfully his mind already spinning with the different scenarios that could and should be put in place.

  India’s eyelids fluttered open and she panicked.

  “Shh, darling, relax,” Ray soothed her hurriedly. “It’s alright, you’re at the hospital,” he told her.

  “The baby,” India questioned the fear trapped in her eyes.

  “The baby is fine darling, relax,” he assured her as India visibly calmed.

  Ray saw how vulnerable she was and knew he would need to protect her from whatever treacherous plans Brent may have had. He doesn’t want the competition, Ray’s mind again reported as India held his hand and sighed softly.

  “Did you let Necie and Brent know I was fine,” she asked breaking his thought once more.

  Ray smiled, not betraying his true feelings at the moment, and again assured her he had.

  “OK,” India replied softly her eyes batting as she tried to stay awake.

  “Go to sleep,” Ray admonished as she smiled weakly.

  “Can I tell you something funny,” India asked eyes open again for the moment.

  “Yes, go ahead,” Ray told her regarding her as she chuckled slightly.

  “Would you believe after all this, all I can think about is how horny I am,” she told him as Ray burst into laughter.

  “Talk about inappropriate thoughts,” he threw out as they continued to laugh together.

  Ray continued to hold her hand as they calmed down and India closed her eyes allowing the sedative to take hold once again. Ray kissed her cheek softly, rising and creeping from her room. Stopping at the small waiting room and finding it empty he pulled out his cell and dialed.

  “Hello,” Rahja greeted.

  “I want t
o meet with you tomorrow morning,” Ray told him. “I have a new assignment.”

  Rahja assured him he would be punctually present tomorrow morning and bid him goodnight as Ray grunted his understanding and disconnected, returning to India’s room and making himself comfortable in the reclining chair, finding sleep quickly himself.


  Cameron invited her in as she headed to his den and had a seat. Nikki knew the place well, she’d been over a few times when they used to hang out on the regular.

  “I found this hazelnut creamer I think you’ll like,” he told her handing her the container.

  Nikki smiled weakly. Cameron knew her so well. Hazelnut was one of her favorite flavors.

  “What’s wrong Nikki,” he asked softly, finally sitting beside her.

  Taking a deep breath she told him what she’d found upon her arrival home.

  “Damn, are you kidding me,” Cameron asked as his mind called him a hypocrite.

  He was rejoicing on the inside thinking it was finally over between her and Ryan and she would be back in his arms now. He did feel bad about her daughter and that whole situation, but he figured Ryan would get tired of playing Mr. Mom and give the child back to her mother soon enough.

  “Cameron, I know I’ve been putting in some hellish hours,” Nikki lamented. “But I swear I have tried all I could to be there for Ryan and certainly for my daughter,” she told him her own conscience questioning the statement.

  “Have you tried to talking, I mean really sitting down with each other and talking this thing out,” Cameron asked yet again.

  Nikki shook her head slightly telling him Ryan wasn’t known for his communication skills. He heard the anger in her voice and left the subject alone for a moment.

  “You’re welcome to stay here tonight,” he told her as she gave him a look. “No strings Nikki, don’t act like we’re not cool like that,” Cameron reminded her as she apologized for her reaction.

  “Don’t sweat it,” he returned, thinking how right she was about his motives and intent.

  She was emotionally disadvantaged right now, but Nikki still wasn’t a pushover and he had to tread really lightly.

  “Thanks Cameron, I really appreciate it,” she told him sipping the coffee again. “I don’t think I can face seeing Rayne’s empty room again,” she added her voice wavering slightly.

  Cameron sighed deeply. He knew it was killing her to be without her daughter. He even acknowledged that she obviously loved Ryan deeply as well.

  “It’s fine, we’re not going to even talk about that again right now okay,” he threw out as she nodded mutely.

  “I have an idea,” he told her giving her a goofy look.

  Nikki laughed in spite of her mood as he rose and walked over to the DVD and popped in a disc.

  “Check this out,” he told her pressing play.

  Her favorite show Law & Order: Criminal Intent shot onto the screen.

  “How about that,” Cameron threw out, puffing his chest out proudly.

  Nikki burst into laughter at his antics, then kicked off her shoes settling back onto the couch getting lost in the show. Cameron watched her as she watched the screen, his desire coming to the forefront of his mind. Leaning in he kissed her neck softly.

  “Come on Cameron, don’t do that,” she told him putting a hand on his chest.

  He looked into her eyes wordlessly for the next few moments before kissing her again, pulling her to him, this time without protest.


  Jaleesa heard the knock and took a deep breath walking to the door and opening it.

  “Hey,” Ryan greeted her walking into the room and taking her in.

  He’d reserved a suite at a neighboring hotel. Granted only he and Ian were at the original spot, Ryan didn’t want their time disturbed or everyone in his business, Creeper and Pirate’s dropping by coming to mind.

  “Hey Ryan,” Jaleesa returned as he walked to the refrigerator and removed a beer from the mini bar.

  He popped the top on the bottle and sat on the loveseat in the suite, she walked over and sat on the other end, sipping her bottled water and waiting on him to speak.

  “You look nice,” he told her taking in the tan and white sundress she was wearing.

  Her hair was as usual styled to perfection, makeup light but flawless.

  “Thank you,” she politely replied. “Well I’m here as summoned, so what’s the deal Ryan,” Jaleesa finally asked the curiosity getting the better of her.

  He smiled slightly taking another long drink of his beer taking his time replying.

  “I needed closure on us,” he told her calmly.

  Jaleesa sighed lightly. “Ryan we’ve been apart, what, almost six years now,” she told him. “What is there left to say,” she added.

  “How about you tell me why you really got back with Deuce,” he threw at her.

  She frowned slightly as he continued to watch her.

  “Basically just to get back at your ass for fucking Caramel when I was kidnapped,” she told him honestly, her voice tinged with anger.

  “That really pissed you off huh,” he asked as if he were shocked by the revelation.

  “Seriously Ryan, you really would ask a dumb ass question like that,” she returned as he shrugged somewhat.

  “You and I were still a couple,” she told him becoming angrier. “I was missing, hell as far as you knew, I was dead, but did you care,” she railed now. “Hell no, you were busy with your new bitch, getting up on a baby,” she told him seeing the pain immediately mirrored in his face at the mention of his dead son.

  “I’m sorry,” Jaleesa returned honestly, not meaning it the way it sounded.

  He took another sip of his beer and told her it was okay.

  “Why Ryan, shit, that’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to know,” Jaleesa began again calmer this time.

  Ryan exhaled deeply himself this time, setting the bottle on the table and regarding her again. “Because you told me you didn’t want kids, basically told me you didn’t want me,” he answered as Jaleesa frowned slightly.

  “So you assumed because I didn’t want kids, I didn’t want you,” she asked incredulously.

  He nodded and she breathed deeply.

  “It wasn’t that,” she told him softly.

  “Then what was it,” Ryan asked, not letting her off the hook that easily.

  Jaleesa took another deep breath telling him everything about the first time she and Deuce were a couple. Ryan was astounded. He knew the man had been violent with her, she’d told him that much, but never about losing the one child and aborting the other.

  “You could have told me that,” he threw back as Jaleesa gave him a look.

  “You could have told me how very important a child was to you,” she returned as he smiled slightly once more.

  “Touché,” he returned. “I apologize for hurting you Tweety, I was being pretty selfish I admit that,” Ryan told her gently.

  She was impressed. Jaleesa never thought she would hear him actually speak the words.

  “I’m sorry for my part in pushing you away too,” she told him as he smiled again.

  “Ryan, this is the first time ever I think you’ve actually talked too me instead of barking at me,” Jaleesa ventured.

  Ryan shrugged again but said nothing.

  “See that’s what I’m talking about,” she began again. “Open up, stop shutting down every time you feel naked,” Jaleesa told him as Ryan found her eyes again.

  “That kinda shit is important to women huh,” he asked curiously.

  She chuckled slightly. “Yeah it is,” she returned as he nodded thoughtfully but said nothing more.

  “You happy with Jacoury,” Ryan asked now.

  Jaleesa told him she was and that the man treated her well.

  “What about you and Nikki,” she returned as he frowned slightly.

  “It’s straight,” he returned and she knew he was lying, but didn’t press him.

/>   “So are we good now,” she asked looking in his face once more.

  “Almost,” he replied and she tensed.

  Reaching over her took her hands, his eyes saying what his mouth didn’t need to form.

  “Ryan, no, we both have someone now,” Jaleesa tried as he stood and pulled her from the loveseat.

  “Shh,” Ryan replied kissing her passionately, lifting her from the floor and carrying her into the bedroom, laying her gently on the oversized king bed, the zipper on her dress sliding down her back easily as he continued to kiss her.


  “Your place is nice,” Ashlyn told Sa’Cari as they entered his apartment.

  He lived in the Edgewood district where they’d done an overhaul and made the area very eclectic. This attracted a varied offering of inhabitants from yuppie to urban, college student to MBA graduate.

  “Thanks,” he returned asking if she wanted something to drink.

  “I have Snapple,” he told her as Ashlyn giggled and told him that was fine.

  She took in the apartment again loving the modern décor. Sa’Cari told her his mother had come down when he first started school and helped him decorate. She had exquisite taste Ashlyn thought as she enjoyed the varying shades of fuchsia that adorned the walls and draperies. It was still very masculine even with the distinct coloring. There were several African American statues placed on the various shelves in the living room. She wondered if the rest of the apartment was equally as energizing. Sa’Cari returned and handed her the bottle of Snapple, plopping down on the couch beside her.

  “How was class today,” he asked absently flipping channels.

  Ashlyn shrugged and told him it was fine. “Professor Boler is a trip,” she added, speaking of her African American History teacher.

  Sa’Cari smiled and told her at least he wasn’t an anal retentive butt like his own Economics teacher.

  “Sorry,” Ashlyn threw back chuckling slightly.

  “Me too,” Sa’Cari replied still smiling.

  “How’s your mom,” she asked sensitively.

  Sa’Cari had confided his mother’s dialysis to her when they first started getting serious.


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