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The Desert Lion's True Colours

Page 7

by Ikechi Hayden

  Special Agent Upson made a gesture with his hands, as if to say “I’m still waiting for your answer”, so Leon gave the Superior a smile and said, ‘Everything is going fine sir. Thank you for asking.’

  Leon leaned forward slightly and gently cleared his throat, as the bitter taste of vomit instantly rested on the back of his tongue.

  Superior Upson gave Leon an unwitting smile to his answer and then said ‘Oh, I wouldn’t thank me just yet. I think I should tell you both why I am here first. You see gentlemen, while the Intel you have been able to provide us regarding Black’s inner workings and other syndicate members has been substantial, you must know that this investigation has not just been about the drugs. If that were the case, we would leave it to the Miami Dade’s own tactical drugs unit and the DEA to take care of all this running around bullshit.’

  ‘My apologies Sir.’ Leon interrupted. ‘I thought this was about getting enough evidence on the family heads, so that we could have an air tight case when we take them to court.’

  Superior Upson made a sound like one of those game show buzzers and then said ‘Wrong answer Agent Ferron… !’ Then turning his attention to Jay said, ‘. . . Would you like to answer the question?’

  Jay replied, ‘I’m sorry Sir, but I don’t understand either. If we’re not trying to bring these guys down for all the dope they flooding this country with. Then with all due respect, what the hell are we doing?’

  Special Agent Upson took his time to answer. He started to rub his chin and then after clearing his throat once again, said ‘You know gentlemen, while it can be said we are fighting against organised crime, the US government is in a war against Terrorism.’

  Jay cut him off, ‘Terrorism! Are you kidding me?’ He scoffed.

  Leon carried the same feelings as his partner. Sure they both knew Terrorism was the FBI’s main priority but no way was Black involved, - not directly anyway. Shaking his head Jay said ‘Sir, with all due respect, we have been working this case for three years and we have never once seen or heard anything to do with Terrorism. Black is solely about the blow.’

  Superior Upson frowned.

  ‘Sorry. I mean Cocaine.’ Jay restated.

  ‘Well, I guess you two are not as good as you think you are.’ Superior Upson replied, ‘Especially you Agent Ferron.’

  Leon did not let it show but that comment grated his nerves. Leon knew he was good at his job; No - scratch that, he was very good.

  Feeling the tension in the room start to rise, Chief Edwards decided it was time he should enter the conversation. ‘Nate, Dean, Black IS involved and before I say another word, understand you can’t get caught up in what you thought you did or didn’t know. Try to remember who you’re working for here – the F.B.I. From top to bottom, we all work on a need to know basis and it is only now, due to circumstances you and Dean need to know.’ He paused, looked directly at Leon and said ‘You’ll do well to remember that.’

  The Chief stopped talking and picked up two folders that were resting on the desk his superior was seated behind. Handing both of them to Jay he pointed to the top one and said, ‘Two weeks ago we managed to intercept several telecommunications over an open line, between Black AKA Mr Darren Arden Writte and another target our NEW-YORK Branch have had a close eye on for the last six years.’

  ‘Who?’ Leon enquired.

  Before his Chief could answer, Jay looked up from the folder and said ‘Arif ‘RED DEATH’ Karim.’

  Leon first looked at his partner, then his Chief and then finally rested his eyes on the Director of the FBI and said, ‘Arif Karim? The arms dealer… ? Why would Black have anything to do with Karim?’

  Superior Upson took it upon himself to answer that question.

  ‘Well, for the last six years, Mr Karim has been keeping a very low profile since our failed sting back in 04.’

  Jay looked up from the open folder in his hand and said ‘Failed? It says here, we seized something like $50,000,000 in that raid.’

  ‘Yes, we did.’ Superior Upson asserted. ‘But $50,000,000 on a wharf, miles away from the person who sent it and the person who owns it doesn’t mean shit. Payments were made, people were bribed. The chain went all the way up to the Mayor.’ Superior Upson paused for a moment, shook his head and then said, ‘Anyway, for the last six years our old friend Karim has been trying to get on board all the richest drug dealers to invest in his business. We think he is trying to get enough cash flow to re-enter the market, big time. With your Dad out of the picture, I would say Black is sitting on several stealth bombers and a couple warheads easy.’

  Feeling as if the conversation was drifting away from the main point, Superior Upson paused, cleared his throat again and then returning to what he felt was the subject at hand said, ‘Now it wasn’t that much of a problem for Karim to buy and sell his shit.’

  He paused again but this time shrugged his shoulders to reinforce the point that it was not that big of a deal. Then said, ‘For example, when we allowed him to buy that shit from Castro and sell it to those Iraqi mother-fuckers. He was actually, - in effect, taking weapons from that crazy dictator and selling them on to where it gets destroyed before they’re even used.’

  Superior Upson laughed as he pondered the whole crazy set-up, then said ‘See, we get a kick back and the American public don’t ever find out that the same people we’re at war against, are killing their pretty young soldiers with American made weapons. See young man, every ones happy.’

  Superior Upson was grinning from ear to ear and his already flushed cheeks were getting darker in colour.

  Leon and Jay on the other hand were both carrying the ‘shook-look’. Not so much because of the underhanded scheme the Superior had just attested to, but because they essentially had been lied to for the last three years. As far as Leon and Jay were concerned, they were loyal employees of not just the FBI but the State. So they were both left with the question as to why the Agency would send their two best Agents on a wild goose chase.

  Unaware or uninterested in what Leon and Jay were thinking, Superior Upson started to talk again. ‘Three years ago we gained intelligence that Mr Karim is in the market for nuclear. I can’t lie; he played his role well. But let’s just say any deals involving WMD’s can only go ahead if WE say so.’

  Leon could hear his Superior talking but his mind was starting to shut down. It was as if he had been given so much information his brain had gone into went overload, making it incapable for him to hear anything else. Jay on the other hand had already worked through his initial shock, closed the file he was reading and started to open the second when Superior Upson stopped him.

  ‘Wait! Before you open that file.’ He said ‘I need to finish what I was saying and you Agent Ferron need to listen very closely.’

  Leon pushed his 101 questions to one side and tried his best to pay attention to what his superior had to say without losing his patience.

  Superior Upson heaved a sigh and then said ‘Before you two were assigned to this case, we had our eyes on your father and Black for a very long time. When your father died, there was a lot of tension between the South-Side Syndicate and the Cuban Mafia over some stolen drugs and money. Being one of the major players in that family we thought Pyro may have had something to do with your father’s murder. That’s why we had you get close to his secret love child…’ Superior Upson paused to let out a short chuckle, and then said ‘We thought she would be able to provide us with some decent information about Pyro and his dealings but as your reports show, she doesn’t have any contact with him. We’re still not even sure if she knows Pyro is her father.’

  He paused to clear his throat again and then said ‘So on that note, we all think it’s time you end that - Situation.’

  Jay looked at his friend and saw Leon just standing there in silence. He couldn’t imagine what he must have been fe
eling. Granted he thought Leon should have known better than to get all caught up with Kerry but he also understood she made Leon a better person. Jay was about to say something to his friend when Superior Upson started to talk again.

  ‘From what I understand, your Special Agent in Charge has already given you your options.’

  He paused and waited for Leon to respond but when nothing was said he just continued ‘Well, if you still want to be employed by this or any other agency I’m sure you’re aware you really only have one option.’

  By this time Leon had run out of patience he was ready to tell Superior Upson and the bureau to take their under-paid, underappreciated job and stick it where the sun don’t shine but before he could put his thoughts into words, Chief Edwards took a step forward and said ‘Nate, before your father was murdered he was an FBI informant.’

  The words hit Leon like a punch between the eyes. He started to feel light headed and for the first time he looked around the room for a chair to sit on. Jay was also shocked and blurted out ‘What! No way! Leon’s Ole’ man was a snitch?’

  ‘That’s right.’ replied Superior Upson, with a satisfied look on his face. ‘Mr Kilo Brown, your father, was working for us.’

  ‘I don’t believe you!’ responded Leon. His words were defiant but sounded distant and airy all at the same time. Almost as if he was only ninety-five per cent sure.

  Remembering Black’s words from the night before Leon thought to himself “My father would never have dealt with the FED’s”.

  Looking directly at Superior Upson and in an enquiring tone Leon said, ‘How could he be? I would have known if that was the case.’

  The Superior decided not to answer Leon’s question. He just turned his attention to Leon’s Chief and said ‘I guess it’s that time.’

  Chief Edwards nodded in agreement, walked across the room and tapped on the closed folder Jay held in his hand.

  ‘Aside from the information you already know,’ He said firmly ‘. . . in this folder is all the Intel Nathan’s father was able to give us before he was found dead.’

  After scanning the first couple pages Jay decided to hand the folder to Leon. He felt it would be best if his friend was the first to read the information.

  After the very first page Leon’s chest started to feel tight. Not even in his wildest dream could he imagine the things he was reading, - not after everything he thought he knew. In short, his father was an ex-Marine, a part of a Black-Ops Unit who worked above regular division protocol. After 13 years he was given dishonourable discharge for dissention and then several years later, - along with Black, emerged in Miami as an up-and-coming drug lord. As Leon kept reading the information seemed to get worse. Since he was 9 years old Leon read that his father had been in the FEDS back pocket and his mother was put into protective custody on his request. Without reading anymore, Leon closed the folder and then his eyes.

  ‘Do you mind if I sit?’ He asked.

  ‘Sure.’ replied the Chief.

  With a nod of the head, he sat in one of the chairs lined up along the far wall, took in a deep breath and exhaled the air through his nose slowly. Leon was about to ask for some water too however Superior Upson cut him off by loudly clearing his throat and then after pointing to the folder in Leon’s hand said ‘If you look through the remainder of that file you’ll see your father gave us information on the whole Southside Syndicate, other gangs, drug dealers, money spots. You could say he was the greatest undercover agent we ever had. So really, it only made sense you being his son you were put on the case.’

  When he heard that statement – “You being his son”, Leon could feel his inside wince but as usual decided to ignore the obvious and keep silent. Superior Upson let out a slight chuckle then said, ‘Anyway, three years ago your father found out that Black was ciphering money out of their rainy-day account, - held in a Bank in the Bahamas.’

  Leon opened the folder to clarify what his superior just said and after finding the relevant portion, looked up at Superior Upson and nodded. Seeing Leon was in agreement Superior Upson continued, ‘Just over three years ago we received an encrypted message from your father.’

  ‘What did it say?’ asked Leon impatiently.

  ‘All it said was – “First payment was made yesterday for $100,000,000.” We believe that money was Black’s first payment to get on board with Karim. Before we could clarify any of it your father dropped off our surveillance and was found dead two days later stuffed in a black plastic bag.’

  Superior Upson stopped talking and the room fell silent, giving way to the low hum of the buildings AC system. Leon closed his eyes and took in a deep breath that caused his nostrils to flare and his chest to expand. Superior Upson’s last statement was definitely not needed and Leon was not going to hold his tongue any longer.

  ‘Hold on. Enough with the bullshit… !’ Leon bellowed. ‘None of this makes sense. You mean to tell me you just let my father continue doing what he was doing for a little information? You allowed people to be murdered like it’s nothing.’

  Without hesitation Superior Upson interjected, ‘for the greater good of the country. Yes.’

  Before he could say anything else Leon jumped back in. ‘The greater good of the country… ?’

  Getting to his feet Leon walked over to the desk Superior Upson had yet to move from and said ‘What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You used my father. You used him for your own fucked up reasons and then when he needed you.’

  Agent Upson cut him off again. ‘Whoa!! Don’t give me that holier than thou crap. We all have to make sacrifices here. Your father knew that. He made many. He understood that we are all part of the same system. He knew his time would be up soon so he made a deal to save you and your mum. He didn’t trust Black. He knew Black was going to get you all killed so he did what he did so you would have a real chance at life. And your mum could live hers’ without ever having to worry about getting killed in her sleep. So before you say or do something you might regret.’ Superior Upson paused and in a much calmer voice said, ‘I suggest you move from my five feet of personal space.’

  Leon was so caught up in the moment he did not realise he was leaning over Chief Edward’s desk. Realising how close he was, all he wanted to do was reach over and keep hitting Superior Upson in the face until he felt better but the truth was attacking the District Superior in Charge would bring an end to everything as he knew it.

  Superior Upson cleared his throat, steeped his hands together and then said ‘Do I have to ask you to move again Agent Ferron?’

  Leon took another few seconds to go over his options but then made the right decision to retreat back to the chair he was sitting in. As Leon sat down Jay turned to Chief Edwards and asked, ‘so what’s the plan now. Sir?’

  ‘Well we first need to verify the connection between Black and Karim. Find out if Pyro has also been contacted by our old friend and get them all the death penalty for funding terrorism against our beautiful country.’

  Leon cut in, ‘and what about the death of my father?’

  Superior Upson scoffed. ‘What about it, Agent Ferron? Look, before I lose my temper, I suggest you take that file and read it from cover to cover and then come back in this office with an apology.’

  Leon started to talk but once again he was cut off by his superior.

  ‘I don’t want to hear it.’ Superior Upson retorted, - slamming his hands down on the desk. ‘. . . You want to know something Agent Ferron.’ he said. ‘You have to understand that you are not a lone entity here. Even though your father wasn’t one of us…’ he paused and waited to make sure he had Leon’s full attention. ‘He understood everyone had their place and played their role. So you can save me all that fake sentiment crap. FYI, Washington says that you have a month to get enough Intel to bring them in.’

  ‘What! You can’t be seri
ous?’ Jay exclaimed. ‘For the last three years we had no idea about this shit and now you expect us to find out enough information to bring him down.’

  Not wanting to give the Superior enough time to come back with a reply Leon quickly followed with, ‘If Black tried to keep this from my father and kept it from us for so long, what makes you think he will let us know anything now?’

  ‘Very interesting point Agent Ferron…’ Superior Upson replied, ‘That crossed my mind also. You’re Chief and I was just saying what is it about you that cause him to keep his cards so close to his chest. I mean, your ole’ Kilo Browns son. If he was to let anybody know his inner workings who better than his old role dog’s pup.’

  Leon noticed Superior Upson tried to say the words with a gangster overtone but the metaphor just did not sound right coming out of his mouth.

  Leon remained silent but could see Jay was actually giving the question pause.

  ‘What’s good?’ He asked.

  ‘I think I know what it is.’ Jay replied.

  Turning towards the Superior Jay said ‘We think they may be on to us. Or should I say, we think Perry is on to us.’

  Superior Upson slammed his hand down onto the desk again.

  ‘What you trying to say… ?’ He shouted. ‘That after 3 years you haven’t really provided any real intelligence and then when we finally need you to do your actual job, you tell me your cover has been blown?’

  Without hesitation Jay replied ‘No, that’s not what I’m saying.’ He paused and looked at Leon as if for confirmation however Leon was not looking in his direction. - To be honest, Leon was slightly pissed Jay took it upon himself to say anything at all.

  Jay stayed silent a few seconds longer then said ‘We were supposed to have a meeting with Pyro today. But he backed out at the last minute.’

  ‘Why?’ Replied Chief Edwards calmly. – A marked difference to Superior Upson.


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