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Love of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 3)

Page 3

by J. E. Cluney

  “He’s a good kid,” I chuckled, and Ray just rolled his eyes. “We best head out though, I have a feeling he’s talking about Scott. I wonder why he’s back,” I said with a frown. My phone hadn’t gone off, so was it something that was best left unsaid over the phone? A chill crept over me at the thought and I clambered off the bed to hastily pull on my clothes, keeping my back to the open door.

  I ignored the fact that I reeked of sex and had sperm plastered between my legs and dripping down my thigh. I’d shower later, Scott wouldn’t care.

  I headed out with Ray in tow, making my way briskly to the living area.

  Scott sat on one of the couches, his leg bouncing impatiently as he looked out the wall-length window to the children outside. Charlotte and May had herded them outside and were getting assistance from other women and mothers to keep them occupied.

  “Scott,” I greeted him as I darted over and plonked down beside him. “Why are you here?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, and hey to you too,” he grinned and pulled me into a tight hug. His huge lumberjack build didn’t faze me at all, and those trunk-like arms were warm and comforting. He drew in my scent and his chuckle rumbled through him.

  “Nice to see you claimed your new ‘wolf,” he grinned as he pulled back. “Jaye and Nathan are a little displeased and grouchy about it, but they’ll get over it. I told them it’s your choice, and he obviously cares enough to have saved your life,” Scott said as he turned his gaze to Ray and offered him a hand. “She’s a keeper,” he winked as Ray shook his hand.

  Ray’s face reddened as he averted his eyes, and it only made Scott laugh, a whole belly laugh that brought a smile to my face. His cropped blond hair was neat and tidy, but his bushy beard was getting out of hand.

  “Your father sent me to keep an eye on you, added protection. Although judging by the Pryce Pack outside, you got onto that quick. They’re a good bunch, strong fighters,” Scott praised my choice. “Neema is being called in. They caught a trail, with your father’s access as Area Enforcer, he’s been able to get credit card stuff and security cameras. They’re not straying far from home it seems, so they’re going out to hunt them down. Neema will be there so that she can exact punishment if needed. Less drama with the Council if she’s used. You know how it is,” he shrugged as his eyes trailed over me. He always loved when I’d just been had, a unique fetish of his. The hungry look in his eyes made me relax. They must be pretty sure they could find these bastards if he was so able to be aroused.

  His intoxicating woody scent pierced my nostrils, filling them with the underlying arousal.


  Ray noticed this too, and took the time to sit down beside me, causing the three of us to squish onto the couch.

  “Scott, I’m not sure if Taylor told you, but… she’s having trouble with… you know,” Ray said hesitantly, and I just looked at him. A part of me wanted to shut him up, not wanting to bother Scott with this, but the other part was grateful. I’d been too embarrassed to bring it up, and my chest tightened already at the topic raised.

  Scott just looked between us as he leaned forward, clasping his hands between those solid knees.

  Then his expression turned to realization, then to sorrow and guilt.

  “Right, I didn’t… ah, I’m sorry, Tay,” he murmured as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. “There’s no need to rush back into things.”

  “It’s okay. I’m getting back to it, I think. Ray has helped, more than he knows,” I turned and gave Ray a soft, loving smile.

  “Well, we can take it slow, besides, from the sounds of it, Tay was your first, Ray?” Scott looked past me at the tomato faced ‘wolf.

  “Um… yeah,” Ray mumbled as he looked away and scratched his neck.

  “Lucky, and thank you. I don’t think any of us really thought about what it would’ve done to you, Tay. I’m so sorry, we can be a bit oblivious sometimes,” Scott gave me an embarrassed look.

  “It’s fine, I wasn’t even sure if I was ever going to tell you guys,” I said. “I think, as long as it’s all slow and gentle at first, it’ll be okay. I’ll have to work my way back up to the other stuff,” I sighed. I felt relieved to have Scott know, and I was glad that Ray brought it up, even if it was something that made me uneasy at first. I didn’t want my boys to know that I felt weak and disgusting thanks to Richard, but Ray had proved that I was beyond gorgeous and desirable, and he’d been so sweet and kind. With their help, I hoped I’d be back to my normal self, eventually. That Richard would become a forgotten memory.

  “Well, Neema told me that you’ve got quite a few phone calls to make today, I can handle talking with some builders in regards to the new lodge. I’ll understand their lingo,” he said with a wink and I rolled my eyes at him. “But there’s much to do to get this place in good running order.”

  “Yeah, there is,” I agreed. “I want to call some logging companies to get some more land cleared. Ray, would it be best to speak to your father about the playground expansion and barbecue area?”

  “Yeah, he’s on patrol again, just a short shift, so he’ll be back in an hour or two,” Ray informed me as he glanced at the ancient wooden cuckoo clock on the wall. The cuckoo had apparently died, considering I’d never heard it go off, but apart from that it did its job.

  “Well, let’s get to it then,” Scott slapped his hands together as he pushed himself off the couch. I hurried down the hall to the security room to collect the lists I’d jotted down, and I passed the builders and contractors list to Scott.

  Then I was outside on the porch, watching the children as they played skip rope and some sort of soccer.

  May and Charlotte were perched on the wooden bench, and some of the older teens looked bored out of their minds as they sat on the floor of the porch area, cross-legged or slumped against the wall with a book in hand. I spied a teenage girl, whom had been introduced to me as Gretle, sitting with the young ‘wolf Ethan as she did some sudoku and he played with a Rubik’s cube.

  I focused back on the notes I’d jotted down as someone answered the ringing phone in my ear.

  I had to sift through a few companies, getting rough quotes and ideas on timeframes for some land clearing. Some wouldn’t do out this far, others were more than happy to, but cost too much. I settled on the ‘Malcolm Brothers’ and ‘Raynhard Co.’ as the two potentials to go with. They were not too expensive and had decent timeframes to get it done in. They’d send someone out in a few days to check out the land we’d like cleared. I’d get Ray to ask the others what they thought would be best, where to clear some land that would work well for the cattle.

  I sat for a few moments longer on the porch steps, soaking up the sun’s rays, before my eyes wandered to the small camp set-up off to the side. Tents were thrown up and camp chairs spread out. I vaguely wondered where they kept all the equipment since I could only see a group of pristine motorbikes as their vehicles.

  Guess it was time to introduce myself to Mr Pryce, as Scott had referred to the Pack as.

  Packs were named after their Alpha.

  I heaved myself up, grumbling as the old scent of semen and sex hit me.

  Well, maybe I’d shower first. That sounded like a better call.

  I trudged back to my room, discovering that Scott had also brought some clothes over for me from home. He was so thoughtful. I’d have to thank him later.

  I’d been planning on hunting around the room in hopes that Richard had found some clothing for his supposed mate, but this was so much better.

  I rummaged through the small suitcase, settling on a pair of jeans and dark purple tee that hung off the shoulders. I found a nice set of bra and panties, lacy black, and headed back out for the bathroom.

  Once there, I shut the door behind me, not bothering to lock it as Ray had assured me the children were using Richard’s bathroom instead as it was closer to the living area.

  I stripped and tossed my dirty clothes in the hamper befor
e turning the warm water on in the jet shower.

  I’d have to admit, the additional jets were quite relaxing. I took a few moments to simply warm myself under the hot spray before reaching for the soap.

  I froze as the bathroom door opened, but let my shoulders sag as I caught Scott’s musky scent mixed with sawdust and wood.

  I listened as he stripped down, a giddiness coursing through me as I heard his belt snap off and get tossed aside.

  Then my big ‘wolf was stepping into the shower with me, his solid, muscled body taking up most of the space. He stood before me, his eyes trailing down me as he smiled seductively. That smile made my insides rouse, and fire burned through me as he pulled me against his rigid chest to kiss me.

  His beard tickled my face as he claimed my mouth, his large, gentle hands running down my sides and moving around my back to cup my ass.

  I allowed him to hoist me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and feeling his arousal pushing into my inner thigh.

  The hot water plastered my hair to my skin, and I broke the kiss to lick the droplets from his neck.

  “Got some builders organized. They’ll get the plans drawn up, Ray told me of the main things you wanted, and I added some extras. They’ll be by tomorrow with a rough plan for us to go over,” he rumbled as he kissed my shoulder, his warm lips lingering on my bare skin, igniting the heat down below.

  “Good,” I murmured as I kissed his cheek, my arms wrapped around his thick neck to keep me upright.

  My gorgeous lumberjack, all rugged and hot as hell.


  He caught my mouth again as his cock twinged against me, and I wanted so badly to move my body into position, to let that thick length slide inside me, expanding my walls to suit him.

  “So, how was Ray?” Scott breathed as he broke our hungry kiss.

  “Sweet, gentle, innocent,” I chuckled. “He was good.”

  “Good,” he grinned. “Because I’ve asked him to join when he’s up for it,” he purred against my ear.

  I frowned in confusion, but as if on cue, the bathroom door opened.

  “Ray?” I called out.

  “Yeah…” was the strangled reply.

  “Scott says you’re joining us, are you comfortable with that?” I asked, keeping my voice low so no one outside heard us.

  I couldn’t see anything through the steamed up glass of the shower door, and I hoped Scott hadn’t freaked him.

  There was no reply, but I heard his clothing pool on the floor, and then the shower door swung open.

  Ray stared at us, as Scott held me against him, my legs around his waist.

  Ray looked like he might change his mind for a moment, those dark eyes gliding between us, but then they lingered on me, sliding over my naked body.

  He stepped inside with us, and the large shower suddenly became very small.

  “We’re going to wash Tay, and maybe have some other fun too,” Scott chuckled.

  I wanted to groan. I’d been hoping for some sex, and I was pleasantly surprised that the dark corners of my mind were staying hidden. I’m sure that was thanks to Ray. Or maybe it was just because I was too caught up in all this.

  I unlocked my legs around his waist as he set me down, turning to face Ray in the shower. He looked beyond nervous, but there was excitement in his eyes too.

  “I’ll do her back, you handle the front,” Scott said gently.

  I stood still as the two men lathered up their hands in soap, Ray’s eyes struggling to focus on the soap as they kept moving to soak up my naked form.

  Scott began washing my back, his big hands gliding down my back and lathering me up.

  Ray peered at him around my side before giving me a careful look before he began too.

  I closed my eyes, relishing their hands as they washed me, unable to fight off the arousal growing inside me. I’d have to make sure May could help me get some day after injections, as I was completely lost as to where I was in my cycle.

  Ray’s hands focused mainly on my boobs, he’d hastily washed my neck and shoulders, before his attention was drawn.

  I used some of the soap he’d lathered on me to clean out my womanhood, wanting to freshen it up. Maybe this would take a fun turn too.He caressed my breasts, running his thumbs over my nipples, flicking them and pinching them. This only drew soft moans from me, and I could feel my womanhood dripping with desire.

  The scent of my two boys, aroused and rock-hard as they attempted to focus on only washing me, was amusing.

  Scott’s hands delved between my ass cheeks, and he carefully scrubbed me there.

  I could tell his intentions weren’t pure though, and after he’d let the water wash away the soap, his hands were back there. One held my left cheek, splaying my ass open for him.

  The other dipped in, prodding my back entrance gently. My legs became like Jell-O, and I had to reach out to steady myself on the wall.

  When I opened my eyes, the dark hunger in Ray’s eyes sent me into overdrive. He was just staring at me, water dripping from his soaked hair, running into his face as his nostrils flared.

  The look was hungry and lustful, and I gasped as Scott’s finger delved into my wet folds to draw up some liquids to my other entrance.

  Guess this was no innocent wash anymore.

  I reached for Ray, and he gladly stepped forward to kiss me, our mouths hungry and agonized.

  “Take your time Ray, hold off from finishing until she’s ready to as well,” Scott growled, and Ray’s only response was a moan against my lips.

  Scott kept working, diving a finger into my throbbing wetness to bring it back up to lubricate my ass.

  Ray’s arousal pushed against my hip as he ravaged my mouth, his hands straying down to play with my breasts, fondling them and squeezing them.

  Then he ducked down, forcing me to back closer to Scott as he began suckling on my perk nipples.

  Somehow in my aroused state I was able to reach for the tap, turning it down to remove some of the jets that were spraying into my hair and the back of Ray’s head.

  Why wasting water was even on my mind was beyond me.

  I gasped and arched into Ray as Scott slowly slid a finger into my tight ass, gently swirling it and stretching me.

  Oh, fuck.

  I moaned louder, and Ray growled against my breasts, nipping the bud as his other hand clung to my other boob like a lifeline.

  I wanted to reach down and stroke his length, force him to drive inside me, to fill me with his cock.

  I quivered as Scott began pumping one finger in and out of my ass, slowly increasing the speed as I opened up to him.

  Ray stood again, kissing me and pressing his erection against me, his chest rising and falling hard against my chest. His tongue explored my mouth, desperately searching, hot and needy.

  Then Scott slid a second finger in me, then a third, and I was moaning hard against Ray, who was grinding into my hip.

  “Don’t come yet, young ‘wolf,” Scott snarled, and Ray just stiffened.

  He broke the kiss to look away, gritting his teeth. I could see he was trying to fight off the building pleasure.

  “She comes first,” Scott reminded him, and Ray closed his eyes with a small nod, a smile forming.

  He slid down to his knees, gripping my thighs and asking me to spread them further for him.

  I complied, and then his hot mouth was suckling my clit, his tongue diving out to slide between my folds and lap up my arousal.

  “I was grateful that I’d managed to wash the area little while he was washing my neck and shoulders. I’m not sure he would’ve been comfortable tasting himself.

  Fuck,” I moaned, struggling to find some gripping on the wall to hold myself in place.

  What I wouldn’t do to be in bed instead.

  I panted and gasped as the two men worked my entrances, their fingers delving inside me and readying me.

  “Goddamn, fuck,” I mewed, cursing as the pleasure built up.

Scott’s fingers left my ass, leaving me empty and wanting, but then I felt the tip of his thick length prodding against me, and I quivered in delight.

  Yes, fill me, take me.

  I gasped as he heaved me up, and Ray had to pull away to save having balls flung into his face. Something I would’ve laughed my ass off at if it wasn’t being driven into by Scott’s huge dick.

  I shuddered and arched, gasping and moaning as he slid inside me slowly, my tight ass stretching wide to take him.

  “Take her, Ray, she wants us both,” Scott growled as he nipped my neck.

  Ray didn’t need any more coaxing as he moved forward, hoisting my right leg around his waist as he slid easily inside my wet walls.

  I moaned in pure satisfied bliss as they both filled me, and Ray began thrusting into me slowly.

  Scott was not so slow, thrusting into me harder and faster.

  Ray couldn’t contain himself as his hands struggled to find a place to hold me without touching Scott. He pounded into me, and having both men take me, thrusting into me as they growled and moaned, it was the final straw.

  I cried out and writhed between them, grateful that Scott was still holding me up high with his hands on my waist, and Ray propped me up by having my leg over his hip.

  I shuddered as the orgasm exploded through me, coursing through every muscle and nerve-ending in my being. I quivered and shook as I lolled my head back against Scott’s heaving, hard chest.

  He snarled and nipped my shoulder as he came inside me, and Ray exploded almost instantly after him. Ray leaned against me, his body trembling with his release as he gasped and murmured my name.

  I just panted, caught between their two hot bodies, mashed together like a sex-filled sandwich.

  So goddamn perfect.

  Scott was the first to pull out, his seed trickling out of me as he turned the water pressure back up. Once he’d pulled out, Ray set me down on the slippery tiles as he slid out of me, his semen dripping from me.

  I stood shakily, glad that Scott had the sense to keep a steadying hand on my hip.

  Ray looked at me through hooded eyes. He looked mighty satisfied, and like it wasn’t easy for him to stand either.


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