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Beyond Innocence

Page 6

by Barrie Turner

  Jim West leaned back in his comfortable chair in order to study his man intently. He could see clearly that his words were impacting dramatically on Roy Chambers and he could sense that, as far as Roy Chambers was concerned, this was just about the worst news he could ever have received. He knew that seven years was a long time and the sheer prospect of serving seven filled him with a deep sense of foreboding. In these circumstances he would be locked up for at least three years before being considered for parole. That prospect didn’t go down well with him at all. The most worrying aspect of all this was what might happen to him inside whilst he was doing those three years. After all, there were plenty of people already inside who had long suspected Roy Chambers of duplicity with the police and it wouldn’t take them long to exact a very painful revenge.

  “Oh God,” he mumbled, as he realised that this was more than serious. In fact, this could well be the absolute end. Grey-faced and tight-lipped, he faced his accuser. He struggled for words as he stuttered and stammered, “What can I do, Mr. West? Is there something specific you want to know, some information perhaps about the St. Helen’s supermarket payroll heist? Just tell me, and I’ll let you know.”

  Jim West leaned across the desk, and, locking his fingers together once again, he said as calmly as he could, “Roy, for Christ’s sake man. You haven’t been paying any bloody attention at all to what I have been saying have you, you stupid pillock? At this very moment, the last thing my boss wants to hear about is the St. Helen’s supermarket heist. I’ve taken time out myself to come here to tell you that you’re no longer on my bleeding payroll list and I can’t help you any longer. This is an unofficial visit by me as I’m only supposed to be here to interview this Thompson fellow; you know the guy we think murdered that prostitute Angela Clarkson and his girl friend. You know the one we fished out of the lake at Chorley Wood. My boss thinks that any time now he’ll be ready to confess because he’s never been inside a pissing cesspit like this before and this place soon becomes very overbearing indeed doesn’t it, Roy? By the way have you met him yet?

  Roy Chambers shook his head before answering. “No. I’ve seen him about but I haven’t spoken to him. People are saying he’s probably off his bleeding trolley so me, and most of the other lads, tend to keep well away from him. Even in this place you have to be so careful.”

  “That’s a load of bollocks,” said Jim, his face breaking into a wide grin.” There’s nothing wrong with him. What’s more I can assure you. If he was going to use that as a plea it would be down on the sheet now and I can tell you here and now that it bloody well isn’t. Off his bloody trolley that’s a load of bollocks and that’s official.” Now he was reaching for his coat, making out that he was preparing to leave. He kept his eyes on Chambers all the time waiting for the right moment to offer Chambers the bait then he knew he would accomplish the main purpose of his visit which was a confession from Thompson to Chambers which would go such a long way to ensure Thompson’s conviction. He moved slowly towards the door reaching unhurriedly for the handle. He could almost feel Roy Chamber’s eyes staring at his back, boring like laser beams through his body, almost pleading with him. “Please don’t go Jim. Please don’t leave me here, I’ll do almost anything, just tell me what you want.”

  Judging and timing it to perfection, Jim West didn’t go.

  He never intended to in the first place and now making it appear like an afterthought, he turned around and said quietly, “Listen Roy, there is something you can do, get us both off the hook so to speak. “Why don’t you get to know Thompson? We know he’s ready to cough so why not make friends with him and get him in a very talkative frame of mind? You see it’s like this. My boss is going to be more than pleased if Thompson confesses and, if I can tell him that Royston Chambers played a starring role in it, maybe, just maybe, I can stop him from leaning so hard on you. Obviously Roy, you must realise this is strictly unofficial and, I can’t promise you anything. You do understand that don’t you? Jim West saw the colour flooding back into the face of Roy Chambers and he knew that he had his man well and truly hooked. He also knew that when Chambers left the room, he would find that some excuse had already been made to place him in the next room to Harry Thompson. After that it would be easy, dead easy.”

  It would be impossible to describe the relief felt by Roy Chambers when he heard those last words from DS West. Apparently, all Westy wanted him to do was to make friends with Harry Thompson and if Thompson let go any useful information regarding either of the girls, simply let old Westy know. Well that would be a cinch. In return for this, there was still a chance that good old Westy would put more than a good word in for him; in which case, he might not be staring seven years in the face any longer..,

  Roy Chambers couldn’t agree quickly enough. He was so anxious and relieved to be off the hook he hardly heard Jim West saying, “I’ll pop along in a couple of days to talk to you about the supermarket job.”

  Jim West’s face bore a satisfied smile all the way back to Merseyside Police HQ. As he drove, his mind went back over the meeting with Chambers and, each time the picture crossed his mind, he whispered to himself, “easy innit?” He parked his car in his reserved place and, after taking a quick look round, he set off walking towards Rodney Street. For the benefit of the uninitiated, Rodney Street is one of the places where the ladies of the night choose to walk and ply their trade. Quite often nowadays they can be found plying their trade during the day and this was why he was going there now. He told himself there wasn’t any time like the present and that this was as good a time as any to locate Bridget Riley and Theresa O’Rourke, two long-time associates of the late Angela Clarkson. Unfortunately, neither girl was anywhere to be seen on the streets so he walked around the corner and made his way into The Rugby Arms or, the Hookers as it was known locally especially in view of its close proximity to Rodney Street. His was a well-known face in this part of the town, and most of the regulars greeted him. Nearly all of them knew he was a copper and there were a number of people present who had had their collars felt by this big burly and uncompromising policeman. However today it was different. There were only two things on Westy’s mind and they were both sat in the corner drinking their double gins and tonics. He caught the eye of Alf the barman, who knew without being asked that he would be drinking a pint of bitter. He also motioned that he wanted two double gin and tonics for the two ladies in the corner. He didn’t give either of them a chance to see him coming. The first they knew about it was when the drinks appeared on the table followed by himself with his pint in hand.

  He began talking before he actually sat down.

  “Nice to see you, girls. I thought I might find you both in here so I decided I’d just call in for a chat, unofficial business like, you know. Both girls visibly relaxed at this and thanked Jim for their drinks as he continued, “Dreadful news about Angela wasn’t it – absolutely appalling and, what’s more, no need for it you know.” Both girls nodded in agreement and Bridget added, “She never deserved that, and the sooner the trade is licensed and properly supervised, the better it will be for everybody. As the drinks went down, the girls relaxed even more. By now they both realised that today Westy, or Jim, as they often called him, didn’t mean to run either of them in and he certainly wasn’t here to make small talk about their dear departed friend Angela. They were both streetwise and very smart. They knew Jim West wanted their help and assistance in some way otherwise the Black Maria would have carted them both off half an hour ago. Meanwhile, all Jim wanted was for the general noise in the bar to quieten down a little then they would find out the true nature of his visit and it would certainly involve Angela. A couple of gins later the bulk of the afternoon trade had gone. They were alone in the corner when Bridget decided it was time to act, “tell us what’s on your bloody mind Jim. Let’s face it, you haven’t come down here to spend all the bloody afternoon drinking with a couple of old pro’s so, let us be knowing what this visit is all about and what the
hell it’s got to do with us. This is costing us money you know. Don’t forget whilst we’re in here, talking to you, we’re not getting frigging paid, and yet here we are paying our bloody corner into the bargain.”

  A smile flickered across his face before he spoke. This was typical Bridget. She didn’t mess about or mince words, whatever she had to say she said it, and, if you didn’t like it, then tough. “Now the crowd’s gone, I can tell you. It is about Angela and we need your help. We have a man in Walton and we’re almost certain we have the right man but, we do need a little extra help and I’m wondering if either of you had ever seen Angela wearing this.” With that, he drew the watch from his pocket and passed it beneath the table. He continued, “If you want to have a good look at it, take it into the toilets and have a good think about it. You see it’s very important that we find out. As the girls withdrew, he ordered another pint for himself and waited. He didn’t have to wait too long and, as they approached, he could tell immediately from the look on their faces that his luck was out on this one. The watch was returned unnoticed under the table. Both said sadly that they couldn’t recall seeing Angela wearing a watch like it, especially such an expensive watch as that. They both saw the obvious look of disappointment on Jim’s face and said they were very sorry they couldn’t be of more use to him. Although disappointed, Jim thanked them for their time and said he would see them around. Both girls quickly departed to ply their trade leaving Jim to finish his pint in the almost deserted bar before making his way back to HQ.

  Once in his office, he made arrangements for both ladies to be arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance that evening and that he was to be informed the moment that they were in custody. With that little matter taken care of, he made his way to the canteen in order to get himself something to eat whilst he waited for things to develop thinking to himself all the time, that there’s always more than one way to skin a cat. Suitably refreshed, after having eaten the braised steak and onions on offer in the canteen, Jim West began to make his way back to his office. On his way he stopped by the office of his boss, Detective Inspector Peter Taylor, in order to acquaint him of the developments during the day, but today, his mentor had already left for home so he returned to the comparative safety of his own sanctum knowing full well he wouldn’t have to wait too long before something happened. He just had time to phone his wife to say he would be late when the word came through that there were two ladies downstairs asking repeatedly to be allowed to see him and that they would only speak to Detective Sergeant West himself. Without any undue haste, he made his way downstairs. Once again he found himself saying ‘easy, easy innit?’ and, in a way it was, although it was also true to say that Jim West was well aware that both girls dabbled with drugs especially crack cocaine. In fact, it was also true that Bridget did a bit of dealing on the side. He made his way to the desk where the duty constable told him that both ladies were being held in interview rooms 1 and 2. He decided he would tackle Bridget first and he entered interview room no. 2 with an air of complete surprise and innocence. He asked Bridget to explain the trouble she was in and how he could be expected to help. She responded by saying the drug had been planted on her during the search by the constable and that she should be released immediately without charge. At first he listened with some degree of sympathy then he tore into her saying that next door, Theresa was already confessing to supplying the drug and that it would be far better for her if she calmed down and cooperated otherwise, she, as well as Theresa, would end up inside for at least six months.

  He went on to say that if she could recall the first time she saw Angela Clarkson wearing that expensive watch he would endeavour to ensure she wouldn’t face the prospect of a prison term and that he would do his utmost to get the charges dropped. Gradually the penny dropped and Bridget agreed to cooperate. He took her through the procedure to be followed and arranged to meet her the next day at a place of her own choosing where all the bits and pieces would be ironed out including dates and times. Before leaving, he told her to say nothing when she was released to Theresa and he was now going to interview her after which, they would both be allowed to leave without charge. He made his way to interview room no. 1 where the wrath of Theresa soon descended upon him. Bravely, and compassionately, he told her that he was going to smooth things out for the two of them and that she had better calm down before he reconsidered his decision. As he prepared to leave, he told her in no uncertain manner that, as far as he was concerned, this was to be treated as an interest free loan and that, one day, he would probably call in his marker. In the meantime, both she and Bridget were free to go and the least said about the matter the better. Both girls departed very quietly and went straight back on the game. Jim West went home quite pleased with his day’s work and well satisfied that very shortly his man would be well and truly stitched up.

  The following day around noon as arranged, Jim West was seated at a table in the far corner of the bar. From here, he could readily observe all the people who entered The Pierhead pub and restaurant. He’d arrived early in order to secure this table and, although it was situated out of the way, it offered a little bit more privacy. Later, as the place filled up with visitors, and lunch-time diners, it became very busy and sometimes it was impossible to obtain a seat. After a quarter of an hour it was apparent that the place was going to be as busy as usual but to Jim West, that meant in a crowded bar such as this, there was less chance of being seen and recognised. Then he saw her coming in alone. When he saw her, he muttered softly to himself, “thank god she hasn’t come in her working clothes”. Somehow, he always thought the girls working Rodney Street or any other street for that matter, always stood out like sore thumbs with their somewhat way out or over the top sense of fashion. Once Bridget had taken her seat, he made his way through the crowd to the bar where he ordered two very large gin and tonics with ice and lemon. Returning to his seat, he almost had to battle his way through the crowd but eventually he made it with the drinks intact.

  After another quick greeting Jim mixed their drinks and got straight down to the business that had brought them here. “Now Bridget this is what I want you to do for me. As you know we are holding a man in connection with the death of your good friend Angela Clarkson. She was a good friend now wasn’t she?” Bridget nodded in reply leaving the detective free to continue,

  “We’ve charged this man with killing your friend and we also know that he stole her watch after he had killed her. Obviously, we are unable to find out whether or not Angela had arranged to meet this man or whether she had been with somebody else first but we do know that we will have a better chance of proving him guilty if somebody would come forward to say that they saw Angela wearing this watch.” He carefully pulled it out of the handkerchief where it lay concealed in his pocket in order that she could look at it again. “Take a good look,” he urged quietly, whilst holding it just out of the view of the public beneath the table. “Now, you know as well as I do that the fellow who gave this to your mate Angela isn’t going to come along to us and say, hang on a minute, that watch you showed on the box the other week, I gave it to Angela Clarkson because, in all probability, the man is married with a couple of kids and he’s got to think of them, hasn’t he? Again, Bridget nodded in reply and took another long pull at her drink. As she put down her glass, he continued, “So we need someone like you to come along to the nick and make a simple statement that you saw her, Angela, wearing that same watch some time before this fellow Thompson strangled her with her own tights. Now, Bridget, listen to me I swear to you that’s all there is to it.”

  He could see her mulling it over in her mind, and, in order not to appear too anxious, he got up, saying as he did, “so have a good think about it whilst I go and get them in again. Same again for you?” Another nod of the head signalled affirmative and he began to fight his way to the bar thinking, ‘Christ, she doesn’t say a great deal. I wonder if she is this quiet with all of her punters?’ He’d
caught the eye of the barman and the drinks were now on the bar counter. Picking up the glasses, he made his way back to the table, whispering softly to himself, ‘easy, easy innit?’ Once seated he began again, “Bridget, you do understand don’t you that if this fellow gets off or we let him go, he’ll probably kill again so, in a way, we aren’t just doing your friend Angie a favour but the public as well?” Instead of nodding Bridget spoke this time, “are you really sure that it is Angie’s watch and, how do I know that this is all you want? I mean I won’t have to give evidence will I?”

  This time Jim took a long drink before replying, “Bridget, we’re absolutely certain that the watch was given to Angela by her last client and that this person has been completely exonerated from our enquiries. As regards giving evidence, I can’t guarantee it but I’ll certainly do my very best he lied.” He saw the effect this was beginning to have on her and quickly added, “Hang on a minute we’ll only use it if we have to,” he lied again, “after all, we think it’s very likely that he’ll confess before the actual trial and then you’ll hardly be needed.” As an afterthought, he added, “don’t forget you’re not doing this for me but for Angela… plus, at the same time, you must also remember that you owe me one for last night.”

  Seeing the predicament she was in, Bridget finally agreed to make the statement Jim West so desperately needed before adding, “Bollocks Westy, if I do this, by my reckoning we’re even now and if this Thompson fellow confesses, then you keep me out of it. Agreed?”

  Once again Jim West tried hard not to smile as he lied glibly, “That’s a deal. All you need to do is call in the nick later tonight. Just ask for Detective Inspector Peter Taylor and let him handle things. At this stage you’d better not mention that you’ve spoken to me about this at all.”


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