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Dragon Knight Of Khoth

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by Brenda Trim

  Dragon Knight of Khoth

  Dark Warrior Alliance Book 17

  Brenda Trim

  Tami Julka


  Dragon Knight Of Khoth

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Authors’ Note

  Other Works By Trim And Julka

  FREE eBook!

  Dragon Knight Of Khoth

  Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  Copyright © November 2018 by Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  Editor: Amanda Fitzpatrick

  Cover Art by Patricia Schmitt (Pickyme)

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the authors.

  Created with Vellum

  This is a tale about falling in love for the first time. Come along for the ride, and remember what it felt like.

  “He called me beautiful one. No one ever said that to me before. Looking back, I know that was the moment I fell in love with Lorne.” ~Cambree

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  “You’re a fantastic dancer,” Noah murmured in Cambree’s ear, and she shuddered as fear slithered down her spine. Would he try to drag her from the busy restaurant like the male that assaulted her a few weeks before? Her heart pounded against her ribcage like a caged bird trying to break free.

  Cambree struggled to remember what she’d learned in self-defense class the past week, but her mind was a complete blank. One would think after religiously attending the program three days a week, she’d recall at least one move. That was just her luck. First signs of an aggressive male and she couldn’t react quick enough to incapacitate him and escape.

  Noah’s not anything like that disgusting pig, Cam. Just a male with overactive hands, she reassured herself.

  Ever since Cambree was identified as Tuya, the fertile females who could birth dragonettes, her quiet life had transformed into a living nightmare. Recently, she was abducted from a dressing room in a busy store then drug outside into a dirty alley and nearly raped. The memory made her lightheaded to the point she thought she would faint, and her first reaction was to curl up in a ball and cry. Unfortunately, she was in the middle of a dance floor at a crowded restaurant and didn’t want to draw unnecessary attention.

  For Cambree, the days of walking into a room and being ignored were long gone. She was now a marked female. She longed for a time when she went through her day without having to interact with anyone. Socializing with others wasn’t her forte. Numbers were. She loved the simplicity of crunching digits and tracking money.

  In the blink of an eye, she’d gone from a dull, nerdy, disappear-into-the-wallpaper nobody to one of the hottest commodities in the realm. It boggled her mind that the snickers and snide comments females once made as she walked into the office had turned to looks of envy and false smiles, not to mention, offers to go out for drinks. Her life was moving so fast, Cambree couldn’t catch her breath.

  Trying to forget how her simple life evolved to a chaotic mess, she reminded herself the newfound attention was total crap. Not one person was genuine in their interest toward her.

  Take Noah for instance. He was a good-looking dragon, but he never gave her the time of day before the night of a fateful Civapu ceremony. How she wished she wasn’t one of the chosen, because now, there wasn’t a day that went by when she didn’t receive several messages from him. What made matters worse was Cambree had a crush on Noah for years when she wasn’t Tuya. Then, he couldn’t be bothered with someone like Cambree. The only reason she agreed to the date was to see if maybe he was the one male who didn’t see her as a dragon-making machine. It would be nice to meet someone that was interested in her for who she truly was.

  “I doubt that. I’m sure it’s obvious that I’ve got two left feet,” Cambree replied then rolled her eyes when she noticed Noah’s gaze glued to her cleavage. She swore the man was trying to unbutton her top with his dragon breath.

  A few times, Noah exhaled a stream of smoke, and she glared daggers at him as his hand hovered over her breasts. If the male thought he was going to cast a claiming rune on her, he was dead wrong. She’d also caught him attempting to touch the mark on her right shoulder that identified her as Tuya.

  The damn thing was a beacon to every single dragon on Khoth and had caused nothing but problems for Cambree. Not only did males hound her because of it, but she was also forced to go through heat cycles. She recalled the warmth that flooded from head to toe followed by tingles in very private places. It was a sensation she’d never felt, and another aspect about her changed body that confused her.

  Her mother should’ve warned her about what she was going to experience. After all, she’d gone through it hundreds of years before. The unfamiliar urges Cambree experienced were like nothing else, and she’d never forget how it made her feel. To be so out of control with what she could only describe as lust was disturbing, to say the least.

  Without warning, eager hands roamed over Cambree’s hips and distracted her train of thought. Instinctively, she jerked in Noah’s embrace. She swore he’d grown a couple more hands and arms in the past few minutes. The wriggle of her hips only encouraged him, and Noah lowered his palms to her backside.

  Sweat beaded her brow as Cambree glanced around in a panic. Where was Finn? Her newly-appointed bodyguard was to remain less than five feet away, in case she needed him. Thoughts of her bodyguard made Cambree think about the first male assigned to protect her.


  The Maàhes knight was everything she imagined in a perfect mate. Gorgeous face, muscles for days, a deep voice that sent a shiver to her core, not to mention, the male was brave, powerful, and loyal.

  Unfortunately, Lorne loathed his assignment of ‘babysitting’ Cambree and, because of him, she was nearly raped. She would never forgive him for his carelessness, and subsequently, demanded the male be replaced.

  She shoved Noah’s hand off her butt as she tried to catch her breath. Having Noah grope her like that brought back images of the male that attacked her. The smell of urine and rotting food assaulted her sensed as she recalled the incident. Cambree would never forget the male’s mindless attack, declaring his need to impregnate her.

  At least Noah wasn’t like that lunatic, she amended. They worked together, and Cambree knew he wouldn’t trap her into an unwanted mating. Not that she was against finding a mate, but she refused to commit to the first male that showed her attention.

  Her parents didn’t understand her lack of desire to find a suitable male now that she was Tuya. What did they expect from her? This was her third date. Ever. And, all of them were in the past week.
/>   She recalled her parent’s insistence that she attend the Civapu, hoping their spinster daughter would be chosen and eventually mated. Cambree didn’t have a problem being single. She’d rather remain unattached than be with a male that didn’t love her in every way.

  Truth be told, she only went along with her parent’s demands so she could get a glimpse of King Angus and his queen, Keira. Cambree was a small dragonette when the king left their realm, and curiosity got the best of her. Growing up hearing the tales of King Angus’s heroism and his pursuit of Keira had a young Cambree dreaming about a hero of her own. Perhaps part of the reason she never dated was that the males she knew were nothing compared to the King of Khoth.

  Another squeeze and Cambree snapped. “Stop, Noah. Don’t touch me like that,” she urged and stepped out of his arms.

  “How can I resist? I’ve never touched a Tuya before,” Noah mumbled while his eyes remained glued to her chest.

  Cambree turned and started walking off the dance floor. She never should’ve agreed to go out with Noah. It was turning out like the previous two dates. She promised her parents she would give her suitor’s a chance, but this was never going to work.

  Admittedly, the lure of the favorite new restaurant helped Noah’s case. Everyone at the office was talking about Titan’s Fall because it offered live music and dancing, as well as, great food. The food was delicious, but from now on, she’d order it to-go and eat from the comfort of her home. Alone.

  Heat suddenly flushed from head to toe, and Cambree quickly fanned her face. She jumped the moment a large palm landed on her shoulder, and nearly screamed for Finn. She spun around, prepared to fend off Noah but her breath stalled, and tingles erupted in her nether region.

  Lorne towered above, and Cambree swallowed hard at the sight of the blond-haired male. His green eyes pierced straight to her soul, and Cambree’s body instantly heated as blood rushed through her veins. Arousal, hot and heavy, coursed through her system. Rarely had she felt desire until she met Lorne. Her attraction to him grew by the day until he abandoned her in that dressing room. Now, she could barely stand the sight of him and didn’t understand why her body emphatically disagreed.

  She’d swear she was going into another fertile cycle, and a thought registered somewhere in her muddled brain. She was in full-blown heat mere days after meeting Lorne. Maybe that explained her attraction to him. Was this a sign she was going into heat again? Surely, not this soon. She couldn’t take it if they occurred this frequently. Cambree made a mental note to call her mother the second she got home. She’d have to return to the castle if she was in heat again.

  “Cambree. What are you doing here without a guard?” Lorne’s deep voice rumbled through her belly, sending her overactive hormones into overdrive.

  “I’m on a date with Noah,” she replied. Not that Lorne should’ve been confused about that fact, given how close Noah was standing to her. And, there went the male’s hands again. She sighed and shook her head, and moved out of Noah’s reach. Unfortunately, that put her close to Lorne. His masculine scent filled her nostrils, adding to her torment.

  He isn’t attracted to you and sees you as a burden, she reminded her horny dragoness.

  She was instantly drawn to Lorne, but wasn’t surprised when he reacted to her like males had her entire life…with indifference. Except Lorne took it a step further. He saw his position as her bodyguard beneath his status. It was his reluctance in following her around that led to Cambree being drug from the store. The hurt from unrequited attraction burned in her gut but did nothing to lessen her desire for the sexy Máahes.

  He’s not good-looking, she spouted to her inner dragon. He’s about as appealing as full-blown dragon pox. Stop your panting, girl!

  Liar, her dragon replied.

  It was rare that she and her dragon overtly disagreed. They were two sides of one being and typically acted accordingly. It was only in extreme cases, like when she was attacked, that her inner beast spoke its mind. Her dragon was the only reason she wasn’t raped. She supplied Cambree with enough courage to fight back.

  Lorne scowled at Noah and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Don’t fucking touch her again. You have no business groping her in public like that. It’s males like you that give the rest of us a bad name,” Lorne snarled at Noah before he lowered his head and met her wide-eyed gaze. “Where is your guard? I know you know better after what happened.”

  Cambree hated that she curled into Lorne’s side. Why did she feel so safe with him? He let her down when she needed him most. The fear over what her assailant wanted to do to her was vivid in her mind and woke her most nights in a cold sweat.

  “Finn should be at the table, right there.” She turned and pointed to where he’d been sitting, but saw that his chair was empty.

  “The jackwagon left his post,” Lorne growled as he scanned the room. “What do you plan on doing now? Are you continuing your date?”

  Cambree shook her head, sending her black curls bouncing against her shoulder. “No. I’m ready to go home. This was a mistake.”

  “There are better males for you,” Lorne scoffed. Why was he so angry? If anything she should be yelling at him.

  Absurdly, Cambree wanted to challenge the knight, and ask whom he thought was a better suitor, but her mouth resisted. No way could she say something so bold. She waited for her dragon to add her two cents, but apparently, her beast agreed because silence was her all she heard.

  Lorne shook his head and took one step toward Noah. “It’s time for you to leave. This date is over.”

  Noah opened his mouth to object when Lorne’s fingertips became talons and his breath left in large puffs of smoke. Noah wisely backed up and muttered, “I had fun tonight, Cambree. We should do this again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She watched Noah’s retreating back, wondering what date he’d been on that he had fun. He hardly spoke to her except to ply her with compliments and stare at her breasts. She’d been bored to tears. Her usual routine of curling up on the couch with a good mystery novel and a glass of penquino would have been far more enjoyable.

  “Are you going to be long, Lorne?” a female voice whined, startling Cambree.

  She turned around and flushed when she saw a gorgeous redhead standing nearby. She was pouting, and her crossed arms pushed her immense boobs to the point they were spilling out of her low-cut shirt. Cambree also noted the female’s skirt wasn’t much below her perfect backside.

  “I’m doing my job, Trish,” Lorne snapped without looking at the female. “I’ll be done as soon as I find Finn.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Cambree countered. “I’m going to sit at my table until Finn comes back. Go back to your date.” She felt like an idiot for fantasizing about Lorne. She was the complete opposite of his type.

  “I won’t allow you to be harmed again. Trish, go grab a drink, and I’ll be right there.” The female huffed and turned, but not before shooting Cambree a dirty look.

  “I’m not your responsibility, Lorne. I’m in a public place right now, so I’m safe. I’m sure Finn just went to the bathroom. Go back to Trish,” Cambree said with as much force as she could. Too bad she sounded as ferocious as a newborn kippie.

  Attempting to save face, Cambree turned and left Lorne standing in the middle of the dance floor. She returned to her table and grabbed the next waitress that passed. Hopefully, a drink would help her forget this disastrous night.

  Breath sawed in and out of Lorne’s lungs as he barely contained his dragon fire. His exhalations were thick with smoke. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d lost control of his smoke but seeing Cambree once again vulnerable and on the wrong end of unwanted male attention set him off.

  What the fuck was Finn thinking to leave her alone? It was apparent to anyone that looked on the dance floor that Cambree didn’t welcome the hands groping her backside. Hell, he was shocked someone else didn’t intervene with the dense fog her fear left on the dance floor. He ass
umed residents of Khoth were better than that. Apparently, he was wrong because not one soul stepped up to tell the idiot to leave Cambree alone. No doubt it was her demure attitude, but since when was it okay to ignore fear of that magnitude?

  “Fuck,” he cursed with a shake of his head. He wanted to throttle Cambree sometimes. The female needed to grow a backbone, and fast.

  A soft hand traveled over Lorne’s shoulder, drawing his attention. He turned his head and met Trish’s green eyes. They glittered with lust as she handed over a glass of Dragon Piss, Khoth’s most popular drink. It was akin to Earth’s whiskey, according to Angus. The king shared information daily on the differences and similarities between the two realms, and Lorne could tell Angus genuinely missed where he lived for a thousand years.

  Lorne waited for arousal to strike as he stared at the sexy female. When desire escaped him, he wondered if he was that angry at Finn for leaving Cambree unprotected. Yes, Lorne concluded. He was ready to rip the male a new asshole over this one.

  Lorne downed the liquor, knowing he needed to let it the fuck go. He was allowing his own failure over guarding Cambree to dictate his actions, and that was unacceptable. He couldn’t make up for the mistake he made, yet it haunted him daily.

  He relaxed his guard and treated the assignment like it was more a nuisance than anything. It warranted his full attention, and because of his carelessness, the female was attacked. She had every right to hate him.


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