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Dragon Knight Of Khoth

Page 11

by Brenda Trim

  Finn cocked his head and furrowed his brow. “What’s going to happen at this lunch that has you scowling more than usual?”

  Cambree smacked his shoulder. “I don’t scowl. And, I’m dreading this because Matt expects us to share one thing about ourselves that nobody knows.”

  Finn wrinkled his nose and curled his lip. “Do you hold hands while you do it?”

  “Don’t you dare give him ideas,” she chided. “This luncheon is bad enough.”

  “I honestly don’t see the point. What does it have to do with your job?” Finn surmised and held the door open for Cambree.

  “What about your job?” grated a masculine voice that sent shivers racing through her body.


  Cambree’s eyes drank in the sexy knight, as she scanned his body for injuries. Finn said the battle was ugly, but that Lorne was okay. She noticed he was moving slower than usual and there were several bruises across his strong jaw.

  She closed her eyes and clenched her hands to keep from reaching out and caressing his face. She wanted to comfort him, even though he didn’t deserve her sympathy. Despite the fact that Lorne hurt her feelings, the sexy male before her was a weakness.

  No, her mind objected. Damien was the total package. Handsome, intelligent, and very much into her. Lorne was a friend, at best.

  Her eyes flew open when she heard Delilah gasp and say, “Oh, you poor baby. Did you get injured protecting us?” Cambree almost slapped the female when she ran her finger over the worst of Lorne’s bruises.

  One step forward took Lorne out of Delilah’s reach and close to Cambree. Instantly, she was bathed in rich, masculine scent. It washed over her like his kiss. Supple and all-consuming.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Cambree, ignoring Delilah. It was petty, but the fact that he didn’t give Delilah any attention made her heart soar. Hope flared brightly in her chest that maybe there was something more between them.

  Forget it. He feels an obligation to you, that’s all, Cambree’s mind scoffed.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she countered. “Finn told me what happened at your house. Have you figured out why they attacked you?”

  Lorne’s eyebrows scrunched together, and he shook his head as he responded. “Not yet. These new bastards are wily. We know it has to do with Tuya because one of the Unseelie said as much.”

  “That makes no sense. Only the Gods can do that. Even if they destroyed Heqet again we could rebuild, right?” Her stomach squirmed like a bowl of worms over the thought of losing their sacred site. She was connected to the location now. For better or worse, it changed the course of her life, as well as, so many others. They couldn’t lose the land.

  “The king’s power is at full force now. We’ll never allow them to take Heqet. No matter what Cyril throws at us, we’re stronger than his beasts. His creations are careless and easily killed. It may cause delays, but he’ll never retake our land again,” Lorne explained.

  Her anxiety settled with his words, and Cambree stopped sweating. She believed Lorne. And, she knew so long as the king remained on Khoth, and was surrounded by his knights, the Cuelebre were safe. The Gods knew what they were doing when they placed the dragon species in the hands of one special family. King Angus selected only the best knights to protect Khoth. She’d never seen such strength and fortitude.

  What had she said about Damien’s sexiness being better? Lorne was in an entirely different league. He was brave, loyal, and just. Few men possessed such qualities, and she found it very appealing.

  But, does that mean Lorne’s better for you? Cambree wanted to kiss her sub-conscious for the reminder.

  Damien was safer and didn’t make her feel so out of control. She was utterly at ease with him, and that was what she wanted. Not this reckless desire that consumed her every time Lorne walked into a room.

  “We’re ready,” Matt announced as he greeted the group in the waiting area. It was then that Cambree realized twenty-something of her colleagues were standing in a circle, gawking at her and Lorne.

  “Ready to bond with these yahoos?” Finn leaned down to whisper in her ear. Lorne scowled at the male and punched his shoulder. “What? It’s true,” Finn grumbled.

  “You don’t have to make things worse for her,” Lorne scolded.

  “Oh, he isn’t making them worse,” Cambree defended the male. “This lunch kills me every year, but Finn’s presence makes it tolerable.”

  Lorne cocked his head and glanced between her and Finn with narrowed eyes. “Is that so?” he blurted.

  Cambree’s brow furrowed. Was the formidable Lorne jealous? He certainly didn’t act like it after they kissed. He practically shoved her into Damien’s arms.

  Testing her theory, Cambree smiled and proceeded to tease Lorne. “So why are you here, Lorne? Are you stalking me?”

  Lorne’s cheeks turned ruddy, and he pursed his lips. “I was checking on you after you and Caleb disappeared last night. I didn’t like how he barely remembered the evening. It seemed as if he wasn’t even there.”

  Cambree paused at hearing his words. While Caleb wasn’t checked out like Finn was the first time she met Damien, he’d been distracted by females all night. She hadn’t thought much of it because she heard the rumors about Caleb. He was a player and had females falling at his feet. Admittedly, it eased her guilt since he was playing babysitter while she was on a date having fun.

  “He was there the entire time and took me to my parent’s house afterward. I’m not sure what more you should know. Honestly, it’s not your concern.”

  Lorne shifted, and it put him that much closer to Cambree. His body heat made sweat break across her flesh. His green eyes held her in place, and her chest heaved to the point it pressed against him. Lorne’s gaze dropped, eyeing her breasts.

  “You are my concern, Cam. Like I said before, I won’t let anything happen to you. It doesn’t matter that I’m not assigned to you. Something about last night doesn’t sit well with me. Did anything strange happen during your date?” he gritted, and she couldn’t help but stare at his full lips. She would never forget his kiss.

  “Cam,” Lorne muttered, drawing her out of her memory. “Do you recall anything out of the ordinary about last night?”

  His question made her think of the beginning of her evening with Damien. She and Caleb met him near the restaurant, and Damien seemed upset she had a new guard for the night. She recalled an energy surge that made her skin crawl, but she couldn’t place what it was. While Damien spoke to Caleb, she glanced around searching for a creature ready to attack. And then she forgot about it as soon as Damien lifted her hand, and kissed it.

  Cambree recalled how the spot tingled where his lips touched. She rubbed the area and looked down to see a bluish-purple mark on her skin. It didn’t hurt, but she thought it odd because she knew a simple kiss shouldn’t leave her bruised.

  “I felt prickles on my skin for a split second, but it was gone so fast I thought I imagined it. It was nothing like the signature left at the market. Do you think the Unseelie are still close by?” she asked and glanced around for any danger. As if sensing her fear, Lorne wrapped his arm around her waist. It felt so right and natural, and Cambree leaned into him.

  “No. We’ve added spells and protections plus a handy new app that alerts us if any are within city limits. So long as you stay in Duamutef, you’ll be fine,” Lorne explained and tightened his grip. If they were any closer, they’d be one body, she thought as she inhaled his musky scent.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I have another date, but I’m happy to stay in the area,” Cambree stated with a smile. “You don’t need to follow me around. Finn and the others will keep me safe.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. There’s something off about the whole thing. Stay on your toes,” Lorne told Finn then looked down at her.

  When their gazes locked, the air thickened between them. They stared at one another for several moments. Cambree thought he was going to close the
distance and kiss her again. Her breaths turned to pants, and her lips parted in anticipation.

  “Don’t take any risks, and if you stay out that late again, allow Caleb or Finn to call in reinforcements. They need rest if they’re going to guard you properly,” Lorne commented and took a step backward.

  “I lost track of time, but it won’t happen again,” she mumbled, feeling chastised for her actions. “C’mon Finn. I guess I’ll tell the group that I’m going to watch a movie on my next date,” she explained, thinking that was something no one knew about her.

  “Why tell them that?” Finn asked as they walked away from Lorne and his infuriating mixed messages.

  “Because I have nothing else to say. My life is boring, and I’m nothing special, but I’ve said that for three years in a row now. At least now I have something new to give them,” Cambree confessed then glanced over her shoulder at Lorne.

  The male was scowling at her like she was a giant thorn in his side. Cambree turned the corner and pushed the knight from her mind. She was tired of wanting him when he undoubtedly didn’t feel the same.

  * * *

  Chapter 12

  “No, you didn’t,” Elysia blurted with wide eyes. Cambree giggled, and couldn’t stop the blush that spread across her face.

  If there was one female she considered a friend, it was Elysia. She hadn’t known Keira’s assistant for long, but she liked her from the get-go. The queen tried to befriend Cambree, as well, but that was going to take longer to embrace. Keira was royalty which made her extremely intimidating to Cambree.

  “Stop reading my mind,” Cambree scolded the female. “Since you can see it, you know that I did. But, please don’t say anything. It only happened because he feels guilty about my kidnapping.”

  “Cam, listen carefully. No male, especially a powerful knight like Lorne, kisses a female out of guilt. He might kill a dozen Unseelie and leave their heads at your doorstep, but a kiss? I don’t think so. Females throw themselves at our Máahes. They don’t need to lip-lock for charity. From what I saw, that male has the hots for you,” Elysia informed while she stretched on the mat next to Cambree.

  They were in the castle’s new gym, getting ready for self-defense lessons. Initially, Cambree denied needing the classes and refused to participate. After her near-rape at the hands of a crazed male, she reconsidered. The queen was right when she said every female needed to know how to defend herself in the event she was attacked.

  “You’re wrong. Lorne has made it very clear that I’m nothing but a burden,” Cambree clarified and relaxed her torso over her legs. The backs of her thighs burned as she stretched the tight muscles. She really needed to exercise more often, so she wasn’t so stiff.

  Ugh. Why does working out need to be difficult and painful? Something that benefitted your heart and body should make you feel amazing, not like being smashed beneath a Buggane’s foot.

  Cambree knew she’d be limping and sore the next day, and she was not looking forward to that. Like most of the other Cuelebre females, Cambree never exercised before joining the class. Her dragon flights kept her in basic shape, which was fine by her. Until she was attacked she hadn’t seen a need to know how to fight. How she wished she could go back to the good old days.

  A figure flopped next to Cambree and Elysia on the blue mats. It was Queen Keira, looking regal as ever in her black tank top and tight black pants. Well, maybe not completely regal, Cambree amended as she glanced at Keira’s shirt. It read ‘For Tits and Giggles’ across her bust in sparkly pink letters.

  “You aren’t a burden for anyone,” Keira said and met Cambree’s gaze.

  Oh, crap. The queen heard their conversation. How embarrassing, Cambree thought as she struggled with a reply. “It’s a lot to ask your knights to guard me all the time. They’re extremely busy with everything going on. I’m sure I can manage without them now,” she offered.

  Cambree honestly didn’t like the idea of taking Finn away from more important issues, like defending the realm. She was one person, and it seemed unfair when an entire society needed the Máahes.

  “Don’t start with that again. You are the only unmated Tuya we have right now, and I will not have you bullied into a mating you didn’t choose. Besides, none of the Máahes have complained. I think they enjoy your company. Especially one knight in particular,” Keira informed with a wry smile.

  Cambree’s eyes went wide over the queen’s teasing, and she glanced to Elysia for backup. No way she was about to discuss her dilemma with Lorne to Keira.

  “You’re wrong about Finn, your Grace,” Elysia interjected. “He enjoys being Cambree’s bodyguard, but that’s because he gets to pummel dumbasses on a regular basis,” the female added with a laugh, and smiled at Cambree.

  “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. You’re probably right. He’s rather outspoken about his opinions toward jackwagons, as he so eloquently puts it.” Keira leaned over her right leg as she spoke and easily laid her head on her knee. How was the female so flexible? Especially after she spent a thousand years under a sleep spell.

  “Is that the shirt Mack sent to you?” Elysia asked Keira, and Cambree was happy for the change in topics.

  Cambree briefly met Mack at the castle during her first fertile cycle as a Tuya. She recalled the female’s spiky, black hair and the multiple images inked into her flesh. More shocking than her tattoos was the brooding vampire that was standing beside Mack, who Cambree later learned was her mate, Kyran. He frightened Cambree enough to douse her overheated flesh, which was a welcomed reprieve.

  “Yes! Isn’t it great?” Keira exclaimed as she glanced at her tank top.

  “I love the sparkle,” Elysia replied.

  Cambree didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the shirt, but she had a hard time imagining someone of Keira’s status wearing the unsophisticated slogan without backlash from the conservative dragons of Khoth.

  “Angus said I would piss off certain citizens. It’s the word tits, isn’t it?” Keira asked as she pushed her legs together and leaned over them, folding her body in half.

  “It’s a tad bold, but the top looks great on you,” Cambree mumbled and pulled her feet in so her bent legs spread like butterfly wings.

  “Our queen doesn’t do anything by the books,” Elysia admitted to Cambree. “And, that’s what makes her the best one we’ve ever had. We need leaders who can relate to us regular folks. If they remain in their ivory towers, how are they to make the best decisions for our welfare?”

  Cambree had heard the servant talk openly with Keira before, but it was still difficult for her to relax and laugh with them. She heard stories of the king and his legendary love and devotion to this female throughout her childhood. Her bright green hair and slender shape marked her as a Stoorworm sea dragon, but it was her turquoise eyes that signified her as royalty throughout the entire realm.

  “You’re right, Lys,” Keira replied and jumped to her feet with a bounce. “My time without my memory allowed me to see the world in a different light. My altered view is one of the reasons I insisted on these classes. Females do not need to be cloistered away anymore.”

  “This program saved me when I went into heat,” Cambree admitted as she recalled how she had benefited in so many ways because of the changes the queen had implemented. “All of the females that stood guard and worked to block off the corridor to protect me were a blessing. I hate to think what would’ve happened if I tried to stay at either my house or my parent’s.”

  “You would’ve been taken against your will and would be carrying a dragonette for a male you don’t truly love. And, that would be a tragedy,” the queen replied, holding nothing back.

  Cambree nodded in agreement. “You’re right. We all know that I have no skills at fighting off a fly, let alone a male intent on taking what he wants. The Gods must be looking out for me to save me twice.”

  “I had my doubts about the Gods when the king and queen were missing for so long, but now
I know they didn’t abandon us. They were preparing us for better times,” Elysia added.

  The door opened with a clang and a male voice boomed, “Are we ready?”

  “Ready to get sweaty, Blaine,” Elysia commented, flirting unabashedly with Blaine. The knight was a notorious sket, bedding every female he could.

  While Cambree thought him friendly enough, Blaine was too forward for her taste. His brashness made her palms sweat and her chest constrict to the point she wanted to avoid him altogether.

  “Ah, my gorgeous, Lys. I can’t wait to pin you on the mat,” Blaine said smoothly as he sauntered toward them.

  Several males followed behind Blaine, but Cam was watching Elysia as she blushed and stammered when Blaine pulled her friend into an embrace and twirled her in a circle.

  “Alright, douche…I mean, Blaine,” Caleb muttered then quickly cleared his throat and glanced at the queen, clearly embarrassed by his outburst. “Let’s run these lovely females until they beg for mercy.”

  “You heard him. No pain, no gain,” Blaine announced with a loud voice then waggled his eyebrows comically at Elysia who was standing close to the male.

  Cambree wished she had an easy relationship with Lorne. She needed that person who saw her as more than she saw herself. She didn’t know if Blaine and Elysia were seriously attracted to one another, but she saw the confidence Blaine’s attention gave her friend. Elysia didn’t hesitate to demand what she wanted. That was the hardest thing for Cambree to do.

  Settle the fuck down, Lorne cursed his errant shaft. One subtle whiff of Cambree’s enticing scent and the damn thing was hard as stone. Why couldn’t he control his libido when it came to the female?

  He was third in command amongst the Máahes, and the knights vaunted about his leadership skills, but too many times in the recent days he was consumed with lust for the female. It was exasperating as hell, and Lorne was tempted to cut off the one-track-minded thing if it didn’t comply.


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