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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

Page 6

by Lexi Buchanan

  After talking to Rae, I realized that I had to explain in person to Sarah about the horsing around in the parking lot. Part of the problem is that Sarah only recently knows about Rae, so it’s all-new to her. I also know that if it was the other way around and it was Sarah with a close male friend, I would have knocked his lights out before now.

  Hearing shuffling on the other side of the door, my heart thuds wildly inside my chest, and seconds later the door opens, my heart stops altogether. Sarah has obviously just been in the shower because her hair is wet and she’s wrapped in a pink, terrycloth robe.

  She’s naked under that...

  I can’t get the thought out of my head, which makes me tongue tide until Sarah starts to fidget with the belt.

  “Is Greg out?”

  Sarah hesitates then nods. “For the night.”

  I close my eyes and try to think straight because knowing that she’s alone until morning drives me crazy.

  “Why are you here?” she asks, which helps me focus some.

  “I wanted to explain about the grocery parking lot…with Rae.” I take her distraction as a chance to step quickly into the house, closing the door with my foot as Sarah backs into the wall behind her. “I wasn’t expecting to find you dressed like this.” I trace the edge of her robe with a finger and lean in closer to inhale the fragrance she used in the bath.

  “Sarah,” I whisper on a hoarse groan, my nose trails along her neck. “What you saw…it was two friends joking around.” I’m slowly losing all reason with being so close to her. “Rae had just told me that she likes you, and what made me grab her and give her a quick kiss was when she told me that it was obvious you returned my feelings. I loved knowing that she saw how you feel about me.” I kiss her neck and feel her shiver in my arms.

  Sarah reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair. “Aiden, you have to stop.”

  “In a minute…I want to see all of you.” I step away and unfasten her robe. She doesn’t stop me as her breathing accelerates.

  I hold her gaze while slowly opening her robe. My eyes caress her face before finally moving them over the rest of her beautiful body.

  My blood heats when I take in the plumpness of her breasts and rose tipped nipples. The stiff buds harden to tight pinpoints with my gaze. I lick my lips and follow the trail down to her navel and lower to her mound. No longer bare, the trimmed hair hides treasures that I’ve dreamed of finding with my mouth.

  She’s beautiful and I crave her. I want to feel her hands on my heated skin—on my dick, which has swollen solid to the point of being uncomfortable.

  Watching her watch me, I slip my hand into my jeans and straighten my cock that nearly reaches my navel. If I move my shirt out of the way then she’d be able to see the swollen head.

  I beg, “Just one touch.”

  Sarah doesn’t move. I’m not sure she could even if she wanted to. I reach out and caress along her delicate collarbone and gradually make my way to the swell of her breasts, which I cup in my palms. “Beautiful,” I admit as my thumbs rub her nipples. “God, I want you. I ache for you, Sarah.” I dip my head and lick around each pink nipple.

  Sarah grabs at my head and her whole body sways toward me, giving me all the encouragement I need to continue. I’ll stop in a minute. I really will…then my mouth sucks at a breast and I find myself surrounded by her. She raises a leg and wraps it around my hip, her arms go around my back gripping me to her.

  Feeling the first tingling of release, I snap back to reality and it’s as though I’ve just been dowsed with a bucket of cold water—we can’t do this.

  Breathing heavily, I cup Sarah’s face and make her look at me. “I can’t,” I whisper, and feel like shit when I see the disappointment on her face. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.”

  We untangle ourselves when I pull her back into my arms and hold her close, dropping my face to the curve of her neck. “When I make love to you again”—I lean away and meet her gaze—“I want it to be in a bed and not up against the wall in the home you share with another man.” Her face falls in disappointment. “I know the reason why you’re with him but I’m a jealous asshole.”

  “It’s getting more and more difficult isn’t it?” she asks with a dry smile.

  “Yeah, it is,” I answer. Brushing the hair from her face, I kiss her button nose. “I think I better go before I say to hell with it.” I kiss her again. “We’re good now though, right?”

  She nods and her smile reaches her eyes.

  With reluctance I release my hold and close her robe. It’s killing me to walk away from her but I honestly don’t have any choice. Backing toward the front door, I take one last look at her and step outside into the fresh Montana evening.

  The door softly closes behind me while I stand outside taking a deep, frustrated breath.



  My body still aches for Aiden after his visit last night, making me feel fidgety as I follow Greg to the Scott’s place to look at a new filly.

  Matthew Scott along with his sister, Kris, run the farm. Gossip around town says Greg is having an affair with Kris, except the truth is he’s having an affair with Matthew and has been since before he met me.

  Matthew is a nice guy and has always been respectful toward me, even though I’m sure he resents the fact that I live with Greg when that’s what he wants.

  Greg has already invested so much time into his company and hopes to retire early so he can finally have a life with Matthew. It’s a shame the company he works for is so close minded. They’d fire him before his backside hit the chair if he revealed he was gay. Of course they’d find a difference excuse so as to not open themselves up to a lawsuit. Just a few more years then Greg can walk away with a nice sum.

  I really hope it all works out for them, and I’m sure Matthew is counting down the remaining time. I just wish Greg would say enough is enough and agree to let me leave him since he knows about Aiden and me.

  I shake my head and pay more attention to my surroundings as I pull through the Scott’s gate at the entrance to their property.

  We had some rain overnight so as I roll my window down and inhale the fresh morning scent, I admire the well-kept paddocks and rolling hills in the background.

  Pulling up in front of the large house, I smile when I see Kris walking toward me. She’s around my age with cropped dark blonde hair, a slim figure, and there’s always a smile on her flawless face. It’s no wonder that no one bothers to consider that Greg is having an affair with anyone but Kris.

  Climbing from the car, I catch Greg dashing toward the barn where I’m guessing Matthew is.

  “Sarah, Greg said he’d get you to come out today but I wasn’t sure if you would.” Kris looks around as though she’s nervous.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, why wouldn’t it be?” She smiles and turns back toward the house. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” she asks over her shoulder.

  I don’t think I’ve ever taken her up on the offer before, but I’m tempted to after her response. There is something off with her and I bet it has something to do with her supposed affair with Greg. “I’d love to.”

  The only sign of surprise from Kris is a slight hitch to her step before she hurriedly disappears inside. I follow, and find her in the kitchen setting two steaming mugs on the table.

  “I want this to stop,” she says, and I recognize the misery in her eyes.

  This whole situation must affect her more than it does me. After all I’m the betrayed wife, and Kris is the home wrecker, or so everyone thinks.

  “Have you talked to your brother?” I ask and take a sip of the warm coffee.

  “My brother isn’t the problem.” She sighs. “I’ve met someone. I really like him, Sarah…and he liked me, until he listened to the gossip and now he won’t even talk to me.”

  “Greg is the one who won’t let it end, right? No, you don’t really need to answer that because I know what Greg is like. He�
�s stubborn and thinks he’s doing all this for the right reasons when in fact he’s ruining other people’s lives.”

  “I’ve told my brother that I’m not going to do this anymore, which is what he’s about to tell Greg. I wanted to let you know so that you’re warned.”

  I don’t know what to say to her, because I want my freedom just as much as she does. Her brother never should have pressured her into going along with it. “I’ll talk to Greg later, but if you don’t need me to check on a filly then I’ll be going.” Standing, I wash my cup and leave it on the drainer. “You have my number if you need to talk?”

  Kris nods.

  “It’s time for us both to start living, Kris…Stay positive and now that I know, I can work on Greg.”

  I know just how to do that as well.

  Climbing back into my car after the very quick visit, I drive back the way I came, but instead of heading back into town, I veer off to the right. Taking this turning not too long ago, I got lost and I’m so glad that I did because I found a group of six cabins, two of which are up for sale. It’s the one by the stream that caught my attention and ever since I’ll drive by once in a while and dream.

  Today though, I’m not just going to drive by. I shut the engine off and just sit and stare out of the car window at the small place.

  I imagine it’s only one bedroom, but I don’t need much. I’d want this property for the view alone and the peace and quiet that surrounds the area.

  Leaving my car, I walk toward the small cabin, with its wooden porch and overrun flowers. There’s a missing step up, and striding over it, I smile when I see the carved heart on the front door. I wonder who used to live here? My fingers trace the heart and I wonder if I’ll ever have the love that the couple that used to live here obviously had for each other.

  Aiden always comes to mind when I think about love and how much I want a life to be able to spend it with him. I have a habit of when we’re apart of not believing anything will ever come of my feelings for him. He has strong feelings for me, but I’m not sure how much longer he’s willing to wait. As I move around to the back of the house, my insecurity keeps playing havoc with my thoughts.

  Regardless of our outcome, I’ve made the decision to finally have my own place. And I’m determined to not let Greg talk me out of it.

  Breathing in the fresh country air and lifting my face to the warm sun, I smile, confident that nothing is going to stop me this time.

  I’m going to have my own home. For the first time since college I’ll only have myself to think about, and that fills me with excitement…so my next call is to the realtor to make my offer.


  “If the director doesn’t get his finger out of his ass soon, I’m kicking the whole lot of them off this property,” I fume to Rae.

  Rae huffs out a breath and glares in my direction. “He isn’t doing anything wrong. He’s paid to get the best out of us so don’t take your foul mood out on him.”

  I scowl. “There’s nothing foul about my mood.”

  Rae rolls her eyes. “Yeah, right…you need to go and spend time with Sarah.”

  “She’s probably busy.” I avoid looking at Rae because she’ll know what an excuse it is.

  I do want to see Sarah, but she’s ignored my text messages since the night before and I don’t know why. I would, of course, if I had the balls to talk to her. Part of my problem is that I’m worried about what she’ll say.

  “I’ve never known Aiden De La Fuente to take the easy way out,” Rae drawls. “Stop acting like a girl and go and talk to her before it’s too late.” Rae kisses my cheek and walks off toward the director.

  I close my eyes and concentrate on breathing in the fresh air of home. Snapping them open with a new determination, I glance around and in that moment I spot Sarah’s SUV parked behind the largest barn.

  When did she arrive? And is she hiding from me?

  Forgetting about the filming crew, I take a stride toward the barn when the director shouts, “Aiden, where are you going? We’re ready.”

  I curse and hesitate. She won’t be here long and then I’ll miss the opportunity to get some answers out of her. “I need a break.”

  Not giving him an opportunity to stop me, I continue on and disappear inside behind the large doors and wait a second for my eyes to adjust to the dimness. This barn is usually used for the birthing of foals, which is why the lighting is kept subdued. Now more than ever I find it frustrating because Sarah’s whereabouts aren’t immediately apparent.

  “Aiden,” her soft whisper comes from over my right shoulder as I start to make my way further into the barn.

  Turning my head, my eyes focus on the beautiful redhead, and I forget the reason why I needed to talk to her, and remember the feel of her soft curves against me instead.

  My legs move on their own accord to bring me up close to her. “Sarah,” I breathe her name as my lips hover over hers. My hands go to the wall on each side of her head as I hold her gaze. I lower my mouth that last inch and softly press against her lips, running my tongue along the shape before finally dipping inside to the taste of what’s mine.

  Her hands move beneath my shirt and caress the skin above the belt of my jeans, need filling my thoughts. She shudders as my fingers tangle in her long locks and I press her into the wall. But having one of her legs wrapped around a hip while she rubs on my aching cock is going to have me coming in my jeans if I don’t stop her.

  Breaking our kiss, Sarah leans forward and captures my lips with her own. “Don’t stop,” she whispers, her mouth sliding down my jaw to the hollow of my throat. “I want you naked.”

  I choke on a laugh as her hand lands on my straining dick, which is ready to punch through the zipper. She squeezes and my body thrums with pleasure. “Sarah,” I hiss. “You’re going to unman me if you don’t stop.”

  She meets my gaze. Her hand squeezes around my shaft, sending tingles of sensation through my cock to draw pre-ejaculate from the tip.

  “I want to see you spread out on a bed so that I can caress every inch of you,” she admits, “not up against a wall fully clothed while I grope you through denim.” The thought of getting naked again with her causes lust, pure and simple, to claw at my gut.

  I gulp, holding on by a thread. “Yes, I’m tired of going to bed every night alone. I want to know what it feels like to wake in the morning with you snuggled up in my arms. I want to make breakfast together, and most of all I want you to be my woman, Sarah. Only mine.” I drop my forehead to hers.

  Opening my eyes, I see tears hover close on her lashes and her hand no longer massages me, but cups my face. “Earlier today I put in an offer on a small place of my own. I’m excited about it, although nervous.”

  I sigh in relief. “That fills me with joy.”

  Smiling, she adds, “My heart is yours if you want it.”

  “If I want it? Sarah, my heart has been yours since before I knew I’d given it to you.” My lips twitch to capture hers, but I know if I start again that I won’t be able to stop.

  “Aiden, I need to go.” Her arms tighten around my waist before she slowly releases me.

  “Let me know how it goes and if you need me, call. I’ll always come”—I smirk—“when you call.”

  Sarah laughs and rolls her eyes. “I’m sure you will.” She glances at my groin, her eyes widening. “You look ready,” she comments in a husky tone.

  I laugh. “I’m always ready for you.” I clear my throat and step into her when I’m abruptly pulled out of the bubble I felt wrapped in.

  “Aiden, Bobby is getting pissed,” Rae shouts as she enters the barn.

  I make sure that she doesn’t see Sarah by keeping my back toward Rae. Sarah’s ravished mouth is for my eyes only.

  “I’ll be a minute.” I trace along Sarah’s bottom lip with a finger and watch as her eyes darken.


  I smile down at Sarah when I hear the frustration in Rae’s voice. “I better go,”
I whisper against her lips. “I’ll be seeing you very soon, Sarah.” While I let my meaning sink in, I brush the hair from her face and give her a brief kiss.

  Stepping away from her and walking out of the barn is so hard, in more ways than one. I grimace at the discomfort in my jeans, and sigh when I breathe and feel my arousal start to ebb.



  After this afternoon in the barn with Aiden, I felt confident that everything would work out just fine, but then the bubble had to go and burst when I watched him with Rae. They were natural with each other and Aiden had no qualms about holding the other woman’s hand when she dragged him toward where they were filming.

  I’m being silly with jealousy, but I just can’t help it because I want to be able to be carefree with him. I want to be able to touch him, laugh with him, and just be with him in public without whispers behind my back.

  I’d kept busy in the barn for a while and then before I finally left, I had snuck another look to see what was happening. Aiden and Rae had been talking off to the side, and the conversation had looked serious before Rae had wrapped herself around Aiden in a hug.

  My brain knew what he’d told me about their relationship, but it was hard to accept that when what I’d seen looked to be a tender moment between them.

  Either way, whatever was happening had put a dampener on my joy of our time in the barn. The words I’d spoken had been the truth, but were his to me? I wanted them to be and he certainly couldn’t hide his reaction to me, but who knew.

  Pulling me out of my miserable thoughts about Aiden, Greg clears his throat, and asks, “Did you talk to Kris earlier?”

  “Yeah, not for long,” I answer. “She’s upset, and I don’t blame her really. It’s gone on far too long.” I school my features so that he doesn’t know there is anything truly wrong with me, and add, “I looked at a cabin today.”

  I feel his stillness at my words before he drops into a chair at the kitchen table. “Tell me,” he requests, more resigned than anything.


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