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A Waterfall Wish

Page 9

by Anna Samuels


  ‘What’s the matter?’ I asked her, turning to face her.


  ‘Don’t nothing, me! You’re quieter than I’ve ever known you to be! What are you thinking?’

  ‘Does it even matter?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course it matters!’ I exclaimed. ‘I want to know what’s upset you! Is it me?’

  She met my eyes. ‘Yes,’ she replied bluntly.

  ‘Me? What did I do?’

  ‘What did you do? You turned me away twice! You’re walking away from a chance…this doesn’t happen every day,’ she ranted, ‘do you think people meet like this and connect like we do every day? They don’t! this is special and all you want to do is ignore it! We have five days together! Five days, Sarah! I wouldn’t waste a second of it if it were up to me! We’re wasting our chance!’ she told me, wide-eyed.

  I stared at her, shocked. She had gone from strangely silent to ranting passionately. I wasn’t sure which one I could deal with easier. ‘I don’t want to waste this chance,’ I murmured quietly.

  Nikki stared at me. ‘You don’t?’

  I shook my head.

  ‘But you said…’

  ‘I was scared, Nikki! Surely you can understand that?’

  ‘So, what are you saying?’ she prompted, turning to face me.

  ‘I’m saying…well, I guess I’m saying yes!’

  ‘Yes?’ she questioned.

  I nodded. ‘Yes.’

  Nikki’s eyes were bright with emotion. ‘Really?’ she asked, her voice more tentative now.

  I nodded. ‘You know something, Nikki? You’re right…we shouldn’t waste another moment of this holiday we have together. To hell with the consequences…I’m going to live in the now.’

  Nikki smiled at me warmly. ‘Come here,’ she said softly.

  Chapter 13

  A night to remember

  I moved into her arms without a second thought. Her eyes held mine until the last second and then our lips met and I was lost. My eyes fluttered closed and I couldn’t do anything then but feel. The kiss began slowly, but my heart began racing rapidly, the second her mouth touched mine. She eased into it gently, her lips playing with mine. Her soft mouth parted and I groaned as she dipped her head to deepen our kiss.

  The second her tongue touched mine I knew I was hers. My stomach flipped over as butterflies skipped through me merrily. I arched against her and opened my mouth to welcome the contact. She kissed me passionately, her clever mouth arousing me beyond my wildest dreams.

  Suddenly, she lifted her head and looked down at me intently.


  ‘Yes?’ I murmured breathily.

  ‘I…’ she shook her head, breathing out raggedly. ‘The way you make me feel…’ she began, and broke off again, unable to finish what she was saying.

  ‘I know,’ I replied, looking up to meet her beautiful eyes. I lifted my hand to her lips and trailed my finger along her lower lip. ‘It’s incredible…’ I murmured.

  Her gaze moved from my eyes to my mouth and back again. ‘I don’t want to rush this…’ she began.


  ‘I also don’t want to wait,’ she chuckled, her voice low and sexy.

  ‘Kiss me again, Nikki.’

  ‘This is suddenly going so fast…’ she murmured huskily.

  ‘I want it to,’ I told her, knowing deep down that there was nothing to stop this now.

  ‘Are you sure, Sarah?’

  ‘I’m sure…not stop thinking and just feel!’

  ‘Is this role reversal now?’ she said, smiling softly.

  ‘Something like that. Maybe I’ve realised just how wonderful you really are.’

  ‘Oh yeah?’


  ‘So…you don’t want to wait?’ she questioned.

  ‘No,’ I said, shaking my head. ‘I don’t want to wait.’

  ‘I may not be quite up to scratch with this leg hindering me,’ she chuckled.

  I smiled at her. ‘I don’t mind.’

  ‘I do, but nothing much to be done about it. Hey, how about we move to the bedroom where we can spread out a little more comfortably?’

  ‘Okay,’ I agreed, getting to my feet and then helping Nikki to do the same.

  We made our way to the bedroom and I closed the curtains and dimmed the light. I then made my way to the other side of the bed. Nikki was already settled and waiting for me.

  ‘Don’t look so nervous,’ she said, chuckling with amusement.

  ‘I’m not so great at all this…’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

  ‘I’m not! Honestly! Don’t get your hopes up because I don’t want you to be disappointed with me.’

  ‘Disappointed! Sarah, have you any idea what you do to me?’ she asked.


  ‘Sarah, kissing you was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had…sleeping with you…well, I imagine it’s going to be life-changing.’

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ I said, blushing bright red.

  ‘Just come here then,’ she ordered. ‘If I can’t talk sense into you, I’ll just have to show you.’

  ‘I…’ I didn’t know what to say so instead I moved closer to lie next to her. Without warning, her mouth descended and took mine passionately. In an instant, I was lost.

  Nikki kissed me with skilled expertise. She aroused me instantly, her tongue playing with mine and making me squirm with delicious sensation. She took her time, leisurely kissing me until I was desperate for more, aching for her touch. Only when I was groaning in desire did she move down my body.

  Nikki pulled my top and bra away, exposing my naked breasts to her. She lowered her head and took one, peaked nipple into her mouth and suckled on it deeply. I arched and cried out in pleasure as shockwaves of bliss racked my system. She moved to the other nipple and lapped at it with her tongue, making me wet with desire.

  When Nikki finally moved southwards, I found myself moving on the bed restlessly. She pulled away my jeans and underwear before spreading my legs before her, wide open. I felt my stomach clench in anticipation as she lowered her head to my sex and then my whole body tightened as she licked my clitoris. The first touch was electric and then I began to move and moan as she began rhythmically arousing me with her tongue. Nikki knew just how to arouse me and I felt my passion rising in an instant.

  My hips rolled and I cried out in bliss as the waves of sensation built. I gasped and trembled as my orgasm hit me hard and I cried out my pleasure loudly. Wave after wave of bliss filled me as I came against her mouth. My sex quivered with delight as my climax ripped through me. I was left a shuddering mess, completely spent and overwhelmed by the force of my reaction to her. I fell back against the bed breathing hard and raggedly. Nikki fell back against the pillow beside me with a chuckle.

  When I could, I turned to look at her. She was smiling at me contentedly.

  ‘Nice?’ she asked.

  ‘Nice isn’t possibly a word I could use for what you just did to me…’

  ‘No? What word would you use then?’ she murmured, her eyes on my mouth and passion in her eyes.


  She smiled. ‘Good words…’

  I moved towards her and leant over to kiss her. ‘Your turn,’ I smiled, beginning to kiss her wantonly. She accepted my kiss and lay back as I began to touch her.

  Sometime later, Nikki and I collapsed back against the pillows, exhausted.

  ‘That was…incredible,’ Nikki said sighing happily.

  ‘It was?’ I asked, feeling pleasantly surprised that she had enjoyed it as much as I had.

  ‘It was, yes…I have no idea who you’ve been with or why it hasn’t worked out but their loss is definitely my gain!’ she told me, looking at me with her eyes wide.

  I smiled at her. ‘Thanks, Nikki. It was pretty great, wasn’t it?’

  She nodded. ‘It was amazing,’ she
said, stroking my cheek with a fond touch.

  ‘I’ve never felt like this with anyone…I mean, in bed…’ I revealed.

  ‘No? I haven’t either. I mean, I’ve had good sex…and I’ve had bad sex. This was incredible sex!’ she smiled.

  ‘It sure was…maybe we could do it again?’ I suggested, looking at her hopefully.

  ‘I’d be up for that,’ she chuckled. ‘Thank goodness we’ve got all week,’ she smiled.

  ‘I know…suddenly I want it to last forever!’

  ‘Me too.’

  ‘Come here,’ she ordered softly.

  I moved into her arms and began kissing her open-mouthed.

  Chapter 14

  One week later

  ‘I can’t believe we’re going home today,’ Nikki murmured, glumly. Her voice sounded flat.

  ‘I know,’ I said slowly. ‘This week has suddenly flown by! It’s ridiculous!’

  ‘Well, you will stay in touch-won’t you? I don’t want this to be over just because we have to be back to work!’

  ‘It’s not going to be over!’ I exclaimed. ‘I’m going to be phoning, texting and messaging you and hopefully we can see each other at weekends?’

  ‘Every weekend if I have a say,’ Nikki said, reaching for my hand.

  ‘You want to see me every weekend?’ I asked, my voice quiet but extremely hopeful.

  ‘Of course I do, Sarah! This week has been the most incredible week of my life,’ she told me emotionally. ‘I don’t want it to end…I don’t want us to end.’

  I held her eyes and felt myself fall deeper and deeper under her spell. She had captivated me since day one and I had a feeling that our relationship was destined to continue, not end. ‘Same here. I’d be gutted if I never heard from you again,’ I told her.

  She smiled at me. ‘So…next weekend?’

  I nodded eagerly. ‘Yes, definitely! That would be amazing!’

  ‘Really? So, you really do want to keep seeing me?’

  ‘Nikki-I thought you knew…I’ve never been happier than this week when I’ve been with you. It all feels like it’s too good to be true but then I guess it’s like you said-maybe we were destined to meet. I did make that wish.’

  ‘What wish? You never told me about a wish?’

  ‘Didn’t I?

  ‘No. What wish did you make?’

  I smiled at her. ‘When I was at the waterfall…I made a wish.’

  ‘What was it?’

  ‘I guess…I guess I asked to meet you…’

  She frowned at me, looking at me with a sort of wonder on her face.


  ‘Well maybe not specifically you but I asked to meet someone and fall in love…I think that’s why I met you.’

  Nikki stared at me for a long moment, her eyes intent on mine.

  ‘What?’ I asked, feeling uneasy as she didn’t speak.

  ‘You…did you hear what you just said?’

  ‘Yes…that I wanted to meet somebody…’

  ‘Not that bit,’ she said, smiling now, ‘the other bit.’

  I felt my cheeks redden as she held my gaze. ‘I uh…’

  ‘You mentioned that word,’ she said, smiling softly.

  ‘I did,’ I said in a whisper.

  ‘You’re looking for someone to love?’ she questioned.

  I met her eyes boldly. ‘You know I am.’

  ‘And could I be that person?’ she asked, her voice quiet and low but her eyes intent on mine.

  ‘I…I’d like to think so,’ I replied in a near-whisper.

  Nikki smiled at me. ‘Well, you’re in luck, Sarah.’

  I held her gaze and tilted my head thoughtfully. ‘Why is that?’

  ‘Because from the very moment I saw you, I fell hook, line and sinker…’

  I gaped at her incredulously.

  ‘Yeah,’ she laughed, her voice low and sexy, ‘I think I’ve already gone and fallen in love with you, Sarah.’

  I couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing. Was she truly in love with me? Surely not! Not after such a short amount of time!

  ‘I am, Sarah…I mean I think we have some way to go,’ she said, her expression more sombre now, ‘we definitely need more time together and a chance to learn about each other inside out-the thing is, we’ve spent a together-twenty-four hour a day. That’s more hours than all the dates you could have in a year! Well, I don’t know the maths for sure, but you get what I mean. We could have gone on loads of dates for a few hours here and there and never had the chance to get to know each other as well as we do now.’

  I nodded. ‘We’ve had the luxury of having time,’ I replied. ‘Night and day and longer than we would have in normal circumstances.’

  ‘Exactly. So, I think it’s fair to say we know each other pretty well.’

  ‘And we can keep getting to know each other better,’ I said, smiling.

  She returned my smiled and looked happy. ‘I’m going to find it hard without you this week, Sarah.’

  I sobered. ‘Me too…’

  ‘Will you come and visit me next weekend? Cheer me up? I can’t drive to you until my leg is healed…I suppose I could take the train but I don’t know if I would manage it all at the station,’ she said, frowning.

  ‘Don’t you worry about that at all. I’ll come to you. It isn’t that far, right?’

  ‘A couple of hours, I reckon,’ she replied.

  ‘Easy…it’s worth it anyway to be with you.’

  She smiled at me. ‘You won’t change your mind?’

  ‘Of course I won’t!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘If you do…’

  ‘I won’t!’ I interrupted, passionately. ‘Nothing is going to stop me coming to see you next weekend!’

  ‘I hope so,’ she said, smiling softly. ‘Because it’s going to be one hell of a long week!’

  ‘Yeah…’ I murmured. ‘I reckon it will be.’

  She sighed.

  ‘I hate to say in, Nikki, but we should get going. We’re meant to be checked out by now.’

  ‘I know,’ she said sadly. ‘One last kiss?’ she asked, leaning towards me in invitation.

  I leant towards her and gently pressed my mouth to hers. It was a slow, intimate kiss, one that spoke of promise and a future. When I pulled away, she looked down at me with an expression which filled me with hope for my future.

  ‘I love you, Sarah,’ she said softly.

  ‘I love you too, Nikki,’ I replied just as quietly. As our fingers entwined with each other’s, I felt like this was only the beginning of something incredibly special.

  Four and a half hours later, we finally pulled up outside Nikki’s home. Because of her broken leg, she was unable to drive so I had agreed to take her home. She was having to arrange her own car to be collected and brought back to her home in Brighton. It was all slightly awkward but there was no changing the situation. With a broken leg, she couldn’t drive.

  ‘Come in, won’t you?’ she asked as I parked the car.

  ‘I…well, yes, okay…’

  ‘You could stay you know?’ she offered, looking at me eagerly.

  ‘I could but I shouldn’t really…I mean, I have work in the morning,’ I told her. ‘I need to get back home tonight.’

  ‘Well stay for a bit then? It’s only half past two!’

  ‘That would be nice…’ I smiled. ‘I don’t need to leave yet, do I?’

  ‘No…exactly. Come on in.’

  Nikki led me inside her flat. It was nice and cosy but I understood why she wanted to venture out into the world of houses. It was too small for more than one person and I could imagine that she and her ex-girlfriend had been stepping on each other’s toes a bit living in such proximity.

  ‘What do you think?’ she asked as she manoeuvred herself onto the sofa awkwardly.

  ‘I love what you’ve done with the place! Great décor! It’s really cosy too!’

  Nikki threw her head back and laughed. ‘By cosy you mean small and cramped!’ s
he laughed.

  ‘I didn’t say that!’ I objected.

  ‘No, I know…it’s true though, right?’

  ‘It is pretty small,’ I conceded. ‘It’s lovely though…’

  ‘Thanks, but to be honest I have no emotional attachment to this place. I’m just waiting to buy a house when I find the right one. The trouble is that it’s hard alone.’

  I nodded, understanding. ‘Maybe you don’t have to do it alone,’ I said, and a small secret smile spread across my face as possibility filled my head.

  ‘Oh yeah?’ she grinned.

  I shrugged. ‘Who knows? Too soon to talk about, I think. The possibility is exciting though, right?’

  ‘It’s more than exciting!’ she said, grinning at me now.

  I smiled at her. ‘All the possibilities running through my mind right now are exciting.’

  She looked at me curiously. ‘Just what else is going on in the beautiful head of yours?’ she asked, smiling now.

  ‘Well…I don’t know…I just…I guess I’m just excited by how like-minded we are. We’re on the same wavelength and want the same things. Now we’ve met, if feel like those things could just happen.’

  She reached for my hand and ran her finger along my palm softly. ‘Do you know just how lucky I feel to have met you, Sarah?’

  I smiled at her. ‘About as lucky as I feel for meeting you.’

  She leant towards me. ‘Don’t go for a while…’

  ‘Why not?’ I asked.

  ‘Because I need you here.’

  ‘Why?’ I asked again, watching as her eyes darkened with desire.

  ‘Because I’m about to spend a whole week without you. I want to spend as much time with you now before we have to be parted.’

  ‘That sounds…nice.’

  ‘Nice?’ she laughed, her voice joyful and happy. ‘It’ll be a hell of a lot more than nice!’ she exclaimed. ‘Come here.’

  I moved into her arms willingly. I lost myself the moment her mouth met mine.

  Several hours later, I sat up from the bed we lay in and began dressing. It was late and getting dark. I needed to get home and prepared for my return to work in the morning.

  ‘I’m going to have to get moving,’ I told Nikki sadly.


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