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The Favor

Page 22

by Cara Summers

  “Yeah, the marriage part,” Rory said. “Happily ever after is a tall order.”

  “True,” Natalie said. “And Harry blew that part.”

  “I think that Harry sent the letters to help us with the happily-ever-after part, too. I think we’re supposed to keep following his advice. He doesn’t want us to repeat his mistake.”

  Natalie looked at Rory. “She definitely is the smartest one.”

  Rory raised both hands, palms out. “You won’t get any argument from me.”

  They reached for their drinks. “To Harry,” they said in unison and clinked glasses.

  As the band on the patio started to play, Chance broke away from the group at the end of the bar and held out his hand to Natalie.

  “If we’re going to celebrate our engagement in a proper way, I think we should get on the dance floor.”

  Natalie smiled at him as she slid from her stool. “Just as long as you have another proposition for me.”

  “Let’s hope I never run out,” Chance said as he led her away.

  Hunter was next and he held out his hand to Rory. “Feeling daring? You know I’m not the dancer that Chance is, but if you’re willing…”

  With a laugh, Rory slid from her stool. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead.”

  When Ryder came over, he sat on the stool next to Sierra’s, and Sierra felt the same sense of kinship that she felt whenever he was near.

  “We’ve never danced together,” she said.

  “No.” He smiled ruefully at her. “There’re a lot of things we haven’t done together yet.” He leaned closer and spoke softly, “Any chance I could talk you into getting out of here? I had in mind trying one of those positions on the desk in your office. We still haven’t gotten around to fulfilling that particular fantasy of mine.”

  When he straightened she said dryly, “I take it you don’t dance.”

  He ran a finger down her nose. “You see right through me, Doc. I don’t dance well at all.”

  “Neither do I. In college I was always pretty much a wallflower. Natalie and Rory tried to teach me, but it wasn’t the same.”

  Ryder studied her for a moment. “You want to dance.”

  She nodded. “It can’t be that hard. Remember The King and I with Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr?”

  “The waltz.” Ryder grinned at her. “I’m going to make mistakes just like he did.”

  She met his gaze steadily. “Me, too. And not just in the dance.”

  “Yeah. We’ll both make some.” He leaned down and brushed his lips softly against hers. “But you’re the world’s greatest planner, and I’m pretty good at improvising. If we put our two heads together, we should do all right.” He held out his hand. “Care to risk it, Doc?”

  “Yes.” Sierra took his hand. With Ryder, she was willing to risk it all.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6330-1


  Copyright © 2005 by Carolyn Hanlon.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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