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The Billionaire's Wife: A Seductive Encounter (Part One) (A BDSM Erotic Romance Novelette)

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by Chloe Cassidy

  A lock of his dark brown hair falls down over his left eye as he reaches down to spring free the object of my desire.

  “Wait, I…” Ricky stands up from his barstool and drops his pants and boxer briefs. His cock had felt big underneath my foot but it was much more intimidating to the eye.

  “Don’t you want it?” He says, reaching a hand over to me and slipping it underneath my skirt. “Oh, I think you want it.”

  He slides those nimble fingers underneath the edge of my panties and I can hear the wetness that has already pooled for him. His fingers slide over me and just as I’m sure he is going to slip them inside me he pulls them away and slides them in to his mouth. “Now, take those off, your skirt too.”

  I do as he demands, my pussy aching even more at the demanding tone of his voice. My panties are soaked as I drop them to the floor and he lets out a satisfied moan as he watches them fall.

  His hands take either side of my waist and he lifts me up on to the bar top. I pray to God that no one walks in and finds us like this, talk about fired; although at this very minute I couldn’t care less. My perfectly trimmed pussy is aching to be filled and Mr. Tall dark and handsome bartender is ready for the job. His fingers slide up my milky thighs, pushing my legs apart. His gorgeous blue eyes widen as he leans down, his stubble rubbing against the inside of my legs before his tongue slides slowly, carefully over me. Taking my hand he slides it between my legs and positions my fingers to hold open my pussy, and as I do he slides his tongue inside me. I feel myself tightening the instant he slips it inside and I listen as he fucks me with his tongue. I’m ready to cum already but I don’t want to cum yet, but he feels so good though and…

  “Ahhhh” I can’t stop it, my pussy tightens and my body shudders. My toes curl and I let out a loud moan as he laps furiously, finally letting out a small laugh as he feels my body settle back on the bar.

  “Well, that was quick huh?” I feel like a virgin who’s just had sex for the first time and lasted a whole two minutes. “I’m going to have to punish you for that” he says as he pulls me off the bar and leans me over the barstool, slipping my breasts out of the top of my bra and the neck of my solid white t-shirt. He reaches his hands around and pinches my nipples hard enough to hurt.

  “Ouch!” I hear him laugh again.

  “Well maybe you won’t cum so quickly next time will you?” No one has ever ‘punished me’ during sex before but despite the pain I can also feel something awakening in the depths of my groin. His fingers work my nipples and I can feel him pushing against me from behind, his cock pressing against my bare ass. “Tell me how bad you want it, Melissa.”

  The way he says my name makes my breathing quicken and I shout back to him, loud enough I’m sure for the staff upstairs to hear:

  “I WANT IT BAD!” I try to push back against his throbbing member but he increases the pressure on my nipples and my breath catches in my throat as the pain ripples through me. “Pleassseee” I hear a whine in my voice as I beg him to fuck me. As the last syllable leaves my lips I feel his cock slide inside me. No gentle teasing, no working up to it, just one hard motion, balls deep inside me as I feel his breath against my ear.

  “Like this?” he asks and increases the pressure on my nipples. Words fail me and all I can manage is a guttural moan with which he lets go of my nipple with one hand and takes a handful of my dark hair. “Answer me!”

  “Yes!” I shout and he tugs my head back gently, with his hand wrapped in my hair before sliding back and thrusting deep inside me once more. My breasts bounce forward as he slams in to me and I feel my breath coming faster. His pace speeds up and I hear his skin slapping against my own, his pelvis slamming in to my bare ass. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I moan as he drives deep once more and then he slows, pulling me back from the peak.

  “Oh no you’re not, not yet anyway. You will cum when I tell you you can cum.” I curse him as I feel my orgasm slipping away and I wonder what the hell I’ve got myself in to. “I’m in charge of this little rodeo” he says as he slides deep inside me once again. “Understand?” As he says this his hand falls from my other breast and grabs on to my bare ass with a grip that I am certain will leave fingerprints.

  “Yes” My voice is quieter than usual, and he seems to like it that way as he speeds his pace a little more, but this time with shallow thrusts letting the head of his cock slip in and out of my pussy. His hand squeezes my ass and I feel his fingers inch closer to that virgin hole, then with one deep thrust he slides his thumb inside my ass while he drives his cock in my pussy and I can’t stop it; I can’t hold back. “I’m cumming!”

  “Yes! Cum for me!” he seems to have changed his mind about when I can cum but just then I feel him stiffen and his cock blasts multiple warm jets of cum deep inside me as I tighten and throb around him. “Fuck yes!” he shouts at the top of his lungs as he empties his cock inside me.

  My head is reeling, I’ve been gasping so hard that I’ve made myself dizzy. Ricky seems to be in much better shape and barely out of breath at all. He slips his cock out of me slowly and I twitch as he pulls out completely. My breath still coming quickly; I pick up my panties as Ricky starts toward the bar, his cock still semi-hard and bouncing as he walks.

  “Leaving so soon?” He eyes the panties in my hand and for a moment I’m embarrassed.

  “Well, I do have a job to do. I’m pretty sure that Mr. Lambert isn’t paying me to fuck the bartender, as nice as it was.” I slip my panties on as he pours us two glasses of water and flashes that sexy smile and a wink.

  “You don’t think so?” I giggle as I grab the glass of water and gulp it down just as quickly as I can without choking. The resounding echo of the basement door swinging open has me fraught with nerves, and a voice shouts down.

  “Melissa?! What is taking you so long? We need those bottles now; in fact we needed them an hour ago!” Shit, I thought they’d forgotten about me.

  “Umm, just coming now!” I shout back and I hear Ricky start to laugh.

  “Your audience awaits!” he says as I reach down for my skirt and slip it up over my scarlet lace panties. My stockings are still perfectly in place and for a moment I’m amazed that they aren’t torn, with as hard as Ricky likes to play. “You’d better hurry, before they come looking for you.” Ricky takes a gulp of his water, amid the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

  I just manage to get myself straightened up and get Ricky’s pants and boxer briefs thrown over the bar before a face peers around the door.

  “Melissa, what are you…” the young waiter stops himself mid-sentence as he looks up and notices Ricky standing behind the bar, unknown to him, still half naked. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize…”

  I look at the listless waiter and then back to Ricky who shrugs at me and raises his eyebrows. “Melissa,” the young man sidles up to me, now almost whispering. “We need to get back upstairs; they’re almost completely out of champagne!”

  “Okay, I’m coming” I straighten my skirt with my palms, flash Ricky a smile that I hope says ‘see you later’ and head towards the basement stairs and the two bottles I had left there earlier.

  Things upstairs weren’t nearly as desperate as the young waiter had made out, there were still at least five bottles of Champagne left and with the two I had brought up with me there were now seven. Action in the kitchen however, has started to pick up and I watch for a moment as I try to get my bearings.

  “Take this”; the same young water shoves another silver tray in my hands. This time it is completely loaded down with glasses and I don’t dare try to balance it on one hand, especially with my legs still shaking from my encounter with Ricky. “Go!” he steers me towards the kitchen door and pushes me through. I feel like I’m in a dream or maybe drunk, or maybe drunk in a dream. My legs are barely holding me up and I feel like the smell of sex is coming out of my pores. Everyone is going to know.

  The crowd in the parlor has thinned out and had long-since begun milling towards
a stage that had been set up in the opposite room. I’m not sure what that room is originally for, but it can’t be all that grand with such little in terms of décor or permanent fixtures. I follow the crowd, offering glasses of champagne to donors who are already completely sloshed. As I walk I feel Ricky’s cum beginning to slide out of me and soak my panties. Just the thought of it makes me ache for him again. I contemplate dropping the tray to the floor and making a run for the basement. This doesn’t seem to be an option though as hands begin reaching around me, snagging glass after glass of champagne until my tray is almost empty, a fact for which my shaking legs are thankful. Threading through the crowd I watch as someone walks up on stage and taps the microphone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if we could have your attention please? Tonight’s host has a few words to share with you. I give you Mr. Gideon Lambert.” The man is clean cut and has a voice that was obviously born for radio, a treacle smooth voice with velvet undertones. He steps back from the microphone and I start making my way to the back of the room to make way for more guests at the stage front. My back is still turned to the stage when I hear someone grab the microphone again and an all too familiar voice begins to speak.

  “Thank you everyone for making this night such a success. I apologize for not making an appearance sooner, I’m afraid I was a little tied up with some business.” I’m afraid to turn around; I’m afraid because I’m fairly certain that I was that business and I’m pretty damn confident that Gideon Lambert is a closet dom who goes by the name of Ricky. I turn around slowly and in the process manage to brush against an over expressive hat that manages to knock two of the remaining glasses off my tray. I see the entire thing unfold in slow motion as the glasses spill down the dress of hat woman before shattering upon the floor with a room silencing crash. Gideon stops talking and all eyes turn to me as I fumble to wipe down hat lady’s dress with the large napkin draped over my arm. She sighs, annoyed that I’m daring to touch her dress and shoos me away before heading towards the bathroom. Now I am confident that my cheeks are crimson and I don’t want to stand up because I know that everyone is going to be staring at me for daring to interrupt the great Gideon Lambert. Almost as if he knows how utterly mortified I am Gideon begins to talk again, and one by one heads turn back to the stage and away from me. I stand up brushing the front of my skirt and balancing the shards of broken glass on the tray.

  “You all have been so generous in your donations and I’m certain -” I see his lips moving and he winks at me – although I’m certain that every other woman in the room thought it was for her. I can’t help but smile back at him.

  I’ve never been one to fall for the richy rich type but I think I could be persuaded.

  Chapter Four

  Sunlight creeps in through the half open blinds and I try desperately to ignore the fact that I have an afternoon shift and a hangover from hell. I knew I shouldn’t have finished that bottle of wine when I got home from the Lambert affair but really, what is the protocol for finding out you’ve just been fucked by a billionaire and will probably never see him again?

  Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I hit the trashcan. It was intended to serve as a puke bucket in case I couldn’t make it to the bathroom but ended up as a very large wine bottle caddy. The last gulp of wine still wallows at the bottom of the bottle and the smell of it certainly isn’t doing my headache any good. I need food. I stumble out to the landing before I hear Allison shout up the stairs.

  “Missy, you up? You want breakfast?” Allison has been my roommate since our second year in college; we manage to make things work by avoiding each other most of the time. “Miss?”

  “Ya. Ermm, ya I guess. Got any good hangover cures?” I can hear her laughing and moving pans around on the stovetop. “Hold on, I’ll be right there, just let me pee and brush my teeth first.” Once I get to the kitchen things are going to go one of two ways, I’m either going to puke my guts up or eat everything in sight; I’m hoping for the latter.

  By the time I get down to the kitchen Allison has already deposited what looks like a bloody Mary on the breakfast bar and is working on flipping an omelet.

  “Ugh, I don’t know if I can do eggs this morning Allie.” She looks at me with her usual mothering look and points the spatula at my place at the breakfast bar.

  “Sit. Drink. You’ll feel much better once you do.” Allison was the party girl in college; she somehow managed to scrape through with a 3.0 average and still get hammered every other night. I wouldn’t trust her for homework help, but the girl knows a thing or two about hangover cures. “So?” She pokes at the omelet with her spatula “What did you get up to last night that’s left you so green this morning?” I shrug. Allison has a knack for gossip but despite never wanting to tell her anything that should remain a secret I always crack. I decide to forego the prolonging of the inevitable and just tell her.

  “I took a gig working the Lambert Estate charity event.” Allison flips the omelet on to a plate and with a glance my way starts to work on a second one for herself. “Only, I ended up finding some hidden bar in the basement…” Allison whips her head around; her mouth is wide open and her eyes as big as dinner plates.

  “NO WAY! What was it? Was it some crazy cult thing or something? I always said the guy was a weirdo, I mean, you hardly ever see him in pictures. What does he even do anyway? Wait, no, tell me about the bar first!” I wave a hand at the omelet pan which is going to start burning at any second now.

  “Omelet!” She turns back to the stove. “Soooo I go in to this bar and I figure it’s some getaway or man cave or whatever. There’s no one in there but this guy Ricky who is the biggest flirt you’ve ever seen.” I can see Allison raising a single eyebrow and smirking already.

  “Did you?” She has a way of making you feel like the biggest slut in the world but then she also has a way of making that seem like a good thing. “Did you fuck him, Missy?” I can’t help but grin back at her and that is the only confirmation she needs. “Tell me! I want all the deets!” Flipping the second omelet on to a plate Allison grabs them both and sets them on the breakfast bar.

  “Eww I’m not telling you all the details!” Allison isn’t impressed.

  “Spill it; at least tell me if he was good.”

  “Ummm, yes.” My mind starts to wander back to last night, the sight of his throbbing cock just begging for me to suck him, fuck him and…

  “That’s it? That’s all you give me? Yes? Who was he? Are you going to see him again? Missy, is he at least hot?” The questions are never ending and there’s no way that I’m going to tell her that it was Gideon now; Jesus the questions really would never stop then.

  “He was the bar tender at the creepy bar, his name was Ricky. That’s about all I know, he’s a man of mystery.” I laughed, hoping she would accept my vague answer without calling bullshit. “And I really hope I get to see him again. Oh and yes, he is deliciously hot.”

  “Oh honey, you are such a tease.” Allison shovels a fork full of omelet in to her mouth and rolls her eyes at me. God help me if she EVER finds out who Ricky really is, more to the point, God help Gideon.

  Chapter Five

  I pull up to the huge estate for the second time in two weeks. I feel my stomach knot at the thought of running in to Gideon Lambert again. The décor for this fundraiser looks just the same as it did last time and I wonder if they just reused the decorations and used white out on the charity name. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to another night of being ignored by high society snobs, but I am looking for the chance to slip away and take a private tour of the downstairs bar again.

  Walking inside the place I find that nothing much has changed with the exception of the stage where Gideon had given his speech at the last event, which is evidently missing. I see a few familiar faces setting up small ice sculptures and putting up informational easels throughout the halls as I make my way back to the kitchen. I wonder if the same sour faces will be milked for donations to
night. I try not to focus on the dismissive way they had all waved me off as I offered them champagne at the last event; rather, I thought about “Ricky” the bartender who had brought more than a little excitement to the night. I plan the opportunity to sneak down to the bar once I see the champagne supply start to dwindle, that way I can use the excuse of getting more supplies if I get caught.

  Three hours in to the fundraiser though and I’m staring at a pitch black bar with no sign of the bartender I have been lusting after all night. I had assumed that the event being held at the Lambert Estate had meant that Gideon would be here. I suppose billionaires frequently volunteer their homes for these types of things though. There’s a pang of disappointment sitting heavy on my chest as I make my way back up the basement stairs.

  “Melissa? Everything okay?” The head caterer nearly tackles me as I reach the top of the stairs.

  “Oh, yes, sorry. I was just looking for some extra bottles of champagne in case we need them later.” She rolls her eyes. “Let me tell you, Melissa. These people drink champagne as if it came from a water fountain.”


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