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The Dungeon Con: One Foot in the Grave ( Hank Grave Book 1): One Foot in the Grave (Hank Grave series)

Page 10

by Marty Myers

  This bond hadn’t happened between an angel and a mortal since before the second ban. He supposed it was only possible now because they were outside of his own realm where they didn’t apply and she was from a world where they had never been set forth on the inhabitants. In saving her he had inadvertently started the process of making her more than a cleric or light soul wielder. She was going to be a saint, or god touched as some called it. She might even become a true champion the likes of which had always been rare even when it was possible for mortal and angel or god to forge these bonds.

  He knew then, this was going to cause an uproar amongst his brethren, but he carried on saving her life by channeling the energies flowing between them. He also began to chant the ancient rites that would solidify their connection for all of time. If he was going to do this he would do it the right way. The chants he was singing contained many things to strengthen and form the bond but also they were protection for each other’s minds and wills. There would never be any coercion or punishments passed through their bond. Never would they be used to force compliance or to intrude upon the others thoughts or being unwillingly. He would honor the old ways and see to it.

  Francis had never experienced anything like this. It was uplifting, it was eye-opening, it was transcendent. Her awareness expanded, her physical and mystical well being improved by refining themselves repeatedly within the flows of the light essence gushing through her like a geyser and her core being absorbed as much of the light as it was able to. The sound of the call began to make sense as her hearing and abilities greatly increased. Understanding of the Angelic tongue came to her and she began to hear the names of the lesser host being called out within the clarion call as she and Apostaphus sped thru the heavens. They were repeated as the summons continued to gather them all home.

  Francis could see Apostaphus was chanting/singing something too and eventually she made it out above the angels choir of the call. As she focused on it and understood she nodded and when the time came she consented to their union of the spirit. Once it was done Apostaphus spoke to her of many things. About the world they were traveling to and the Lords of Light and of Darkness and of the angels. She in turn recounted what had happened in the last week or so with Hanks disappearance and cleared up some of the misunderstandings Apastophus was under. “ So your not a member of the clergy for some god amongst your people,” Apostaphus said? “ No, I’m really not, until you just now explained the bans and about mortals not being able to see or hear you on your homeworld normally. I thought it was strange that you thought me holy. I guess it might have been something Madam Farsi did to me just before she gave me this staff and poncho.” “ Maybe,” Apostaphus said, “ she certainly must be a true seer to have done all that you say. That staff you hold is a relic of some faith of a being of goodness. It has been replenished much as I and now you have been mystically invigorated by these energies surging through and surrounding us from the choir’s call. Indeed the staff also seems to have imprinted on you as its bearer as you both were bathed in the celestial light of the call. The poncho too is spelled with elder protections and enchantments which have benefited from this trip, although not nearly on the same level as the staff has.”

  “ Now before we arrive amongst the host I wish to try to impart some mystical knowledge to help safeguard you and also to make you into a true healer and mayhap Champion of Light. If you are set further onto that path before we face my brethren they may be more accepting of this circumstance.” Francis felt better than she ever had, perfect health and a constantly improving mystical well being were like a natural high which had long since swept her into a great mood. Later this might all seem different but for now, flying through space in the arms of an angel while learning good magic seemed like the best thing ever.

  “ Your physical and mystical senses have been much expanded already.” Apostaphus instructed her to look within herself. He started off by making her really focus on her body and what the celestial light was doing to improve it. “ This effect you see,” he said, “ is like a very high level healing spell. Look at how it flows and fixes, soothes, replenishes and refines as it passes through. The words in our language to bring this spell about are thus.” He spoke a word in the Angelic tongue with cannot be adequately translated. “ Simultaneously you channel some of your inner light into the words and they will bring about healing. A shorter simpler version is like so,” he said. As he walked her through several variations of the healing chants.”

  “ Now look inside yourself to the mystical center where all of this energy is flowing to and fro,” he Said. “ This is your personal core of essence. Performing magic is about manipulating one’s ability to control the essence within and the essence without. Learning to see it and sense its aspects and shapes and purpose is a key part to both learning and shielding yourself from magic. Now I will show you the protection spells of wards and circles for you to learn.” And so Apostaphus continued on instructing Francis in many of the ways and arts of the Blessed.

  Many hours later full of instruction ended as they neared their destination. Apostaphus no longer held Francis so tightly shielded in his wings since she was now capable of withstanding the great energies involved in their trip across the heavens. Instead, she stared in amazement at the vistas of the cosmos. It was so much better than even she had imagined as a little girl looking at the images from space telescopes and dreaming of going on astronaut missions.

  When their path approached a star system she knew they had arrived at last. They slowed not at all as the beam of light and celestial energies they were riding upon passed into a bright glowing cloud. They suddenly appeared in a blaze of light in the Heavenly Hall of the Lesser Host. Apostaphus was one of the last of the angels to arrive having traveled so much further than most. His arrival and that of his companion Francis caused a great stir among the angels as they turned to stare at this most unexpected visitor. Francis was temporarily stunned by the sight of the shining host of angels around her. Each was perfect in form and face and while there were differences amongst them they all shared a similar look. Being in Apostaphus company she had thought she was prepared to meet the others, but it was very nearly overwhelming being here amongst them.

  Along with the voices of the celestial choir a deep bell could be heard tolling out throughout all of the heavens. One louder, sterner voice rose above the den as an imposing angel stepped forth from the assembly. “ Apostaphus, what is the meaning of this? What have you done?” “ I have done what I had to,” Apostaphus simply said. “ To save her life from the celestial energies of the angelic choirs calling.” He looked at Bahramel the leader of the council of the peerage of the lesser angelic host who had spoken. “ Brother, what is going on to have called us all to assemble in this manner?” Baranel asked, “ Did you not hear The Ban ringing forth with news of the Darkness attempting to resurrect its greatest champion the Dark Prince?” Apostaphus was stunned by the news and said, “ Nay, I heard it not for was far away when it must have pealed forth. I was seeking to run down a demon plaguing my assigned kingdom who had hidden himself away most successfully. His trail led away from the world and back again from far beyond the reaches of our dominion.” “ Enough of that for now,” Bahramel said. Bahramel’s face had gone from alarmed to stony and then on to stormy during Alastor’s explanation. Many of the angels in the crowd looked on in worry at this.

  “ The both of you stand over there by the council seats while we proceed with this assemblies purpose. You will be called upon by the council to explain yourselves after we speak of the Darkness latest machinations.” The nearby angels pulled back to make room for the councilor to leave. Apostaphus walked with Francis over to the bench near the council and stood while the assemblies last angels finally arrived and the call concluded. Silence fell for a few moments as the sound died away.

  Then the council was in session and Bahramel spoke. “ We have gathered this assembly to discuss the bells ringing out signifying the bre
aking of the ban. The Darkness is somehow attempting to resurrect the Prince of Darkness, his greatest champion who fell in the second great war and was vanquished upon the last great battlefield. We do not know how the Darkness has got around the ban or where his champion will arise. The warning of the bells just gives us the knowledge that it has begun. What we do know is that the conditions for the next Great conflict to occur are in the process of being met right now.” The other councilors looked on gravely as concern and worry flowed throughout the assembly of the angels.

  “ We must begin a search for the resurrection point. It must be found and this attempt must be stopped before the Dark can marshal its forces, raise its fiercest general and once again contend for the fate of the world. The Dark’s hold upon the world has been steadily weakening in most places these past several years. He must have become quite desperate to launch this scheme now.”

  “ But that doesn’t guarantee it will fail. I fear we and the mortal followers of the Lords of Light may have become lax in our duties during these mostly peaceful times. That ends now, we must make a change if we are to succeed. Each of you needs to scour the world in your assigned areas and to go and communicate with the priests and the faithful who can hear you in the temples and the churches. Let them know of the Darkness new scheme and send them out searching the lands for the location of his latest scheme as well. My brothers, we are being called on once again. We must triumph over evil and drive it from the face of the world once and for all this time. I know many of you must wish urgently to go forth now and take up this task put before us. But we have another grave matter we must discuss right now.”

  “ Apostaphus come before us and bring your mortal companion as well. Many of you saw our fellow arrive just now and I am sure were as surprised as I am to see this mortal woman with him. Some of you may have heard his words when I approached him. Look closer my fellows and you can see what he has done. I would have him speak here before you and the council so that we all may be enlightened as to his reasons.” Francis had been excited when they had first arrived here, now she was beginning to become afraid. The angels were amazing to behold, but there seemed to be undercurrents amongst them that she had seen play out in political and courtroom dramas back home. She didn’t like the feeling of the crowd or the disapproving glares of the councilors.

  Apostaphus drew Francis over in front of the council and began to speak. “ Brothers I was seeking to find a demon plaguing my assigned kingdom. His trail led away from the world far beyond the reaches of our dominion. When I arrived where the demon had been, Francis here was there looking also for it. She both heard and saw me and spoke to me of its deeds there among her people. I was surprised at all of this but did hear her out. I saw that she was blessed and perhaps holy there. She began to lead me along its path to aide me. But when the choir’s call came upon me so unexpectedly whilst another unlikely thing also happened. She being not of this world and its bans and unaware of the supposed impossibility of touching us reached out and clasped my hand as the call plucked me from her world and into the firmament of the heavens.”

  “ The celestial energies of the choir engulfing me were far too much for her mortal self to bear, yet we were beyond her world already and to let her go there among the stars would destroy her just as surely as our journey was doing. I could not resist the call and return her so I thought to shield her with my body and try to make a passage for the energies to flow back out from her without harm. It was unintended that I formed this bond with her at first, but once it began I still faced the same dilemma. To let our Choir’s song kill her or to kill her myself by letting go of her or to continue forging the bond between us for stopping it would have left her to burst and die. So I followed through with the forming of it and performed the ancient rite to bond with a companion and raise them up to be a champion of the light”

  The assembly was quiet as they looked deep into the two before them seeing the bond and the changes that had come to both angel and mortal. There was no denying what Francis had become. The changes were striking. Her face and form while still being hers were flawless and almost as beautiful as the angels themselves. Her physical condition and health were perfect. Her aura and inner core shined with an abundance of pure celestial essence in copious amount and the knowledge held in her eyes spoke of learning not often found within mortals.

  There were murmurings among the council members as they discussed Apostaphus words among themselves. After a few minutes, the council quieted once more and Bahramel spoke. “ The council sees and recognizes what you have done. Apostaphus you have made a saint of this woman and she is on the beginnings of the path of a champion of light. You have broken the bans set against the light or darkness making champions. You are fallen and are to be cast out of the host.”

  Apostaphus was shaken by this pronouncement, surely they did not mean it. He replied, “ I would speak in my defense.” At receiving a reluctant nod from one of the councilors he said, “ I do not deny forming the bond with Francis, but I refute that I broke the ban. What I did was done outside the dominion of the ban’s enforcement and with a mortal not under its constraints. Furthermore, she has not pledged herself to any of the Lords of Light thus far which the bans do forbid to take on such as her. If the Darkness completes the ritual we suspect he is attempting to resurrect the Dark Prince and launch the next great war. Then the ban will then be lifted as the conditions will have been met and Francis could then take the pledge to serve the Lords without penalty. Lastly, I ask you to consider that the holy bells have not rung out with our arrival here to signify I have broken the bans, have they? I ask for my words to be heard and the circumstances of my plight to be considered.”

  There was much talk amongst the host before Bahramel replied. “ You have not swayed us with your talk of technicalities. Before us stands a sainted champion where one should not be. The Bans forbid it. Splitting hairs as you do, smacks of the ways of trickery and deceit that the Dark itself utilized to attempt to sway us in the past.” Apostaphus tried one last time to plead his case. He said, “ please reconsider your judgment. Is it not true that when the Second Ban came to be into effect there were still Champions alive on both sides of the conflict. They and their companions were not penalized or made outcast then, nor did their continued existence break the bans. They lived out their lives and passed away individually many years after the bans took effect here. Is this not a somewhat similar circumstance? We took the bond where the ban is not and only now are here.” The assembly all waited to see what would happen. Francis quickly spoke up. “ I beg you councilmen sirs to have mercy on us. We want the same thing here. Don’t we? To stop the Dark’s evil plans and save everyone it would destroy.” Bahramel’s face became even stonier. “ We have passed judgment, Apostaphus you are no longer of the lesser host of heaven. You are Fallen and are cast out of this company of light. Now Begone Fallen One.” With that a blinding bolt of light blew through the hall and carried Apostaphus and Francis down out of the heavens…

  Chapter 11

  Hank and Alastor worked steadily to enlarge and smooth out the natural cave system around the central altar room into halls and rooms. Finally they had these finished and had cut another tunnel off from the main room and begun on carving out their first room from entirely solid rock when Provoas voice sounded. “ Alastor bring me down to the scrying pool.” Shortly afterward he appeared and gazed around. Hmm not bad for a start. Hank do you have anything you can show me to give me an idea what you have in mind here? Provoas pointed into the scrying pool and spoke an incantation. Hank’s head hurt immediately as the words of the chant reverberated through him and he found part of his consciousness inhabiting the pool.

  Until this moment he hadn’t even known such a thing was possible. He felt like he was effectively in two places at once. In this case those two points of view were very close together but that didn’t have to be the case. the whisperings of the Grimoire that was tied into his being supplied him wi
th knowledge of this spell and its uses from the path of mind, spirit and soul. Hank took a moment to get used to the strain and to focus upon the abilities built into the scrying pool. In a way this spell allowed him to take possession of the pool and by extension, its powers and magic were his to command.

  He thought about it and then focused on projecting the dungeon maps he had drawn in his notebook and began describing the plans and ideas he had already talked over with Alastor to the lich. Often images would appear in the pool showing exactly how Hank pictured it as he talked. Provoas was surprisingly pleased once Hank had told him everything. He thought the trickery and false path to an underwater grave was an excellent idea and confirmed that making man-eating zombie fish that could swim could be done if one started with exceedingly fresh specimens and immediately cast flesh preserving spells upon them. Once their bodies rotted too far swimming became an issue for zombies apparently. “ Hank, Provoas said, “ these ideas and traps you have so far shown me are novel and new in this world. While the dwarfs and other dungeon and tomb builders know their craft well, adventurers have been exploring and disarming their handy work almost as long as they have been building them. I definitely want you to build the first and second floors as you have explained them to me. Not connecting the top two dungeon floors with down here also is a surprisingly simple yet brilliant way to thwart them from reaching the altar room.”


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