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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Covington

  The Lusty, Texas Collection

  Love Under Two Strong Men

  Tracy has been in love with Jordan Kendall forever. When Jordan gets together with Peter Alvarez, she couldn’t be happier. She fell in love with the handsome Fed at first sight, and she knows the sparks are there for all three of them. But while Peter seems receptive, Jordan still thinks of her as a kid.

  So Tracy takes the biggest gamble of her life. When it works, she’s thrilled. Until she realizes that Jordan can’t trust that they’re forever—and that Peter is keeping a secret.

  Jordan has never been able to completely relax in his own skin. He wants to believe Tracy and Peter can be his for a lifetime, but his own self-doubt keeps getting in the way.

  Then he learns that Peter’s got a price on his head, and Jordan knows he’ll do anything he has to do to protect the man, and the woman, he loves.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 69,235 words


  The Lusty, Texas Collection

  Cara Covington


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Cara Covington

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-758-7

  First E-book Publication: July 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Huge thanks go to my amazing cover artist, Les Byerley. Thank you, Les, for bringing my characters to visual life!


  The Lusty, Texas Collection


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter 1

  Tracy Jessop excelled at being a bridesmaid.

  She’d learned to smile and hug and encourage, giving the best toasts, the best showers, and making absolutely the best cakes. And she did it all without letting anyone know about the hunger, the emptiness, the yearning that lived deep inside her.

  Unrequited love. I could write reams on the topic.

  Tracy ruthlessly pushed away the maudlin thoughts, bringing her attention back to the here and now. Today was Penelope Primrose’s bridal shower. The guest of honor deserved her complete and happy attention.

  “Oh, boy. Here goes.”

  Ginny Rose sat close on Tracy’s right. Her coworker’s nervous whisper likely reached no one else but her. Tracy automatically touched the young woman’s shoulder, a wordless communication of sorority. She watched as the bride-to-be set about opening the gift on her lap—the gift Tracy had seen Ginny bring into the great room of the Big House when she’d arrived.

  Penelope, like most gift openers at these sorts of parties, took her time, peeling off the tape, folding the paper away, her movements as delicate as her appearance. Tracy didn’t know if she could be so restrained under such circumstances.

  “I’ve never seen such a careful opener,” Ginny whispered. “I’d be tearing into each and every one of these beautiful gifts. You’d see nothing but paper flying.”

  Tracy smiled at her, and when she noticed Ginny’s blush, she leaned forward and said, “Me, too.”

  No question Ginny was anxious as Penelope finally removed the last of the paper. Susan Evans-Magee, Penelope’s soon-to-be sister-in-law, handed her the card that had accompanied the gift. Beside Susan, Julia Benedict, her cousin, fastened the pretty bow onto a simple straw hat that already held so many.

  Julia caught Tracy’s gaze and smiled. In the flurry of arrivals and socializing, the two women had made a date to get together that evening. Growing up, Julia had been Tracy’s best friend. They’d never lost touch, of course, and had e-mailed back and forth often. But that wasn’t the same as evenings on the sofa watching old movies over popcorn and soda, or head to head whispers under the blankets late at night during sleepovers.

  Julia was the only person to whom Tracy had ever confessed her deepest longings.

  Tracy turned her attention back to the party. Penelope dutifully opened the card and read the salutation aloud. “May the years ahead be brimming with love and laughter and joy. Best wishes, Virginia Rose.” Penelope blinked. “Oh! Ginny! Thank you so much.”

  “I hope it suits,” Ginny said.

  “I’m sure it’s perfect.” She handed the card to Susan, and then lifted the cover off the box. Tracy craned her neck to catch a glimpse, but all she could see was pretty pink-and-silver tissue paper.

  “Oh!” Penelope reached in and drew out something that looked white and lacy.

  “Miz Benedict said how you were having your Gran’s dining room set shipped here from out east,” Ginny said, “and that it had been in your family for near to a hundred years. So I thought you might like something old-fashioned-like to go on it.”

  “Now, Ginn
y, you’re supposed to call me Grandma Kate!” The older woman, who sat to the right of Penelope, gave Ginny a big smile. The admonition emerged in a sweet, cajoling tone.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ginny grinned when Kate Benedict tilted her head to one side, clearly waiting. “Grandma Kate,” Ginny dutifully said.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  Penelope’s gaze had been riveted on her gift. Finally she looked up, an expression of awe on her face. “Ginny, did you make this?”

  “I did, yes. It’s crocheted, from a pattern I got from the Internet.”

  Tracy heard the slight quiver of defensiveness in her voice, and noticed she swallowed hard.

  “My goodness, it’s exquisite! It’s the finest table cover I’ve ever seen. And it’s perfect for Gran’s table. Thank you!” Penelope immediately got up from her chair, came over, and hugged Ginny.

  Tracy could see how pleased Ginny was with the gesture. Penelope carefully set the tablecloth back in the box. As she had with all her gifts, she then passed this one around. Gasps of delight and words of praise accompanied the tablecloth as it traveled from woman to woman.

  “I’ve never seen such delicate crochet,” Samantha Kendall said. “This really is exceptional work, Ginny.”

  Tracy had never felt more proud of her family, or her newest coworker. Pride shone from Ginny’s eyes, and wasn’t that lovely to see?

  Tracy received the box from her aunt and took a turn fingering the delicate lace. If she hadn’t known Ginny had made the table cover, she’d have thought it had been purchased at an upscale linen boutique.

  Before long, the last of the gifts had been opened, and Bernice Benedict invited everyone to help themselves to some sandwiches and pastries.

  “Your cream puffs just get better and better.” Her mother, Heather, bit into one, the look on her face pure bliss. “That last batch you brought over, I put into the freezer so your father wouldn’t eat them all in one sitting.”

  Tracy grinned. “Poor Dad. He does love his sweets. Didn’t you tell him that last batch was low fat and with artificial sweetener?”

  “Of course not! That would just rob him of his pleasure when he filches them behind my back!”

  Tracy shook her head as her mother headed off to chat with Aunt Anna. She’d only taken a couple of small finger sandwiches for herself. Not feeling particularly in the mood to eat, she poured herself a cup of tea and found a quiet corner in the great room to sit.

  In the last few months, she’d been blessed to watch the beginning of four different families. Her friend and boss, Kelsey, had been wooed and won by her cousins, Matt and Steven Benedict. Susan, their sister, just last month married a couple of wildcatters—Colt Evans and Ryder Magee—who positively lit up her life and were her perfect mates. Not to be left out, Susan’s other brothers courted and finally won Penelope.

  And then she’d made a new friend a few weeks ago when Tamara Jones landed in the laps of Morgan and Henry Kendall.

  She’d made another new friend at that time, too.

  Since she’d hit puberty and discovered boys, Tracy Jessop had only wanted one thing in life. When she’d been thirteen, she’d fallen in love with a young man who rightfully, at the time, treated her like a kid sister.

  She wasn’t a kid any longer, and she loved him still. For all the good it does me. He still thinks I’m a kid.

  “There you are, sweetheart. What are you doing, tucked away in the corner?” Grandma Kate didn’t wait for an answer. Teacup in hand, she just sat herself down beside Tracy.

  “Hi, Grandma Kate. I just thought I’d take a quiet moment. Penelope got a lot of beautiful gifts, didn’t she?” There was no way she’d admit to having a small, if inappropriately timed, pity party.

  “She did, indeed. I’m so thrilled that she’s going to be a member of this family.”

  Tracy grinned. “Because you were the one to bring her and the geek boys together?”

  Kate’s laugh, soft and melodious, turned Tracy’s grin into a real smile. “Oh, I didn’t do much. All I did was hire Penelope to conduct a much needed assessment of our environmental practices. Those three young people did the rest, all by themselves.”

  Tracy didn’t believe that one bit. In recent times, those who were unmarried and happy to be so had been giving Grandma Kate wide berth. She leaned forward now, and whispered, “The cousins are all still trying to figure out how you arranged for Tamara to land at the airfield for Morgan and Henry.”

  Kate sent her a coy look. “I didn’t do anything per se, but there might have been a prayer or two involved.” She took a sip of her tea. “It’s good to have Julia home again, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes. I was happy for her, first working for Benedict International, and then getting that job in public relations with the Port Authority in New York City. But I’m glad she decided to come home.” Tracy was looking forward to getting together with Julia tonight. She had a feeling that something had happened to upset her friend not that long ago. She sensed a sadness in her, just below the surface. Tracy made a mental note to apply the wine liberally tonight and see what she could pry out of her.

  “I do recall that the two of you have always been as close as sisters, despite the five years between you,” Kate said.

  “We were—we even used to call each other sister, when we were kids.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Kate set her cup back on its saucer, then shifted in her chair and turned her very potent gaze on Tracy.

  “And what about you, sweetheart?”

  Tracy had learned to recognize that look and that tone over the years. “Me?” I need to do better than that if I want to deflect Grandma’s patented probe.

  “Yes, you. You’re such a patient woman, Tracy May Jessop, and far more patient than I’ve ever been. Of course, that’s a lovely quality in anyone.”

  “Thank you, Grandma Kate.” Maybe she misread that look.

  “You’re welcome. But sometimes, patience doesn’t get the job done, sweetheart. Sometimes a woman has to just risk it all for that one chance to grab her heart’s desire.”

  Tracy met the older woman’s gaze. Kate reached out and patted her hand. “Tracy, have you never read Sarah Carmichael Benedict’s journal?”

  “No. I never have.” She’d read Amanda Jessop-Kendall’s journal, of course. But somehow she’d just never gotten around to reading Sarah’s.

  “I’ll give it to you before you leave today. Read it. Sarah was a patient person, I believe, too. But she managed to reach out and grab her heart’s desire.” Then Grandma Kate actually giggled. “Thank goodness for us all.”

  “Thank you. I’d love to read it. But—”

  “Boldness is what’s required, Tracy. In my heart, I believe that once you make that first move, Jordan and Peter will take care of the rest.” She got to her feet and brushed a hand down her skirt. “Now come and join the party, sweetheart. We’re about to cut into that wonderful cake you made.”

  Grandma Kate walked off. Tracy realized her mouth was hanging open, and she closed it with an audible snap. How does that woman do that?

  She’d thought her love for Jordan Kendall and Peter Alvarez was her secret. She frowned. Perhaps her cousins were wise to worry about Grandma Kate, though for her part, all she could muster was a seed of hope.

  If Kate Benedict believed that reading Sarah’s journal would help Tracy get Jordan and Peter’s amorous attention, then by golly, that’s just what she’d do!

  * * * *

  “Mr. Kendall, it’s so good to see you again, sir!”

  “Hello, Andre, how are you?”

  “Very well, sir, thank you. Please, right this way, your party is waiting.”

  The maître d’ led him though the main dining area toward the back of the restaurant. He could have saved the man the trouble. As soon as he entered the room, he spotted Peter. No, that wasn’t quite right. More, he became aware of the other man, as if they were somehow connected. A special kind of warmth
opened up inside him whenever he and Peter were together.

  So this is what being in love feels like. Of course he knew what being in love felt like, as he’d been in love for years. Not that he necessarily felt free to do anything about it. Jordan closed his eyes. He’d had a dream all his life of forming his very own, unique family. And he wondered if with Peter, that dream could be just a little bit closer to reality. Or was it a dream destined to live only in the realms of his imagination?

  Peter got to his feet, his smile the best sight Jordan had seen in days. It had been almost a week since they’d seen each other. Careers—his own and Peter’s—had kept them apart.

  He’d been hiring workers and putting together the schedule for a new shopping complex he’d won the bid to build on the outskirts of Waco. As for Peter Alvarez, Jordan didn’t really want to know what it was the man had been up to, exactly. If he didn’t know, he couldn’t worry about it. Or rather, he couldn’t worry about it in anything more than general terms.

  Peter was a Special Agent with the DEA, assigned to the Dallas office.

  “Jordan, hello.” Peter’s hand met his own.

  Warmth filled him as their hands clasped. Along with that sense of homecoming, a measure of arousal raced through him that he immediately tamped down. It wouldn’t be a good idea to sport an erection for all to see in Dallas’s most famous steak house.

  “Hello yourself,” Jordan said. He turned to Andre. “Thanks.”

  The sommelier appeared almost instantly. Usually, Jordan appreciated prompt service. But he’d been so looking forward to this moment all afternoon. He would rather he and Peter could be left alone for just a few damn minutes, first.


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