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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Cara Covington

  He’d been unhappy at first when he’d been given the transfer away from DC and all that had been familiar to him. Standing here, watching the sunrise with the scent of his lovers’ bodies still on his skin, he wondered if the DEA hadn’t truly done him the biggest favor of his life when they’d moved him.

  The truth of the matter was, Peter felt as if he’d finally come home.

  That sense came from more than just being in Texas. Peter had always suspected that when he met the right person for him—his mate—that he’d know it, instantly and instinctively. He’d never truly imagined himself with two mates, but he couldn’t deny the sense of completeness that had filled him last night in the aftermath of loving.

  Just thinking about his lovers made him hard and made him hunger for them. He cast a quick glance down at his watch. Six fifty. Peter grinned. He’d let them sleep in long enough. It was time to awaken his lovers. He wanted to take care of Tracy, give her that hot bath to ease the soreness he knew she’d awaken with. And then, maybe the moment had come for him and Jordan to introduce their woman to water sports.

  He took a final sip of his coffee, ditched his jeans, and headed for the bedroom.

  * * * *

  Tracy fought waking, the allure of bed and sleep, as always, clutching her close with greedy fingers. Sounds filtered in, and her drowsy mind identified them even as it told her subconscious to ignore them and return to slumber.

  Unlike her conscious mind, Tracy’s subconscious had never proven adept at taking orders.

  Water running. Footsteps.

  A waterfall? The creative side of her brain that longed for sleep conjured an image sure to lure her in, an image of a beautiful tropical waterfall, tall, sparkling, surrounded by jungle greenery under a cerulean-blue sky. A soft breeze brushed her cheek as the ground beside her dipped.

  The ground beside her dipped? That couldn’t be right. Could it?

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  She knew his scent as well as his voice. No dream, this, but stunning reality. Not a soft breeze, but Peter’s gentle fingers caressing her and pulling her toward wakefulness. Not the ground, but the soft-as-a-feather bed dipping as he knelt beside her, leaned over her, and kissed her gently.

  “Mm.” Tracy wasn’t quite ready to open her eyes, but she suspected there would never be a time she wasn’t ready for a kiss. Her lips sought his, and she sank into him, his wonderful man-taste spiced with the flavor of coffee seeping into her body and drenching her soul.

  Her tongue caressed his, a lazy tango that fed her and left her wanting more at the same time. Reaching, she wound her arms around his neck, tried to ease him down and onto her, telling him with her actions she wanted him to cover her. She’d discovered in the night that she loved having the weight of one of her lovers pressing her down into the mattress.

  Tracy broke the kiss on a gasp when Peter scooped her into his arms and lifted her out of the bed.

  “Claw-foot or spa?”

  Jordan’s voice, coming from the bed, sounded deliciously sleep-sexy.

  Tracy opened her eyes, and Peter turned with her in his arms so that they could both look at their lover, newly awakened.

  “Claw-foot first,” Peter said.

  “Perfect. I’ll come and help.”

  “Don’t I get a vote?” Tracy put just the hint of a pout into her words. She thought it was very well done.

  “The only choice you get is which one of us kneels on the left side of the tub and which one on the right.”

  “There may be other choices as the day progresses,” Jordan chimed in. “But those would be more choices of style, rather than substance.”

  “It occurs to me that the two of you are a couple of mucho macho studs,” Tracy said, “and entirely too comfortable with playing the alpha male.”

  Peter stopped his progress toward the en suite bathroom and turned to look at Jordan. Both men appeared a little taken aback by her statement. Well hell, had they mistaken her tone? She sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

  Peter raised one eyebrow, and Jordan shrugged. Then Peter shifted his gaze to Tracy. “We’re not playing here, babe. We are both mucho macho alpha males.”

  She was going to get drummed out of the sisterhood of Twenty-first-century Women, she just knew it. That statement, delivered with primo arrogance, caused a delicious shiver to skitter down her spine.

  Then Peter lowered her into a large, white claw-foot bathtub. He’d added some bath salts to the water, and the scent, something lightly floral, teased her senses with the promise of pleasure. The heat began its work on her instantly, and she couldn’t hold back a groan as her thigh and pelvic muscles began to relax.

  “Maybe you were a little more tender than you led us to believe last night?” Jordan knelt on the right side of the enormous tub. He reached forward, tilted her chin, and turned her head so that she had no choice but to meet his gaze. It certainly was no hardship to look at him first thing in the morning. Hair sleep rumpled, face tantalizingly shadowed with morning stubble, Jordan Kendall made one hell of a yummy package, no question about it.

  At the moment, he was a yummy package giving her a very stern look.

  “Maybe a little,” Tracy confessed. “I consider it a fair price to pay for the amazing sexual awakening you gifted me with. Besides, I didn’t want either of you to stop what you were doing to me.”

  Jordan flinched. Before she could ask him why, Peter, who’d knelt down on the other side of her, mimicked Jordan’s action of turning her to face him.

  “That was a hell of a lot more than just sex, Tracy, and you know it.”

  She figured he said that in the heat of the moment, a knee-jerk reaction to some imagined slight to his ego. The fact that both he and Jordan wore equal expressions of confusion spilling into shock simply warmed her heart.

  She had no doubt whatsoever that she was in love with them both. Being here with them like this, she was gambling everything she had that they could, and would, fall in love with her, too.

  “I know it was more than sex, Peter. I didn’t mean to make light of our intimacy.”

  “We were both a little greedy with you.” Jordan’s tone held remorse.

  Tracy wasn’t surprised Jordan had changed the subject. That was fine. She’d waited this long to have him, she could wait a bit longer to have him completely.

  What wasn’t fine was the tone she’d heard in his voice. “I was the greedy one, buster. I was the one who kept turning to you guys in the night, if you’ll recall.”

  “Personally speaking, last night was pretty damn unforgettable, and I will be forever grateful that you did,” Peter said. “However, Jordan’s right. We still should have taken better care of you.”

  Tracy was of the mind that they’d taken exceptional care of her. She still felt a bit embarrassed thinking about the way Jordan had cleaned her after taking her virginity. Then, through the night, her men had checked her each time to make sure they hadn’t caused her any further injury. Needing to let them know how cherished she felt, she said, “I can’t imagine that you could possibly do anything to take any better care of me.”

  She watched the silent communication that passed between Jordan and Peter. How fascinating it was to watch and recognize those emotions that flowed so freely between her lovers, who happened to be lovers of each other.

  “You just lay back and relax and let us show you how we intend to take care of you, sweetheart.” Jordan’s words caressed her forehead as he placed a gentle kiss there.

  Tracy soon found it impossible to do anything else when their hands began to move over her, wooing her. They lathered her, gently caressing, their messaging motions obviously intended to ease and soothe. Should she let them know they aroused her as well?

  Wandering fingers and sly smiles told her she didn’t have to. Jordan and Peter were both very well aware of the effect they were having on her.

  “How does that feel?” Peter’s question vibrated in her belly, the masculine ti
mbre somehow setting small fires along her nerve endings, curling through her to tickle her arousal and awaken her clit.

  “I don’t have words.” Tracy inhaled sharply because Jordan rubbed back and forth over her pussy, a soothing motion that did anything but soothe her.

  “You see, baby, we can still pleasure you without fucking you every five minutes.” Jordan’s voice had a similar affect on her as Peter’s, heating her blood and speeding her heart. “In fact, women are blessed in that they can come, over and over and over again. Unlike us poor, deprived men, who must wait to sprout another arousal after our orgasms.”

  “There’s so much more we can all do together than just fuck,” Peter said. “So very many ways we can give and take pleasure. We want to show you. Will you let us have our way with you?”

  “I liked having your cocks inside me, and I want them there again. But to answer you, yes.” Tracy wanted every experience, every form of arousal and sexual pleasure these two strong men could give her. “Yes,” she said again. “I want you to give me all you can think to give me. I want to experience everything.”

  Chapter 8

  “Just lie back, then, and keep those pretty eyes of yours closed.” Jordan’s words caressed her as softly as his palm, and both stimulated her arousal.

  Tracy thought what he asked would be the easiest thing in the world to do. The heat of the water continued to soothe and heal, the scent of the bath salts—lilac, she realized now—kept relaxing her, an aromatherapy on her senses so that worries and cares evaporated faster than the steam that rose from the bath.

  Hands smoothed soft lather all over her body, cupped her and caressed her and teased her. Fingers tweaked and pinched, and then smoothed and delved. Had Jordan and Peter been scientists intent upon mapping every centimeter of her body, they couldn’t have done a more thorough job of learning her.

  “Do you know of all the ways we can arouse and pleasure each other, baby?” Jordan’s voice wooed her, the familiar cadence now deeper, more personal than she’d ever heard it.

  How could simple words prompt more embarrassment than bold actions had done? Heat kissed her cheeks, but she couldn’t let this slight discomfort rule her. Honesty formed the basis of any relationship, in her opinion. She would give them that now.

  “I believe I do. I’ve, um, read some books and watched a few movies.”

  “Living life on the edge, were you?”

  She heard the smile in Peter’s voice, and couldn’t help but smile in return. A strong urge arose to open her eyes, to let herself drown in the depth and devilment she knew would be in his gaze. It took every bit of will to deny herself that pleasure, to let her other senses guide and feed her instead.

  Someone stroked back and forth across the bottom of her breasts, and she shivered.

  “No. I wanted to be ready for you, for this. I was curious, and I needed to know what physical intimacy was all about. And then I continued in my voyeuristic ways, because I needed something to dream about, something to hang on to while I waited for you. While I waited for you both.”

  “You said you wanted us to give you everything, and we will. But there’s a condition to that, Tracy.” Jordan’s voice continued to caress her flesh and create a flutter in her belly. “You have to like what we do to and with you. If you don’t, you have to tell us. No exceptions, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t imagine not liking anything you would want to do to and with me.”

  She felt movement in the air and the coolness of a shadow falling across her body. Then a kiss, light and delicate, as if her lover didn’t wish to startle her. Tracy let her tongue dance with his even as she drank his flavor. Peter.

  “We’ll want you to suck our cocks and taste our seed. You’ve already let us fuck that pretty pussy of yours.” Peter’s words accompanied a light caress across her slit. The water somehow amplified the effect so that it felt deeper, softer, and somehow, more intimate. Embers of arousal curled low in her belly then were slowly fanned into flames by his touch and his words.

  “But there’s so much more.” Jordan had leaned closer, and the breath of his words brushed her face. “We want you to watch us together, to touch us and taste us while we fuck and suck each other. We want for both of us to be inside you at the same time.”

  “And still more…” Peter’s voice deepened. Both men had leaned over the tub, and she sensed them close to one another. Her hearing perked, and she caught it, a sound of softness, of a moist stroke of tongue against tongue. Her lovers kissed each other with her in the middle of them. She licked her lips, for the image her imagination formed served as even more fuel for her libidinous fire.

  “More?” Tracy heard the breathlessness in her voice, and couldn’t regret it. She’d imagined Peter and Jordan together, and the pictures her eager mind had conjured thrilled her to her core.

  “Mm, yes.” A savoring sound if ever she heard one. In response to her question, or their shared kiss? Tracy would probably never know, and that was fine. She appreciated a certain amount of mystery in their relationship.

  “Oh, babe, there’s always more. I’d love to blindfold you, maybe tie you up.” The smile was back in Peter’s voice.

  “Damn, that’s hot,” Jordan sighed, and the tremor of his words vibrated low in her belly. “I’ve never sampled those kinds of delicacies. Maybe a little slap and tickle, too. What do you think, sweetheart? Would you like us to take turns spanking you?”

  Oh, God. The image exploded in her mind, a high-def Technicolor picture of just that, of herself blindfolded, bound, spread across Jordan’s lap. A shiver wracked her.

  “Mm, I think that’s our answer, babe,” Peter said. “Look at how Tracy’s nipples just hardened into tight little points with just the thought of being spanked.”

  “Yes, I noticed. I’m so glad you were turned on by that, Tracy. It’s always nice to have a smokin’ sexual fantasy in reserve.”

  “Have mercy.” Tracy didn’t know how much more she could take. She sizzled. She burned. She wanted to get her hands on these two men. She wanted to spread herself before them, an exclusive banquet for their pleasure.

  “No. We’re not going to have mercy.” Peter’s tone emerged, rough and edgy.

  It was too much. Tracy opened her eyes. Their heated stares finished the job of arousing her.

  “We’re not going to have mercy,” Jordan agreed. “We’re going to have you.”

  * * * *

  Peter scooped their woman into his arms right out of the tub. He didn’t carry her far. The hot tub had been ready for them since the day before. Jordan had filled it thinking to enjoy his new lover in the froth.

  Now, he would enjoy them both there.

  He watched Peter kiss her as he carried her the few feet across the room. Then he sat on the edge of the tub and swung his legs over the side of it. Sliding down with Tracy still on his lap, he lowered them both into the heated water at the same time.

  “Oh!” Tracy broke the kiss and looked around at her new surroundings.

  Peter eased their woman off his lap onto the bench. She sighed and stretched herself out, letting her legs float. Jordan pushed the button to start the jets and then joined them in the tub, sitting so that Tracy was between him and Peter.

  “You did indicate you wanted water sports.” Jordan leaned over and kissed her. She tilted her head back and opened to him, giving him complete access, denying him nothing.

  He suspected that he’d never get enough of Tracy. Her flavor had already become an addiction he wanted no cure for.

  Their lips parted, and she said, “I did, yes. I’ve had some very vivid dreams, actually, about what can be done in a hot tub and a shower.”

  Jordan grinned. “If we don’t hit the high points, let us know.” He kissed her again, sipping just a little more of her female essence.

  He raised his head and looked past Tracy to encounter Peter’s glittering gaze. Unable to resist, Jordan leaned in and laid his mouth on his, too. Firm lips, commandin
g tongue, and a taste that immediately hardened his cock even more, there was nothing about kissing Peter Alvarez that Jordan didn’t like.

  A feather-light touch on his face drew his attention. He blinked, pulled back, and smiled at Tracy. She kept her fingers on his cheek, and her other hand rested on Peter’s. She’d caressed them both, a silent sign of encouragement and, he suspected, a bid to meld with them both.

  Small doubts that had lingered began to melt away. A virgin she may have been, but clearly she’d envisioned this, being with two men who were also lovers. Maybe Peter, with his fresh eyes and keen instincts, had been right. Maybe Tracy was the perfect woman for them.

  Jordan kissed her again briefly, allowing his tongue to tangle with hers, and then he said, “Let’s see how talented that mouth of yours really is.”

  He could tell by the expression on her face she wasn’t certain what he meant. Peter solved her dilemma by putting her on his lap and positioning her so that her chest rested against his and she faced Jordan.

  Jordan stood up and then cupped her face, lifting it up so that she could meet his gaze. “Will you suck my cock, sweetheart?”

  The way her face lit up one would have thought he’d just offered her a precious gift.

  “Yes, I want to suck your cock.” She fisted him, and Lord Almighty, her grasp, a little shy and a whole lot eager, raced his heart and heated his blood. “I want to taste you. I want to taste you both. Let me know if I do it wrong.” Then she leaned forward and licked him as if he was an all-day sucker and she had all day to savor him.

  “I don’t think it’s possible to do it wrong.” Jordan closed his eyes in pure bliss, because Tracy chose that moment to close her lips over the head of his cock, and then, praise God, she sucked his hardening dick deep into her mouth.

  He couldn’t help but comb the fingers of both hands through her hair. His caress of her head bordered, he knew, on the primitive. He couldn’t help himself. A few seconds of her honeyed mouth on his cock and he’d been reduced to primitive male animal as raw sexual thrill and hunger speared him, skewering him to his very soul.


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