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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Strong Men [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Cara Covington

  “Something like that.” Jordan wasn’t one to sing his own praises. Peter must have sensed that because he laughed and clapped him on the back.

  “I like the terrace off the master bedroom. Maybe we could put a patio set out there. Be a nice place to have our morning coffee.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Jordan said. “We should make some lists.”

  “Is all that land out there yours?” Peter asked.

  “Technically, it belongs to the Town Trust, but yeah, most of what you see is attached to this property. Grayson turned his hand to farming, because he loved the land. But it was a hobby for him. He made his serious living off his art.”

  “Shit, it just hit me. Your great-uncle was G. Parker Jessop, wasn’t he?”

  “He was.”

  “I saw an exhibit of his once at the National Gallery. I think it was as a part of a series on Southwestern painters.”

  “Well, son of a bitch. I went with him to DC for that event. I couldn’t have been more than fifteen or sixteen at the time.”

  “Yeah, I was fifteen, and my tía abuela—my great-aunt—made me go. She said I needed to get some couth.”

  Jordan laughed. “Do you realize we may have actually seen each other then?” Funny, he mused, how the ebb and flow of life could be capricious. He thought back to that long ago, fun time. “I miss Gray. I really wish you could have met him. He was a great guy.”

  “Yeah? Tell me about him.”

  “It wasn’t just sexual orientation I had in common with him. We connected, sharing similar tastes in everything from art and music to literature and politics. In Gray I found an adult male who truly understood me, and the emotions that ran rough and wild through me. Not that my dads weren’t great,” he said. “They were.”

  “But they weren’t bisexual,” Peter said.

  “No, they weren’t bisexual.”

  His uncle had proven to be a complete mentor for Jordan, for although G. Parker Jessop had made his mark with oils and canvas, Grayson Jessop had been an excellent woodworker and cabinetmaker. He’d actually designed this house himself, building most of it alone, when he had time between artistic inspirations.

  His uncle Grayson had recognized and nurtured in Jordan his love of building and had encouraged him to follow his heart and make his living with his hands.

  Peter came over to him and ran his hand down Jordan’s back. Peter would do that—touch him in an almost absent, but loving way—at almost any opportunity. The open, caring gestures damn near brought him to his knees.

  “I’ve only ever lost my abuela, but I know how it feels.” Peter scanned the unfurnished space around them—they were standing in what had been the parlor, at the base of the stairs. “I guess I’m trying to understand why you haven’t moved in here before now. I understand that you have your house in Waco, and spend most of your time there because that’s closer to where the bulk of your work is. But I also know that when you do come to Lusty, you usually stay with your folks instead of settling in here.”

  Jordan shrugged. He wasn’t certain he wanted to put into words all his reasons for not moving in here before now. At least, he didn’t want to yet. And really, they weren’t actually moving in so much as they were just going to be staying here for a while. They hadn’t made any permanent plans, the three of them. They’d be here for a few weeks, but who knew how long they’d all stay? So he said, “It’s really too much house for just one man.”

  Peter tilted his head to one side. “I suppose it is.”

  Jordan knew that Peter knew he’d given him only a partial answer, at best. Peter, of course, let it go, and Jordan knew that, too. One thing Jordan could count on Peter to do, and that was to let him off easy at almost every turn.

  Yet a part of him believed that Peter was only going to do that for so long. Already, guilt stabbed at Jordan, tiny but incessant little daggers of guilt. Damn it, he wanted to give more of himself than he was giving. Maybe he could give just a little more.

  Jordan sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m trying. I don’t know why some things are so difficult for me.”

  Peter met his gaze, and all teasing fled his expression. His look turned serious, nearly solemn. “Don’t you?” he asked.

  Just then Tracy came down the stairs. The look on her face told Jordan she’d known the two men had been talking, and that she hesitated to intrude on their privacy.

  Jordan chose not to answer Peter’s insightful question, never mind it had been a rhetorical one. Instead he flashed a grin at Tracy. “Well, what do you think? Is it the way you remembered?”

  “Better. It’s bigger than I remembered, too. Even the echoes are bigger than I remember them being.”

  She looked innocent, but Tracy had just proved herself to be as insightful as Peter. Both his lovers stood quietly, watching him, and, he knew, waiting. The two of them were a hell of a lot more generous of spirit than he deserved. Next to them, he felt like a sham.

  Progress—whether in little things or big things—came one step at a time, didn’t it? He’d opened the house, invited his lovers here. Whether for a short time, or a long time, seemed irrelevant at the moment. They’d accepted his invitation. The least he could do was make them feel welcome, and at home.

  He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “So let’s see what we can do about getting rid of the echoes.”

  Chapter 11

  “For a tiny little thing, you sure are strong, Blondie.”

  Tracy kept her eyes closed as Jordan held her hands above her head while Peter used his hands, covered in soap foam, to drive her wild. They’d all worked hard, moving pieces of furniture into the house, converting it from an empty house into a home. Peter had just finished inspecting her biceps, saying “ooh” and “ah” as he pretended to measure her muscles.

  Or maybe he hadn’t been pretending. Well, it wouldn’t do to let these men get too much of an upper hand. “You remember that, G-Man, and we’ll get along just fine.”

  “You should have added ‘feisty’ to your assessment, lover.” Jordan’s voice seemed to vibrate behind her and through her. His naked front plastered her naked back, and she could attest that steam wasn’t the only thing rising in the shower stall.

  “Mm, I should have. I do love a woman with fire.”

  Tracy smiled. “You want to see fire, you just keep on talking as if I’m not here. I’ll show you fire.”

  The water continued to rain down on them from the twin shower nozzles, one at each end of the very large enclosure. The shower featured two more nozzles, waist height, but they’d elected to leave those turned off for now.

  All they’d intended, the three of them, was a fairly quick rinse off before bed. They’d spent the day moving furniture, cleaning, even taking a tour of the lawns and gardens.

  Tracy could have sworn she was completely exhausted. But something about sharing hot water, soap, and innuendos with two extremely virile men eased her exhaustion and kick-started her libido.

  “Curiosity begs me to ask just exactly how you’d do that, sweetheart,” Peter said.

  Tracy gasped as he used soapy fingers to pull and pinch her nipples, tugging them to impossible lengths, spreading heat through her entire body. She shivered, arousal and the dare permeating the steam, urging her to recklessness.

  Jordan eased his hold of her arms, running his hands down them, then sweeping them around her waist, and, she guessed, heading southward.

  Tracy opened her eyes, met Peter’s heated gaze for a single heartbeat. He lifted one eyebrow in silent inquiry. Tracy smiled, bent over, fisted his cock, stroked him twice, and then closed her mouth around him.

  “Jesus!” His hissed oath and the grip of his hands in her hair thrilled her beyond measure, stirred her in a way that could only be called primal. The taste of him, hot and salty, aroused her, made her hungry for all she could get of him.

  Behind her, Jordan gripped her hips and rubbed his engorged cock against the crack of
her ass.

  “Damn, that is hot, watching her suck your cock…”

  “You have got an incredible mouth on you, Blondie. Swirl your tongue along…mm, yes, just like that.”

  “I think I want to take it up a notch for you, boyfriend.” Jordan’s words, obviously spoken to Peter, nonetheless sent a shiver down Tracy’s spine.

  “Mm, I like the sound of that,” Peter gasped, because Tracy had chosen that exact moment to cup his balls and give him just a little bit more suction. “Oh, God. If I can hang on without coming, that is.”

  “Ease up on him, Tracy, and we’ll see if we can all come at the same time.” Jordan stroked his hand down her back from nape to ass, then followed the curve of her body and finished with a deep, seductive stroke of her slit.

  Tracy groaned, then slowed the glide of her mouth on Peter’s cock. She slid her lips off him, and nuzzled him, tip to base, inhaling the man-scent that surrounded his scrotum and giving him little puffs of air to stir his pubic hair.

  “Is that how you ease up? Damn, you’re our very own Circe, come to life. Man, what a mouth you have.”

  “I haven’t come in at least a couple of hours,” Tracy quipped.

  She straightened and watched as Jordan moved from behind her to beside Peter. The men kissed, a light, simple tasting. It delighted her every time they did that, not just because the sight of them together turned her on, but because of the implicit trust they had in her.

  “What do you have in mind, lover?” Peter’s voice had taken on that very deep timbre of high arousal.

  Jordan adjusted the shower, so that the water became more of a mist. Then he reached up to the shelf in the corner of the shower. Tracy recalled what items Jordan had placed up there earlier. Her curiosity was caught.

  “You’ll find out in just a moment.” Jordan brought his hand back, two fingers covered with an opaque substance. He leaned closer to Peter and kissed his neck, and while Tracy couldn’t see what he then did with those coated fingers, she could guess. Since she still had her hand wrapped around Peter’s cock, she felt him twitch, and pulse, and grow just a bit harder in response to Jordan’s touch.

  “Tracy, sweetheart, Peter would really like your mouth back on his cock. Wouldn’t you, lover?”

  “God, yes. Keep rubbing those clever fingers against my asshole, Jordan. It feels so damn good now, but I want to feel the two of you working me at the same time.”

  His eyes had closed in pleasure. Tracy stretched up and placed a soft kiss on Peter’s lips. She also gave one to Jordan, and then turned her attention back to the throbbing shaft in her hand.

  The water continued to fall gently, and Tracy imagined being bathed by a tropical mist. Bending at the waist, she licked the head of Peter’s cock, delicately lapping up the drops of his own moisture he gave her.

  “Yes, that feels so good.” Peter moved his hips slightly, but whether in response to her oral attentions or Jordan’s anal play, she couldn’t be certain.

  “I’m going to insert a butt plug in Peter,” Jordan said softly. “And then, sweet Tracy, I’m going to put one in you. And then I’m going to fuck your cunt. Let’s see if we all three of us can come at the same time that way.”

  Tracy clenched her inner muscles, Jordan’s words enough to make her juices leak. Every time he or Peter had played with her ass, her excitement and arousal had gone off the scale.

  “Here’s one,” Jordan whispered.

  Tracy could almost feel the plug entering Peter. He shivered once, and his cock pulsed. Instinctively she stopped sucking, just held his engorged flesh in her mouth, her tongue giving the shaft gentle little teasing strokes.

  Peter’s gasps thrilled her, and she knew he fought for control. That makes two of us. Tracy smiled around Peter’s cock. Then she reached up with her right hand and fisted Jordan.

  His cock felt hot and hard in her hand, and when she stroked him, he thrust into her palm, assuring her that he was as horny as both she and Peter were.

  “I’m thinking we’re all going to explode sooner, rather than later.” He extricated himself from her grasp, but she didn’t mind because he immediately put on a condom. Then he reached up to the shelf again. He maneuvered around them until he was once more behind Tracy.

  “Cold, sweetheart.”

  The cool silkiness of the lube he spread over her anus sent bolts of arousal to her nipples and her pussy and every point in between.

  She hadn’t realized she’d stopped sucking on Peter’s cock again until he flexed his fingers in her hair and thrust his hips.

  Jordan was running his slick fingers up and down over her pucker, pressing in with each pass, and it felt so good she began to rock her hips back, trying to catch more of that scrumptious pleasure.

  “Easy, sweetheart.” Jordan’s velvety croon stimulated the swirling sensations within her.

  Then she felt pressure on her rosebud. Unable to help herself she pushed back against it. A slight burning came with the pressure, and she felt herself opening. Slow, gradual, the plug slid into her, and her entire body shook.

  Her knees felt as if they were about to give out. She reached her right hand around to anchor onto Peter’s ass. She felt the smooth globe beneath her fingers clench and release, clench and release as he worked the plug in his own rectum.

  Then Jordan’s hands gripped her hips. “Spread your legs a little bit more…mm, just like that, yes. Now, I’m going to join this celebration.”

  Oh God. His latex-covered cock nestled between the lips of her pussy, then slid into her cunt in one solid, firm thrust.

  Tracy didn’t know how much longer she could take so much stimulation. Close to coming, she began to suck hard and fast on Peter’s cock.

  Connected, in sync, they moved together, all of them using the same rhythm as Jordan fucked her, hard and fast and deep. With each thrust of his cock into her pussy, she felt the plug in her ass move, a jarring little back and forth motion that made her arousal climb. It felt as if her clit was being stimulated from the inside as well as the outside. She’d never been so horny in her life.

  Tracy needed, very desperately, to come.

  “Yes!” Peter’s cry of victory, the quivering of his cock in her mouth, pulled her orgasm from her. Her body vibrated as her climax consumed her. She swallowed stream after stream of Peter’s seed, and when Jordan swore, when he thrust hard and held himself deep within her, the heat of his seed filling the condom caressed her cervix, catapulting her beyond pleasure into the realms of purest rapture.

  * * * *

  Hiding in the shadows had never been Peter’s way. If it had, he might have opted to work for one of the more covert agencies. So while he’d obeyed the orders of his boss and taken a short leave from active duty, he’d be damned if he sat around and did nothing.

  Some sleazy scumbag had put a price on his head, and that just pissed him off.

  “That’s some frown you’re wearing there, G-Man.”

  Peter blinked, and encountered Tracy’s steady stare. He’d been so deep in his own thoughts he’d momentarily forgotten he was at Lusty Appetites, awaiting the arrival of one of his lovers’ brothers, while the other of his lovers was supposedly at work in the next room.

  Apparently, Tracy had come out to check on him. He smiled at her now, using the very smile his mother had told him always warned her he was up to no good. Hopefully, Tracy didn’t know him that well, yet.

  “What are you doing, slacking off? Back to the kitchen, wench, and prepare my meal.”

  “You haven’t ordered anything yet.” Tracy stuck her tongue out at him.

  From the next table he heard a snicker. Ginny Rose was clearing away dishes and shot him a grin. He winked at her, and so he noticed when she turned her head, stiffened, and blushed suddenly.

  The door opened, and the sheriff of Lusty, Texas, strode in.

  “Good afternoon, Ginny. You’re looking very pretty today.” As Adam passed her he laid a hand on her shoulder, just a light touch.
br />   Peter caught Ginny’s flinch, and the way she lowered her head as if embarrassed by her reaction. If Peter had to label Adam’s response to that reaction, the word he’d choose would be “stoic.”

  Adam came over and took one of the chairs opposite Peter. Then he looked at Tracy.

  “You’re looking something today, too, Ms. Jessop. I’d elaborate, but I wouldn’t want to court the wrath of my brother or Special Agent Alvarez, here.”

  Tracy chuckled. “Oh, Adam. Even you—Sheriff, all-around hero-type—are slow on the uptake. It’s not their wrath you ever need to worry about.” Then she widened her smile to include Peter, and he realized that maybe Tracy did know him that well, after all.

  “No?” Adam donned an expression of interest.

  “No,” she said sweetly. “It’s mine.”

  Then she turned and went back to the kitchen, and Peter didn’t think he imagined that she’d used extra force on the swinging door.

  “You ready to order now, Peter?” Ginny asked.

  “Yes, please, Ginny. I’ll have the Cobb salad and a refill on my sweet tea.”

  Ginny wrote then looked at Adam.

  “I’ll have a burger and fries, and a Coke, please, Ginny.”

  “Meat well done, with mustard and tomato, but no lettuce,” Ginny said. “And mayo on the side to dip your fries into.”

  Adam smiled. “Yes, ma’am. One thing you can depend on with me, Ginny Rose. I’m constant and I’m steady.”

  Peter had the sense Adam was saying more than the words would seem to mean because Ginny blushed as she wrote his order, then excused herself to get their drinks.

  Peter waited patiently while Adam’s gaze followed the waitress. It seemed to him she trembled, just a little, as she delivered their beverages. He thought she didn’t so much head to the kitchen, then, as she escaped to it.

  Adam swung around once the door closed behind Ginny and met Peter’s gaze. “If it’s shoptalk, I suggest you accept the invitation I’m about to extend,” he said quietly.

  Ginny came out of the kitchen and brought cutlery and ketchup to their table, along with a saucer that held a small container of mayo.


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