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Enticed By You

Page 10

by Amy Muscat

  A throat clearing snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked over to Will, who was smiling patiently at me.

  “I can see the blood’s coming from your head. I’m gonna have to touch your head, your hair color makes it hard to see where the blood is coming from. I can’t see properly, tell me if it hurts,” I nodded to him. His colleague brought a flashlight out of his bag and shined it above my head while Will gently felt around my skull, moving my hair out the way. Until he touched a particular spot and I flinched. His hands stopped, and he quietly told me he was sorry. Gingerly touching my scalp again, telling me I was gonna need some stitches there and then I told him my back was hurting. Keller slowly pulled my dress up and showed them my back.

  I heard multiple gasps and Keller barked out, “What’s wrong?”

  Amelia’s voice from behind me sounded tearful when she said, “Your backs bruised all over Pey, oh god,” she finished on a sob and I heard John comforting her.

  Fuck me that doesn’t sound so good. Andrew did slam me hard, but I hadn’t thought it was that hard. But then again my adrenaline had been going and obviously didn’t register the pain.

  “Fucking sick bastard. I’m gonna kill him,” a furious Keller said loudly.

  I tightened my hold on him but looked over to the policeman and asked where Andrew was. Scared that he might just run back in here to try and get me. But then I felt Keller, my knight my hero for the night, run his fingers up and down my left arm. I knew Keller would protect me from him again. Without a doubt.

  “He’s in the car, handcuffed, and secure, Miss Emerson.”

  Nodding and thanking him I asked, “Is it bad?” In a whisper to anyone who was listening.

  “Yeah babe, it is bad.” Came Amelia’s voice again, still sobbing.

  “I’m so sorry that I didn’t walk you out Pey, I really am.” This came from John, his voice cracking slightly before he cleared his throat.

  “Don’t be silly John, you can’t be expected to clear the club and walk every girl out too. I always thought there wasn’t something right about that guy. Hence, the reason for me calling him ‘Andrew the creeper.’” I said, trying and failing to lighten the dark mood in the room.

  “Okay, Peyton we’re gonna have to go to the hospital so we can get your head cleaned up and stitch it up. Then you need x-ray’s to check your back and ribs if it’s all alright we can put a couple ice packs on your back and give you some pain meds, okay?”

  “No, I can’t go to the hospital, I need to get back home to my daughter.” I knew Ivy would be asleep and Lottie was there but I didn’t want to leave her for too long, Lottie would start worrying about me.



  “Crap. I need to call Lottie before she gets worried.” I said, saying my thoughts out loud.

  “I called her when you were getting checked out. She’s going nuts, like really mad... her accents really a lot stronger when she’s mad. She starting saying she was on her way when I reminded her about Ivy. She would have to bring her here and I didn’t think you’d want her to see you like this,” said Jimmy.

  He was right I wouldn’t want Ivy to see me like this. Ever. And it was true, Lotties accent was thicker when she was mad, I’d found that funny. I would make fun of her and tell her she sounded posh, which she hated.

  “Thanks Jimmy, I don’t want Ivy being brought here and her seeing me, it would frighten and upset her and I don’t want that. Can’t you just do what you need to in the ambulance? I really would like to go home, it’s been a long day and I still have to give them my statement,” I said. It was true, it had been the worst day I’d ever had, and it still wasn’t over. Fucking creepy Andrew.

  “I’m really sorry ma’am, but it’s against our policy to do that. Even though Will and I are trained for that, with something like stitches in the head, we have to take the person to the hospital, sorry,” the other paramedic told me.

  Fuck sake!

  I was really looking forward to just getting home, seeing my baby and then going to sleep.

  “S’okay, but will I be seen straight away, or am I gonna have to wait for hours?” I really hoped I’d be seen right away, ‘cause I don’t think I could stay awake that long. I was dead on my feet, well not literally as I was still perched in Keller’s lap.

  “You’ll be seen right away Pey, don’t worry, won’t she guys,” Keller worded it, in a way, of telling them not asking and by the way they shrunk back from his glare I would say that, I’d be getting seen as soon as I step foot in the hospital.

  “Yes ma’am you will, with cases like yours, head injuries, and the fact that you have the police with you, it tends to go more quickly,” Will said, giving me a reassuring smile.

  “Thanks guys.”

  “Okay, we’re gonna be going now. Can you stand or do you want the stretcher?”

  “I can carry her,” Keller said, startling me as I would’ve thought that he’d want to go home.

  “What? Keller-”

  “Don’t argue with me Peyton. I’m going with you to the hospital and I’m staying up there with you, and then I’m taking you home.” Keller had his I-am-not-taking-no-for-an-answer look on his handsome face. When I opened my mouth to argue with him and to tell him I’d be fine, he put a finger over my lips and Shsh’d me.

  “I’m coming Pey and there nothing you can say that will make me change my mind.” His hands flexed on the small of my back and pulled me just a little closer to him.

  Staring into his determined eyes and seeing that I wasn’t going to win I conceded and nodded my head at him.

  Blowing out a relieved breath, he said, “thank you for not arguing with me baby,” and softly kissed my head.

  “I’m too tired to even contemplate arguing with you.”

  Chuckling at me, he said, “well don’t go to sleep baby, you might have a concussion.”

  Asking us if we were ready the paramedics packed up their bags and waited until we got up. Pushing up from the floor Keller stood, me still in his arms, and turned me so I was facing Jimmy, John and Amelia.

  “Sorry that, for the second week running, I’ve caused drama at your club Jimmy,” I said grimacing.

  “Don’t be stupid Pey, I’m just glad you’re alright, that’s all I care about, now text me tomorrow when you’re up to it and tell me how you’re feeling, okay?”

  “Okay. Does anyone know where my bag is?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got it Pey, here,” Amelia said, spinning and grabbing my bag from the bar, walking over and handing it to me, so it dangled between my fingers. Standing on her tippy toes, she gave my cheek a kiss.

  “Let me know how you are doing,” she said, I nodded at her and waved to everyone else. Carrying me outside, Keller and I got into the ambulance, before driving off to the hospital.


  I spent an hour an a half at the hospital being stitched up and then taken for some x-ray’s, the conclusion was that I hadn’t broken anything. I had slight bruising on my ribs so they were going to be tender and the bruises on my back were the same, apparently I’d just hit the wall too hard. They had to cut some of my hair away so they could stitch my head, I cried when they got the needle out. I hated needles with a passion, yeah- I may have a tattoo going down my back, but that had been for Ivy and, therefore, a good reason, but anything other than that I fucking almost shit myself when it comes to those bastards.

  Keller was great throughout the whole thing, holding my hand, letting me claw the fuck out of his arms when they stitched me up. I was wincing and grunting, but still, he let me do all that and not one complaint came from his delicious lips.

  When it was time to give my statement to the police, I started crying and shaking all over again. Having to tell them how I’d always gotten the creeps from Andrew. But one soldiers on thinking that he’s just another customer who thinks you’re gonna one day marry them because you gave him 20 minutes of your time. I’ve had about three proposals in the last year that I’d be

en working as a dancer and they were from men aged 50+, and they were harmless old men.

  But apparently not Andrew, he’d been serious about the whole thing.

  I told the officers that when I’d finished my shift he had grabbed me from behind and drug me into the shadows od the building. When I told them what he had said he was gonna do to me, Kellers face contorted in fury and his hands flexed like he was itching to punch someone. With a squeeze to his forearm from me, he calmed and I told them how Keller had saved me from the deranged man.

  Keller told them what had happened from his point and after writing everything down, they took our details and left telling me they would be in touch that Andrew would be safely behind bars. He still had to appear before a judge and have his bail set. Then he would have to wait for someone to pay his bail, or come up with the money himself. If he made bail, we would get a restraining order against him. He would not be allowed to come within 200 yards of me.

  Once all the forms they handed me were filled out the doctor told me I might have a slight concussion and should be woken up every 2 hours. Keller told him that would not be an issue and thanked him. While waiting for my discharge papers, we were told that a police officer would give us a ride back to my place. Keller, being the sweet, yet demanding guy that he is told me he was coming home with me so he could watch over me.

  “Please Peyton, I feel like I’ve let you down, by not getting there fast enough and I’d like to look after you. And I would love to meet Ivy. Please?” he sounded so hopeful and the pained expression on his face did me.

  “I don’t know Keller, it’s not just my place. I have a roommate and I don’t know how she’s gonna feel with you there.”

  “If she doesn't want me there, I’ll leave and come back, but I would really like to be there for you. And we really need to talk about all the miscommunication between us has come from. I’ve missed out on five years of my daughter’s life. I have a lot of time to make up to her. We both deserve that. I want to know my daughter.”

  Holding back the tears that began to fill my eyes I nodded and took a shuddering breath, and started walking away from the nurse’s station before Keller had a chance to see the dampness growing in my eyes.


  Climbing out of the police car, that had stopped outside of my apartment I waited for Keller. He was getting out behind me and I heard him saying, “Thanks guys.” Turning around, I watched as he slung my bag over his shoulder before we walked over to the elevators.

  Getting off on my floor, Keller handed me my bag and I pulled my keys from it, opening my front door.

  I could hear the TV on and assumed Lottie was waiting up for me.

  Walking in the living room, I saw Lottie pacing back and forth, I think her turrets were back. I felt a sudden sense of déjà vu. It was only last week when she was doing the same thing, in the exact same spot. Only this time I’d brought the reason for last week’s pacing home with me. I turned around and saw Keller looking around and then he came to stand beside me, when he saw Lottie, his eyes widened.

  Fuck. What if he found her attractive and started to like my roommate and best friend? What would I do then?

  Lottie was a very beautiful woman and she wasn’t a stripper, which gave her some brownie points. With her silky straight blond hair, bright blue eyes and perfect body, with curves in all the right places, she was someone to envy. She also had a great personality, she was funny with her British humor, and she was hard working, a great friend, and good with kids. Just an all-round perfect person.

  I interrupted her cursing by clearing my throat.

  She spun around and ran at me and pulled me into her arms shouting out “Peyton!” making me wince from the pressure on my back, before rapidly speaking in my ear.

  “Ohmygod! Are you alright? What the fuck did that creepy bastard do to you? What did the hospital say? Are you hurt- who the fuck is that sexy beast behind you?” She’d said everything so quickly that it was hard to keep up until she mentioned Keller the ‘sexy beast.'

  “I’m fine, bruised and in some pain, but fine. Oh and that’s Keller,” I told her, waiting for her reaction.

  “That’s Keller?” I nodded. “Holy shit Pey, he’s bloody gorgeous,” she said quietly.

  “I know.”

  She stared at him for a couple of seconds, taking in his chiseled face and massive body, before snapping out of it she walked over to him and before I could stop her she slapped him across the face.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” It seems Keller’s looks had worn off for her and she started to remember everything that I’d told her ‘cause she had her angry face back on.

  Gasping I ran over and put myself between the two of them.

  “What the fuck is with you women and slapping me?” Keller said, slowly rubbing his now red cheek.

  “Lottie, Keller saved me from Andrew, calm down, please.”

  “After what he’s done to you, you want me to calm down and just stand here like he’s, done nothing? What the fuck Peyton!!” Her shocked face let me know that she couldn’t believe it.

  I know how she feels, ‘cause if someone would’ve told me this morning that Keller would be in my home, and we had kind of sorted our shit out I would have laughed in their face and told them they had more of a chance winning the lottery than me having Keller James in my apartment and being civil with him.

  “Apparently we’ve been fucked over and somehow, someone has messed with our lives because we both got a letter saying that the other didn’t want each other. He didn’t know Lotts, about anything, even Ivy” I told her with so much sadness in my voice it was unmissable to hear.

  I still couldn’t believe someone would actually do that to us.

  What person would fuck with people’s lives like that?

  “What do you mean he didn’t know? You actually believe his bollocks Pey? Come on! He’s talking out of his arse!” She whisper yelled, throwing her hands up in exasperation, looking at me like I was an idiot. Maybe I was.

  “Lottie please, I’m really tired and just want to go have a shower and then to bed. Please, we’ll talk about this tomorrow, I promise.”

  “Hmph. Fine, I’ll see you in the mornin- wait a bloody minute! Where is he staying?” She shot daggers in Keller’s direction. It looked like Keller won’t be winning Lottie over anytime soon.

  I loved her for that. She was a true friend.

  Sighing I told her, “on the ‘bloody’ couch Lotts, is that okay?”

  “Well, I suppose so. What is Ivy gonna think when she comes out in the morning and sees him lying there?” She demanded, stepping back.

  “For god’s sake Lott, I don’t know, but we both know that Ivy will ecstatic to see him. Please can we do this tomorrow?” I asked her again.

  “Fine, I’ll leave off. Right I’m going back to bed. I love you Pey, and I’m gutted that this happened tonight, we can chat tomorrow night yeah?” She looked at me sadly before wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a small squeeze.

  I heard Keller chuckle from behind me, and turned my head and saw him shaking his head and an amused look on his face, and I suspected that Lottie had done something behind my back.

  “Come on Keller let me get you some blankets and a pillow. Goodnight Lotts love you too,” I told her while pulling on Keller’s arm and making him follow me and away from Lottie.

  We walked into my room and from the corner of my eye I could see Keller looking around taking in everything.

  I went over to the linen closet and took out the spare duvet and two pillows and a towel. As I turned I crashed into Keller’s strong chest and I grabbed onto the tops of his arms and his hands gripped my hips to steady me.

  “Whoops, sorry didn’t know you was that close,” I said with my eyes narrowed at him.

  “Sorry, I was just gonna grab the stuff for you.” The innocent expression on his face made him look younger.

  “Mhmm. Of course, you were.” I didn’t believe him
at all.

  His hands clenched on my hips and pulled me even closer. My nose was practically buried in his chest and I could smell his distinctive scent and it was doing all sorts of things to my hormones.

  “Keller, what are you doing? We can’t do this.” I told him pulling away from his grasp.

  He dropped his hands to his sides and sighed.

  “I’m gonna go get in the shower.”


  Grabbing my towel I rushed around him and half walked half ran to the bathroom.

  Turning on the shower to the hottest level, I stripped down and got in. The heat pounding down on my back instantly relaxed my tense muscles.

  After spending an extra 5 minute in the shower than usual, I got out and creamed my legs before walking over to the mirror and turned so I could see my back. What I saw had me gasping and slapping a hand over my mouth to stifle the cry that wanted to come out.

  The top half of my back was black and blue with bruises.

  The whole area was covered.

  Oh god.

  It was worse than I’d thought.

  Blinking back the tears and cursing under my breath I started to dry off, and when I went to get my clothes, I realized I didn’t have any.


  In a rush to get away from Keller and his touch, I’d forgotten my clothes.

  Fuck, what was I meant to do now?

  Sucking in some courage, I wrapped the towel back around me and walked out and speed-walked to my room.

  Thank god I didn’t see Kel-


  I slammed right into Keller again.

  For god’s sake! This was twice in half an hour that I’d done this now.

  My breast was pressed up against his chest. A now very naked chest.

  My eyes, on their own accord, dropped down and widened at the impressive body that was in front of me.

  Starting from the ‘V’ at his pelvis, where his boxer shorts were clinging on, up past his tight six packed abdomen and stopping just under his right peck where he had a tattoo saying, ‘IN GOD WE TRUST.' I could also see some other tattoo peeking from his ribs. So when I flicked my eye’s over to his left side, to see if he had anymore, my breath caught.


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