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Enticed By You

Page 13

by Amy Muscat

  “Don’t Lotts,” I told her waving my pointer finger near her face. When she tried to look offended I told her, “Your eye just twitched.”

  Her hand covered her eye and she said, “I was blinking,” she tried the innocent act with me. I wasn’t falling for it.

  Shaking my head at her, I turned and walked away from her to go to my room so I could put some pajamas on.


  Twenty minutes later we were all in our pj’s and sitting on the couch with Lottie to my right and Ivy in-between Keller and me. We had the blankets over us, and ‘Finding Nemo’ had just begun.

  I felt Ivy shift next to me and looked over to see her laying in the crook of Keller’s arm, her head resting on his chest.

  I smiled at them and Keller turned his head caught the smile I was throwing in their direction and smiled back at me. My heart melted.

  I had missed his smiles these last five years.

  He went back to watching the film, and I was looking at his handsome face thinking of how he had changed from the good-looking boy that I knew, to the sexy, rugged man he was now, when I felt Lottie nudge me in the arm. Hard. That shit hurt, I whipped my head around to look at her.

  “What?” I hissed at her. That fucking hurt.

  “You’re staring, stop!” She whisper-yelled at me.

  “I’m not.”

  “You were. Stop, you will look desperate,” she said.

  “Fudge you, you boney bitch.” I whispered at her. I didn’t want Ivy to hear me swear.

  “I ain’t boney, I’ve just got strong elbows!”

  I started really laughing at her.

  “Strong elbows!” I said still laughing.

  “What? I do!” But she started laughing too. So for the next minute or so we were like two-giggling teenagers.

  After we’d calmed down, and my ribs were hurting, I looked over to see Keller staring at me with a fond smile and something else that I couldn’t put my finger on.

  Looking at Ivy, I saw that she was too engrossed in the movie to notice anything going on around her.

  I looked back over to the TV and saw Nemo swimming with a pebble in his mouth.

  When the movie finished I glanced over and saw Ivy and Keller fast asleep, with Ivy’s body lying on Keller’s chest and his arms wrapped around her.

  It was a Kodak moment.

  I went over to my purse and got my phone out and took some pictures of them.

  Lottie got up looked at them and said, “Aww, that’s lovely,” before waving me out to the kitchen.

  I heard the start of the kettle and took a couple more pictures before following her. I sat at the table while she went about making the tea.

  “So... I think I might like him. Only a little though. I can see that he absolutely adores Ivy already and that she loves him. He doesn't say much, but he seems okay. Plus I spoke to him when you went and changed.”

  “I said not too Lotts.”

  “Well, I did,” she said shrugging.


  “Well what?”

  “What did you say to him?” I asked in exasperation. God, she was such a wind-up merchant sometimes.

  “Oh... I just told him that if he hurts you or Ivy ever again I would chop his dick off and shove it in his mouth and put cello-tape over it. ‘Cause I wasn’t gonna sit there and watch my best friend be hurt again and I definitely wasn’t gonna watch him hurt Ivy,” she said fiercely.

  I was gaping at her when she brought our tea over to the table.


  “You said that to him?”

  “Well, of course, I did Pey. I don’t want either of you to get hurt by him again. So okay, he might not have sent them letters to you and what not, but I still had to see you go through that.”

  “Thanks Lotts. You’re a fucking true friend.”

  “I know,” she said shrugging again.


  “Fuck off,” she said laughing.

  “Want some cookies to dunk?” I asked her.

  “Mhmm, Yes, please.”

  I went over to the pantry and pulled a packet of chocolate chip cookies down from the ‘sweet’ shelf.

  After we drank our tea and ate the whole pack of cookies, we went back into the living room and saw Ivy awake and staring at Keller.

  “Staring must be in the blood then,” Lottie said.

  “Shut up, she’s looking at her dad.”

  “So what were YOU staring for then, hmm?”

  “I-I was just thinking of how handsome he had become. He was always good-looking when we were younger, but now... I don’t know there’s something about him that just screams ‘sexy beast,' ya know?” There was no point in lying to her, she’ll only get it out of me eventually.

  “Yeah Pey, I know what you mean. He is like sex on a stick. Hmm... I wonder how big his stick is,” she said tilting her head and looking towards Keller’s groin area.

  I slapped her arm and told her to stop looking.

  Suddenly she got a mischievous look in her eye and said, “I have an idea,” she said giggling under her breath.

  “What?” I sounded weary.

  “One sec,” she said before running silently to her room.

  I looked back at Ivy and saw her slowly getting up off Keller. When her feet hit the floor, she stretched her body. When she turned and saw me, she walked over and lifted her arms up for me pick her up.

  “Hey baby, you okay?”

  “Yeah, momma.”

  “You have a good sleep?”

  “Yep. Daddy give’s good cuddles.” She said laying her head on my shoulder.

  Yeah, I remember.

  “What better than mine?” I was joking around with her, but I was curious to know her answer.

  I felt her shake her head and say, “nope. You give the best cuddles, momma. Daddy’s almost there.”

  “Well, thanks baby.”

  “It’s otay momma,” she said to me lifting her head and giving me a kiss.

  Lottie came back into the room with her bag of cosmetics and brought them over to us.

  “Wanna do something funny?” She asked Ivy.

  “What?” She asked tilting her head.

  “Why do you answer a question, with a question munchkin?”

  “You just did,” I told her.

  “Shh you. Now, do you wanna do something funny or not?”


  “Right see this bag of make-up? We’re gonna put it all over daddy’s face!” Lottie said. She was such a child sometimes.

  Ivy gasped and looked over at Keller, who was still sleeping before she looked back at Lottie and said, “I don’t wanna get in trouble.”

  “You’re not gonna get into trouble munchkin, your mum’s fine with it and if your dad gets mad he knows what will happen,” she said laughing under her breath, probably thinking of the castrating she said she would do to Keller.

  “Am I gonna get in trouble momma?”

  Laughing I told her, “No baby, ‘cause I’m gonna do it too.”

  “Otay, let’s do it,” she was giggling to herself.

  “Okay, pick your weapons girls and let’s do this.” Lottie’s face gleeful.

  “Don’t put anything rude or crude on his face Lotts I mean it,” I told her sternly. That’s all I needed, her writing something like ‘cock’ or drawing one on his face, and explaining that to Ivy.

  She pouted but nodded when she looked in Ivy’s direction. She understood the repercussions of doing that.

  “Come on then, let’s do it,” she said whispering to us.

  We all picked our ‘weapons’ of choice and tiptoed over to a sleeping Keller. He must’ve been tired. And for a second I felt guilty for what we were about to do. Then I thought fuck it. It was only a joke.

  Lottie and I started on his face while Ivy started writing on his left arm.

  By the time we were finished, Keller’s face was covered in blush and eye shadow with writing all over. Togeth
er we had covered his entire face with silly stuff like, ‘Lottie rocks’ and ‘Bad-A**.' We drew a moustache on him and big bushy brows, dots spread all over. I looked over to his right cheek and saw the words ‘I like big sticks.' I slapped Lottie’s arm as I’d told her not to do nothing crude.

  “What? She ain’t gonna know what it means. And I can’t take it off now. He’ll wake up.” She said quietly so Keller didn’t hear.

  I’m surprised he hadn’t woken yet. Apart from the odd murmurings and slightest movements, he’d been still.

  “Idiot,” I told her.

  She stuck her tongue out at me.

  When we’d finally finished, we carefully stepped back and looked at our masterpiece.

  Ivy had written ‘I love daddy’ on his arm with hearts and kisses going around it.

  Bless her.

  I was the first to start laughing. Then Lottie and Ivy joined in.

  I went and got my phone from where I had left it in the kitchen, and started taking loads of pictures, close up’s of him too.

  They were hilarious.

  “Wait, wait!” Lottie said before running back into her room and ten seconds later appeared, then she ran into the kitchen and came back with a can of whipped cream in her left hand and a feather.

  “No Lotts,” I said shaking my head at her.

  “What? Shut up, it’s gonna be fun, loosen up Pey,” she said walking over to Keller and squirting the cream into his right hand.

  “Right, get your phone ready and record this. I wanna watch it over and over,” she said chuckling.

  I shook my head at her but got my cell and went to the camera app and switched it over to record.

  “Okay, I’m gonna record in three... two... one,” and I pressed the screen and gave Lottie the thumbs up.

  She placed the feather over his face and lightly tickled his cheek with it. Other than the slightest twitching of his face he didn’t move.

  She did it again and still nothing.

  “Try his nose.” I told her.


  She took the feather from his cheek and tickled his nose and as his hand started rising, she quickly pulled hers back.


  Keller’s hand had rubbed his face, and in doing so, the whipped cream smeared everywhere.

  We were pissing ourselves laughing when we heard...




  We simultaneously stopped laughing and looking over towards Keller.

  The bottom half of his face was covered in the cream and his mouth was dropped open in shock. You could only see some of the writing we’d done and thankfully Lottie’s stick drawing was covered up.

  When my eyes finally got to his, I could see he was pissed, but he was also amused. His eyes were twinkling with mirth. Let’s hope it stays that way ‘cause he hasn’t even seen his face yet.

  I couldn’t help it I started giggling again like a five-year-old.

  “You look funny, daddy,” Ivy said laughing too.

  “Oh, I do, do I? Well, you better run princess, because I’m gonna get ya,” Keller said, and as he lifted his foot Ivy started running, screaming and giggling.

  She started running around the furniture dodging his attempts at grabbing her, he let her run from him for about 30 seconds before picking her up and wiping his face all over her.

  “MOMMA!!” She called out, still laughing. Her tinkling laugh along with Keller’s booming chuckles made my heart expand and warm.

  Keller’s head snapped over in my direction and his lip curled up and he gave me a sexy smile, before he gently dropped Ivy back on the floor and started making his way over to me.

  Holding my hands up in a stay-the-fuck-away gesture I told him, “don’t you dare Keller, I mean it!”

  His smile was feral. He looked like a lion, and he was looking at me like I was a gazelle he was gonna eat me up. Mmm... Yes, please. No Peyton, stop thinking like that!

  I slowly lifted my left foot and walked backwards, and Keller’s eye’s zoned onto my feet before coming back up my face and said, “Oh no you don’t Pey.”

  And then he pounced.

  Screaming, I ran in the opposite direction doing the same as Ivy had done and dodged him by running around the couch- all the while shouting at him to stop- the same as he had done with Ivy, he let me run for about 30 seconds before he grabbed me from behind and wrapped him arms around my middle rubbing his face into my neck.

  I was laughing, shouting, squirming and giggling.

  “ me! Stop,” I was gonna wet myself soon if he didn’t stop.

  His husky chuckle vibrated through my body and made me shiver.

  He must have felt me shiver because he tightened his grip on me and his chest rumbled again. I also felt him twitch down below.

  “Don’t play games with me Pie, it won’t workout well for you,” he said when I subtly rubbed my bottom across his groin.

  “Hmmm...” I was incoherent. I couldn’t think of anything other than Keller’s growing arousal.

  “Now, whose idea was it to put the whipped cream all over me?” He said nibbling on the side of my neck.

  “I-I’m... what?” He was discreetly rubbing against me now and it was ruining my concentration on how to get away from him.

  With our backs to them, I vaguely heard Lottie telling Ivy to go with her in her room.

  Keller must’ve heard too, ‘cause as soon as I heard the bedroom door shut he spun me around and backed me up to the wall behind me.

  “Who did it baby?” He asked putting his knee in-between my thighs and rubbing slightly.

  I whimpered. Fuck that felt nice. I hadn’t been this aroused in years- well apart from when I gave Keller that dance last week- and he hadn’t even really touched me.

  “Come on Pey, was it you? Or was it Lottie?” He was rubbing a little harder now and I gripped onto his arms as I felt my knees buckle.

  “It was... oh god that feels good. It was L-Lottie.” I had ratted out my best friend, but it couldn’t be helped, the things he was doing to my body were unbelievable.

  “Thank you baby,” he said kissing and gently biting my neck.

  “Oh... I-I please just kiss me?” I sounded pitiful. I hadn’t kissed him for five years and I was dying to kiss him again.

  He ripped his lips from the side of my neck and looked into my eyes, for what? Reassurance? I don’t know. What I did know, was that I was silently begging him to kiss me.

  And with a growl he did just that.

  His lips smashed down on mine and fuck me I saw stars and fireworks.

  His lips were soft and smooth but also manly. His bottom lip was slightly bigger than the top and I captured it with my teeth and sucked it in my mouth, moaning at the taste of him. He tasted of chocolate and whipped cream and the faintest touch of mint. He tasted delicious.

  Keller groaned into my mouth and I felt one of his arms wrap around my back and the other slowly move up the side of my ribs skimming my breast and up to the back of my neck, where he grasped onto the roots of my hair, twining his hand in and pulling my head back. He deepened the kiss, pulling his lip from in-between mine and gently bit mine.

  I gasped at the slight sting and he took advantage and pushed his tongue in.

  Our tongues battled for what seemed like hours when in actuality it was a minute or so. I pulled away gasping for breath, but Keller didn’t once take his lips off my skin. He just moved slowly down my cheek, kissed my jaw, before moving to my neck, where he sucked and tasted and nibbled.

  I was rubbing on him like a cat in heat when he pulled his lips away and laid his head on my shoulder, breathing heavily.

  “Fuck Pie, I missed that. I’ve missed you so much,” he said moving his head and pressing his lips to my neck.

  Just as I was about to open my mouth and tell him... well I didn’t know how to reply to that, Ivy came in and it was like a bucket of ice cold water had been thr
own over me and instantly killed any arousal I’d felt.

  Somehow my left leg had wrapped around Keller’s waist. I didn’t know whether I’d done it subconsciously or Keller had, but I quickly lowered it just as Ivy turned her eyes to us.

  She looked curious and tilted her head before saying, “Daddy, what are you doing to momma?”

  Such an innocent question. One that even I couldn’t find the answer to.

  Keller stiffened at the sound of our daughter’s voice, and he had to clear his throat a couple of times before he could reply back to her.

  “Erm... nothing Princess. I was just uh, erm looking for something for momma that’s all,” he said and quickly adjusted his jeans to hide his hard on before he turned and faced her.

  “What in her neck?” She sounded so confused.

  Keller’s cheeks turned the faintest pink, and he said, “Yeah, baby. I had to look for her uh, earring! Yeah, I had to look for your earring, didn’t I Pey?” He turned and gave me his begging eyes. “Just agree,” he whispered to me.

  I nodded at Ivy, but couldn’t help giggling at him, and though she didn’t know what I was laughing about Ivy joined in.

  As I walked over to the couch, where my phone was, I heard Keller blow out a breath.

  “Momma I’m hungry tan I have something to eat please?”

  “Yeah baby, what do you want?” I asked her.

  “Don’t know,” she said shrugging her tiny shoulders at me, looking lost.

  “Well... I’m thinking a sandwich, yogurt and some fruit. What do you think about that?”

  “Aww momma, do I have to have fruit?” She whined, sticking her bottom lip out at me.

  That face will not work on me.

  “Yeah, Ivy you do. I’ve told you if you wanna eat sweet things, you’ve still gotta have some fruit and veg, okay?”

  Spinning, she looked at Keller pleadingly and asked, “Daddy, do I haft to have fruit?” Oh, that little...

  “Yeah Princess, you do. Don’t worry I’m gonna have some fruit too, it’s good for you okay?”

  “Otay,” she spun around to face me and said,” fine momma, I’ll have some fruit,” before walking into the kitchen.

  “Such a stinker isn’t she?”


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