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Enticed By You

Page 16

by Amy Muscat

  My hands were at his back and my fingers were digging and scratching, so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if there were marks on him in the morning.

  Our breathing was labored and our eyes were locked onto each other’s and all I could see was Keller’s gorgeous brown orb’s swirling with lust and what looked like love. When he hit the spot, I cried out feeling my orgasm rising to the surface.

  “That’s it baby. I’m almost there are you ready?” His husky, out-of-breath voice asked me.

  Nodding I told him, “yeah Kel. I’m ready.”

  And with that he sped up a little. He was hitting that spot again, and in seconds I was coming. My orgasm rolled through me and shaking I called out his name before I felt his lips on mine, swallowing my cries of pleasure.

  He groaned and went stiff all over before I felt him come inside me. Slowing down his thrusts until we were both spent, he gently collapsed on top on me with his head in the crook of my neck and my fingers in his hair. We lay there, him on top of me, for a couple of minutes getting our breath back and calming our racing hearts.

  Keller pulled out and rolled to his back before gripping my waist and pulling me onto his chest.

  “That was perfect Pey, absolutely fucking perfect.” Keller said, with a smile in his voice, kissing my temple.

  “Yeah,” I said softly stroking my hand up and down his still slightly heaving chest.

  We laid in silence for several minutes before Keller gasped and sat up pulling me up with him.

  I looked up at his face and saw the worry on it.

  “What’s wrong?” I said my brows pulling together, wondering what was going on in his head.

  “We didn’t use a condom. Shit, I’m sorry Peyton. I-I just forgot, we got carried away and I...”

  “Shh... I’m on the pill, Keller. It’s fine.”

  “Why are you on the pill?” He looked pissed.

  I held my hand up to stop whatever he was going to say.

  “‘Cause after I had Ivy, my periods went somewhat haywire, and I was getting them constantly and it was painful, so the doctor told me that it was normal to get heavy period’s and that they would last a while but that I could go on the pill to regulate them after a couple of months. Everyone or at least most women get them after childbirth as they haven’t had one for so long. After a couple of months of it being so bad, I just wanted them to be regular again, so I started taking the pill again, okay?”

  He blew out a breath and said okay, before giving me a seriously hot kiss.

  I felt my body come alive again. Wow. I suppose after having nothing for all those years my body had greatly missed the release that it needed.

  Keller had burst my bubble, so to speak, once again, and I was craving him all over again.

  “Now that that’s out the way, you up for round two?” I swung my leg over him, straddling him, feeling his cock twitch under me.

  “Oh yeah baby,” he said with a big grin taking over his face, before he gripped the back of my hair and pulled me down and laid a fat kiss on my lips.


  The first thing I felt when I woke up was a peppering of kisses up and down my back.

  The second thing I felt was a strong masculine hand kneading my left ass cheek.

  The third was how deliciously sore I was between my legs and how my body felt relaxed and sated.

  And it was then that I remembered what happened last night and in the early hours of the morning.

  “Morin’ baby,” a sleep ridden voice said into my neck, placing butterfly kisses there and behind my ear.


  “Mmm... good morning.” I replied my voice husky and thick from sleep.

  “It is,” he said with his face still buried in my neck.

  I rolled over to face him and my breath caught when I saw his handsome face.

  He had a line indented in his face, probably from the pillow. His eyes were still glassy from sleep, but there was lust flashing in them too, and his mouth was turned up in a sexy, sultry grin.

  Wow. What a sight to wake up too.

  Last night after round two, we had sat up for hours talking. He had finally told me how he’d been discharged from the army; he had been on a mission with his team. They had been checking out an unoccupied building, as they were leaving, satisfied that nothing was abnormal, they were ambushed. He had been in the line of fire he had gotten shot in the shoulder. When he received medical help- they had told him that because the bullet had hit a nerve in his shoulder and his left arm would never be able to hold a gun steady again. It would be a high risk for him and others if he carried on in the army. So therefore he was honorably discharged.

  Keller’s voice brought me back to the present. “You look absolutely beautiful this morning Pie,” he raised his hand and cupped my cheek before he leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled back at the last second.

  “Wait. I’ve got morning breath, you can’t kiss me yet, and I have to brush my teeth first.” I told him slapping a hand over my mouth.

  “What? Pey, I don’t care if you’ve got morning breath. Just give me a kiss Peyton.”

  “No, Keller. I-” My speech was interrupted by Keller grabbing me around the waist, hauling my body over his and gripping the back of my head, before he smashed my lips down on his.

  I gasped at the abruptness of the kiss, and he took the opportunity and pushed his tongue in and battled with mine before I give in and let him win.

  He made a sound of approval.

  All thoughts of morning breath went out the window and I let my mind go blank, just concentrating on the kiss. My hands travelled from his shoulders, where I’d been holding on, down to his hard pecks and further down to his abdomen, feeling his abs ripple when I lightly stroked the bit of hair of his happy trail. I felt his hands move from my hair down my back and he grasped my ass, pulling me closer to him.

  Feeling the twitchy movement of his now hard erection, I became even more turned on and wet.

  I rubbed myself on him, needing him.

  “I want you to kiss me. Kiss me like you’ve never kissed me before Keller. Then I need you to fuck me hard and fast, okay baby?”

  His eyes fired up with heat and lust. It made my belly flutter with the massive butterfly’s flapping around in it.

  “I can do that,” he said before he growled and pulled my face back down again.

  And he proceeded to give me the best kiss I’ve ever had and then he fucked the life outta me.


  Walking into the kitchen, I found Lottie sitting at the table drinking what smelled like a cup of coffee. When she looked my way she got a huge smirk on her face, and her eyes lit up in mischief.


  “Sooo, you banged him then?” She asked with the smirk still firmly in place.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Lotts.” I said casually.

  “Ha! Don’t even try it babe, if I hadn’t heard it last night and this morning, your just fucked hair and the satisfied look on your face would have given you away. Don’t worry, Pey, from the moment I saw the two of you together I knew it was coming. Pun totally intended.”

  I felt a blush creep up my neck and up my cheeks at the thought of her hearing us.

  “Shut up,” I mumbled embarrassed.

  Laughing she got up and told me sit while she made me a coffee.

  I sat in the chair opposite of hers and waited in silence while she poured cream and added sugar into mine before bringing it over and telling me to ‘spill.'

  “I don’t know what to tell you Lotts,” I said picking the mug up and blowing the hot steam away, just for something to do.

  “Everything. From the beginning of last night, preferably.”

  Groaning, ‘cause I knew I was gonna have to tell her. Otherwise, she would keep badgering me about it until I confessed and told her.

  “Where’s Ivy?”

  “Oh no, you don’t, missy. Don’t be trying to change the subject,
on me.” Lottie said.

  “I’m not. I just wanna know where she is so she doesn’t hear anything I say, is all,” I told her truthfully. That was the last thing I needed- Ivy hearing how me and Keller had got reacquainted last night- and her asking questions.

  “Oh, okay. She’s still asleep. I checked on her about twenty minutes ago and she was out cold. Yesterday’s excitement must’ve knocked her out. Now, tell me,” she said bouncing in her seat excitedly, like a two year old on Christmas day, ready for their presents.

  “Fine, fine. Chill out I’ll tell you.” And just to wind her up I left it at that and waited.

  “Bloody hell, Pey. Hurry the fuck up before I go into that bedroom and, naked or not, I will wring the truth from that hunk of a man.”

  Laughing at her and her impatience I proceeded to relay the whole story of last night. I told her how we’d had a fight, which lead me to blurting out that I was starting to have feelings for him again and that I was scared. Which led to him kissing me and moving to the bedroom and having sex...

  “Wait, wait, wait. Hold up a second, sister.” She exclaimed, holding her hands up, palms facing me practically in my face. “You are not just going to tell me that you two had sex and leave it like that. I want details babe. I wanna know everything. Did he go down on you? Did you go down on him? Did he make you come? And by the glow that’s radiating off you I would say, yeah, yeah he did. So, how many times? Oh god... I can just imagine him in the sack.” She said in a rush and looking off in the distance.

  “Hey,” I said chucking a cookie at her. “Stop thinking of my... my...” I didn’t know what to call him. My boyfriend? He wasn’t my boyfriend, he wasn’t my anything. He was just Ivy’s dad.

  Yeah and the man who gave you multiple orgasms in the past 12 hours.

  My subconscious was a bitch, who liked to remind me of everything.

  “Your what?” she said with that grin back in place, tilting her head to the side, making her blond, messy just-got-out-of-bed hair fall over her right shoulder, and her blue eyes were sparkling naughtily.

  “My nothing. I’m just asking to not- if you can help yourself- think of those thoughts of Keller, please.”

  “What he’s single, right? You don’t want him and he’s smoking hot!” She told me fanning her face with her hand.

  Fuck! What if Keller becomes interested in Lottie, and she in him. What would I do then? Would I have to sit there while they played house and fell in love with each other? Would I be the one to have to lay there and listen to them having sex?

  Oh god, I think I was gonna be sick.

  Lottie’s voice interrupted my tumultuous thoughts.

  “Hey, Pey. I’m only joking, girl. I would never ever go there. And do you really think Keller would too? Hun, he looks at you like you're the air that he needs to breathe, the sun to his light. Come on stop thinking those things right now,” she said sternly.

  Blowing out a breath and calming my wayward thoughts, I realized that I was being stupid. Lottie would never, as she said, go there with Keller. She was my best friend and best friends didn’t do that to each other. And even though we had been separated for five years, Keller was never a spiteful person and I couldn’t really see him changing.

  “I’m sorry. I know you would never do that, and Keller wouldn’t do that to me. It’s just… I don’t know, Lotts. I’m not the same person he once knew. I’m too serious these days and I’m not outgoing no more. I’m boring. What if he finds that he doesn’t like this new me? My body has changed a lot since I had Ivy, and yeah, he says he likes the new boobs and that he likes my stretch marks, as they represent Ivy’s life. But what if some new-hot girl with nice perky boobs and a nice ass with no marks on her body, who is beautiful snaps him up. What would I do then?” I was silently begging her with my eyes to give me the answers I needed.

  “Okay, for one; you’re not boring. You’re a mum. That’s one hard job to do. Two; you have to be serious, ‘cause you’re a mum. Three; you are outgoing, just cautious. Four; I can guarantee he likes the new you, more mature, not the naïve eighteen-year-old he knew. And five! Babe, you are far from being ugly. You’re fucking gorgeous, I’d do you if I swung the other way. You’re a MILF Pey. Plain and simple.” She said all this with total honesty in her voice, eyes and expression.

  I grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze and told her, “thanks Lotts. I think I needed to hear that. I’m just worried you know?”

  “Yeah, I get it, no prob. But we are going to rectify the fact that you don’t go out much. We are going to go out, and not to a cocktail bar. But a club, where there are hundreds of grinding bodies and lots of music to dance to. And we are gonna get smashed on tequila. Okay? How does that sound? Us just letting our hair down.”

  I thought about this for a minute before nodding and agreeing with her. I did need a good night out, where we both get smashed, not just Lottie. I needed to have fun and let my hair down as she said.

  “Okay, that sounds like a plan,” I told her with a smile.

  “Good, now get back to the details of the hot banging that transpired last night.” She said clapping her hands and then waving them at me to proceed with the story.


  Twenty minutes later Keller came into the kitchen holding Ivy in his arms.

  Lottie was still laughing and grinning like a mad woman while I was blushing brighter than a bottle of ketchup.

  At her insistence and persuasion I’d ended up telling her everything. All the details and how many times he’d made me orgasm. She’d even asked how big he was. I just held my hands out away from each other and then made a motion to show her how thick he was. She’d gasped and told me I was ‘one fucking lucky bitch’ and that she needed to find someone that well-endowed and soon.

  “What’re you blushing for?” Keller inquired.

  “What’s that daddy?”

  “It’s when you get all red in the face, princess.” Keller told her, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

  “Nothing.” I blurted out.

  Lottie started laughing next to me and gave Keller, a run-down of his body with her eyes. Keller shifted, looking uncomfortable, and Lottie winked at him.

  “Oh nothing, we were just talking about antics in the bedroom, that’s all. Don’t worry. It’s all good news,” she said smiling, and nudged me. “Aye, Pey?”

  “Shut up,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Oh, really?” I could hear the smirk in his voice, and looking at his face confirmed that he was indeed smirking. Bastard.

  “So, who wants breakfast?” I asked changing the subject.

  Ivy wiggled out of Keller’s arms and sat at the table telling me she did.

  “Hmm... I think I fancy some bacon, eggs, toast and sausage- a big, fat, juicy one. I ain’t had one of them in a long time.” Lottie’s innuendos were going to be the death of me, I just knew it.

  “Aunty Lottie, we had McDonald’s breakfast the other day and had sausage, silly.” Ivy said shaking her head and looking at Lottie like she was mad for forgetting that.

  “Oh, I know, sweetheart. I just fancy a long one today and not around one, even though the round ones are good too.” She said back to her, still carrying on with her innuendos.


  “Fudge you, Charlotte, fudge you big time.” I told her.

  She and Keller started laughing, while Ivy just sat there looking confused before shrugging her shoulders and asked me if she could play games on my iPhone.

  Handing her my cell, I walked over to the fridge and started pulling out all the stuff to make our breakfast. Depositing all the ingredients on the side, I pulled a pan out from the cupboard, turned it on and threw the sausages in it.

  As I was flipping the bacon, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and I jumped slightly. Turning my head, I saw Keller’s smiling face inch’s from mine.

  “Hey, baby,” he said dipping his head and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

  “Oh, hi.” I sa
id startled.

  “What?” He said his brows buckling.

  “Nothing, you just made me jump. I wasn’t expecting you to...” I couldn’t think of what to say.

  “Do you not want me to kiss you or anything?” He said, looking put out.

  “No! No, it’s, it’s... I don’t know Keller. It’s been a long time since, well everything. I’m just not used to this sort of affection. It’s confusing. My heads all over the place with this. Can we just take this one step at a time? Please? For Ivy’s sake and for our sakes as well. Could we slow this down and see where it goes?”

  I felt like a massive contradiction. Last night and this morning I was all over him, and now I was telling him to slow down.

  He was nodding, obviously thinking about it. “Okay, Pey. I can do that. But can we still...” He left his sentence hanging in the air. And I blushed at what he was insinuating.


  “Well, baby? Do we still get to do the dirty? Are we still gonna fuck?” He whispered these dirty words in my ear, lightly grazing the lobe with his teeth.

  With the way my body was reacting, I think it came as no surprise that I answered with a ‘yes,' well it was more of a moan, but I think he got the drift.


  The next week went by fast. Monday I went to the police station and I ended up pressing charges and took out a restraining order against Andrew.

  He wasn’t allowed to come within two hundred feet of me and the club.

  And if he did breach the terms he would go to jail.

  I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when they called me Monday night and told me that Andrew had agreed to those terms and that he was truly sorry, he’d been drunk. Drunk my ass. He fucking knew what he was doing. I could see it in his eyes that he was serious. But it was done now and I could move on from the whole thing.

  I went back to work in the coffee shop Tuesday.

  I spoke to Jimmy and discussed my going back to work in the club, but this time as a barmaid. And only twice a week. Jimmy agreed and thought that was for the best and that he was pleased that I wasn’t quitting. I explained to him that even though I didn’t want to be a stripper anymore, I didn’t want to leave everyone and that I still needed the income. Plus the tips you got from the bar were still good.


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