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Stryder (The Black Stallion Trilogy Book 2)

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by Maggie Ryan


  The Black Stallion Trilogy, Book Two

  Maggie Ryan

  Alta Hensley

  Blushing Books



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  About the Author

  About the Author

  EBook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books®, Maggie Ryan and Alta Hensley

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  Maggie Ryan and Alta Hensley


  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-156-9

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Chapter 1

  Stryder Steele pulled the collar of his wool jacket tighter around his neck. He blew into his hands, hoping the warmth of his breath would help combat the numbness setting in. The biting wind gusting off the Moskva River could freeze a man if he weren’t careful. He’d known Moscow would be cold, but this was fucking ridiculous. He wanted to kill whoever thought it best to have his brother, Anson, and him wait on the Moskvoretskaya Embankment by a damn statue of some Russian political figure from history. Sure, he would do whatever it took for the secret hand-off of a crucial invitation needed for their mission, but the fact remained that they could have just as easily done this in some heated bar, drinking vodka with the locals.

  “My balls are going to freeze off. My Texas blood can’t deal with this shit,” Anson said as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. “Are you sure this guy is going to show?”

  “He’d better.”

  “I don’t know. He should have been here by now. Maybe he got scared or someone got word of this.”

  Stryder shook his head. “He’ll be here.”

  “And you’re positive this guy has two invitations to Vasily Poplov’s auction?” Anson asked, each word accompanied by a white puff of cold air as he spoke.

  “That’s what he said,” Stryder snapped. He was trying his best not to grow impatient with his brother, but when it came to missions, Stryder preferred to work alone. Hell, when it came to anything, he preferred to be alone.

  He enjoyed working with his brothers and his father as a whole, but when he took the lead on a job, it was his and his alone. His family knew and respected that was how he operated, but Anson had insisted on coming on this operation. After attempting to annihilate every member of the Nazar family, Vasily Poplov had quickly become the most hated name in the Steele family. There wasn’t a single person on The Black Stallion Ranch back home who didn’t want to see this asshole pay for the crimes he’d committed.

  “I don’t know, man,” Anson said with skepticism in his eyes. “I wish you would have told me more about this mystery person. How is he able to get two extra invitations to an underground sex slave auction?”

  Stryder scanned the people passing by, noticing they didn’t seem as cold as he and his brother were, and said, “He’s just a bad man, who hangs out with bad people.”

  Anson huffed. “And you just happen to know this man how?”

  Stryder looked at his brother and smirked. “Because I’m a bad man who knows how to kill bad people.” He gave a playful wink to his brother just because he knew it would irritate him.

  “You’re a real dick head sometimes, you know that? Remind me to never go on a fucking mission with you again.” Anson turned away, his classic way of silently declaring he was done with the conversation.

  Stryder held in a laugh. The truth of the matter was, that if there were anyone he would want to be standing freezing his ass off with, it would be Anson. Stryder trusted him with his life. His bro
ther was smart. Really goddamn smart. Stryder might fight his way out of danger with brawn, skill, or just plain shooting someone between the eyes, but Anson would take a far more logical approach to resolving a situation, and not always go into a risky setting with guns blazing. Whereas Stryder had three scars on his body from old bullet wounds, proving that he didn’t always think before he acted. A weakness of his, but he’d never tell his family that, or he’d never hear the end of it. Whether Stryder wanted to admit it or not, Anson and he would make a good team taking down this sex trafficking ring and making Vasily Poplov pay.

  Right now, the duty rested fully on his and Anson’s shoulders. Both his brother Maddox and their father were busy back at the family ranch, caring for the women they loved. Sure, they would both be here in a second if needed, but Stryder knew he had this under control. It wouldn’t be long until he and his brother would be back in Texas, out of freezing Russia, taking care of the horses, and eating Jennie’s hippie-granola food. Just as he liked it… well, the hippie-granola food part might be stretching it a bit much.

  Scanning the crowd once again, he noticed a man with a grey fedora hat standing across the street, staring at them. With a slight nod of his head, Stryder acknowledged that he was indeed who this man was looking for. Quickly, the man ran across the street, dodging the traffic zooming by. Stryder’s heart skipped a beat when the man came within a fraction of an inch of being clipped by a black Mercedes. Wouldn’t that just be the fucking cherry on top of the frozen sundae he was about to turn into? Fortunately, his contact walked up to Stryder and acted like he bumped into him while handing off an envelope at the same time. Perhaps the near accident had affected his contact more than he’d thought, as the exchange wasn’t graceful in the slightest. Stryder smirked at the lack of skill this delivery person had, but regardless, it didn’t matter. Stryder had the envelope with the invitations, and the not-so-discreet messenger had scurried off into the crowd of other people.

  Phase one of the operation: Complete.

  “It’s about time. Can we get out of the damn cold now?” Anson asked with a smile, clearly happy that they finally had what they needed for tonight’s auction.

  Stryder shoved the envelope into his pocket and gave a quick look around to see if anyone seemed to have noticed or cared. “Yeah, there’s a bar around the corner. Let’s go there and read what we have,” he answered as they made haste to leave the biting cold.

  Walking into the bar was like a slap to the face. The warm air hit their numb bodies like a wave of heat from the Sahara. Stryder couldn’t tell if it was the fact that the bar had the temperature up too high, or the fact that outside was butt fucking cold. Shedding his coat as he walked to a two-man table in the corner of the room, he quickly scanned the area and felt comfortable enough that Anson and he would be fine discussing something of such a delicate nature as the invite. The only patrons in the bar were three old men, half drunk, and none of them even bothered to look up when the door opened. Each of them sat on old stools that looked as if all the stuffing had oozed out the sides. The wooden counter they all slumped over had clearly seen better days considering how worn and battered it appeared to be. Cigarettes hung from the lips of all three men, and from the smell of the room, many packs had already been smoked. The bartender seemed to be unenthusiastic, and was busy watching a small television hanging over the edge of the bar. It didn’t appear that whatever they were watching on the screen was overly interesting, but all the patrons—including the bartender—didn’t seem to care to do anything else.

  Taking his seat, Stryder called out to the bartender, “Two vodkas, please.”

  Anson shot him a dirty look. “We’re working—”

  “Don’t,” Stryder warned, pointing his index finger for emphasis. “I do things my way, brother.” He smiled when Anson sat down and simply rolled his eyes. Yup, that was just about the amount of respect he’d expected. “Add some chips or something too, will ya?” Stryder added as he pulled out the envelope. He watched for a moment to see if the bartender even understood him since he’d asked for everything in English, but when the man started to grab glasses behind the bar, Stryder knew he had.

  “Nice dive you brought us to.” Anson leaned forward. “And you should have asked in Russian. Not every ryamochnayas welcomes Americans.”

  Stryder sighed, wanting to roll his eyes as well. Though he could understand a great deal of the Russian language, he knew he had a tendency to mutilate the foreign words if he attempted to speak them. But it didn’t surprise him at all to hear that his brainy brother not only knew the Russian term for a bar, but that he pronounced it flawlessly. “Vodka is vodka. Universal.”

  “I’m serious. We don’t need to draw attention to ourselves.”

  “Would you rather go back outside?” Stryder asked as he leaned back in his chair and casually crossed his arms. With a smile and light chuckle, he added, “You should see your face. Your nose is bright red, and your cheeks aren’t far from it. If we put a hat and beard on you, you could be jolly St. Nick.” Poor guy. No matter how good looking the man was, Anson was cursed with his fair complexion. His skin tone gave away a lot, often telegraphing whether he was too cold, too hot, had too much to drink, or was embarrassed. Luckily for Stryder, his own darker, Latin complexion concealed a lot of things. And his dark brown eyes made him very hard to read, or for anyone to truly take a peek into his soul. At least his heritage could be good for something.

  “Yeb tvoye,” Anson said, trying his best to conceal his smile.

  Now that he understood easily. Curse words were often the first things learned in any foreign language. Stryder laughed loudly, enjoying that he and Anson could always have the brotherly banter even when about to partake in a dark and dangerous secret operation. It did help lighten the mood, and Stryder knew that if he were here alone, his demeanor and behavior would be completely different. Maybe he preferred having Anson with him… but he didn’t have to tell his brother that.

  The bartender came over with three glasses, a bottle of chilled vodka under his arm, and a bowl of something Stryder couldn’t quite make out. “What is that? I asked for chips.”

  “Pickled cucumbers,” the bartender answered in an extremely thick Russian accent, opening the bottle of vodka and pouring it into the tiny, goblet-like shot glasses.

  Stryder scowled at the bowl’s contents. “Is that all you have?”

  “It’s good,” he said. “See? Like this.” He picked up his glass, grabbed a pickle with the other hand and waited for both Stryder and Anson to do the same.

  Stryder smiled at Anson and shrugged, knowing Anson didn’t like drinking on a mission, but one shot wouldn’t kill them. “When in Rome…” He stood up, as did Anson, purely as a sign of respect to the gracious bartender.

  The bartender extended his glass forward and waited until the brothers did as well. “To dark, to light, to death, to life. May we all be free to choose.” He knocked back the shot, then bit into the pickle. “Like we do in Russia.”

  Both Anson and Stryder followed suit and took one big drink of the cold liquid that burned all the way down. Biting into the pickled cucumber wasn’t exactly what Stryder had in mind for a snack, but it actually did taste really good chasing down the vodka.

  “Thank you, my friend,” Stryder said as he patted the bartender’s back. “I do enjoy learning the local customs. Especially when there is vodka involved.”

  “Another?” the bartender asked.

  “Not now,” Anson answered for them. He glared at Stryder before continuing, “We have some things we need to discuss first.”

  Stryder would have never allowed that to happen if he had intended to drink another, but he wanted to keep a clear and level head just as much as his brother. He just liked making him sweat. “Maybe later, my friend.” Both he and Anson sat as the bartender left to return to serve his comatose patrons and stare once more at the television.

  “Can we get back to work please? Open the envelope,”
Anson said.

  Just as anxious as his brother, Stryder opened the manila envelope and pulled out two smaller white ones, sealed with wax. “Classy,” he said as he broke the seal on one with his finger, pulling out the small invite. The details were embossed in gold lettering. The first half was in Russian, and if Stryder really wanted to concentrate, he would have been able to translate it. But he didn’t have to since an English version was directly underneath it. It read:

  10:30 p.m.

  The State Tretyakov Gallery

  Black suit.

  Black mask.

  Stryder passed the invite to Anson. “You gotta love Poplov’s flare for theatrics.”

  Anson read the invitation and then looked at his watch. “Theatrics or not, this works for our benefit. Just in case word has spread about us and our appearance, being in this disguise will help us blend in with everyone else.”

  “True,” Stryder agreed. “Where the fuck are we going to find black masks in the middle of Moscow?”

  “Exactly because this is Moscow. Theatrics is commonplace here. I bet we don’t have to look further than the hotel gift shop to find masks. And we brought the suits expecting that the event would be formal.”

  Stryder reached for his phone and sent a text to his father.

  Got invites.

  Tonight at 10:30

  The State Tretyakov Gallery

  Need the layout within the next hour or so.

  Any more info on attendees?


  Stryder and Anson wouldn’t go into the building until they knew where each door led to, the location of all exits, and every exact detail of that gallery that could possibly save their lives. It was bad enough that they wouldn’t know everyone who would be attending.

  “No doubt they will have security searching us before we enter. So, once we go in, we are on our own. I don’t want us to risk anything by trying to take pictures,” Anson said.


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