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Stryder (The Black Stallion Trilogy Book 2)

Page 21

by Maggie Ryan

  Drake snorted and broke the tension that had begun to seep into his sons by saying, “You do know that those girls are likely to get into trouble, right?”

  “And he’s not talking about trouble from any outside source,” Maddox said, as if needing to assure Hadi that his granddaughter would be perfectly safe despite their absence.

  Hadi didn’t question either man, and simply said, “I have no doubt my new grandson will keep my beloved granddaughter safe and toeing the line.” When he and Maddox both chuckled, Hadi added, “I’ve already sent the plane. It should be landing in El Paso soon.”

  “Then we’ll take the Cessna,” Drake said.

  “We’ll leave now and be in Dubai soon. I know you’ve got this handled, Hadi, but please wait until we get there to give you backup,” Stryder said. “Don’t underestimate Poplov.”

  “Let us be part of bringing the bastard down,” Maddox said. “We deserve to see the man before he rots in hell.”

  Hadi nodded. “Nothing will be done without you. Give my love to Adira, and I will be seeing you all soon. Safe travels.”

  The Steeles watched as the screen went dark. Drake stood first. He turned to Stryder. “Son, all of us will understand if you feel you need to stay here.”

  “Not a chance in hell,” Stryder said, standing as well.

  Drake nodded and said, “All right. Grab your go bags. Even though we are flying on Hadi’s plane, leave any weapons here. I’m sure he’ll be able to provide whatever we need once we land. We leave immediately.”

  Stryder waited for Anson as Drake and Maddox left the room. Anson flipped off the equipment and then spoke. “Pops told me what happened.”

  “I figured, and it’s not your fault.”

  “I know,” Anson said, the two walking out of the room. “I’m just saying don’t give up, and don’t you dare leave without telling her.”

  “Kind of hard to do when she’s not speaking to me.”

  Anson slugged him. “Grow a set! Shit, I never thought I’d hear you whining like a baby. I don’t care if she pokes her fingers in her ears and sticks out her tongue. You just make sure you tell her you are leaving but you’ll be back. Don’t you get on that plane with her thinking you abandoned her. Understand?”

  It wasn’t often that his brother spoke to him in that tone of voice and Stryder didn’t care for it at all. Still, he couldn’t fault him, as he had a point. “I will.”

  “Good. She needs to know that no matter what, you are there for her.” They entered the office, taking the time to close the bookcase to conceal the tunnel’s opening. Anson headed for the stairs, pausing on the first step. “Your bag in the closet?” At Stryder’s nod, he continued. “I’ll grab it for you.”

  “Thanks,” Stryder said, moving to walk behind the staircase. At Zoya’s door, he took a deep breath and lifted his hand. His knock didn’t have the door opening but he could hear Zoya’s voice. It sounded muffled, which he understood could be caused by the fact that she was still crying, but hoped it was due to the thickness of the oak.

  “Zoya, it’s me, may I speak to you a minute?”

  “I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Then just listen. We’ve got to leave for Dubai but don’t worry. Jennie and Adira will be here and know what to do if something happens.” Fuck, he hadn’t meant to scare her. “But don’t worry about that. Everyone on the ranch will keep you safe. We’ll be back as soon as possible. I just didn’t want you to think I’d left without telling you.”

  “Fine, you told me, now leave me alone.”

  Despite himself, Stryder felt his temper flare. “This isn’t over. When I get back, we’re going to talk. Do you hear me?”

  No answer came this time and yet he knew she was standing just on the other side of the door. Lifting his hand, he pressed it against the wood. “I… I’ll see you soon. Take care of yourself.” When his words were again met by silence, he shook his head, turning away. He’d taken three steps before he heard her calling. Instantly he was back at the door.

  “I’m here, honey.”

  “Take care of yourself, too.”

  She hadn’t said she was sorry or that she was willing to listen and yet he instantly felt lighter. “I will. When we get back, we’ll talk.”

  She didn’t speak again but he was able to walk away with hope. He returned to the living room to find Drake talking with Jennie and Maddox holding Adira. Stryder gave Anson a nod as he took his duffel from him.

  “You boys be careful,” Jennie said.

  “We will,” Drake said, giving her a hug and then swatting her butt, causing her to squeal. “You remember to behave yourself and be a good role model or there will be more where that came from.”

  “Promises, promises,” Jennie said, gray curls bouncing as she shook her head.

  Stryder grinned and went to her. “Look in on Zoya, will you? I don’t care if she thinks she needs to be alone. She doesn’t. She needs you and Adira.” As his father walked towards the door, he leaned a little closer. “I don’t care what it takes, make sure she knows we are all here for her.”

  “You don’t have to ask,” Jennie said. “But just hearing you do so tells me I am right. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of your girl. You just wipe that asshole out of this world.”

  “We will,” Stryder said, grinning at her rather colorfully stated request. He gave her cheek a kiss before joining what became the Black Stallion team the moment the men stepped out the door. Walking towards the truck, he had to grin to hear Anson arguing that he wasn’t too tired to fly.

  “Give it up, little brother,” Maddox said, “I’m pulling rank.”

  “Fuck that, I was in the Air Force. I’ve got far more rank than you do, you grunt.”

  Maddox shook his head as if saddened by his brother’s stupidity. “This grunt is the older brother. I’m the pilot today.”

  Anson rolled his eyes. “Fine, but when we get back, I’m flying home.”

  Drake just shook his head as he settled into the back seat. “How about someone actually drives the fucking truck first?”

  Stryder threw his bag into the bed of the truck and walked around to the driver’s side, hearing other duffels landing and doors opening and closing as he started the ignition. The banter was normal, the teasing and poking at one another easing the tension they all felt but refused to keep them from performing their duties.

  “What the fuck! It’s as hot as Hades here,” Stryder said, wiping the sweat forming on his forehead within moments of stepping off the plane he’d been on for almost twenty hours. “You guys weren’t joking when you spoke of the heat.” He thought Texas could get hot, but this was downright miserable. If it weren’t for putting an end to Vasily Poplov, Stryder would have turned right back around, hopping in Hadi’s nicely air-conditioned private plane, and demanding that the pilot take off immediately. The sun was setting, though, which gave Stryder some hope that at least the evening would make this place a bit more bearable.

  “Yes, this is a hot time of year for Dubai as well. Not the best time of year to travel,” Drake said as he lugged a duffel bag over his shoulder.

  They walked to the black town car that Hadi told them he would have waiting for them. There was one other vehicle in front, as well as another behind. The literal train of security would guarantee their safety to wherever Hadi Nazar was. It was clear the man was taking no chances after the massacre of his family.

  “Let’s just get this over with fast and get back to the ranch,” Stryder grumbled. Not only was the heat getting to him, but his anxiety about leaving Zoya was a little more than he had expected. He knew she was safe. If Jennie even thought something was endangering her girls, she’d have them hunkered down in the panic room that was located in the deepest section of the tunnel system. It was a room seldom used but one kept supplied and ready. Drake had told them that he’d spoken to Kurt, their right-hand man. He’d make sure security was beefed up and would have one man on each of the ladies with the
directions to never let them out of their sight. But it still unnerved him. They might not be on the best of terms, hell, she had barely spoken to him when he left, but he hadn’t been without Zoya since that awful night in Moscow. Twenty hours in the air had only served to convince him that once this mission was over, they would be turning directly around and heading back to the ranch. Sightseeing in Dubai was definitely not on the agenda this trip. The only sight he wished to lay his eyes on was Zoya.

  “She’ll be fine,” Anson assured him as they approached the car. “I’m sure Jennie and Adira have filled her in on not only why we left but also relayed the information about Sophia.”

  Stryder forgot the heat as he stopped in his tracks. “Shit, I was going to tell her myself, not have my dirty laundry aired by Jennie.”

  “Relax, you know Jennie. You couldn’t pull a secret out of her if you tried. I’m not talking about your past. I’m just talking about her sharing what everyone already knows.”

  It took another moment but then Stryder nodded and resumed walking. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I am, little brother,” Anson said, “I’m the smart one, remember.”

  “Smart ass, you mean. You’re barely a year older than I am,” Stryder said, stepping around his brother to bend as he slid into the car, giving an exaggerated moan of approval that had nothing to do with the soft leather seats but everything to do with the air conditioning that was going full blast.

  Once the others were inside and the doors closed, the driver said in an extremely thick accent, “Mr. Nazar would like you to meet him at the docks. He said to send his apologies for not greeting you in person, but he is busy with preparations.”

  “That’s fine. Take us to wherever he wants,” Drake said, sitting back and looking completely at ease.

  The drive to the marina was just long enough to cool down, and when the water and row after row of yachts came into view, Stryder actually wished for a longer time in the car. Reentering the scorching heat was not on the top of his list. The crystal-blue of the ocean had never looked more inviting.

  He was a bit surprised when their car didn’t head towards the water but instead turned down a narrower road.

  “I thought Hadi said the dock,” he said.

  “He did, but I’m guessing he doesn’t mean those out in the open. Maddox and I used the dock down this road,” Drake said.

  Stryder knew his father trusted his old friend implicitly, which did help calm Stryder’s nerves a bit. He hated not knowing every single detail of a mission he was involved with, but he didn’t have much of a choice when it came to this one. After all, both his pops and his brother had been in Dubai not that long ago.

  Their car pulled up and joined four black SUVs that were parked. When they exited the car, Hadi Nazar stepped from his own, with all of his highly-armed men surrounding him. Stryder hadn’t seen fire power like that since the military. The impressive display made him feel as if they were going to war. Which, in all reality, they were.

  “Gentlemen,” Hadi began with a slight bow of his head. “Let me first apologize for having you meet me here. But there was no time to waste.”

  “What is this all about?” Drake asked, scanning the area as everyone else was also doing.

  From what Stryder could see, they were secure. They’d driven away from the open and though he guessed the wooden pier could be considered a dock, as he saw a few boats tied up, none looked like they belonged to one of the wealthiest men in the world. There was no one nearby. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t be ambushed at any second. He wouldn’t put anything past Vasily Poplov now. Hell, the man might even know they were in Dubai, although it was highly unlikely since they had left the States immediately, flown private, and didn’t tell a soul.

  Hadi gestured to the boat bobbing in the water. “If you’ll board?”

  Stryder followed his team aboard the rather dilapidated looked vessel. Once everyone was on board, he realized that not one of the bodyguards had joined them. Instead, they were tossing off the ropes that had been wrapped around cleats on the dock.

  “Are they taking another boat?” he asked.

  “No,” Hadi said, nodding to the only stranger among them, who stood behind the wheel. “I’ve got men stationed everywhere but only as a precaution. I don’t expect any trouble… well, none that I haven’t orchestrated, that is.”

  Stryder saw that his father didn’t appear concerned and decided to let things play out as they would. He kept his eyes moving as Maddox and Hadi spoke quietly about Adira. It wasn’t a conversation he’d expected to hear in the middle of a mission, but it did manage to relax him. If the news that Zephyr’s first time being put to stud had him soon to become a papa was the most important piece of information that Maddox had to offer, his brother couldn’t be too worried about danger. Looking at Anson, he saw him grin. “How can you be so relaxed?”

  “Sit down and chill,” Anson said by way of answer. Once Stryder dropped onto the shabby bench seat, Anson nodded towards the pilot. “Notice anything?”

  Raking his eyes over the man, he said, “He’s armed. So what, we knew Hadi wasn’t coming to the game empty-handed. I’m guessing that bag is full of guns.”

  “Though I’m sure you’re right, that’s not what I meant. For a boat that looks like it should have sunk years ago, listen.”

  Stryder did so, and what he heard had him turning around and looking towards the stern. “No way that engine can put out that much power.”

  “Nope, I’m betting there are others below the waterline. There hasn’t been a single stutter, a moment’s hesitation, and the pilot is not expecting any, though he knows that Hadi is on board. So, relax and enjoy the ride. At least we’ve got a breeze off the water.”

  “It’s still fucking hot,” Stryder said but finally relaxed. His eyes kept sweeping but now he was looking at the scenery. “I can see why they built this city. It’s gorgeous.” It wasn’t until he felt the breeze against his face ebb that he looked back in the direction they’d been heading. “Why are we slowing?” he asked, rising to his feet, instantly feeling the difference in speed beneath the soles of his boots.

  Soon they weren’t moving at all, simply bobbing on the water. They’d traveled down the inlet and were at the mouth of the gulf. Hadi pointed out to sea. “See that yacht out there with the three flags hanging off the stern?”

  Stryder and the others squinted against the sun as it lowered into the horizon. There were several ships out at sea, but the yacht that Hadi pointed to was the closest to shore, a fair bit smaller than the rest, and still clearly much larger than their boat. Its white color made it easily visible to the naked eye despite the waning daylight. Each man nodded when their vision focused on the boat.

  “Vasily Poplov, twelve of his best men—two of which are Mikhail Sokolov and Nikolai Orlov—and one beautiful woman who we now know helped run that sickening slave auction—Katarina Petrova—loaded the boat an hour before you landed in Dubai. Poplov’s sick entourage are all on that yacht having a nice meal with two real shit heads from my own country and their own men. Even the crew are monsters and have worked with the worst of the worst. Not an innocent floats on that sea. Right there, my friends, is a floating vessel full of disgusting and vile creatures.”

  “So you wanted us to meet you here so we can give them a not so friendly greeting when they return?” Anson asked.

  “No,” Hadi said, shaking his head, yet a small smile grew on his face. “I could have had my team shoot each one of those sorry excuses for men one by one as they loaded. I’ve stationed snipers on every rooftop since this morning.” His gaze turned to Maddox. “Including your friend, Mr. Westwood.”

  “Keith’s a good man,” Maddox said, his old army buddy having helped them the last time the Steeles had been in Dubai.

  Hadi just nodded and continued. “If I wanted them dead by gunshot, they already would be. They would have all been full of bullet holes before they even knew it was coming.
And let me tell you, watching Poplov board that boat through my binoculars, it took all my might not to order the execution the minute I saw his big blue eyes.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” Anson said. “Give us guns, and we’ll be glad to join your boarding party.”

  Stryder saw his brother’s eyes dropping to the black bag but then turned back to Hadi, who took the time to look each of the Steeles head on. “I know each one of you would like to personally kill Vasily Poplov with your bare hands. I’m sure my granddaughter and that poor girl Zoya would, as well. There is no question that the hatred for this man runs through us all. I didn’t bring you here to put your lives in danger. You risked your lives for my family. All of this began with me. This man declared war on me and my family, and I will have the final blow. Could I allow someone else to handle this? Yes. Will I? No. I must have my revenge. I must be the one to end this all.”

  “Hadi…” Drake began, giving his good friend a suspicious look. “What plan do you have in store for Poplov?”

  Hadi smiled. “Revenge. Revenge for blowing up my family.”

  Stryder looked back at the yacht, then at Hadi, starting to understand what the man was hinting at. “You said you’ve had snipers stationed all day. How long have your divers been in the water?”

  “Not quite as long, but long enough,” Hadi said, not appearing surprised at the question.

  Stryder nodded. “What made you think that Poplov wouldn’t make sure he didn’t get on a boat… a yacht no less, without making damn sure there were no explosives aboard?”

  “Oh, I knew he’d check,” Hadi said with a grin. “In fact, he evidently didn’t trust that his hosts had checked, though they had… twice. Poplov didn’t step a foot out of his car until the divers checked a third time. My divers watched each sweep. The moment the other divers climbed out of the water and Poplov was positive he’d be safe, my team began to attach the explosives to the hull. The yacht is nowhere near the size of the Adira but I guarantee, it will suffer the same fate.”


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