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A Lover's Lament

Page 26

by K. L. Grayson

  The escalator that takes us to where we pick up our baggage couldn’t be longer, or any slower, and I’m anxious to the point that I’m getting annoyed. Squeezing my eyes shut, I run a hand over my face and stifle a grown. Dropping my hand, my eyes reopen, instantly landing on a familiar set of brown eyes—although they’re not locked on me. My limbs tingle right before going completely numb, and when the escalator drops me off at the bottom, I nearly stumble to the ground.


  She’s scanning the area to the left of me, and I know that any second she’ll see me. I could call out to her, but right now I’m enjoying being able to just look at her. Her hair is longer than I remember it, and she has dark brown waves hanging messily over her right shoulder. She’s my Katie … only older, more mature. Her tits are bigger, her hourglass figure clearly defined through her tight t-shirt, and her hips are fuller too. She’s fucking sexy and hell, and don’t get me started on those mile-long legs. Her body has definitely changed, and I can’t wait to get my fucking hands on her.

  My hungry gaze travels up the length of her body, and when my eyes land on hers, she’s watching me, tears running down her flushed cheeks. So I do the only thing I can do …

  “A Thousand Years”—Christina Perri

  PUSHING MY WAY PAST THE other passengers, I hurry up the ramp. My flight was delayed by an hour, which ultimately meant our flights landed at the same time. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. Today, however, it is.

  I haven’t talked to Devin since yesterday. After he hung up, I received an email with his itinerary, and I haven’t heard a word since. Did I piss him off to the point where he didn’t want to see me? I told him that what I had with Wyatt is over—that it was over long before he came into the picture. Shouldn’t he trust me?

  Running through the terminal, I find Gate 13, only there are people swarming everywhere. Weaving may way through the crowd, I get as close to the ramp as I can. Pushing up on my tiptoes, I jump around, trying to get a better look, but the crowd is too thick. And that’s when I realize … these people are waiting to board. I glance down at my watch and then elbow my way to the information desk.

  “Excuse me,” I ask, tapping the counter.

  The perfectly coifed woman looks up, clearly irritated with my tapping, but right now I don’t have time to give a damn. “Can I help you?” she asks.

  “Flight 4402 from JFK,” I say, pointing out the window to a plane on the tarmac. “Did it just land? Are the passengers still on board or—?”

  “They’ve already exited the plane, ma’am.”

  “Shit,” I hiss, running a hand through my hair. My heart plummets inside my chest and tears prick my eyes. “Thank you.” I offer her the best smile I can muster, and then I turn to look for the sign indicating Baggage Claim.


  I spin around and look at the woman that just inadvertently ripped my heart out. And I’m not just being melodramatic. If I missed Devin, then I have no way of getting ahold of him. I have no phone number, no address for his mom’s house, and I have no idea what hotel he’s planning on staying at. Essentially, I’m all alone—in Pittsburgh of all places. “Yeah?”

  “The passengers probably haven’t made it to Baggage Claim yet.” Yes! A smile creeps across my face and she returns it. “If you hang a left at the bathroom right there,” she says, pointing to the left, “go down the escalator and then hang another right, you can probably beat them. It’s a shortcut.” She winks, and I take off.

  She was right. Baggage Claim was only a hop, skip and a jump away. The only downfall? This place is fucking packed. By the looks of it, every damn plane on the tarmac landed at the same time.

  There’s no way I’ll find Devin in this crowd.

  My eyes scan the room, and once again I’m hopping around on my toes, trying to get a good look but seeing a whole lot of nothing. What little hope I had is dwindling fast, and after a solid ten minutes of searching, I decide to call uncle. I’m exhausted, in desperate need of a shower, and my hair probably looks as though I stuck my finger in an outlet. And let’s not forget my heart … it’s pretty beat up right about now too.

  Wrapping my hand around my hair, I pull it off of my neck before draping it across my shoulder. Now what? Spinning around, I readjust the strap of my purse and scan the room one last time before going to collect my luggage. People are bustling past me at warp speed, kids giggling and running around, men and women pushing their way through the crowd to get closer to the carousels. When I see a young woman throw herself into a man’s arms, it’s like a punch to the gut.

  That should be me.

  Tears spring to my eyes, and I take a step toward the baggage carousel when I catch a glimpse of camouflage. A wave of people walk past me, but my feet are rooted in place as I wait with bated breath to see what—or who—will be waiting for me when they pass. As though Moses himself was there, the sea of people part, leaving me with a perfect and uninterrupted view of—

  “Devin.” The sound of his name on my lips sounds distant and foreign. Everything around me is one big blur, streaks of color trying to break the hold my eyes have on the soldier in uniform.

  There’s a tingling in my chest that I’ve never felt before, and as I suck in a hopeful breath, waiting for him to look up, my chin starts to tremble.

  He’s looking at me, his gaze wandering around my body, and when his eyes finally make their way to mine, that tingling in my chest radiates outward, shooting sparks of familiarity to all parts of my body. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, my hands shake and those tears that had been welling up in my eyes finally decide to burst free.

  Devin takes a hesitant step … followed by another … and then another. Finally kicking into gear, my feet move forward, but I only get a few steps before two warm arms wrap around me, dragging me in close. A sob rips from my chest as I bury my face in his neck. Fisting my hands in the front of his jacket, I anchor myself to Devin.

  “Katie.” His warm breath fans the side of my neck. I can’t imagine what we look like to everyone else, two people holding on to each other for dear life, both of us—well me, for sure—afraid to let go in fear of what could be lost.

  Loosening my grip on the front of his jacket, I slide my hands to his back and toward his neck, holding him to me. My fingers move to tangle in his hair, only there isn’t much hair, so I do the next best thing—the thing my heart is aching to do.

  Cupping his face in my hands, I pull back just enough so I can look in his eyes, which are swimming in tears. Without breaking eye contact, I drag his mouth to mine and our lips crash together like waves on a shore.

  My eyes drift shut, my head tilting to the side to give him better access. He takes the invitation willingly and pushes his tongue into my mouth, sliding deep, exploring and tasting.

  Devin’s hands are everywhere—gliding down my arms, gripping my waist and then sliding up my back before finally settling. One hand wrapped around my neck and the other pressed firmly against my lower back, he holds me close to him. Our bodies are flush, not a lick of space between us. His heart is beating so hard that I can feel it against my chest, and his body pressed against mine is the sweetest thing I’ve felt in a long time. It feels like just yesterday we were doing this for the first time.

  Devin pulls back and my heavy eyelids bob open. “I missed you so much,” he mumbles, his lips brushing against mine. The sound of his voice causes shivers to run down my spine, and I tighten my grip on him.

  “I missed you too,” I say, my body relaxing against his. He groans and his lips find my cheek, my nose, my chin, my neck … they hit on every place they can reach before landing back on my mouth. Only this time, the kiss is sweet and gentle, completely different than the one just a minute ago.

  So many things are running through my head and being said right now … so many emotions being conveyed. Relief. Comfort. Happiness. Regret.

  Devin’s grip loosens and I close my eyes tightly, desperate to stay in
this perfect little bubble for just a few more moments—not wanting to let reality and unspoken words tarnish the here and now.

  “Let’s get out of here, Katie.” His green eyes are swirling with so much love that it’s nearly impossible to miss. “I want this more than anything, but not here, not in front of all these people.”

  A grin pulls at the corner of my mouth and his hand fists my shirt at the small of my back. “You can’t look at me like that, Kit Kat. I’m barely hanging on by a fucking thread just being this close to you. My body feels like it’s gonna explode, but I want to do this right. Just me and you.”

  Well shit. How the hell am I supposed to say no to that? It’s unfair, really, that he can be so damn convincing.

  “Where are you staying?”

  His brows furrow and then he sighs. “I forgot to book a room. But come on, we’ll find somewhere to go.”

  He grabs his bag off the floor, and it’s funny, because I don’t even remember him having a bag. Lacing his fingers with mine, he leads me toward the suitcases that are being shuffled in circles, waiting for their owners to claim them.

  “By the way, I have a room at the Hilton. There’s only one bed, but you’re more than welcome to share it with me if you want,” I say, laughing when his steps falter, nearly sending him face-first to the floor.

  “I feel so much better.” Devin walks out of the bathroom, a towel hung low on his hips and knotted in the front. Droplets of water are scattered across his chest, and when one slides down his abs, disappearing in the thick white cotton covering his happy trail, I bite my bottom lip.

  It should be illegal for someone to look as good as he does. All straight lines and chiseled muscles. He’s a hazard to women’s health, really. In fact, he should have a flashing sign hanging from his head that warns—

  Devin snaps, securing my attention. “Eyes up here.” When I look up, he has a smile plastered to his face. Busted! I wait for him to say something, to make some sort of embarrassing comment about me not being able to take my eyes off of him, but he doesn’t. The expression on his face shifts, his lips purse, brows dip low … he looks uncertain.

  Devin clears his throat. “Do you want to take a shower?”

  Not at all what I was expecting him to say, but okay, I’ll bite. “Yes,” I say with a nod. “I definitely do, but I don’t think I can move.” Flopping back on the bed, I close my eyes, roll to my side, and curl my body around a pillow. “I could probably sleep for days if you’d let me.”

  I don’t hear him approach, but I can smell him. I’d know that smell anywhere. It’s spicy and sweet, all rolled into one, and I would give anything to bottle it up just so I could pull it out whenever I’m not with him. A warm hand glides down the side of my face.

  “I’m so sorry, Katie,” he whispers, catching me completely off-guard.

  My eyes fly open, my heart suddenly hammering inside of my chest. “For what?” I ask, wondering if he’s going to give me the words I’ve been dying to here in person for the last ten years.

  He’s crouched on the floor next to the bed, his face only inches away from mine, but the deep lines of tension on his face are unmistakable. “Everything,” he says, his voice full of regret.

  “Don’t,” I whisper, cupping my hand to the back of his neck. I will not let these few precious days be tainted with something that I’m already past. Yes, I still want answers, but they can wait. He opens his mouth, but I swallow his words with a kiss before pulling back. “You don’t have to apologize—”

  “I do.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “Not right now.” His mouth drops open, a look of astonishment gracing his beautiful face.

  “Is this real?” he whispers, climbing into bed next to me. “Are you really here with me?” His voice is full of disbelief as his fingers trace along my hip and over my belly. My stomach twitches as his fingers find their way to my collarbone.

  “It’s real, and I am.”

  He smiles as though he didn’t actually expect to me to answer. Those magical fingers feather across the skin of my neck before his thumb finds my bottom lip. My body is humming with sexual energy, and without thinking, I suck his thumb into my mouth, nipping playfully at the pad.

  Devin’s eyes widen, flashing with what I can only describe as pure desire. Releasing his thumb, I place my lips on his. “We should talk … shouldn’t we?” he asks, sounding completely uncertain.

  Reaching for the towel, I pull at the knot, feeling the soft cotton drop open. It takes every ounce of strength I have not to look down, but my hand doesn’t have the same amount of self-control as my eyes. Circling my fingers around his cock, I slowly begin to work him.

  Devin hisses, sucking in a sharp breath, and his eyes drift shut. I love that I can make him do that, and I wonder what other noises I can get him to make.

  “Katie, if we start this, I won’t be able to stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.” His heavy lids open and he watches me from under a hooded gaze. “I don’t want to talk, and I’m tired of thinking. I just want to feel,” I say, looking down. The sight of my hand on him is erotic and a surge of moisture goes straight to my core. “I want to feel you.”

  Finally, his hands move to my shirt, sliding under the material and slowly lifting it over my head. I sit up, just enough to let him tug it off of me. Devin flicks the clasp of my bra and the lacy material loosens around my body. In a slow and calculated move, he slips a finger under the strap and pulls it off.

  “Where do you want me, Katie?”

  He kisses the swell of my breast before sucking my nipple into his mouth. “Oh, God.” Dropping my head back, I close my eyes, taking it all in. He releases me with a wet pop, and my eyes open to find him nose to nose with me … watching me. “Keep doing that,” I pant, wanting his mouth back on me.

  “You didn’t answer me.”


  “Answer me, Katie.” The tone of his voice shouldn’t turn me on, but it does, and I am in no way ashamed to admit it.

  “What was the question?” Doesn’t he know my brain is mush right now? I’m so turned on that it literally fucking hurts.

  “Where do you want me?”

  “Everywhere,” I breathe. “On me, in me, wrapped around me. I want every part of you touching every part of me.” My words must’ve been exactly what he wanted to hear because, in a matter of seconds, my panties are nowhere to be found and Devin is hovering on top of me, his thick erection cradled between my legs.

  “I need to hear you say it.”

  “I want you, Devin.” Wrapping a leg around his waist, I dip a hand between us and guide him to my entrance. “Make love to me. Please.”

  In one fluid motion, he rocks forward, stealing every ounce of breath I have. My hands find his back and I close my eyes, memorizing the moment. The way his muscles ripple beneath my fingers, the feel of his breath against my skin, the way his hips roll with every thrust.

  This isn’t just sex, and it’s more than making love. This is two souls reconnecting—becoming one. In this moment, we are letting go of the past and opening ourselves up to a future that’s full of endless possibilities.

  This is only the beginning.

  Needing to be closer, I fuse our mouths together. I stroke my tongue against his, waiting for him to fight for control, but he doesn’t. Surprisingly, he follows my lead. Our kiss is passionate and so different from our teenage kisses.

  Breathless, I pull away. “Touch me.” I don’t have to ask twice, and as though he knows exactly what I need, Devin slips a hand between our sweaty bodies. His fingers find my clit and he presses down, rubbing it in tight circles. My breathing picks up, turning into a light pant, as he brings my body to the edge. Then he picks up the pace, his hips rocking into mine, faster and more demanding.

  “Open your eyes,” he growls, the sound nearly sending me right over the cliff. But somehow I manage to hold on, wanting nothing more than to drag this out as long as I can. “Watch us, Ka
tie,” he says, glancing down at the spot where our bodies come together. My gaze follows his and I watch for several seconds as he pumps in and out of me, the sight so damn erotic that it pushes me straight to the edge.

  Digging my nails into his skin, my back arches. Rocking hard, his hips slam into me. His thumb rubs rhythmic circles on my clit, and when his body stiffens above mine, I explode into a million tiny pieces. Tossing his head back, Devin moans. The sound rumbling from his chest is hands down the sexiest noise I’ve ever heard come from a man.

  “That was fucking amazing,” he says, peppering kisses across my face.

  “You’re amazing,” I whisper.

  And I love you … so much.

  “How Long Will I Love You”—Ellie Goulding

  HOT. WHY AM I SO fucking hot? And why is there an arm draped over my stomach? There’s an arm draped over my—

  “Shit,” I hiss, flying up in bed, the sheet clenched to my naked chest. My eyes snap to the person in bed next to me, and when I find Devin’s emerald eyes smiling back at me, I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “You okay?” His voice is thick and husky, causing parts of me to tingle that probably shouldn’t tingle at—I glance at the clock—nine o’clock in the morning.

  “Yeah.” Lifting the covers away from our bodies, I glance down. Yup, naked as the babies I help deliver. And hello, Devin is completely naked too. I drop the cover back over my body. Devin has a devilish smile plastered to his face and warmth creeps up my neck. “I, uh … I guess I forgot. I’m not used to waking up with a man next to me.”


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