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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

Page 15

by Art DeForest

  I rolled my eyes a bit. “Yes Mom” I said playfully. Sara just waved us off with a smile.

  Deacon’s Suburban was parked at my hotel just a few blocks away. It was a pleasant night out and the moon was just shy of full, so walking back didn’t bother me.

  We’d walked about two blocks when the attack came hard and fast. Furred shapes sliced out of the deep shadows and slammed into Deacon and me.

  I hit the ground hard with the massive weight of a 7 foot lycan, in battle form, landing on top of me and forcing the air from my lungs. It’s a good thing I don’t have to breath. I got a forearm up in time to stop 3 inch canines from burying themselves in my throat. Bloodshot golden eyes scowled in menace out of thick grey fur. A fang filled muzzle snapped repeatedly just inches from my face, spraying drool everywhere. Ick.

  Abruptly, I felt more weight pressing down on me as I saw a pair of tawny cat’s paws reach around the shaggy lycan head and start slashing at his eyes. The lycan yelped and rolled off me, trying to crush Fangs under his weight. The cat leapt nimbly off his quarry well before that happened.

  Fangs’ timely interference gave me a chance to get back to my feet. I grabbed the grip of my Colt Commander and tore it from the pancake holster at the small of my back. I had just cleared leather when another lycan appeared out of the darkness before me. Knowing I couldn’t get the colt around in time, I snapped a front kick into the beast’s groin forcing him to stagger back a step. Pale blue eyes widened in pain and shock as his clawed hands clutched at himself. I don’t think he understood until that moment just how strong a vampire was.

  The step back gave me the time I needed to raise my .45. The colt thundered twice, putting two holes in the lycans black furred chest. Quickly focusing my aim downward, I saw Fangs slashing at the downed wolf’s head as it blindly tried to rise. Two more barks from the colt and he flopped bonelessly back to the pavement

  Deacon’s large pistol barked in anger at my back as I panned the pistol back and forth looking for more targets. The space in front of me was devoid of opponents for the moment. Fangs was crouched at my feet now, growling as he stared into the night. Trusting him to watch my back I looked over my shoulder to see how Deacon was doing.

  His gun was raised, holding three more battle formed lycans at bay. A fourth was laying at his feet, blood leaking out of a wound high in his chest. I turned around and added my gun’s one eyed stare to the mix. The three remaining lycans turned and sprinted into the night.

  When they were out of sight I replace the Colt back in it’s holster and looked down to inspect the lycan laying on the ground. Deacon’s italian leather boot was on his throat. Almost immediately I realized that I knew this particular lycan. “Hello Evan.” I said with a smirk spreading across my lips. Evan had been very vocal in the past about his dislike of vampires.

  Deacon’s pistol dropped down to point squarely between the injured lycan’s eyes. “I should finish him right now.” He growled.

  I put a restraining hand on his gun arm. “We need to take him back to Lycan Headquarters for interrogation. Jake is going to want to know what happened.”

  A piteous whine escaped Evan’s muzzle at the sound of Jake’s name. “Yeah, he’s not going to be real happy with you.” I said with a shake of my head.

  “Change back. Now” said Deacon, removing his foot from Evan’s neck. The Glock .40 in his hand didn’t move a millimeter, however.

  Evan’s form melted and shifted rapidly into his human form. I was impressed with the speed of the change. It raised Evan from ‘stupid pup’ to ‘more stupid adult’ in my estimation.

  “Son of a Bitch! What did you shoot me with?.” He whined.

  I snorted in derision at his question. “Do you really think we’d be in a lycan city and not be loaded with silver, dumb ass?”

  Looking around, I realized we needed to move fast before the police got here. Gunshots in this neighborhood were sure to draw 911 calls. “We need to move quickly.” I said as I considered what to do about the two bodies that were laying on the sidewalk, now in human form. Reaching into my pocket for my cell phone, I quickly dialed Jake’s number.

  “Hello” came Jake’s tired sounding voice after a couple of rings.

  “Jake it's Kaitlyn. We got jumped by Evan and his boys again, a couple blocks from headquarters. They didn’t all make it.” I said somberly.

  “Mother Fucker, what was that boy thinking?” he asked himself in a rhetorical tone.

  “You can ask him yourself.” I replied. “He’s wounded but still alive.” I sighed as I watched Deacon help Evan to a standing position. “We have two bodies on the ground however. They made quite a mess. I’m not sure how long we have until the police show up. We had to shoot them.”

  “Okay, leave the bodies there and hide if you have to. I’ll be right there.” He said stoically.

  I was just about to pass his instructions to Deacon when a police car turned off the cross street and screeched to a halt on the street in front of us. “Drop the weapon! Hands in the air! Said a panicked sounding voice as the officer aimed his gun at us over the hood.

  Deacon dropped his Glock and held his hands out wide as he stepped back. “Don’t say a word.” I heard him mutter to Evan as the officer came around the front of his car.

  The officer was reaching up to key the mic on his shoulder as Deacon took a step forward with his hands still out wide. “I don’t think you want to do that.” He said compellingly. His eyes started to swirl red. “There is no problem here that you are unable to handle by yourself.” he continued.

  The officer hesitated in his approach and his gun drooped a bit. He seemed to rally however, and resumed his approach. His gun was pointed more towards the ground now instead of at Deacon. “What’s going on?” he asked hesitantly.

  As the officer got close to Deacon, I could see the mesmerization lock into place as he came to a stop. His gun arm fell to his side, holding the pistol loosely in his hand.

  “Nothing is happening.” Said Deacon calmly. “You thought you saw something in the shadows, but it was a false alarm. You should call in and tell dispatch that the area is clear and resume your patrol.”

  “I need to call this in.” Said the officer in a bemused tone. “Are you folks sure you’re alright?” He said, looking at us in concern.

  “We’re fine officer.” Deacon said. “The sound was just a car backfire.”

  “Okay, you folks stay safe.” He said as he circled back around and reentered his cruiser.

  A non-descript white van pulled up as the officer departed to continue his patrol. Jake and Marcus got out of the van with puzzled expressions on their faces as they watched the police car dwindle into the distance. “What the heck?” Marcus muttered as he approached,

  I smiled at him wickedly. “The power of mesmerization.” I said, letting my eyes swirl red a little bit.

  His eyes locked on mine and his jaw dropped. I quickly let go of the effect and he shook his head. “Wow” He said. “That’s….convenient.”

  “It can be.” I replied. “It gets dicey though, if too many people are involved.”

  “Let’s get these bodies loaded and clean up the scene.” said Jake gruffly as he opened the sliding side door on the van. He reached inside and I heard a 2 cycle engine start up. Jake move back out into the open with two body bags and the wand from a high pressure washer.

  As Deacon, Marcus and I shoved the bodies into the bags, Jake hosed the blood off the sidewalk, letting the pinkish water run into a storm drain on down the block. All the while, keeping a keen, angry eye on Evan. Within five minutes the only evidence left was a wet spot on the sidewalk.

  Back at headquarters, Jake parked the van in a covered garage at the back of the building. He left the bodies in the van for later disposal and led us through a storage room and out into the bar. Marcus shoved Evan into a convenient chair and glowered at him fiercely as Sara came out of her area and joined us Kangee riding her shoulder proudly.

sp; “What part of, ‘Don’t kill the vampires.’ did you not get, Evan.” Growled Jake as he loomed over the cowering young man threateningly.

  Evan cast his eyes to the floor and remained silent. Marcus’ fist crashed against the side of Evan’s head, sending him sprawling to the floor. He screamed as his shoulder hit the bar room floor and reopened the wound under his collar bone. His lycan healing had made headway even against the silver contaminated wound, but impact with the floor seemed to undo the progress it had made.

  “Let’s try that again.” Said Jake calmly. “Why did you attack the vampires against direct orders?”

  “It wasn’t because they were vamps, okay?” Said Evan in frustrated anger.

  “Then why. Did. You. Attack?” Jake repeated through gritted teeth.

  Silence engulfed the room for a moment before Marcus took a threatening step towards Evan. “It was for the money!” Blurted Evan, scrambling backwards away from Marcus.

  “What money?” Asked Sara calmly.

  Evan looked up at her, but couldn’t hold her gaze. Looking down, his face turned red in embarrassment. “Th….the $10,000,000 the vampires are offering for her.” He said, jerking his head in my direction.

  Marcus’ face suffused with color and his eyes turned gold as he suddenly lunged forward, kicking Evan in the ribs. “You piece of filth!” He raged “You’d turn in one of us for money!” he shouted, throwing a gesturing hand towards Sara and me. “I should have torn your head off when I had the chance.” He growled starting to lunge at Evan as he lay on the floor curled around his no doubt broken ribs.

  Jake appeared between them, holding Marcus back for the moment. “Easy son,” he said softly. “We need more information before we end this business.”

  Marcus turned his back on his Alpha and stood, panting for breath as he tried to regain control. His broad shoulders had swelled, threatening to to burst the seams of his dress shirt as he fought to retain his human form.

  Turning back to Evan, Jake looked down at him in disgust. “Were you contacted by someone for the job or did you just hear us talking about it and decide to betray your pack.” Asked Jake with supreme contempt.

  Evan’s face turned from embarrassment to rage in an eye blink. “She not one of us!” He screamed, pointing an accusing finger in my direction. “She’s a fucking corpse!” He spit. “They should all be dead and if we could get rich for killing one of them, so much the better.”

  Jake looked almost sad as he studied the young lycan huddled on the wood floor amidst the chairs and tables of the bar. “By your own words you have sealed your fate.” he said in a voice suddenly gone tired. “You willfully and with forethought broke Pack decree for personal gain and in the process got two of your packmates killed. There can be only one punishment.” He sighed and shook his head.

  “Who helped you in the attack, other than the two who died for your greed?” asked Marcus, turning back around and pinning Evan with a cold stare.

  Evan stared back defiantly and said nothing.

  Marcus started forward once more, but Evan didn’t back down. “You’re going to kill me anyway. I’m not going to help you to kill even more of my friends.”

  Jake’s hand came out and stopped Marcus as he scrutinized Evan. “You face death to protect your friends at least. I will let the pack know that you died with at least that bit of honor.” Saying that he gestured to Marcus. “Take him. Do what must be done.” He said in resignation.

  Marcus reached down and pulled Evan up by his arm and escorted him to the back. The rest of us stood silently and watched them as they disappeared behind a swinging door.

  After they were out of sight, Jake turned to face Deacon and me. “I’m terribly sorry for this. There is no excuse. I should have better control of my Pack.” He said, his head hanging low in embarrassment.” I hope this won’t affect negotiations with the vampire council.” He said in a subdued voice.

  Deacon reached out and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “There is dissention in every group.” He said softly. “The small group of rebellious in your group is a small fraction of what the Vampires are dealing with now. We know you to be honorable Jake and we will negotiate in good faith.”

  “Thank you.” Jake said in a subdued voice. “Rest assured I will get my house in order.”

  “As will we.” said Deacon as he raised his hand to shake on it.


  Marcus drove us back to our hotel without incident after seeing to Evan’s execution and the disposal of the bodies. He apologized once more for his pack before returning to headquarters. As I turned to follow Deacon into the hotel, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder halting my progress. Turning around I met Marcus’ troubled gaze.

  “I...I hope you feel safe enough to return after your business with the Council is done. I’d hate to think that you would feel unsafe or unwelcome here.”

  Reaching up, I withdrew his hand from my shoulder and held it between my own room temperature hands. “I don’t feel either of those things Marcus.” I said softly. “I’ve made more friends in the last few weeks here than I’ve made in the past three decades elsewhere.” Leaning in, I kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” I said as I let go of his hand, turning to follow Deacon into the hotel.

  Marcus turned quickly to his SUV, so that Kaitlyn wouldn’t see his chagrin. “Friends?” he muttered to himself as he stood by the driver’s door, absently rubbing the spot on his cheek where she’d kissed him.


  It felt like I’d just gone to sleep when someone knocked with authority on my hotel room door. “Go away.” came out of my mouth before I was really awake.

  “Kaitlyn, wake up we need to speak.” Came Deacon’s slight english accent through the door.

  “Just a minute.” I said grumpily as I started moving to sit up.

  Fangs looked at me in disgust before curling into a ball and going back to sleep.

  Reaching under my pillow I pulled my kukri out and headed for the door. Looking through the peephole I saw Deacon standing casually out in the hallway. I opened up the door and let him in. Deacon studied me for a moment, taking in my rumpled hair, basic cotton pajamas and the kukri held at my side.

  “You always seem to be holding a blade whenever you open a door for me. It could start to give a gentleman a complex.” He said with a quirk of his lips.

  “Yeah well, I remember getting attacked by a master vampire in a hotel room once, so now I stay prepared.” I said as he walked past me into the room. I swear that man looked like he could walk out onto the runway at a Paris fashion show, or maybe a romance novel cover, any time of the day. This morning he was wearing slate grey dress pants that showed off his backside to devastating effect. Not that I was ogling him or anything. Not me...nope. He didn’t have a suit jacket on, just a pale cream colored dress shirt that had been tailored to within an inch of its life. It hugged his shoulders and back like a lover showing off all of his defined musculature. Okay, so I was ogling...sue me.

  “What’s so important that you had to wake me up in the middle of the day?” I asked, still a little grumpy sounding.

  Turning to face me, he smiled at me like he knew I’d been perusing his goodies before letting his face go serious. “Jake called. He has conferred with the lycan leadership and they have agreed to appoint an ambassador to send back with us. We are to meet them at Lycan Headquarters. I have the jet on standby.”

  “That was quick.” I remarked as I picked up the clothes I’d laid out the night before and headed to the bathroom.

  “I believe both sides are very interested in an alliance.” He said in a considered tone.

  “The Abandonados have made a lot of enemies.” I said as I started to close the bathroom door. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  When I came out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for the day, Deacon was sitting on the bed with Fangs’ head rested on his leg and receiving a thorough ear rubbing. I looked at Deacon with an eyebrow rai
sed in surprise. Fangs had always been a little standoffish to Deacon.

  Deacon just looked back at me and shrugged with an ‘I don’t know.’ expression on his face. I shrugged back and started a last walk around my room, making sure that I hadn’t forgotten to pack anything the night before. I stopped by the room’s desk and picked up my concealed carry gun in its pancake holster and put it in its place at the small of my back. Picking up my kukri I put it into the sheath concealed in my leather jacket.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” I said with a smile.

  Deacon stood up, making Fangs move his head. Fangs gave us a disgusted look and actually sighed before hopping down from his comfortable spot on the bed.


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