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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

Page 21

by Art DeForest

  “Time will tell.” Said Sara reassuringly. “I don’t think it’s a large issue for now. That’s the thing about being long lived.” She said, putting a hand briefly on my shoulder. “You have time.”

  We continued to walk the perimeter in companionable silence, entering a grove of trees near the wall. A trail led off through the trees to what I suspected would be a bench or maybe a gazebo. That’s a funny word, Gazebo. I shook my head a little and smiled at the funny tangents my brain could take. Kangee circled high overhead and Fangs continued to stay in our general area as scents and movements caught his attention and needed to be investigated.

  The night breeze shifted into our faces and Fangs came to an abrupt stop. A low growl rumbled through his chest as he stared into the darkness. Sara and I came to a quick halt and tried to detect what caught his attention.

  A buzzing whine, and a soft pop hit my ears as Sara suddenly spun to the ground clutching at her chest. Instinct and feline speed had my body moving before my brain recognized the sound of a silencer equipped pistol. A searing pain sliced across my left shoulder as I hit the ground. I rolled to find cover behind a nearby tree and sent a mental command to Fangs to hide and wait. He was no match for someone with a gun.

  I learned a long time ago never to go anywhere unarmed. The Colt Commander slid out of it’s holster at the small of my back as I scanned the night from behind the tree. Sara was still in the moonlight. I couldn’t tell where she’d been hit exactly. All I could do for her at this point was to stay alive and try to take down the bastard that shot her.

  “There are security cameras everywhere.” I said to the night. “Security will be here any second.”

  A soft chuckle drifted through the night air. “Unfortunately for you, there is a gap in their coverage. No one can see a thing in this area.”

  Responding to my taunt told me roughly where our assailant was now. This guy must be confident to the point of stupidity for him to give me that bit of help. I mentally checked Fangs. He knew where the guy was too and was sneaking through the shadows, trying to get close. I silently urged him to be very careful, then tried to keep the guy focused on me.

  Sticking the Colt around the tree. I fired two shots in his general direction, firing high enough not to endanger Fangs. I hoped it would slow him down a little and maybe alert someone up at the house.

  “I’m guessing you’re the infamous Aiden Grey.” I said into the night. “If you’re so afraid of Sara that you had to lower yourself to shooting her in the dark then I gotta say, I’m not terribly impressed you fucking coward.”

  I know, engaging in conversation with the bad guy goes against gunfight 101, but I was desperately trying to keep this him busy and give time for any potential aid to respond. The night remained silent however. Apparently Grey knew gunfight 101 too.

  I maybe had an advantage that he didn’t really understand though. The link I had with Fangs was telling me roughly where the assassin was, so I could tell he was circling around, trying to get a clean shot.

  I regained my feet quickly and eased further around the tree keeping it between myself and Grey. I did a quick assessment of my shoulder as I continued to scan the trees for any sign of him. It seemed to be a flesh wound and it was healing rapidly. It still hurt like hell.

  I was debating my next move when something changed inside my head. It was as if a soft whisper was intruding into my consciousness. “She’s in trouble. I’ve got to find her. Kaitlyn!” Kept repeating itself in my brain. The voice grew stronger as I kept hiding behind my tree until I realized what I was hearing. “Marcus!” I shouted out mentally.

  “Kait! Where are you?” Came his telepathic reply.

  “In the grove of trees. Sara’s down. Aiden Grey with a gun. Be Careful!” I sent.

  I sensed his thoughts become more bestial as he started changing form. The sense of him in my head became almost like the sense I had of Fangs, intelligent, but primal. My brain told me he had changed to his full wolf form instead of his battle form. Aiden Grey didn’t know it, but two, four footed shadows of death stalked him now.

  A sudden spike of fear and warning pierced my brain from Fangs. I jerked further around the tree as fast as I could. Bark flew from the trunk as a bullet clipped the tree and continued on through the space my head had just vacated.

  I leveled the Colt and fired 2 more rounds into the night. I saw a vague shadow dodge further into the trees. “I see you, you son of a bitch.” I thought to myself.

  The presence of Marcus was getting stronger as he slipped through the underbrush. Fangs was positioning himself to ambush Grey if he charged at me. “Run away or give up Aiden. We’ve got you surrounded.” I said in a conversational tone. “Do anything else and you’ll just die.”

  “I’m not afraid of your little pet Ms. Strong. I’ll take care of him shortly.

  I smiled to myself, he just told Marcus exactly where he was. A little distraction was in order. “Don’t fear the pet, Aiden. Fear the owner.”

  I fired my last two shots in Greys direction before sprinting for a nearby tree. Grey’s silenced pistol popped twice, but speed and darkness protected me and the bullets sailed wide. I hit the ground in a low roll and came up behind the tree. I dropped the empty colt and started reaching for the Kukri at my back when Aiden Grey made his charge.

  I’d never seen anyone but Sara move so fast. A shadow blurred and suddenly he was in front of me, moving so fast that even Fangs missed his shot. I found myself slammed against a tree with my throat in a steel grip. Our gazes met and a smile of triumph started to cross his features when a mass of black fur and teeth hit him from the side.

  Aiden’s grip tore loose from my throat as the massive lycan crashed into him and sent him hurling to the ground. I have to admit though, Grey was good. He rolled through the impact and regained his footing in an instant. His pistol was nowhere in sight, but a katana appeared with a blurring movement of his right hand.

  Marcus didn’t stop. He charged ahead trying to get in close. I knew he wouldn’t make it. Grey had put too much space between them. As the sword started its descent towards Marcus’ furred skull. I cocked my arm back to throw the kukri knowing I was too late.

  Fangs wasn’t. The tawny form of the Savannah Cat moving so fast he could barely be seen. Aiden Grey screamed as his left leg gave out beneath him and ruined his swing. His scream turned to a gurgle as Marcus hit him once again and two inch long canines from an enraged lycan tore his throat out.


  I ran to Sara’s downed form as Marcus’ massive jaws took care of Aiden Grey. I landed on my knees next to her. She was laying on her side and a moan escaped her lips as I gently rolled her onto her back. I breathed a sigh of relief that she was alive, but their was a large amount of blood splashed down her front. I started to remove her blouse, so I could inspect the wound when a weak hand came up and grabbed my wrist.

  “Blood.” Said Sara with a weak croak.

  I immediately pulled the Kukri and slit my wrist. When the first drops of my blood hit her lips, fangs as long as Marcus’ but sharper by far, dropped down and with a sudden lunge of her head, Sara clamped down on my bloody wrist. I hissed involuntarily as her fangs sank home, but the natural anesthetic properties of a vampire’s saliva set in and eased the pain.

  Sara continued to feed for a long time. I was starting to wonder if she was going to drain me dry. Whatever. If she needed every drop of blood in my body, well, she was welcome to it.

  “Is she going to be alright?” Said a growly baritone from the side.

  I looked up to take in the sight of a completely nude Marcus standing in the moonlight. Just….wow. Convincing my mouth to work took a second. “She’ll be fine, I think.” I said. “She seems to be getting stronger already.”

  Fangs came up and nuzzled Sara’s head gently as she lay feeding from my wrist, a low purr rumbling from him. Kangee landed by her side and cawed softly as he hopped closer. The two actions seemed to combine and bring Sara bac
k to herself.

  Slowly, her fangs withdrew from my flesh and she rested her head back on the ground. She swallowed a couple of times. “Grey?” she said in a low whisper.

  “He’s dead.” I said gently.

  A look of relief and maybe a little sadness crossed her face at my words. I wasn’t sure though.

  “Everybody okay?” she asked, her voice becoming a little stronger.

  “We’re all okay.” I said. “Let’s get you back to the Mansion.” I said, moving to help her.

  Marcus moved in and scooped her into his arms like a baby. She looked up into his face and smiled tiredly as he snuggled her into his bare chest.

  “Boy, you will use any excuse you can to get naked won’t you?” She said in a mock angry tone.

  “Too many pretty girls around.” He said, tossing a wink and a smile in my direction.

  I swear, if I’d still been alive, I would have blushed like a schoolgirl.

  We headed back to the mansion and were met after only a short time by Deacon and a detachment of his security.

  “Are you alright? He asked urgently as he came up and pulled me into an impulsive hug.

  “I’m fine.” I chuckled, returning the hug. “Is Victor secure?” I asked as we separated.

  “Yes, I have him in a safe room under heavy guard.” He said, looking down at his shoes. “I...I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” He said in a subdued tone.

  I patted his arm and he looked up sheepishly. “You did your job.” I told him with a smile. “This could have all been a distraction used to get to him.

  Deacon nodded in agreement. “That was my fear, but….”

  “No butts” I interrupted him. “You did the right thing.

  “Now,” I said returning to the business at hand. “Let’s get Sara inside to finish healing and Marcus inside so he can put some pants on.” I said with a sardonic smile aimed in the lycan’s direction.

  “We all need to get some rest. Because tomorrow, we get some back from the Abandonados.” I said savagely.

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