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Pleasure Slave

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by Ann Jacobs

  Pleasure Slave

  Ann Jacobs

  Book 2 in the Pleasure Partners series.

  Guy Stone is now a cyborg who can never go home to Earth. He wants a new life on Luna Ten…and a soul mate. A woman who will bow to his domination and revel in the satisfaction as he uses her body to sate his powerful desires.

  When Guy sees Cassie, he vows to have her. She’s looking for a high-tech sexbot. He can pass as one—he already has the appropriate piercings. All he needs is the right jewels to enhance them and a shave. When she chooses him at the sex shop, he’s ready to play. The sex is incredible and Cassie is a natural submissive. Now Guy just has to convince her that he’s worth permanent exile from her home, her way of life.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Pleasure Slave

  ISBN 9781419932243


  Pleasure Slave Copyright © 2011 Ann Jacobs

  Edited by Pamela Campbell

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book publication March 2011

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  Pleasure Slave

  Ann Jacobs


  Earth was a dark, dangerous place where almost every aspect of life was regimented from cradle to grave. Alien invaders had decimated the planet a century earlier, and though the invaders were finally repelled, they mated with Earth’s females and left behind children with a mutant gene that Federation rulers believed must be eradicated to avoid having an alien force that ultimately would destroy Earth from within.

  Though most Earthlings accepted that the restrictions on their freedom were for the common good, some chafed at the boundaries and reached out to distant worlds where their freedom was not curtailed. One of those worlds was Obsidion, site of the Federation Star Command outpost situated at the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

  Obsidion. The Pleasure Planet. Blessed with an oxygen-rich atmosphere friendly to Earthlings as well as many other alien beings. A tourist mecca and more, it was equipped to indulge every sense, every desire that was denied by the Federation.

  Obsidion was not only a mecca for pleasure-seekers, it was a place where nothing was forbidden, where Earth’s geniuses, whose creativity was stifled under Federation rule, could live and work their magic.

  On Obsidion, cyborg makers exiled from Earth were working to create a fully functional, living, breathing man from nothing but polymers, high-tech circuitry, cloned body parts and nano technology—and there was no law there to stop them.

  Star Command pilot, Guy Stone, crashed while attempting to land on Obsidion during a fierce storm. His ship nothing more than a jagged ruin, he lay amid its rubble, dying—blind, deaf and paralyzed. Rescue really didn’t mean much at that point.

  But he was rescued and taken to Pak Song—the genius cyborg maker. He was Guy’s only hope. The aged Earthling exile and other doctors at Obsidion’s renowned hospital repaired Guy’s body and replaced irreparably broken parts with the bionics the cyborg maker had perfected while manufacturing sexbots with intelligence and levels of human function, which were forbidden in his native land.

  Nowhere else in the galaxy could Guy have survived, considering the extent of his injuries. Now, thanks to Pak Song’s genius, he will be almost as good as new. Better in some respects.

  Survival. Guy had been given more than survival. He had received the gift of sight, of hearing, of the ability to walk and run and hold a woman in his arms—gifts he had never properly appreciated before fate snatched them away in a moment of searing agony that would be forever emblazoned in his memory. A brief, terrible moment that had ended in a void—until the miracle workers on Obsidion had put his shattered body back together.

  During those first, dark months while Guy lay healing, he did his mourning in a dark and silent world—for senses and sensations he thought were lost to him forever. Then one day he felt his legs again and thought just maybe he might want to stay alive. Later, when the bandages finally came off his face and he returned to the world of light, he heard the rasping voice of the aged cyborg maker. Saw Pak Song’s time-ravaged face for the first time.

  Guy knew then that he would be whole again, or near enough to it. He had risen from the dead—a cyborg. When he realized that, he set aside his grief and caged his resentment that now he was anathema to the Federation rulers, whom he had served so faithfully for many years. An abomination in a world where only perfection was allowed to survive. He realized as soon as he knew the extent of his new bionics that they would kill him if he ever returned to Earth.

  So what if he couldn’t go home? These days Earth was hardly a pleasant place to be. So what if he’d never again be allowed to captain a starship hurtling through the galaxy? Yeah, he’d miss that. But not enough to negate the joy he felt, knowing he was alive. Alive and functional in every way, thanks to his saviors’ skills.

  Better than functional in many ways. He grinned as he considered his new eyes, which could see through walls, new ears with ten times the sensitivity of a normal human. New strength and agility far beyond that of a normal, unenhanced human being.

  Guy came to the conclusion that he had no reason to complain. None at all.

  Chapter One

  Milling around with hordes of pleasure-seekers from all over the galaxy, Guy Stone sucked in a gust of the oxygen-rich, moist breeze. Today he wanted to find the sort of pleasure he had denied himself for years while serving as a pilot in Federation Star Command. For months he had been in no shape to do more than fantasize about indulging his senses while he recuperated from his injuries and subsequent reconstruction.

  Lights blinked red and green and blue along Obsidion’s famed Strip, enticing a milling crowd of Earthling tourists to partake of carnal pleasures not even whispered about back home. Guy took in the sights and sounds of the barkers and sightseers, of pleasure givers offering their wares outside the dozens of brothels. Women of all shapes, colors and sizes enticed would-be customers from open doorways. Eunuch males preened behind glass windows, some frankly androgynous, others muscular and pumped with their cocks jutting forward as if proudly displaying their lack of balls.

  Earthling exiles and strange-looking alien beings from all over the galaxy, they all plied their trade with seeming enthusiasm, seeking customers to sample their varied sexual wares.

  This all seemed foreign to Guy now, after the long months he’d spent in Obsidion’s only hospital, being snatched back to life from whatever eternity had awaited him.

  Guy had been nearly as broken as his starship. So broken that for a long time he’d welcomed the release of oblivion
and its surcease from pain. Now, though, he was ready to embrace the new life that his saviors had resurrected from the jaws of death. He found himself eager to partake of pleasures that had been denied him for much too long.

  His life as a starship commander charged with curtailing the brisk trade of sky pirates in the outer reaches of the galaxy was over. The Federation rulers had invalided him out of the corps and exiled him, ending his long-cherished dream of eventually becoming a Starship Corps Commander. Returning to Earth, enhanced as he was now, wasn’t an option. The Federation had strict rules forbidding what it considered hybridizing humans with cybernetics, and not even Guy’s powerful father could have obtained a dispensation for him. Not that he’d have been likely to try.

  Too bad, because Guy felt great—fit enough to take on the whole fucking universe. Since Earth wouldn’t have him, he’d find a better home where he’d be as welcome as he felt today.

  During the course of his travels, he’d visited Luna Ten, a small planet that welcomed refugee Earthlings to a utopian life free from Federation strictures and rules. Perhaps he’d go there. Of course he couldn’t settle there without a mate unless he could prove his worth in some other way, and he wasn’t at all sure any Earthling breeder female would accept him with the modifications that had saved his life. But that was a problem he wouldn’t worry about until it became an issue.

  For now Guy wanted to enjoy being alive, to try out his newly healed body and take in the sights and sounds that bombarded him from all angles on the famed Obsidion Strip. Infected with the excitement that bubbled over from hordes of tourists, he scanned shops that offered pleasures for every taste—pleasures that, thanks to his bionic eyes, he could see in exquisite detail from his vantage point on the street.

  The roulette wheels and playing cards depicted on the facades of three huge casinos held no appeal, nor did the bubbling lights of the stem glasses that advertised mind-altering drinks and drugs strictly prohibited back on Earth and almost everywhere else in the galaxy. But a blinking blue outline of a naked woman captured his attention. His cock twitched and swelled within the uniform pants that had once fit snugly but practically burst at the seams now, since his muscles had grown to rock-hard, enormous proportions.

  In some ways Guy’s body didn’t seem altogether like his own, even the parts that hadn’t come from the cyborg maker’s inventory. If Pak Song hadn’t told him differently, he’d have thought they had enhanced his cock when they restored his sight and hearing and provided him with muscle strength many times more powerful than what he’d lost.

  They might not have enhanced his libido, but he was fucking horny. Hard as a rock and straining at the zipper of his pants. He wanted a woman. An Earthling woman to whom he could give as much pleasure as he took.

  He didn’t want a green-skinned alien whore with surgically enhanced silver-tipped boobs, like the one shown on a flashing sign a couple of doors down the street. And he wasn’t interested in fucking a sexbot, even one of the lifelike ones that Pak Song created in his laboratory. Guy had been there, done that. Over the years he’d had too many mechanically triggered orgasms that brought physical release but no real pleasure.

  Sighing, he strode along the Strip, wanting… Fuck, he wasn’t certain exactly what it was his newly enhanced body craved.

  Yes he was. Or rather he knew what the man inside the body wanted. He yearned for a soul mate. One woman who would be his sex slave and his life companion. He was certain that he wouldn’t find such a lover working in one of those houses of pleasure. He had little interest in sampling the wares placed on such unabashed display for all to see.

  But then Guy turned the corner onto the Street of Slaves, and he saw her. An Earthling. Obviously a vacationer, not one of the Strip’s many female pleasure-givers. Guy imagined tunneling his fingers through the reddish-gold curls that sparkled in the reflected light from a star-shaped shop sign that advertised Earthling sex slaves.

  Concentrating to bring his powerfully enhanced eyes into perfect focus, he looked through the modest pink jumpsuit she wore at her high, firm breasts and taut, rose-colored nipples, the slightly convex belly and satiny smooth mound that exposed the enticing button of her clit. His mouth watered when he imagined burying his face within those silken folds and flicking that impudent nub with his tongue.

  Damn it. His balls had already started to ache and his cock was throbbing painfully against his fly.

  It looked to him as though the Earthling was one of three laughing vacationers who were taking in the sights together. She seemed young. Malleable. Her blue eyes twinkled with apparent excitement. Guy imagined she must be on her first holiday here. She didn’t seem as jaded as her two companions, who were encouraging her to choose one of the half-dozen naked Earthling eunuchs who were posing on a rotating floor inside a curved, plate-glass window.

  For a long time he stared at her perky little clit, pictured himself tonguing it until she screamed for mercy. Then he caught the gist of a conversation among her and her two companions.

  “I couldn’t. They…they’re—”

  “Come on, Cassie. For once in your life you’ve got to fuck a real man. A human being. Forget what your mama told you about waiting until it’s time for you to breed. These guys have all been fixed. They won’t make you pregnant. They’re just as safe as sexbots.”

  So her name was Cassie. Guy repeated it in his mind, liked the way the name seemed to go with her looks and manner.

  “B-but they could still pass along diseases.” When Cassie looked away from the sexy-looking blonde, Guy got a good look at her pretty face. He liked what he saw.

  The blonde tugged Cassie’s hand, made her look back at the gaggle of eunuchs. “They’re all certified clean. Don’t worry about them having diseases. Look at number five, he’s winking at us. Can’t you just imagine having his big, hard cock ramming into your pussy?”

  Guy couldn’t help laughing at the idea. You wouldn’t like fucking a eunuch, pretty Cassie—no matter how many hormones his owner may have pumped into him. What you need is a real man. You need me.

  Annoyed with himself, Guy tuned out what the other girls were saying. Sometimes it got damn annoying, being able to hear so much better than he had before he was enhanced. When he tuned back in, he heard Cassie say, “You two go on and have your fun with your Earthling slaves. I’ll just look around out here. I want to go and check out that sexbot store in the mall that Yolanda mentioned.”

  That would be Pak Song’s House of Pleasure. Guy had spent enough time around the Strip on previous visits to Obsidion to know where the best of every forbidden pleasure could be found. And Pak Song made the best sexbots he’d ever seen. Long before the old cyborg maker had restored his broken body, Guy had admired his skill with bionics and artificial intelligence.

  For the first time since long before the injury that had nearly killed him, excitement bubbled in Guy’s veins. It might be a sexbot that Cassie thought she wanted, but it would be Guy Stone, Earthling cyborg, that she’d get. It didn’t bother him, knowing he’d have to use trickery to capture her.

  Not just for a night’s pleasure, either. A picture of the utopian community on Luna Ten flooded his memory, and he imagined Cassie there with him, his willing mate. His sex slave, attentive to his every command, ripening with his seed. Maybe…

  In any case, Guy felt compelled to follow her, fuck her and explore the carnal paths they might follow. Lengthening his stride, he quickly overtook his prey and slipped past her into the mall’s outer courtyard. He’d have to hurry if he was to put his plans into action.

  * * * * *

  Omigods! This would never be allowed back home. Cassie could barely believe what she was seeing. Each storefront boasted another phallic symbol, more erotic toys. One store displayed practically transparent lingerie that veiled everything but a woman’s private parts. She gawked at the garments, imagining the sight of a woman wearing them would even bring dead men back to life. On every corner barkers touted potio
ns from all over the galaxy, each guaranteed to enhance sexual potency. Hairdressers and manicurists and body piercers were everywhere.

  Cassie’s eyes widened when she spied an Earthling hunk. The guy ought to be selling his magnificent body over at the sex slave emporium where she’d just left Doreen and Nebula. Long, shaggy dark-brown hair and beard and chalky, pale skin hinted that he’d been away too long from a civilization where males always kept their heads clean-shaven and oiled until they gleamed, and where their skins were hairless and deeply burnished by the sun.

  Her gaze settled on the man’s hard ass. He had the most gorgeous male tush she’d ever seen and rippling thighs the size of tree trunks, encased in skin-tight, black leather pants and gleaming knee-high boots like those that pilots in Federation Star Command wore. Those pants accentuated what had to be an impressive package—no way was the guy a eunuch. When he turned she got a mouthwatering view of his naked, hairy chest, bulging with hard muscles and barely hidden by a loose-fitting vest. His cock would be…

  Cassie girl, keep your cool. You came here to find yourself a hottie of a sexbot, and that’s just what you’re gonna do.

  But she kept staring at the guy’s tight ass until he disappeared inside a barber shop. Damn, but the hunk had her panting after him and getting warm and damp inside. And she hadn’t even seen him yet, up close.

  Makeovers by Leander was the name of the barber shop where the Earthling had gone. But she didn’t see him inside when she peered through the plate-glass storefront at a display of grooming products and exotic body jewelry backed by a rich burgundy velvet drape. Should she follow him? She wanted to. She even had the door pushed open a few inches before changing her mind.

  “Chickening out”, her sister Doreen would say, and she’d be right.


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