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Erin's Awakening

Page 3

by Sasha Parker

  “Now then, I think I need a little snack before we continue. Sweet, I think Reilly may need a little something, too,” he said and bent his head and licked her from front to back, groaning at the sweet taste of her. Reilly stepped up, held his cock out to her, and smiled. She knew that he wanted her to suck him while Lachlan ate her pussy. She had never felt so empowered.

  Ari smiled, leaned forward and swept her tongue up the length of him and stopped at the tip and licked the pre-cum that had come out of the little slit. She smiled when Reilly threw his head back and then thrust his cock a little closer, begging her to take it in her mouth. She obliged and took the head of his thick cock into her mouth. Slowly lowering her head, she managed to take in all of him. She swallowed and then grinned around his cock when Reilly reached and grabbed her hair.

  Lachlan circled her clit, and then when she was thinking about Reilly and the control she had with him, he sucked her small nub into his mouth and she screamed around Reilly’s cock. He continued to roll it over his tongue and the roof of his mouth until she thought she would go mad. She felt him slide his hand up and tenderly feel her anus opening. She remembered what it felt like with both of them inside her and she felt the wetness flow from her at the thought of doing it again.

  Ari leaned back a little more so both men could have access to her. She was drowning in the sensations that were sweeping over her. Reilly pulled from her mouth and smiled. “Lachlan, I think our woman is wanting a little more from us.”

  Lachlan sat up on his heels and smiled at Reilly. “I do believe you are correct.”

  Ari frowned at the men because they had stopped what had been leading to a very nice release. Nevertheless, when Reilly drew her up into his arms, and then lifted her up so she had to wrap her legs around his waist, she grinned. They fit perfectly together.

  Reilly slipped into her wet and ready opening, while Lachlan used the advantage of having her spread, to prepare her ass so he could take her there. Soon, Ari was groaning all over again as Reilly lowered and raised her on his shaft.

  “Ready,” Lachlan said and then she felt him push the head of his cock in her small puckered hole that he had just stretched. He groaned, "You are so tight and feel so good, sweet."

  The feeling of fullness enveloped her and she leaned back so she was against Lachlan's chest also.

  The men moved slowly, one pulling out of her while the other pushed in. This dance lasted for a few strokes, and Ari yelled, "Faster! Move it, now!" They were trying to drive her crazy with the slow movements.

  Reilly laughed. "You feel so good, love. I want this to last."

  Ari bounced between them as they both increased the pace and allowed her a little more movement. They seemed to move as one, within moments Ari was screaming out a climax. Her men followed close behind her.

  It took several moments before they came back to their senses. “Shit, you two are going to kill me,” she muttered breathlessly against Reilly’s throat.

  “But what a way to go.” Lachlan laughed and slowly pulled out of her. Reilly did the same and they lowered her to lay her down on the bed. She sighed and sank into the mattress and just relaxed. Lachlan went and got a towel to clean her up, then they both laid down on either side of her, wrapping her in their warmth. She knew after all that had happened, they would be lucky to have these special moments together and she was going to cherish each one. Her last thought as she drifted off was what a way to say goodbye to New York.

  Chapter Four

  "I understand, Dr. Thompson. I will be on the next flight out,” Erin said to the lead veterinarian of the Dublin Zoo.

  They spoke for a few minutes about what could be plaguing the sea lions, going over different reasons to explain why they were so sick. Erin discussed with him that he should consider thinking outside of the box. Maybe an outside influence was the cause. The doctor informed Erin that he had run tests on each of the sea lions first to see if one of them was a carrier but none of them were. Erin was truly puzzled as to the culprit causing the sea lions to be so ill, she would be able to do more, concentrate more, when she arrived at the zoo.

  As she hung up from talking to the doctor, she heard a knock at her door. She called out for whoever it was to come in and her grandmother opened the door. She groaned inwardly as she realized that Myles and Aedan had sought out her grandmother in order to convince Erin to delay her trip. Here it comes, she thought. Her grandmother approached her, smiling and Erin smiled back.

  "Hey, Mamo. What's up?" Erin asked.

  "I brought you something. I want you to wear it at all times. Promise me," her grandmother said. She held out her hand and in it was a heart-shaped locket.

  "It's beautiful. Why are you giving this to me?" Erin said.

  "Inside is a protection spell, it will keep you safe on your journey. I want your promise that you will keep it on at all times, that is the only way it will work,” her grandmother told her.

  "I promise, Mamo. Thank you," Erin said. "So, I take it you are also here to try to stop me from leaving?"

  Her grandmother laughed. "No, a leanbh, my child. I know you well enough to know that you have your own mind and are stubborn to a fault. You'll go when you want to go, no one will be able to stop you, least of all me."

  Erin smiled. "You're right, but I expected you to at least give it a go."

  Mamo shook her head. "When do you leave?"

  "I'm not sure yet, I have to check the flights.” Erin studied her grandmother's face carefully. "I will be fine. This is important or I wouldn't be going."

  "Your sisters and I understand completely; however, you have to understand that Myles and Aedan only want to ensure your safety. It is their job as Guardians. I will do as I promised them and urge you to wait a day or so if you can," her grandmother informed her.

  Her grandmother reached up and attached the necklace around Erin's neck. Erin wrapped both her arms around her grandmother and gave her a warm hug. She loved this woman more than life itself. Most of all, she admired her for always being present and strong for Erin and her sisters.

  "Thank you again for the necklace, it's lovely and helpful all at the same time," Erin said with a smirk.

  "Just remember to keep it on, young lady. I will see you downstairs for dinner," her grandmother said firmly. With that, she went out, heading down the hall.

  Erin picked up her cell phone and called the airport to find the first flight out to Dublin. She found that there was a flight leaving first thing in the morning. She knew she was going to catch hell from the Guardians, but she had no other choice. She booked the flight and then e-mailed the information to Dr. Thompson. She was sent an immediate e-mail response letting her know that one of his staff would be at the airport to meet her when she landed. She finished packing and then headed downstairs to help the others prepare dinner.


  "No others are on their way as of now. They are all finishing up other assignments. We have been ordered to wait until Reilly and Lachlan return from New York,” Myles informed Aedan as they walked the perimeter of the Castle. "Were you able to speak with Coni? Did she say she would help?"

  "I spoke to her and she said she would have a talk with Erin," Aedan said. "However, we both know that Erin will do what has to be done in order to make sure the animals are healthy."

  Myles nodded. "I know, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to turn her over my knee."

  Aedan laughed aloud. "Me too, brother, me too. For now, let's go inside and help with dinner. Then after, maybe we can make a plan to tie her to her bed."

  "Now that sounds like a plan,” Myles said as both men laughed and headed to the back door.

  The two men entered through the back door that led to the kitchen of the Castle. They saw Coni standing at the stove stirring something in a pot as four of the Blessed Five were dancing around her as music blared from a radio on the counter. Their eyes were immediately drawn to Erin as she swayed to the music. Both of them were frozen in place, trying
so hard to maintain their composure as their eyes watched her breasts jiggle and her hips sway. She was moving sensuously and seductively. She had her back to them and as she turned in the dance she was doing and spotted them, she stopped abruptly.

  When she stopped, it caught her sisters' attention and when they saw what stopped her, they all stopped to giggle. Erin rolled her eyes and turned to grab a stack of plates to set out for dinner, heading out of the kitchen. The men smiled broadly as they stepped up to the counter and picked up the cups and silverware. Aedan turned to her sisters and waggled his eyebrows, which caused them to dissolve into more giggles. He then turned to follow his brother and Erin into the dining room.

  "Maybe you could do that dance for us in private later," Myles growled next to Erin.

  She turned to him and surprised him by saying, "Maybe I will."

  Aedan laughed softly and said, "We would look forward to it, sweetheart."

  "I bet you would," Erin said with a chuckle. "Nice try. Stop teasing me."

  "I was about to say the same thing to you," Myles drawled, visibly adjusting his pants.

  Erin laughed aloud at him and shook her head. She turned to head back into the kitchen and he couldn't resist leaning in for a kiss as she went by. She surprised him again by giving him a quick peck as she went. He turned to Aedan and saw his surprise and pleasure as well.

  Dinner, as always, was wonderful. The conversation flowed around the table as the sisters had all grilled Erin on her upcoming trip.

  "Those poor sea lions. Do they have any ideas on what is making them sick?" Kira asked Erin.

  Erin shook her head. "No, they have been doing testing for some time without success."

  "You don't think this is a ploy to get you away from here, do you?" Sheela said apprehensively.

  "No, we have had similar situations in Florida," Erin explained. "It took us a while to figure it out."

  "You mean it took you a while to figure it out," Aedan said with pride in his eyes. "That's why they called you in."

  Myles grinned at her and said, "They know you can take care of the issue quickly."

  Erin blushed at the men's praises. They were getting under her skin and her heart was opening to them as well.

  "Well, well, high praise from two worldly Guardians," Kira said with a smirk and a wink to Erin.

  As Erin's blush spread, their grandmother said, "You have already secured a safe place to stay when you go?"

  Erin, grateful for the change in subject, said, "Yes, Mamo, they have offered me a cottage on sight. Most aquariums have on-site living quarters for guests."

  "Can't you just go there and give them antibiotics or something?" Sheela asked her.

  "If what was making them sick was viral, sure, but they aren't sure what it is. That makes it harder to treat," Erin said.

  "You will figure it out," Aedan said with complete confidence in her.

  "I hope so. I hate it when an animal is sick, let alone this many," Erin told him, looking deep into his eyes where she saw a flash of something more than confidence.

  As Kira rose to begin taking the dishes to the kitchen, Myles stayed her hands. "We will take care of this. You guys keep on talking."

  Aedan leaned over Erin to take her plate and whispered, "Let us take care of you."

  Erin blushed again and said, "Thank you."

  The men continued to clear away the dishes, taking any opportunity to brush up against Erin when they could. The women all talked well into the evening while the men did the dishes.

  Later on, Erin said good night, pleading a headache from having been on the computer too long that day. She went upstairs to her room and sat down at the small desk in the corner. She wrote a note to Myles and Aedan, knowing they were going to be pissed when they discovered her gone in the morning. She set her alarm and went to bed. As she closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep, she knew she was doing the right thing but why was it that she had an image of Myles spanking her for it?

  Chapter Five

  Erin woke the next morning early as her alarm went off. She quickly got dressed in comfortable traveling clothes and then grabbed the two bags she had packed the day before. She quietly went down the hall, keeping an eye out for either Guardian. As she passed each of their rooms, she held her breath, praying the door wouldn't come flying open. She waited to hear Myles bellowing for her to get back to her room and cringed as she tried to head down the stairs. Thank goodness she remembered the creaky step near the bottom or she would have been caught for sure. She felt really bad for sneaking out this way, but it couldn't be helped. She knew the men cared for her and she was beginning to care for them, but she had a job to do. To her, it was her life and she wasn't ready to give that up yet. Not even for a couple of hot Guardians who seemed to use every opportunity to gain her interest. She crept around the side of the castle and headed down the path to town. She glanced back at the castle one more time and gave them a silent apology for what she was doing, then she turned without looking back to head down the path. She had arranged to ride in to Tullamore with Mr. O'Donnell who owned the local grocery. She was lucky it was one of his days to run into the larger town for supplies. Once at the airport, she caught her flight with ease. As she looked out the window of the plane, she wondered if they had found her note yet.


  Myles was restless all night and barely slept. He knew their relationship with Erin was new and a little scary to her. She wasn't the kind to just jump into something without using caution. He guessed that might have something to do with losing her parents at such a young age or with her being a scientist first. He knew it would take some time, but she would be theirs. The main reason he didn't sleep was he could still feel her body, her lips, he groaned thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her, with her. Now, he just had to show her it was what she wanted and it wouldn't interfere with her professional life. He rolled over and groaned again, punching his pillow, telling his body to go to sleep.

  Aedan was in a similar state in his room. He had tossed and turned most of the night thinking of Erin. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her face, her body, and wanted to run his hands all over her. He didn't know how much more he could take before he would go crazy.

  The next morning when Erin didn't come down at her usual time for breakfast, Myles and Aedan knew she was gone. He and Aedan went upstairs and found her note on her desk. Myles roared out his anger, which brought Erin's sisters and grandmother running to see what had happened.

  Coni stepped forward. "So, she's gone then?” She held out her hand so she could read the note.

  "What does it say, Mamo?" Calli, the youngest, asked.

  Coni read the note and then turned to the girls. "She has gone to take care of the sea lions. She couldn't wait for Myles and Aedan to go with her. She is wearing the protection spell I gave her and will call us tonight when she is settled in Dublin."

  Sheela laughed. "I knew she would slip right by you two,” she said to the Guardians. "She has always been stubborn and willful."

  Kira chewed on her lower lip, a habit she had when she was nervous. "I hope she will be okay. We still don't know who is after us and she is all alone."

  Coni put her arm around her granddaughter. "Don't worry. Ari and her men will be back by tomorrow morning and then Myles and Aedan will go to Dublin to keep her safe."

  Myles looked at Aedan who was just as upset as he was. They both knew a lot could happen in twenty-four hours but prayed to the goddess that she would keep Erin safe. She would not be safe from him once he got to her, her ass was going to be red for taking off. With that in mind, he looked at Aedan and saw the determination on his face as they silently communicated. Then they turned as one to Coni and placed their hands over their hearts.

  Myles spoke for them. "Coni, we formally declare for your granddaughter, Erin. She is our match and we have claimed her. We ask for your blessing." They both bowed their heads to her.

  Coni smiled with knowing in
her eyes. She looked serious as she said, "I accept your claiming of my granddaughter and you have my blessing. Thank you for the honor."

  All the sisters squealed and started hugging the men as they laughed knowing Erin was in a lot of trouble.


  Well, well. Little Erin was traveling alone. The poor little animals needed her help. He smirked, pleased at how well his plan was working. He may have missed his opportunity to get Adrianna, she had only been in New York for a short time, but Erin's trip had been kept close to the castle.

  He had had to go through a lot of trouble to set up Erin's 'situation'. He reached for the phone to call his men to finalize his plans. He knew from his contact in the glen that she had already left for the airport and did not have the Guardians with her. Excellent.

  This time he had someone on the inside to keep an eye on her and let him know her location at all times once she arrived in Dublin. He had great plans for Erin, he wanted her to suffer a bit before he took her. He needed her alive, but he didn't need to let her know that.

  As his man on the other end answered, he smiled. Yes, this was going to be fun.


  Erin stepped off the plane and met Steve, one of Dr. Thompson's assistants, at the baggage claim. They headed out of the airport as Steven explained that he had orders to take her to her bungalow, one of many the zoo had set up for visiting dignitaries and other important visitors. She asked him to drop her off to Dr. Thompson instead as she wanted to get started right away.

  When she entered the lab where Dr. Thompson was working, she was greeted by the man himself. He was an older man with graying hair, slim, wearing a typical white lab coat. His eyes sparkled with warmth and welcome as he extended a hand to her.

  "Welcome, Dr. Kirkpatrick. We are honored to have you here,” Dr. Thompson said.

  "Thank you, anything to help,” Erin said. "What have you found out so far?"


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