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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 8

by Sean Michael

  He rubbed Giles’ red cheeks with one hand, the other still holding tight to Giles’ shoulder. “Ease up, a little. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Sorry. Sorry, you have me all tense.”

  He felt Giles trying to relax. He jerked his hips a little, hitting Giles’ gland in a promise that he wasn’t going to stop. This man needed sensation so badly he fought everything. Insane.

  As soon as Giles had relaxed enough that he could move, Harrison began to thrust in earnest. He slammed into Giles over and over.

  “Oh...” Giles sobbed once, then started moving with him.

  “That’s it. Come on now, we can do this all fucking day long.”

  “Yes. Yes.” Giles rode him, face determined, fierce. He slid his hand around to grab Giles’ cock, letting their movements drive it through his fist. “Harrison. Harrison.” Giles nodded, swallowed hard.

  “Yeah, right here, G. And. I’m. Not. Going. Any. Where.” He punctuated each word with another thrust.

  Heat sprayed between them, Giles’ muscles rippling around him, milking him.

  “Fuck yes!” He cried out, humping hard and fast as he chased his own orgasm. He emptied himself, still feeling the aftershocks of Giles’ orgasm around him.

  Collapsing onto Giles, he was careful not to tug the wrists still cuffed to his headboard. Giles hummed softly, the vibrations feeling so good. He pressed a kiss to Giles’ neck and then reached up to work off the cuffs.

  “Want to paint you now.”

  “Right this very second?”

  Giles’ ass squeezed him. “Uh-huh.”

  He didn’t think so. “I think you can wait. I know you’re going to wait.”

  Giles shook his head. “I have to work.”

  That ass worked his prick again. Groaning, he jerked his hips inward a few times. He had to come out, though, take off the condom. Giles stretched as he slid out and slipped the rubber off.

  He took the cuffs off Giles and the man stretched again, smiling widely. “Gonna jump in the shower real quick.”

  “I’ll join you, and we’ll make it better then ‘real quick.’”

  “I.” Giles stopped, head tilting. “I’d like that, I think.”

  He chuckled and helped Giles get moving again. “You will.”

  “You don’t know that. I might be a love ‘em and leave ‘em type.”

  “Not with me you’re not.” He turned the shower on, adjusting it to fairly hot.

  “I’m not?” Giles hands slid down his back.

  “Nope. I’m not the love ‘em and leave ‘em type, either.” He pushed back against Giles’ hands.

  “You have a lovely back.” Giles lips followed his spine.

  He spread his legs slightly and moaned softly. “And you have great hands.”

  “I do.” His ass was caressed, the crease where legs met butt explored.

  He chuckled, nodded, and spread a little wider. “You do.” Giles’ mouth kept moving south, lips tickling his lower back. “Oh, fuck.” The man was going to make him hard again.

  “Mmmhmm.” Giles licked and nuzzled, fingers spreading him. He put his hands on the wall, the tile cool against his palms. “So pretty...” Giles’ tongue worked down.

  “So hot.” That tongue was spreading fire. Giles’ chuckle made him shiver. “Your mouth’s almost as good as your hands.”

  “Almost.” Sharp teeth scraped his ass.

  He laughed at the bite. “Yes. Almost.”

  Harrison felt the tongue soothing his ass cheek, easing the bite.

  “Yeah, yeah, that’s good.” His cock was making a great recovery, filling eagerly.

  “Mmmhmm.” Giles’ lips moved to the top of his crack. He pressed back toward Giles’ mouth.

  “Pretty little hole.” Giles nipped the top of his ass.

  “Sweet mouth.”

  “Uh-huh.” One finger slipped down, teased his hole.

  “I want to feel it around my cock,” he told Giles’, imagining that mouth and his prick together.

  “Do you? Maybe.” When he growled a little at that, Giles chuckled, tongue circling his hole. “Maybe I’ll fuck you instead.”

  “No. I don’t think so.” Harrison didn’t bottom.


  “No, G. I’m the top.”

  Giles snorted, tongue sliding against him. “I can change your mind.”

  “I don’t want my mind changed.”

  Giles sighed, swatted his ass, then stood and pulled away. “Okay.”

  He turned and took Giles’ face in his hands, kissed the man. Giles rumbled against him, but he didn’t let his artist start fussing. He rubbed them together, Giles’s skin good against his prick. Giles’s hands fluttered beside him like the man didn’t know quite what to do. “Touch me, G.” The words growled out of him.

  “Where?” Someone was pouting a little.

  He took Giles’ hand and pressed it against his chest, then slowly moved it down. Giles moaned, nails digging in a little. “Mmm. Yeah. That’s it.” He loved the way Giles pinked when complimented. “Don’t you stop, G.”

  “I won’t stop. I’m not a greedy partner.”

  “No, I never imagined you were.”

  A needy partner, yes. Hungry. Desperate for sensation and connection. But never greedy.

  He devoured Giles’ mouth, encouraged more touches. They drew over him with invisible paint, so inquisitive, so intense. He began to move, rubbing against Giles, his cock sliding on his lover’s skin, and Giles stroked his cock, the touch incredibly gentle.

  “Fuck.” He leaned his hands against the tile again, pushing into Giles’ hands.

  “Like I said, G. Great hands.” Amazing damn hands.

  “I’m a painter.”

  “You’re not worthless, G. Even if you didn’t paint, I’d want you.”

  “Save lies for things that are important.”

  He grabbed Giles’ hands and waited until the man looked at him. “You’re not here with me because of your talent with a paintbrush. I don’t care if you paint another stroke for as long as you live. And I don’t lie.”

  “Don’t say things like that.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  Giles blushed dark, tried to pull away from him. “Hush.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You have to.” Stubborn man.

  “It’s the truth, and I’ll say it as much as I want. You are important to me, and it has nothing to do with your art.”

  Giles backed away, shook his head. “Please don’t.”

  “Come back here. You’re touching me -- you’re going to suck me.”

  “I am?”

  He held out one hand imperiously. “You are.”

  Harrison put his hand on Giles’ shoulder when the man moved close again; he pressed, not hard, just enough to encourage Giles to his knees. Giles went, too. Slowly. Carefully. Deliberately. He groaned, his prick going even harder, bobbing like it was trying to get Giles’ attention. His new lover moaned, lips brushing the tip of his cock.

  “Oh fuck.” It took a lot of willpower not to just push right into Giles’ mouth.

  “Mmmhmm.” Giles licked his slit.

  He curled his fingers, turning his hands into fists to keep from grabbing control.

  “You have a gorgeous cock.” Giles explored it, focused on it. Learned it.

  “Uh-huh.” He wasn’t about to argue the point. It didn’t seem to matter what he said anyway, not the way Giles took his time, licking and nuzzling. He loved the way Giles was into it. He wasn’t just doing this because Harrison had asked, or he felt he had to in order to be fair -- Giles liked doing this. Harrison’s balls were stroked, tugged, the vein along his shaft nibbled. He let his moans loose, telling Giles without words how much he was enjoying the attention. Giles resp
onded beautifully to the praise, too, slowly taking his cock in deep.

  He slid his fingers through Giles’ wet hair, pushing it off his face and shoulders. It was everything he could do not to thrust.

  Giles took him in to the root, then started swallowing, over and over, throat closing around him.

  “Fuck! Yes!” Goddamn, that was good.

  Those beautiful eyes flashed up to him and he nodded, breathing hard. He started moving his hips, pushing slowly, as carefully as he could. Harrison smiled, nodding again as Giles shivered for him. He moved a little faster, prick sliding through the hot mouth. He let his fingers trail through Giles’ hair again, this time holding on. His hips moved even faster; he fucked Giles’ mouth, groaning as he pushed in over and over.

  Good boy. So fucking hot. So right. Harrison was fucking keeping him. He pulled Giles’ head back a little farther, humped harder. Giles opened for him, let him in deep, deeper than anyone ever had.

  “Gonna come, G.”

  Giles swallowed in response, tugging his cock.

  “Yes!” He pushed in hard a few more times and spilled down Giles’ throat, the pleasure climbing up his spine. His cock was held in, Giles not spilling a drop. Aftershocks of pleasure hit him, making him shudder.

  Keeping him. Definitely keeping him. Harrison was never looking back.

  “Mine.” He rubbed his thumb along Giles’ cheek, staring into the man’s face.

  “I.” Giles’ lips slid over his shaft.

  “Mine.” He growled the word this time. He watched his lover shiver. “I’m not giving you up, so you’ll have to get used to it.”

  “You will. No one survives the crazy but my sister.”

  “You’ll see.” Giles didn’t have to believe him. Not yet.


  “No, no maybes. It’s for real.”

  Giles stood, stretched, turned away from him, so he grabbed Giles’ hips, tugged him in close. He wanted to touch for hours, days, until Giles had soaked all the attention in.

  “Turn the water off, G. Let’s go back to bed.”

  “Back to bed?” Giles’ eyes went wide.

  “We can do it on the couch if you want a change of scenery.”

  “So long as you don’t try to make me go to sleep again.”

  He chuckled softly, shook his head. Silly lover. “No, I didn’t have sleep in mind at all.”

  “You can’t want more sex.”

  “No, G. I want to give you more sensation.”

  “I probably need to go to work.” Giles followed him to bed, though, fingers twined with his.

  “No, I don’t think so. This is important, this thing between us.”

  Giles met his eyes, the look curious, interested.

  “Can’t you feel it?” He slid his hands down Giles’ back. Giles answered by arching, moaning deep in his throat. “Yeah, you can.” He brought one hand around and tweaked Giles’ nipple.

  “Hey. They’re sensitive now.” Giles didn’t move away.

  “Makes it better.” He tugged on the nipple ring, letting it do the work of making Giles ache.

  “Ow.” Giles followed the tug, crawled into the sheets.

  “You love it.”

  “You always talk like you know me.” Giles chuckled, hands covering the pierced nipples. “What if I’m faking it?”

  Harrison snorted, tugged on the other nipple. He knew. He was fascinated by Giles, by that need. “You can’t fake these kinds of responses.”

  “T...talent. It’s a talent.”

  Harrison laughed. “You do have talent, I just don’t think faking being a pain slut is one of them.”

  Giles chuckled for him, winked, a flash of humor tickling him, and he laughed and bit at Giles’ neck.

  “Bitey!” Giles cracked up.

  “I know you love the bitey.”

  “You’re guessing. You don’t know me.”

  He grabbed Giles’ hands, pressed them down into the mattress. “No, I know you. I know what you need. I have what you need.”

  Giles frowned at him. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “You say ‘thank you, Sir.’”

  “I... thank you.”

  He arched one eyebrow. “What happened to the ‘Sir’?”

  He watched as Giles shivered, tugged at his hands, obviously uncomfortable. “I. You’re serious?”

  “Yes.” He wasn’t letting go, damn it. “Master or Sir.”

  “Master? Are you... this is a weird game.”

  “It’s not a game, G. It’s as real as you and me.” He let one leg slide between Giles’ thighs.

  “I don’t get you.” Giles was serious. Steady.

  “You will. I promise.”

  Giles nodded, still frowning when Harrison let go of the man’s wrists. Giles’ fingers reached for him, sliding over his skin.

  “That’s right, G. We’re going to explore, learn every inch.”

  “I’m a little... I don’t know. This is strange.”

  “Maybe I should tie you up again.” Then it wouldn’t be something Giles was doing, it would be something Giles had to do.

  “No. No more tying, I don’t think.”

  “If you want to touch me, you’ll have to behave.” He got another of those looks, like Giles couldn’t figure out whether he was joking or not. He tweaked Giles’ right nipple ring, watching the man’s face. The tension eased, turned to hunger.

  It made him smile, and he slid his hand over to the other nipple. So simple and yet so complex, his Giles. It was going to be fascinating, learning each other. He tweaked the other nipple, tugged the ring down.

  “Hey.” Giles shifted, grabbed his wrist. “Easy.”

  “No. No, you don’t need easy. You need this.” He tweaked it with his other hand.

  This time the man’s eyes flashed, a hint of anger in them. “Stop it. Just. Quit talking like you know me.”

  “But I do, G.” Let’s see how the man took that.

  “How? You’ve seen me three times. Three!” Well, that was... a reaction.

  “You speak to me, G, even when your mouth doesn’t move. I can read your body like a book.”

  Giles stiffened, stared at him. “That’s a little scary. I don’t think I want you to. I mean, I have secrets.”

  “Like what?” Giles was so worried about what he thought, about the needs the man had.

  Giles looked at him like he was crazy. “If I told you, they wouldn’t be secrets.”

  He chuckled, then made an apologetic noise as the stare turned into a glare. “I know what you need. I know the pain is important. It’s not making me run; it’s not making me send you to the loony bin.” The pain and the pleasure, mingled. That was the thing Giles hadn’t put together. “I’m going to make you fly, G. It’s going to make your focus clearer.”

  Giles pressed into his arms, hugged him hard. “I have to go. You’re a dear man, but I have to run.”

  “No. Not yet.” He wasn’t ready yet, and Giles hadn’t been pushed enough.

  “Not yet?”

  He wrapped around Giles, held on. “We need more time together before you go back to your studio.”

  Giles took a deep breath, then another and another.

  “And when you do go, I’m going to fill you with a plug to remember me by.”

  “I’ll take it out.”

  “Not if it’s attached to your nipple rings, you won’t.”

  Giles blinked, head tilting as the man stared at him. “What?”

  “If I attach it to your nipple rings, then you won’t be able to pull it out.” It would probably be physically possible for Giles to do it, if he really tried, but it would take time, effort, and he was pretty sure Giles wouldn’t really want to, not deep down.

  “I. You can’t. Ca
n you?”

  “Oh, I can. I most certainly can.”

  Giles shook his head, staring at him. “Who are you?”

  “Harrison. Your Sir.”

  “My... You’re serious about this.”

  “What have we been doing for the last twenty-four hours?” This was becoming incredibly circular.

  “Playing around. Having a lot of great sex.” Giles grinned at him. “A lot of great sex.”

  “It’s more than just great sex if it’s something you really need. And it is something you really need.”

  Giles sighed at him, frowned, but didn’t say anything. Giles would get it. Eventually.

  Harrison took a kiss, opening Giles’ mouth. Warm hands wrapped around his shoulders, Giles’ lips parting as the kiss deepened. That was right. Giles felt the connection, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Or maybe Giles didn’t know how to admit. Either way it didn’t matter, because Harrison knew.

  He bent Giles backward, deepening the kiss as Giles cried out, pliant in his arms. His arm made sure the man went down onto the mattress gently, then he pressed his body over Giles’. A deep, heady sound escaped Giles, and the long legs parted, cradled him.

  “Mine,” he murmured against Giles’ mouth. He could feel it in the way Giles’ skin pushed against his fingertips. Giles murmured something, but he let it go by. Harrison knew it. Knew Giles. He twisted one of the pretty little rings in Giles’ right nipple. “I want to see what you paint when I let you go.”

  “You do?”

  “I do. I want to know if I had an effect on you.” He would bet he did.

  “I don’t let people in the studio, usually.”

  Yes, but Giles had already let him in, so that was an empty protest. “I’m not people.”

  “Ah. That explains you.” Giles’ eyes twinkled. “You’re an alien.”

  Harrison laughed. “And you’re a nut.”

  “Possibly. An almond, maybe.”

  That had him laughing some more. “Fuck, that was funny.”

  Giles grinned at him, cheek on his upper arm. “Do you smoke?”

  “No. I hate the smell.”

  “Me, too. I did in high school, though, to seem cool.” Giles’ fingers trailed down his belly. “Your turn.”

  “Have you had many lovers?”

  “I did in college, but not so many after.” Giles cupped his cock. “When did you know you were queer?”


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