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Nova Academy: A Superhero & Supervillain Novel

Page 24

by Scott Olen Reid

Remaining silent until Anvil gets way closer than I want him to be without knowing his intentions, Carly says, "I don't know what he's going to do."

  Great. I drop into a combat stance as I swing my war hammer and shield out of their sling and double strap on my back into a ready position, then ask Carly, "Would you mind dropping this guy if I get in over my head?"

  "No problem." Is her reply. She's calm as a cucumber, so I'm slightly less concerned this goon is going to squish me than I was a few seconds ago.

  Anvil stops just out of my weapon reach and looks me over, "Can't say that's not the hardest I've ever been hit. What class are you?" He’s smiling, and there is grass in his teeth.

  Staying in my ready stance, I reply, "Join our team and I'll tell you."

  Stepping forward and putting out his hand to shake, Anvil says, "Where do I sign up?"

  I stand up and contemplate the likelihood of Anvil sucker punching me, then switch my war hammer to my shield hand, turn off my repeller field generator and take a chance on shaking his hand. "Come on, I'll give you an application."

  When I look over to Carly, she's handing out applications as dozens of supers in costume and a number in civilian dress are reaching out to receive their own applications.

  It takes another thirty minutes to get all the applications handed out and we receive most of them back. We have ninety-seven applications so far. The people in the crowd are enjoying themselves and showing off their costumes and powers and telling stories to each other, which allows Carly and me enough time to quickly go through the applications and weed the number of people we want to interview down to twenty-two.

  We go through the applications as quickly as we can and focus on previous experience and that they have the minimum power levels we want to consider. The sheer variety of skills, powers, and experience of the applicants is pretty amazing. Nova Academy has a very diverse and powerful population.

  We complete sorting the applications and I address the crowd, almost all of who are still here, "Okay, listen up! I want to thank all of you for coming out today and want to let everyone know that if you are not on this list, it is not a judgement of your abilities. We have a limited number of places open and want a certain mix of powers. If you are not selected, it is likely your powers are not a fit, or we just don't have enough knowledge about what you can do to figure out how you can fit on the team. Or it may be your powers are already adequately represented on the team. Don't be discouraged if you are not selected, and please don't have any hard feelings." This gets a snicker from a few people in the crowd, as that is exactly what they're going to think – that we think they're not good enough. Ignoring the snickers, I continue, "If you hear your name, please stick around, everyone else, if something changes, we'll be in contact." I announce the list, which includes Anvil.

  Chapter 55

  I set our first team meeting to be at Waukegan Ranged Weapons & Personal Combat Facility that is, conveniently enough, listed as a student resource on the Nova Academy website. "Okay, gather around. For this first meeting we are going to become familiar with each other’s powers and get to know you a little bit. I will be frank, this is a tryout. You were each chosen for the information you provided on your application, now it is time for us to confirm the accuracy of those statements and to see what else you may bring to the table that will benefit the team. We will be taking a total of six heroes on this mission, so some of you will be in a backup position, or part of the extraction team we are thinking of using for moving the hostages, or maybe as reinforcements. We're still working out the mission details. Dreamweaver and I will also display our abilities, just to be fair, and to give you an opportunity to see who you have signed on with." Walking over to a nearby table in the large sparring room, I pick up a clip board and turn back to the group, "First, however, everyone in this room will sign a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits you from discussing the identity or powers of anyone else in this room. This is not negotiable, we all have identities to protect and, I believe, aspirations to become professional superheroes after our college careers," or villains, which I don't say, "There is one last thing you should all know that is not in the NDA. If one of you betrays us, any of us, the legal consequences contained in the NDA will be the least of your worries. I will personally see to it."

  A person in the back, obviously female in a skin tight, black super outfit, with yellow lightning bolts down the side, says, "That's not a very superhero thing to say. Threatening us." She's set her hip and crossed her arms with obvious disapproval.

  I remember her application. Her name is Sparks and she's a Class 3 Lightning Elemental. She has long blonde hair and is obviously attractive, even wearing the half-mask she's got on.

  I ignore her comment because I really don't care whether she approves of the threat or not, and continue, "First thing will be hand-to-hand combat. Anvil has volunteered…."

  Interrupting me, a voice pipes up, "What if we don't do hand-to-hand?"

  "It doesn't matter, for now. I want to assess everyone so we know who can handle themselves in a slugging match, and who needs to be protected from close-quarters."

  "Okay. Anvil, will you help us out by being our sparring partner?” Addressing the group, “This is physical combat only. No exotic powers. Yet."

  Anvil, with a big grin on his face, nods, and says, "I'd love to," then, more seriously, "But, make sure you tell me what your body can handle before we start so I don't accidentally break you."

  Everyone has a go at Anvil and he's not even sweating. Mostly he's standing there letting each of them punch on him while he laughs at them and tells them how puny and weak they are. Unfortunately, he is our only Class 4 strongman, but we have several Class 3s and none of the rest is lower than a Class 2, which is nice we don't have anyone who is a total squishy. All of them also have at least some hand-to-hand combat experience, with the exception of Sparks.

  I face Anvil and announce I'm a Class 2 strength, but with the suit I believe I qualify as a Class 4 in my abilities for dealing damage. As soon as I say it, Anvil decides that’s a go ahead to hit me with everything he’s worth. No warning, just BAM! Which, if I were any slower, would have driven me through a wall. Instead, I'm able to shift enough I only take a glancing blow off my repeller field, and spin as I let my war hammer slip down from where I'm holding it in the middle of the shaft down to the handle, and use it to sweep Anvil off his feet as I spin around. I follow up with an underhand blow into his chest as he's standing up and he bounces off the ceiling of the training room.

  He manages to land on all fours, like a cat, and stands up laughing.

  "Okay, Dreamweaver, you're up," is all he says, brushing himself off. We have a clown on the team. A very powerful, very dangerous, clown.

  Carly steps up to Anvil and announces, "I'm a Class 2 strength and will wait until the next event to display my close combat. I'm not sure why she is holding back, she's pretty good at mixed martial arts.

  "Okay then. The next event Dreamweaver is referring to, is we are going to go through close combat again, this time it's for anyone who has exotic, or other, powers they're able to use in close combat. Anvil, I'll take it from here."

  Anvil starts to protest, then shrugs and steps to the side.

  "Okay, same order. If you don't have a power other than the physical attacks you showed us in the last event, just sound off when your time comes and we'll skip you for this round." I step to the middle of the room and proceed to get electrocuted, burned, plasma blasted, and hit with a sonic attack as each of the recruits shows how they are able to incorporate their powers into close combat.

  Approaching me with a sweet smile showing under her half shield visor, Dreamweaver picks me up and throws me across the room with her telekinetic powers, then walks back to stand with the rest of the group.

  As I stand up to walk back to the middle of the room, I hear someone say, "You're telekinetic!"

  Dreamweaver responds, "Yes, I am. I'm also a telepath."
/>   "Holy crap!" This comes from Anvil. "Since when do you guys go superhero?"

  "There are a few of us out there. Not all of us are pacifists," is Dreamweaver's response. Which is kind of funny to hear when you know the entire telepathic community is aggressive to the point any one of them will rip the thoughts right out of your head if you so much as think of doing anything harmful to them or theirs.

  There are a lot of murmurs and looking at one another going on, "If anyone is uncomfortable working with a telepath, you should pack up and leave now. Just remember that everything you've seen today falls under the NDA." If anyone leaves, they'll never violate the NDA as Carly and I have already agreed anyone that does not go on the mission will have their memory wiped of everyone else's powers and identities. They'll think they were never selected. She let me know it was not open for discussion that she is going to wipe them of both of our memories, and I figured if we are going to benefit from them being wiped, everyone should.

  "Well I don't want my mind being read all the time." This comes from Rock Slide, one of our two Earth Elementals, both of whom I was hoping to take on the mission for their strong defensive abilities. They have amazing powers for crowd control and team defense second only to shield bubbles.

  Walking over to where everyone placed their bags along the wall, "I'm out, too," says Derelict, a Class 3 strongman who I wasn't all that excited about having anyway.

  "Wait a minute," Sparks steps up, “Wait. I don't understand. What's the big deal with having a telepath on the team? I'd like to know what's bothering everyone."

  "That's fair," I say, "Anyone want to explain your concerns?" I look to Dreamweaver and she's standing, head up, and not showing the slightest bit of being affected by the fact people are saying they don't want to be around her just because she's a telepath. She gives me a small nod that she's okay, and I'm feeling sympathy for her. Even more so as I realize she probably already knew how everyone here felt about being around telepaths.

  Derelict and Rockslide stop and look to see if anyone speaks up, but no one does. Rock Slide starts to come back over to the group, but I look at him and hold out my hand, palm up. "No, you can leave now. You too, Derelict. Thank you for coming out, but I don't think we'll be able to use you on this mission."

  They look at each other, shrug, and make their exit. Carly takes care of any NDA violation risks on their way out the door.

  "Does anyone else have any concerns about Dreamweaver?” No one answers, “Okay, good. Let's move on. Grab your stuff. I have a multi-discipline firing range reserved for us." Leading off, I head over and grab my gear and walk out of the sparring room without looking back. Thinking about what just happened, it's a little enlightening that being afraid of telepaths isn't one of the negative thoughts they erase from people's minds. It is odd when you consider they won't hesitate to wipe out feelings of hostility. It makes me feel like they are benevolent wolves managing their herd of sheep.

  To get to the firing range I've reserved, at considerable cost, you have to take an elevator underground to what feels more like a cavern than a firing range. It's huge, a hundred feet wide and two thousand feet long, covered by an eighty foot high domed ceiling. The entrance side of the range has blast barriers with copper mesh imbedded, one foot thick, safety glass for observers and a control panel for dozens of paper and solid targets that can be set at any distance down range. The team is impressed, which is good considering it is costing me $800 per hour to be here. It's become easier to count the number of inventions I have to sell to maintain my superhero habit than to count the dollars I’ve been spending. This expenditure costs one invention, this expenditure costs two inventions….

  "Let's start with the ground rules. We'll be taking turns on the range and there will be only one shooter at a time. Only two people can be on the range at one time. Me, as the safety officer, and the shooter. Everyone else is to be behind the blast shield and paying attention to what is happening on the range. You need to know what your teammates can do." Everyone is chattering away, excited that they're going get to use the full powers without any concerns for someone being hurt. For some of them, it may be the first time they've been able to let go. "Let's keep the chatter to a minimum. If you have a question, wait until you hear, 'Cease Fire,’ and the, 'All Clear,' have been called.” Looking at all of them as I speak, I am happy to see all of them are paying full attention. Even Anvil.

  “If you see something that is unsafe, I want you to yell as loud as you can, 'Stop!' Shout it out as it may be hard to hear you from out on the range. If you hear someone yell ‘stop,’ cease whatever it is you are doing immediately. There is also a panic button behind the barrier you can hit that will sound an alarm and red lights flashing." Walking beyond the barriers onto the firing platform, I turn back to them, "You know what you are going to bring up here, and what it can do, far better than me. Keep your powers directed down range, and be safe. Okay, that's it. Who wants to go first?"

  The ranged tryouts go well, with several candidates showing they're legit ranged fighters who will work out well supporting our tanks. Sparks sends a fan of lightning nearly thirty feet and a single bolt twice that far. Flamella, a fire elemental, puts up a barrier of fire and shoots a stream of flame like a flame thrower, which is as terrifying as it is deadly. Hit Point, our weapon specialist, is amazing in her agility and ability to throw anything and is accurately hitting targets at the far end of the range. Barrier, who can project multiple force fields about as powerful as my old repeller field generators, with the smaller power supply, is strictly defensive in his skills. It is a waste he has not learned to use his powers offensively.

  Anvil and Granite are both pretty limited in what they can do in ranged combat. But, their talents lie in another area. Those of the rest of us who have ranged abilities are capable, but not impressive and it's beginning to look like the primary team is becoming set. Dreamweaver and I are accurate out to fifty yards with our blasters, although she one ups me with some telekinetically directed knife throwing and sending one inch steel balls around corners. She's such a showoff.

  We're only able to take a self-imposed six supers on the team, including ourselves. First, because four is the number of working neural neutralizers I took from the warehouse during our last fight. (Besides the one I took apart to see how it worked and the two I gutted to use on Dreamweaver and my shielding upgrades.) I’m afraid to bring anyone not protected from being mind controlled if they don’t have one. And second, because I doubt my ability to lead more than a few people at one time.

  Any applicants who make the cut, but are not included on the team, I am thinking of inviting to join as backups in case someone falls out, and to train against. I'm also still trying to decide whether or not to bring them on the rescue as a backup.

  “Okay, I think that’s what we need.” The tryouts are enlightening. Seeing supers on the news using all of their powers is one thing. But it’s not “real.” More like a superhero movie where you know the supers are real, but you’re still only seeing it on a video screen. Seeing this much power up close where you can feel the heat and the electricity standing your hair on end, and the concussion of the force of the blows from a bare fist, is just all kinds of cool. I never was able to let myself feel it when I was in the fight myself, and I've never been around such power before. Then again, I've never been so powerful before myself. Carly has maintained a running a dialogue with me of the candidates through our comms, and she has already chosen the team. I do not disagree with any of her choices, so there is no reason to point out her lack of collaboration with me in her selections.

  “Thank you all for being here and for placing yourself out there to be someone who is willing to make a difference. All of you have an incredible amount of potential and I would take you all if I could. Unfortunately, only four of you will be chosen. The rest I would ask if you can train with us for the mission and stand in as a backup if someone on the team can’t go.” I’m looking at each of them in
turn and can see all of them want to be chosen. Carly’s already confirmed they are all in and gives me the nod to go with our chosen crew.

  “Anvil. You’re our heavy hitter, along with me.”

  “Granite. I’d like you to be a controller and provide defense.”

  “How’s an Earth Elemental supposed to control?” Asks Sparks.

  “He can isolate, channel, and build barriers. It’s the same stuff any Earth Elemental would do.” I reply, wondering why Sparks does not already know this. Earth Elementals as controllers have been on dozens of superhero teams in recent years.

  “And, Sparks. I’d like you and Hit Point to be our ranged hitters.”

  Looking to the remaining applicants, “For operational security, I’m going to end it here. Any of you who want to work with us to train and be a backup, let me know now. Otherwise, I wish you all the best of luck in becoming superheroes. I think all of you have the talent to make it.”

  Chapter 56

  The team has its first meeting the next day in the Student Labs. None of them have been here before and a few don’t even know the labs exist. The elementals have their own “labs” that are more similar to a military firing range and construction site than a science lab. And, Hit Point has only ever used the speed and agility facilities for the Atlas Quad students.

  “These student labs are normally not empty. Most of this year you had to sign up on a waiting list a week in advance to use one of the private labs like the one we are in now. And, that’s the reason we’re here. The science and engineering students are missing. Our mad scientists and resident geeks have been kidnapped and, we believe, are under mind control. That’s more than two hundred students.” I pause to see their reaction and give Carly some time to sort through what they are thinking in case one of them is a mole. I only see surprise on their faces.

  “The university’s admins don’t even know they’re missing and we believe they've had their memories altered. We tried to get the college admins, and the police for that matter, to realize what is going on, but they all seem to have had their memories altered and won’t believe anything we say.”


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