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Texas Hot

Page 7

by Carlysle, Regina

  “Whoa there.” He smiled down and gave her a wink. “Let’s get you off this floor before somebody knocks you on your pretty ass.” Settling a hand at her back, he maneuvered her through the throng until they were again seated at their table. A waitress came up with two more beers. Gina leaned back in her chair and took a sip aware of Mitch’s eyes on her.

  “You do all kinds of sexy things to that white dress,” he finally said in that slow, devastating drawl.

  “Like it?”

  “I sure as hell do.”

  Gina gave a cursory glance at the gauzy white dress she’d bought earlier and idly fingered the fringed edge of the turquoise belt that adorned the waist of the dress. “Jules talked me into it.”

  “Always credited her with a fair amount of good taste. Nice boots, too. Reckon we’ll make a Texan out of you yet.”

  Laughter bubbled up and she shook her head. “I feel I should have yankee stamped directly across my forehead but it’s nice to feel as if I fit in, even if it’s just a bit. I really do love it here.”

  The smile faded from Mitch’s lips as he watched her. “Are you feeling a little homesick? I know you’re close to your family.”

  “Sometimes when the house is quiet I think of home and wonder about everyone. It’s hard not to miss people you’ve loved your entire life but I like it here, too. I’ve come to feel welcome in Texas. It might sound dumb but I can breathe here.” She shook her head. “I’m a city girl but this life, the free and easy way of the people here, touches me. It’s silly.”

  “Not a damn thing silly about it. Maybe it’s just Texas. Maybe you’ve just been looking for something and you’ve finally found it.”

  His words poured over her and the truth of them sank into her heart.

  She loved this brawny Texas man.

  After such a short time with him, it was probably crazy but then running away from home with no clue of her destination was pretty nuts, too. From the beginning Mitch made her feel protected but he made her strong along with it, perhaps strong enough to face what she’d been running from.

  Tears burned behind her eyes because she knew she had to leave and test that newfound resiliency. Would she come back? Well, that was up to Mitch but Gina knew this regained strength couldn’t be wasted. She had to go back and square things with Anthony. In no uncertain terms, he had to know that intimidation wouldn’t work anymore. She was no longer afraid of him, nor would she allow him to intrude on her happiness. Aside from her current happiness and the basket full of epiphanies she’d gained, there was anger too. She’d allowed her fear to control her as she’d allowed Anthony to control her during their marriage. Now, Gina hoped with everything inside her that she could finish her business in New York, see her family, and then return to make her life in Texas more permanent.

  But did Mitch want that?

  She shared his bed and his life but there had never been declarations of love between them despite the way he looked at her and held her so protectively in the dark of night. Watching him now as he sat quietly sipping his beer, she absorbed the careful cautiousness of the man. He’d been hurt before, not only by his ex but by his often cruel past. Was he ready to take a chance on a woman who was no more than an intimate stranger?

  So many questions without answers.

  Needing space to control her emotions, she excused herself and headed to the ladies room near the back of the honky tonk. Honk tonk. It was crazy to think she was actually in one and loving every minute of it. Did she ever have stories to tell the family back home once she returned! Most likely, her dad would want to load up the car and make a trip down. She could already imagine he and Mitch binge-watching Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns and ruling over a backyard barbecue.

  Her wistful turn of thoughts suddenly faded as an eerie feeling crept over her.

  She glanced to the left then to the right, scanning the crowds. It was fairly normal to garner curious glances since she was, after all, new in town but this was different, somehow ominous. Seeing nothing amiss, she made it to the room marked cowgirls and then back out again after exchanging small talk with some of the ladies whom she’d met over the past few weeks. Surely that weird feeling from earlier was a figment of her imagination but as she re-entered the packed bar, that sensation encroached again on her security. Unconsciously, she brushed her hands over her arms to ward of a chill that had absolutely nothing to do with the temps in the room. It was odd how she could go from feeling strong to succumbing to an attack of nerves in the space of minutes. There was no explaining it.

  Mitch narrowed his eyes as she approached their table and took her seat again. He leaned close. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?”

  She smiled, not wanting to alarm him with what was surely an overactive imagination. “No, I’m okay.” Gina shook her head. “Maybe I need therapy or something. Thoughts of Anthony crawl into my mind at times, even though I know he’s far away.”

  Mitch frowned. “You’re sure there’s no way he could know you’re here?”

  “Pretty sure. I know my family would never tell him where I am. I feel safe here.”

  “You should, you know. I’d never let anyone hurt you, especially that rat bastard. Just know that if he showed up here, I’d take care of him.”

  Gina grinned feeling suddenly lighthearted. “Oh really? Now why am I not surprised, badass cowboy that you are!”

  Mitch hauled her close and pressed his lips to her temple and then the high curve of her cheek. The warmth of him lulled her, prompting her to move in until, at last, he pressed his mouth to hers. A whole different sensation moved over her skin and curled in her belly. She was in Mitch’s arms, safe, and there was no boogy-man watching. Funny, how an overactive imagination could mess with a person’s mind. When he pulled back, ending the brief but powerful kiss, he smiled. “Ready to get out of here?”

  “If you are.” Her mind raced back to the ranch and the big bed waiting for them. “Let’s go.” But as they walked through the bar toward the front door, Gina looked back over her shoulder once again to scan the room and wondered at the source of the weird sensation that had shaken her earlier. But then Mitch reached for her hand.

  She had better things to think about tonight.

  Smiling up at Mitch, feeling the warmth of his fingers entwined with hers, she stepped into the night with him and left her worries, real or imagined, behind.

  As they drove the miles toward home, Gina relaxed back into the comfy leather seat of the truck but then frowned as Mitch passed the entrance by and slid her a look. His lips kicked up a one corner. “What’s going on? Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see. I have a surprise for you.”

  “A good one?”

  Mitch laughed. “So skeptical. Just hold onto your horses, Gina.”

  Eventually he slowed a bit then turned down a lonely dirt road that was really no more than a path and continued to follow it up. A clearing opened up. Trees surrounded the spot and in the distance the light of a half moon and a thousand stars glinted on the surface of wide creek. Mitch braked to a stop.

  “Wait here.” He left the headlights on and left her wondering as he banged around in the bed of the truck only to move into the light and begin unfolding a thick blanket on the ground. He placed what appeared to be an ice chest upon it before returning to the truck to flip off the lights. He grinned and Gina thought he might just be the best looking man in Texas. Mitch took her hand. “Come on.”

  “This is it? The surprise?”

  “Yeah. I thought it was past time I took you parking.”


  Mitch led her to the heavy blanket and when then both sat, he began tugging at his boots before divesting her of her brand new pair. “You even been?”

  “Parking? Hm. Let’s see. I lived in Brooklyn and didn’t own a car. Most of the boys I dated didn’t own them either so I’d have to say no.”

  “Quite the little smartass.”

ount on it.” Gina laughed. “No, I’ve only heard about parking but it always seemed so great, especially in a setting like this. I always thought maybe it was a right-of-passage for people who lived in the country and in small towns.” She leaned back on her hands and looked up at the sky. It was wide and sparkling with stars, prettier than anything she could remember. “Where are we?”

  “It’s our land. Aside from the ranch entrance, there are several other ways to gain access to the ranch. You can’t own a property this big and not have an odd path or two. Dawson and I both brought girls out here on a regular basis.”

  “Dawson? But I thought….”

  “Nah, he tried dating girls for a while but he eventually gave up on that. Now me? I kept right on going.”

  “Oh I’ll just bet you did.”

  Mitch went quiet then lifted the lid on the cooler. He popped the tops on two cans of beer and passed one over to her. Gina didn’t want beer, she wanted Mitch, still she took the drink and sipped. She loved watching him, the way his hands looked…strong and capable…and how those creases at the corners of his eyes marked him as a working man. She loved him in clothes and, most assuredly, out of them. A woman with her history of violence with men might have been afraid of such a big man but Mitch was gentle and he’d proven that over and over.

  The thought of leaving him killed her.

  Gina shoved those thoughts into a far corner of her mind and tried to enjoy the moment. “It’s so beautiful here. It’s peaceful.”

  “Different from Brooklyn, huh?”

  “Absolutely. Don’t get me wrong, there’s much to love about my home but its crazy busy with people and traffic. There’s so much to do that every minute is like a wild carnival ride.”

  “I’d like to see it someday.”

  She looked over to see him watching her steadily. Gina smiled. “I’ll show you. But you have to know how amazing it is right here. It’s like nowhere else.”

  “Doesn’t mean I don’t like to try new things.”


  “You know it. And speaking of adventure.” He reached for her beer and set it aside, along with his own before gently pushing her down onto the blanket. Before she could catch her breath he leaned over her and moved until his breath brushed her lips. “Have you ever made out under the stars? Had sex under the stars?”

  “There’s a first time for everything,” she whispered as he took her lips. The tasting was soft at first, then hungry until they lay wrapped up as if melded together by a welding torch. Despite the coolness of the surrounding night, Gina burned when he reached for a breast, thumbing her nipple until it tightened to finally push against the satin of her bra. Frustrated, needing a firmer touch, she gripped his sides and squirmed against his broad chest. Mitch sat up and with an economy of motion, stripped her new dress from her body, divested her of her bra and panties then looked his fill. Without a word, he worshipfully moved his palms over her and without speaking a word conveyed his thoughts.

  She was beautiful.

  At least, that’s how he made her feel.

  The past faded until there was only this moment and this man.

  He felt like forever to her.

  Mitch slipped his fingers between her thighs, testing, testing and Gina felt her passion rise, felt her body dampen against his touch. As he plied her flesh, driving her crazy with need, he bent to take a nipple into his mouth. A soft cry broke free. Gina sent her fingers into his hair to hold him close but then, even that tender pressure wasn’t enough.

  “You’re ready,” he whispered as he thrust two fingers deep into her body. Gina sighed at the feel of the hotly-spoken words as they swept her aching nipple and, helplessly, she moved against the push of his fingers as they repeatedly entered and withdrew.

  Passion stole her words but they weren’t really needed anyway.

  Mitch adjusted his body to tug and push at his jeans then the soft rasp of pearl snaps popping free followed as he pulled his shirt away leaving him bare, hers to stroke and touch. Gina reached up and dragged her fingers through the light dusting of hair on his chest then stroked his wide, wide shoulders.

  “You’re smiling,” he said as he leaned over her.

  “Am I? I didn’t realize. Maybe it’s because you make me happy.”

  “Damn, Gina, you know just the thing to say to make a man want more than he actually deserves.”

  “You deserve everything. I mean it.”

  Gently he gripped her thighs and opened her until he’d settled between them. The proximity of his body coupled with what she wanted so desperately swept through her, made her frantic to feel him sink deep. Luck was with her as he plunged inside before going still. “Shit. Condom.”

  Gina shook her head. “I’m protected and I know you’re safe, Mitch.”

  “I am.”

  “Then don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  Her words unleashed the passion she’d wanted from him as he thrust heavy and deep and she was helpless to do anything other than respond to her Texas man. She clung, needing him close and her legs twined with his. Heat swept her skin like a flash fire burning and through it all, each touch, each push and pull, and the final burst of pleasure, she held on and wished, hoped, and prayed for her forever to come.

  Did dreams come true? Could they? Would they? If only she knew.

  Chapter Six

  Several weeks later as she walked into the kitchen, the last thing she’d expected to see was the sight of two big cowboys huddled around a tiny infant. Gina stopped dead in her tracts to take in the scene. A young woman who appeared to be in her early thirties sat wearing an indulgent smile as Dawson leaned against the kitchen counter cuddling the baby.

  “Yes, you’re a big’un aren’t you, young Mister Dallas. Bet you’re giving your mama all kinds of fits,” he said before looking at the woman. “Guess he’s sleeping all night now, Treva?”

  She nodded as she tossed a long braid over her shoulder. “Finally. I thought Bobby John was gonna go all kinds of crazy from lack of sleep. I swear most times he didn’t know whether to wipe his watch or wind his butt. It’s a wonder he managed to get to work on time but he did it.” When she glanced toward the door and spotted Gina, she smiled broadly. “Hi there. You must be Gina. I’ve heard a lot of about you. Nice to meet you. I’m Treva Sayre.”

  Gina stepped forward and smiled in return. “I just hope what you heard was good considering I had big shoes to fill when you had this cute guy.” She turned her attention to the baby who’d just been plucked from Dawson’s arms by Mitch, who returned to his chair at the kitchen table. “He’s beautiful,” she said. “Just adorable.”

  “Unless it’s three in the morning and he’s suffering a bout of colic,” Treva said with a laugh. “I never had an ounce of trouble with my two girls but this one? He’s about to kill me.”

  “Are you killin’ your mama, little cowboy,” Mitch murmured, leaning close as if exchanging secrets with the baby. “Me and Dawson here are gonna have to teach you some manners.”

  Gina joined Treva and Mitch at the table and looked up, pleased when Dawson pressed a cup of fresh coffee into her hand. She smiled her thanks and turned her attention to the conversation.

  “Are you sure you’re ready to come back? We thought you’d want a little more time,” Mitch said.

  “I’m sure. Honestly, guys,” she said looking from brother to brother. “We need the money now more than ever. Just found out a few days ago that Bobby John was laid off.” Treva focused on Gina. “My husband works at the ball bearing plant out on the east side of town and they are cutting employees. Bobby John is one of the unlucky ones.”

  Her bottom lip trembled and Gina laid her hand over Treva’s. “I’m so sorry. These are tough times.”

  “And with three little mouths to feed.” Treva looked from Mitch to Dawson again. “Like I said, I need to get back to work.”

  “Come on back here whenever you want,” Mitch said with finality. “You can b
ring the baby to work with you and between you and Gina things will work out fine. There’s no sense in paying for a sitter. Your girls are in school and the bus can drop them off here every day. They can hang out here until the work day is over. It’ll be okay.”

  Gina’s heart squeezed. Had a better man ever been made? She didn’t think so.

  And how easily Mitch had assumed she would stay.

  Naturally, she didn’t mind that at all but she’d known from the beginning she would only remain as long as Treva was on maternity leave. It had taken just a few hours of working at the ranch for her to learn that a team of cooks and housekeepers wouldn’t be enough to handle the work around here but it hadn’t been her place to point that out. Still she was left to wonder if it wasn’t time for her to return home.


  Weird that she’d begun to think of the Lone Star State as the place where she belonged. There was a comfort here that she’d never known before. Texas certainly held a big chunk of her heart. So did Mitch.

  Gina closed her eyes and conjured the image of her mother bustling around in the kitchen of their small apartment and the scents that rose from the family bakery below. She recalled the sounds of her mama’s laughter and the way her rowdy brothers threw loving taunts at one another. She loved them and wanted to be with them more than anything but…when she opened her eyes it was to find Mitch watching her with an intensity he’d never shown before. She suddenly felt torn in two but there were no answers to the questions swimming in her brain.

  As Treva gathered up her son and headed toward the back door, Dawson cleared his throat. “Why don’t you send Bobby John out this way? We’ll put him to work.”

  Tears filled the woman’s eyes and she rushed up to give Dawson and then Mitch one-sided hugs. The baby whimpered so she stepped back. “You are the sweetest men alive. I don’t know how to thank you.”


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