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Rannigan's Redemption: Complete Collection

Page 35

by Pandora Spocks

  “I put a plate for you in the fridge. Just warm it in the microwave.”

  “Thanks, Mags.” He smiled gratefully. “See you tomorrow?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be here. Good night, Michael.”

  Chapter 30

  Bobby was waiting at the curb when Maggie arrived downstairs. The doorman helped her into the passenger side of the black Range Rover, carefully closing the door as she buckled her seat belt.

  Maggie felt warmth as she sank back into the black leather seat. Note to self: If I ever get my own car, seat warmers are a must. She smiled shyly at Bobby.

  “Where to?” he asked, grinning.

  “I live in the east Village.” She told him the address and he keyed it into his GPS.

  When a route popped up on the screen he turned to her. “Does that look about right?”

  “That will get us there,” she answered. Bobby pulled out into traffic. Maggie glanced around the vehicle. “It must be convenient to have your own transportation. You’re lucky to have a parking space.”

  “Yeah, when I knew the apartment came with a parking space I decided to drive myself from Texas rather than fly. It’s nice to have the freedom of my own wheels.”

  “You drove all the way from Texas?” She laughed. “How far is that, anyway?”

  Bobby nodded. “It’s nearly 1,600 miles. I drove for two very long days.” He glanced at her. “I didn’t mind, really. It was nice to have the time to myself. My life had just drastically changed. It was good to have a couple of days to get used to the idea.”

  Maggie watched him thoughtfully. “Why did you retire from baseball? You’re a young guy. Is that sort of par for the course?”

  Bobby sighed softly. “I played in the Majors for fifteen seasons. That’s fairly long for a pitcher. Add to that my college career and the years I played as a kid, I did a lot of damage to my elbow.”

  Hands on the steering wheel, he gestured toward her with his right elbow. “After my third surgery I realized that I wasn’t ever going to be as good as I’d been. I didn’t want to try to hang on for a few more years, have people calling for me to quit.”

  Maggie reached over to gently touch his arm. “Does it hurt?”

  He looked down at her hand. “Nah, only every once in a while. I try to work out on a regular basis, keep it from going all stiff on me.” He grinned at her again.

  “It was a stroke of luck, really, getting the job with the network. I’d considered doing some coaching or something, but it was like the stars all aligned and they were calling for me to come to New York. It’s a sweet gig. They pay me to sit around and talk about baseball. It’s the damnedest thing.”

  A slight frown crossed his face. “The only downside is being away from Savannah. But I imagine that’s why they have frequent flier miles.”

  “I imagine,” Maggie murmured thoughtfully.

  They chatted quietly as they made their way through the nearly empty city streets. Soon enough they pulled to a stop in front of Maggie’s apartment. Bobby put the car in park and looked at her.

  “I have a tiny confession.” He looked at her guiltily. “I knew Michael was going to bail tonight.”

  Maggie looked at him in surprise. “You knew?”

  Bobby nodded. “We talked last night after I came home from work. He thought I should ask you out and I told him I already had, that you’d said no. He kind of cooked up this plan for us to end up having dinner together.” He searched Maggie’s face for a clue to her reaction.

  “When he refused to get up after you got there, I realized he was doing it on purpose.” A hint of defensiveness glinted in her eyes. She looked at him warily. “I never guessed that you knew.”

  “I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, putting you on the spot and all.” He looked down. “But I was really glad for a chance to spend some time with you, get to know you a little.” He looked up again. “Forgive me?”

  He gazed at her for a long moment, seeing the distrust in her eyes. That’s it. I’ve blown it before anything even began. Bobby sighed, absently rubbing his chin.

  “Let me walk you in,” he said quietly, getting out of the car and going around to open her door. He took her hand and helped her out of the car. “I’m sorry, Maggie.”

  “I’m not...mad...exactly,” she said. “It’s just...” She turned to face him. “I feel kind of dumb. It’s not a good feeling.”

  “You’re anything but dumb, cher.” He looked at her, all earnestness. “You know, from the moment we met in the elevator...and then when you sat in my foyer and let me fix up your knee...I’m just so attracted to you,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her again.

  She responded to his kiss, lost herself in it, lost her irritation. Breaking from him she looked up into his face and half smiled. “Come on, you’ve got to get home so you can leave in a couple of hours.” She used her key to let them into the brownstone and together they climbed the stairs to her apartment. She unlocked her door and pushed it open.

  “Thanks for the ride home. You didn’t really have to go to all that trouble.” She peered up at him. “But I’m glad you did.”

  He grinned slowly. “It was my pleasure, cher. Can I call you?”

  Maggie nodded. “I’d like that.”

  Bobby gave a relieved smile. “Good. Alright. I’ll talk to you soon.” He waved as he descended the stairs. Maggie closed her door and locked it, smiling to herself. She knew she should be mad, but the truth was that she was very attracted to him as well.

  Suddenly her phone rang. Frowning, she checked the screen. Bobby. She crossed to the bay window that overlooked the street as she answered. “Hello?”

  Bobby grinned up at her from the sidewalk. “Hi. You said I could call you. Sorry it’s so late.”

  Maggie giggled. “I didn’t know you meant right now.”

  “Well there was something that I wanted to ask you. I get back in town Friday night. I wondered if you’d spend the day with me on Saturday. I could pick you up in the morning. There’s this thing I have to do, but it’s on our way out of the city. I thought you and I could go find someplace with grass and trees, maybe explore some of the little towns not far from here. Make a day of it. What do you think?” He gazed up at her hopefully.

  She smiled in spite of herself. “I think that sounds great. I’d love to.”

  Bobby nodded triumphantly. “Alright! It’s a date, then. I’ll see you Saturday. I’ll probably talk to you before that, if that’s okay.”

  “That would be nice. And I’ll see you Saturday. Good night, Bobby.”

  He flashed his boyish lop-sided smile. “Good night, Maggie.”

  Maggie plugged her phone into its charger and made her way to bed. She lay in the dark looking up at the ceiling, knowing she should fall asleep quickly but unable to do so.

  Her thoughts swirled as she recalled the events of the evening. She’d been furious with Michael. She supposed she should be mad at Bobby, too. After all, he’d known the whole time. But he’d told her the truth and apologized. That had to count for something.

  Besides, anger was about the last emotion she felt when she thought of Bobby. She remembered the feel of his lips on hers as they’d stood in the snow at Michael’s. She chuckled to herself when she recalled his joke about second base. But she felt her nipples stiffen at the memory of his hand caressing her and she felt a familiar need further down.

  Despite the cold night, she kicked off the covers and threw her tank top and panties on the floor, reaching into her bedside drawer for her vibrator. With her eyes closed she imagined Bobby beside her, his hands stroking her breasts, tugging on her nipples, massaging her sex, until she was nearly there. Then she switched on the device and worked herself with it, finally sliding it into her warm, wet space and she came, crying out Bobby’s name. Afterwards she surrendered to sleep.


  Bobby drove back home through the snowy Manhattan night, aware that he had very little time left to get a good night’s sleep. Ba
ck in his apartment, he stripped off his clothes and stepped into the huge shower in the master bath. He leaned one hand against the cool marble wall as the hot water streamed over him. And he thought about Maggie.

  She’s so amazing. Sexy and smart and funny. He hoped that she really did forgive him for his part in the deception of the evening. He realized that going along with Michael had nearly cost him. He wouldn’t make that mistake twice.

  His mind drifted to the kisses they’d shared and he felt his member responding with enthusiasm. He shook his head. She’d been flirty with him and he’d risked overstepping by fondling her breast. She hadn’t seemed to mind, though.

  He recalled the feel of her firm full tit in his hand and knew he needed release. He poured shower gel into the palm of his hand and reached down to stroke his rock hard cock, closing his eyes and reliving that kiss. He imagined pulling the sweater over her head, removing her bra, and taking that tit in his mouth. His climax was close.

  Suddenly he wondered if he’d had the same effect on her, if she was in her own apartment, thinking about him and touching herself. That image pushed him over the edge and release thundered through him as he groaned in pleasure.

  Chapter 31

  Maggie woke up late the next morning and padded out to the living room. She checked her phone and saw a notification indicating that there was a text from Bobby.

  “Good morning, cher! I had a good time last night. Just boarding my flight. I’ll call you later. B”

  She smiled to herself as she did a little happy dance. A good morning text is nice. She answered back, realizing that he probably wouldn’t get it until he landed.

  “Good morning, yourself. I enjoyed last night, too. Hope your flight was smooth. I’ll look forward to hearing from you. Maggie”

  Then she set about putting ‘Operation: Michael’s Payback’ into motion. She’d come up with a plan in the wee hours of the morning. First she called Ben. “Hey sweetie! Want to do me a big favor tonight?”

  She explained to Ben that she wanted to do something to lift Michael’s spirits and that a poker and pizza night would be just the thing.

  He agreed and told her that he and Nate were enthusiastically on board. “We’ll be there, Flynn. With bells on!”

  Next she called Michael. “Hey, how are you this morning?”

  “I’m feeling pretty good. So you got home alright last night?” he asked.

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “Yes, I got home just fine. And Bobby’s on his way to Arizona. By the way, he told me that he knew all about your little plan. Thanks for leaving me out of the loop. You made me look like a dumbass.”

  “Like a dumbass? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I told you not to use me as an excuse for not going out. You spent time with Beau, by the look of things you had a good time, so what’s the harm?”

  “By the look of things?”

  “Mags, he had his tongue halfway down your throat and you didn’t seem to mind.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Michael! You were watching?”

  “I heard voices outside. How was I supposed to know?”

  Maggie nodded angrily. “Well, guess what, Mr. Butt-in-ski? You’re hosting a poker party tonight. I’m bringing Ben and Nate and we’re going to be there all night. And this time you’re not allowed to go to bed. How do you like that?”

  “Mags, I’m not up to having people over. Besides, Nate’s probably still pissed with me from when I tanked the firm.”

  “Perhaps that’s something you might have considered before you started interfering with my life. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

  Michael sighed. “Seriously, Mags...”

  “Seriously, Michael, we’ll be there at 6:00 with pizza and beer. See you then.” She hung up before he could protest further.

  Bobby called Maggie later in the afternoon. She’d just put a load of laundry into the dryer and was on her way back upstairs. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Maggie. It’s me.” She could hear his smile and was powerless to stop her own.

  “Hi, Bobby. How’s Arizona?”

  “It’s hot. Remember how it was snowing last night? Not so much here.”

  “I guess that’s why they have spring training there.”

  Bobby laughed. “Probably. How’s your day going?”

  “Oh, you know, laundry, reading up on briefs for the week. I’m just living la vida loca.” She laughed. “And, I’ve decided to dish out a little payback to Michael for embarrassing me last night.”

  “Last night wasn’t that bad, was it?” Bobby protested. “I thought it went pretty well.”

  “That’s beside the point. He needs to learn not to interfere in the lives of others.”

  “I’ve got you,” he laughed. “What’s it going to be? Bamboo shoots under the fingernails? Tie him up and force him to listen to boy bands?”

  “No, but that’s not a bad idea. I’ll put it on the list for next time. I’m dragging some friends, Ben and Nate, over to his place for poker night.”

  “I didn’t know you were a poker player.”

  “I’m not. Not a good one, anyway. But Michael is, and Nate’s pretty cut-throat. He’s a Tulane grad, by the way. You two should meet.”

  “I’d like to meet your friends.” Again, she could hear the smile in his voice. “Listen, I’ve got to run. Call me if you want, or you can text me. I’d love to hear from you again today.”

  Maggie smiled. “I wouldn’t want to bother you if I knew you were working. But I could text. Have a good day.”

  “You do the same. I’ll talk to you later, cher.”

  At precisely 6:00, Maggie knocked on Michael’s door before using her own key to unlock it and let herself and Ben and Nate into the apartment. “Hello, Michael? We’re here.”

  “In here, Mags,” Michael called from the living room. She directed Ben and Nate to put the pizza and beer in the kitchen as she continued on to where Michael sat propped up on the couch watching preseason baseball.

  “It’s a party in the house!” Maggie teased. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m super excited to have a party in the house,” he grumped. “I was up very late. Some oversexed couple was making out on my veranda last night.”

  “Oooh, pray tell,” Ben gushed. “Who was out there on your veranda last night?”

  Michael flashed a wicked smile. “Why, it was our very own Mary Margaret Flynn.”

  Ben gasped. “Flynn? You’d better spill, girlfriend.”

  Maggie blushed furiously. “It was a kiss. A very simple kiss. And thanks so much for opening up this can of worms.”

  “This whole ‘payback’ thing isn’t quite turning out the way you thought it would, is it Mags? You what they say...when you set out intent on revenge, first dig two graves.” Michael beamed at her proudly.

  “So who were you kissing? Inquiring minds want to know.” Ben sat on the coffee table and Nate wandered in from the kitchen. All eyes were on Maggie.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake! So I met a guy. His name is Bobby, and he happens to be a neighbor of Michael’s.” She looked accusingly at Michael. “We had dinner together last night, here, and that’s a long story, but we kissed a little. End of story.”

  Michael rolled his eyes. “‘Bobby’ is known to the rest of the world as Beau Beaulieu.”

  Nate’s eyes went wide. “Beau Beaulieu of the Texas Rangers? I saw him play a couple of times at Tulane. He’s up for the Hall of Fame.”

  “Is he? I didn’t know that,” Maggie murmured.

  “Please tell me that he’ll at least go down on you,” Ben said. “After that last bitch...” The trio stared at him in shock.

  “What! That Neanderthal she almost married would never...”

  “Shut up! Just shut up right now!” Maggie was livid. “I swear I will never tell you anything ever again!”

  “Yeah, Mags, is this going the way you imagined?” Michael asked, stifling a smile.

  “Fuck off!” she said, retreating to the ki
tchen. “Ben, come give me a hand.”

  Michael knew she’d find a way to force him to face Nate. He knew that Nate, and everyone else at Murphy, Rannigan, had been in a bind when he’d unceremoniously pulled the rug out from under them a few years back.

  “So, Nate, how’s it going?”

  Nate nodded. “Not bad. I know Maggie engineered this awkward moment.” He looked at Michael. “I’m not mad. I was, of course. But I kind of landed on my feet in a firm that does a lot of civil rights cases. It’s not as much money but I’m doing work I believe in, and that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t broken up the firm.”

  Michael shifted his jaw uncomfortably. “I’m glad to hear it, but even so...I owe you an apology. I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Nate smiled at him.

  “Unh-uh, don’t even think about hitting on my big chocolate bear,” Ben simpered as he entered the living room with plates and pizza boxes.

  An hour later, they were sitting around Michael’s dining room table which was scattered with plates of half-eaten pizza, beer bottles, playing cards, and poker chips. The television played quietly in the background.

  “Look, there’s Beau now,” Nate said. Everyone turned and saw a split screen of Bobby in Arizona and some other commentators in New York. Michael grabbed the remote and turned up the sound.

  Maggie smiled in spite of herself. Bobby looked amazing in a charcoal suit with a deep purple shirt and paisley tie.

  “That man is yummy,” commented Ben. “I’d do him.”

  “Excuse me?” Nate asked.

  “Oh, you know what I mean,” Ben grinned.

  “I want to send him a picture of all of us,” Maggie said. They gathered by Michael as Maggie held out her phone, managing to get all of them plus the television in the shot. She quickly sent the photo to Bobby. On television, they saw him look down at his tablet and smile.

  “Look! He just saw it,” Ben said.

  “Oh, there’s probably some kind of ten-second delay or something,” Maggie said.


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