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Dee's Hard Limits (Masters of the Cats)

Page 9

by Trinity Blacio

  Leaning down, he kissed her cheek. “I would be honored to help you. Matter of fact, there are a number of warriors that could help; it would keep them busy,” he said brushing his hand along the side of her breast.

  “That would be great. You don’t know how many unwanted children there are on Earth and it’s so sad,” Dee turned and stared at what they considered the kitchen before she started to cry again. She’d personally worked with three orphanages in her state making sure each had what they needed to help the children.

  “This is where we eat our meals. Marquis requested every recipe he could find from your world to be put into our Vibro Neptune. You just tell it what you want and he’ll create it for you,” Talhrn explained.

  “Tell who what?” Dee asked confused, looking for some kind of stove or computer, but she didn’t see a thing.

  The three of them smiled and pulled out one of the stone chairs to sit. Marquis brought her down onto his lap. “Think of anything you want to eat. When you know what you want, just say ‘Neptune’ and then name the food or drink.”

  “Really, hmmm.” Dee thought of something she’d hadn’t had in a while and smiled. “Neptune, I’d like prime rib, twice baked potatoes and a nice cold iced tea.” She jerked and looked around the room when a deep voice said, “How would you like your meat prepared, raw or cooked, meru Dee?”

  “Cooked, with a little pink, but mostly well done.” She waited and squealed when her food appeared in front of her along with the iced tea. Dee sniffed it and looked around the plate. “Um, I need a fork and knife.” At once they appeared and she giggled.

  “I’m so going to love this. We need to take Neptune to my home, even though I do like to cook once in a while.” She cut a piece of her meat and moaned. “Damn, and it’s good too. Take a bite.” She cut a piece and held it out for Marquis, who took it.

  “That is good. Neptune, I’ll have the same thing please,” Marquis ordered, followed by Talhrn and Todd. They pulled a chair out for her and put her between Marquis and Talhrn while all of them ate.

  “So what are we going to do after we’re done eating?” Dee sat back and took a drink of her iced tea.

  “Our families are holding a...” Todd frowned. “A meeting, but with food like a party, but for us.”

  “Families? Isn’t that a little early?” She looked down at her body. “What about clothes? Can I wear a dress?”

  “No, you know females are not allowed to wear clothes here, but don’t worry the other females there will have no clothes either,” Talhrn looked down at her breasts while reaching over and squeezing one of her nipples. “Your body is beautiful. There is no reason to hide it.”

  “Hmph, my ass is too wide and flat, not to mention the double rolls in the stomach.” She pushed her plate away and leaned back. “You sure Koti can’t pop up here and hurt anyone? I’d feel so bad if something happened here.”

  Her plate disappeared and she grinned. “Now, I know I like it here. No dishes to do, yahooo!” She punched the air, laughing.

  “No, he can’t get past the protection ring set around the planet.” Talhrn stood holding out his hand.

  “Come, we’ll go for a walk. We’ll show you a few places females like to visit and talk, but you must not leave our home without one of us with you.” Sliding his hands down her back, Talhrn cupped her ass cheeks. “And we love your cute flat ass. Those little roles are part of you.”

  “We could stay here and have some fun.” Dee slid her hands round to his back and dipped them into his pants, cupping his ass, which happened to be very firm. His cock, thick and hard, rubbed against her lower stomach as he was so much taller than her.

  “You’ve just gone through the change and have had a very rough day.” He stepped back and took her hands into his, kissing each one. “Believe me, we want nothing better then to sink our cocks into you, but your body needs to gain back its strength back before we touch you.” They pulled her towards the door where she’d seen Janek.

  The thought of walking around their world naked just didn’t seem right. It wasn’t that she was shy, but Maya had told her about the men here.

  “You sure no one will touch me?” Dee looked at Talhrn, then Todd. Marquis was behind her. The three of them turned their attention on her. Each of their caresses were meant to give comfort, but only turned her on more.

  “Do you really think we would allow anyone to touch you?” Marquis asked, with a bit of snap in it.

  “Well, excuse me if I’m scared,” Dee snarled, but her lip started to quiver and she jerked out of their arms. Stepping down into the living area, Dee tried to get her emotions under control. Talhrn was right, she was a mess inside. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, Marquis. Just give me a minute.”


  “We all must be gentle with our meru right now. You heard what Akaos told us about the change. She’s going to be scared and confused and add to that the death of her friend...Our Little Kitten is trying her best to hold it together, but I have a feeling she’s at her breaking point,” Talhrn thought as he followed his meru and approached her carefully.

  “Little Kitten, we know this is hard for you, but we would never put you in harm’s way. You are our hearts, the only one who holds us together. There will be no other for us. If something happened to you, we join our forces with yours in the next life.” He turned her around and lifted her head up.

  Tears rolled down her face. “Oh, Little Kitten, come here.” He hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “We’ll always be here for you, never doubt that.” Letting her compose herself, Talhrn released her and nodded to Marquis behind her.

  “You need to go apologize to Marquis the right way, Little Kitten. I’ve gone a little easy on you because of all that has happened, but it’s no excuse to be rude.” Talhrn watched every move she made.

  Their Little Kitten wiped the tears away and took a deep breath, before turning around. She kept her head down and approached Marquis hesitantly. With his feet apart and his arms crossed over his chest, Marquis didn’t say anything or touch her.

  Going on her knees in front of him, Dee spread her legs open, thrust her breasts out, and clasped her hands behind her back while staring at the ground. “I’m sorry, Master Marquis. I shouldn’t have taken my fear and anger out on you.” Her voice was a mere whisper and all of them could see her shaking.

  Unfolding his arms, Marquis squatted down in front of her and lifted her chin up. “Why are you shaking? Are you so scared of me?”

  She shook her head. “No...” Her teeth clattered together. “I’m cold all of a sudden, Marquis. Real cold.” She forgot about her position and tried to rub her arms, but Marquis swept her into his arms.

  “Talhrn she’s burning up.” Marquis moved to their bedroom quickly and placed her down on the fur-like blankets, wrapping her. “Do you hurt anywhere?” he asked, climbing onto their bed and placing her onto his lap.

  “The room is spinning too...but soo cold. Is this normal for coming here?” Dee snuggled down into the blankets, pressing herself against him as he leaned over the bed and placed his hand against her skin.

  Her eyes were gazed over with a reddish tint. “Give me your wrist, Little Kitten.” Something was very wrong with their meru and he did not like what was happening. Lifting up her hand, Talhrn looked at her wrist and, sure enough, the veins going up her arms were now a dark green color.

  “Poison! Someone has given her Motrian. Take her to the washroom, Todd, call our families, she’s not going anywhere. Also have Akaos bring her mother here, she’ll need her blood as well.” Talhrn ordered.

  The only place she could have been poisoned was here on this world. Motrain takes only a few minutes to start destroying the blood in the system. He turned and strolled to the bathroom. Marquis already had her strapped down onto the table they would need. Their meru was going to have to die before she could heal and the process was even more painful than the change.

  Stepping into the room, he ins
tantly covered her in their warmest blankets. It was the least he could do for her. He moved to the head of the table and looked down at her.

  “I’m sorry, Little Kitten. We never thought someone would want to hurt you here. You’ve been poisoned and the only way to heal you is to drain you.” He had never cried in his life, but wet things rolled down his cheeks as he tried to inform her of what was going to happen.

  “Three tubes will be put into your body. All the blood must be drained from you and only then can we replace it with new blood. At the same time, the antidote will be injected into you. If I could spare you...”

  “,” she said and tried to smile at him. “Do it...” He held out his hand and took the tube Todd gave him. Talhrn ignored Maya’s cry as she appeared in the room with Akaos, Warden and Tesuss as he slit open Dee’s wrist and placed the drain into it. Marquis did the other arm, but when he turned and slowly removed the blanket from her chest it took all his inner strength to cut the hole in between her breasts, placing the drain next to her one heart.

  Her screams of pain filled their home for a few moments, before her cries slowly quieted. Taking the syringe from Todd, Talhrn injected the antidote right into her heart, hoping that her one beating organ would be able to handle all that was being done to it.

  “It’s done. We just have to wait now.” He turned and stared at Akaos. “We’ll find the person who did this and he will die.”

  Next to him, Marquis snarled, “Whoever did this tampered with Neptune. It had orders to poison her. I have my brother, Banecaster breaking apart Neptune and finding where the information was imputed. We’ll find this person.”

  The scent of Motrain filled the air as Dee’s blood drained out of her body and into the buckets under the table. “It’s almost time, Be ready, Akaos. She’ll need her mother’s blood first, then yours and last ours.”

  Since Koti was created by Akaos, his meru needed his blood to build her DNA genetic code back up from scratch. With her death, the three of them would hold her spirit within them until they could bring her back. The only good thing about this whole process was that her father would never be able to breach her mind again. There would be no imprint of him on her after this. Instead, Akaos would become her father as it should have been.

  Dee’s skin was now gray, devoid of the blood it needed. Talhrn, Marquis and Todd removed the tubes from her body, her lifeless form still. “Maya, are you ready?” Talhrn asked, looking over at her sitting in a chair with the IV hooked up to her arm connected to their woman.

  “Let’s do this. I want to hold my daughter again.” Maya snarled as he opened the line, her precious blood flowing into Dee. One quart from her, one quart from Akaos, and the rest would be from them.

  For over an hour, Talhrn, Marquis and Todd rubbed every inch of Dee’s skin, working the blood back into her system. Akaos nodded as he disconnected his IV. “We’ll be in the other room waiting.” He led Maya out of the room as he lifted his woman into his arms, taking her to their bedroom where she would feel more comfortable when waking.

  Sitting in the middle of the bed, Talhrn cradled Dee in his arms as Marquis and Todd sat next to him. “It’s time to come back, Little Kitten. Take me into you, my pet.” They each placed a hand on to her chest, releasing her spirit that they had kept safe back into her body.

  With nothing on except his styes, or what humans would call leather pants, Talhrn opened a small line across his chest. “Come on, Little Kitten, you have to feed.”

  He held her tight against his chest and waited. At first he thought they’d lost her. Her heart didn’t beat and her body was lifeless, but in a matter of seconds she gasped and cried out at the same time before sinking her fangs into him.

  “That’s it my pet, drink.” He looked at Marquis and saw the tears in his eyes. Turning, he knew, Todd’s expression would be the same. They had their meru back with them. Talhrn ran his hand down her body watching as the color slowly came back into her skin. Organs started to work again, healing from the poison. She would still be in pain on and off during the night, while her body expelled the last of the poison from inside her. There would be no human for her tonight or for the next two days. Her body would need to rebuild its strength and replace all that she had lost. Their bonding night would also have to wait.

  “Talhrn, what happened?” Her voice smoothed the monster inside him.

  “Someone programed our Neptune to poison you when you ordered food. I’m sorry, Little Kitten, I have no idea how, why or who yet, but we will know soon.” She closed the holes in his chest and looked up at him, still weak and barely able to lift her head.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as he placed her into Marquis’ arms.

  “There is nothing to thank me for. I love you, Little Kitten, we all do,” Marquis said and kissed her lips.

  “Feed.” He guided her head to his chest and closed his eyes when she sank her teeth into him.

  “My brother will be here soon. I thought we could speak with him while Maya and Akaos visit and tell her what he is to her now”

  Careful not to jar the bed, Talhrn climbed off the bed and stretched. He needed to clean up, get the smell of death off of him. Candles that smelled like roses were lit around the room. Tomorrow, when all the poison had been drained from her body, they would let her soak in the pool, but for now he cleaned her once more with his thoughts, replacing the blanket around her with a new one.

  Once more, Dee sealed the holes and turned to look at him. Her eyes got big when she looked upon his chest. He smiled and nodded. “It seems Cedarclaw has agreed to allow you to see him.” The marking of his animal host—purple, black, red, green—moved around his skin. “You carry a part of him inside you now, Little Kitten.”

  She smiled. “I’m honored.” Her eyes were already closing, she was so tired.

  Reaching over, Todd took her into his arms. “I know you want to sleep, but you have to finish feeding first. Your mother and her mates are here as well. They need to speak with you for just a few minutes. Then you can sleep.” Todd encouraged her to draw him into her as Marquis got up and stared at him.

  “You need, come.” Marquis left the room and he shook his head.

  Yes, it was time to release some of this anger and his weru needed to as well.

  Chapter Twelve

  Every inch of her ached and she stunk. Dee didn’t know how her men could hold her as this black gunk came out of every pore in her skin. She would kill the asshole who did this to her, but was it possible her father could have done this? She looked up at Todd as he held her to him, brushing her nasty hair away from her face.

  “You will not be killing anyone. We will, and no, it wasn’t your father. It had to be someone here on our planet who knew how to work our system, but don’t worry, he will be found.” Todd kissed her head.

  Feeling a little better, Dee lifted her head and frowned at him, as the puncture holes closed. “How can you touch me? I smell, and I am all nasty. This stuff is like cow crap, yuck.”

  “And how would you know what cow crap is?” Her mother said from the edge of the bed.

  “I’ll let you three talk, we’ll be right back and Dee...” he lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes. “No matter what you smell like, I would always hold and kiss you if I’m able. I love you.” Before he left he changed the bed again and cleaned her body without a thought, earning a moan out of her.

  “Thank you. At least for a few minutes, I’ll be clean.” Dee tried to sit up, but couldn’t pull her body up.

  “Will you wait? I’ll do that for you. You are not to move an inch. Your body needs to rebuild itself and it’s going to take a few days to do that,” Todd reprimanded her as he picked her up and arranged her on the bed so she was leaning against the wall.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure she doesn’t do anything but listen,” Akaos stated, moving to one side of the bed while her mother took the other. Warden and Tesuss each sat at the end of the bed, while Todd head
ed to the door.

  “I have to talk with someone and then we’ll all be back here to tuck you in for the night,” Todd explained. He looked over his shoulder adn winked at her, and then left.

  Taking her hand into hers, Maya leaned over and kissed her daughter’s cheek. “All the girls are thinking about you. You scared the living crap out of us, Dee. Don’t do that again,” her mother said, squeezing her hand. “We have some news for you and I hope you like it. I let Akaos explain it since I don’t understand it much.”

  She turned to look at the man her mother counted on for everything now. He smiled at her. “The poison that you ingested destroyed your blood. Talhrn and your men had to literally drain every drop of your blood from your body. In doing this, they kept you alive, holding you inside them. This gunk and the smelly stuff is the rest of the poison being pushed out of your body through your organs, but that’s not all. With the draining of your blood, we replaced it. You no longer carry your Koti’s blood in your veins, but you needed a male’s blood that was still part of you to ingest, to heal,” Akaos explained.

  All of a sudden the light went on.

  “Wait, you mean he won’t be able to get into my head anymore? That I’m free of him?” She looked to her mom, who smiled and nodded.

  “That man is not your father anymore. You are Akaos’ child now. Once you fed from me and him, you became his daughter.” Her mother smiled.

  Akoas didn’t say anything. He just waited for her as he held her gaze.

  “Thank you, but why would you do this?”

  “You already carried part of me inside of you. If you remember, I brought him over. How could I not do it? You are just as much a part of me as your mother is. Don’t you think Talhrn, Marquis and Todd would take Hope into their arms as theirs? You are part of Maya and now you are part of us too.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek, then whispered in her ear, but she knew everyone heard.

  “Now I really have the right to spank your butt since you’re my daughter.”


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