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Ride the Fire

Page 26

by Jo Davis

  Falling silent, she helped a cop get him to an ambulance parked at the end of the street. The team jumped into action, taking his vitals, starting an IV.

  “You’ll be okay, Captain Tanner,” one reassured him. “We’re going to transport you to the ER, where they’ll clean and stitch that wound in your side, check the rest of your injuries, and probably get you on some strong antibiotics. They may not even keep you.”

  “Would suit me fine. I want to sleep in my . . .” Well, fuck. His house was gone.

  “You’ll stay with me.” Eve smiled, stroking his hair. “We’ll start over, together, like we’d planned.”

  The ambulance doors closed and he smiled back. Or thought he did. Things got fuzzy after that and he let himself drift to sleep, the rocking of the ambulance and the touch of Eve’s fingers soothing the hurt.

  Good-bye, Jesse. You’ll never know how sorry I am that it had to end this way.

  Me, too, old friend. Me, too.

  Eve watched her lover sleep, profoundly grateful that he was here, in her bed. Warm and alive. In the past three days he’d been pretty wrung out, physically and emotionally exhausted. Yesterday he’d stirred enough to take a shower and eat a good dinner she’d made. Then he’d gone back to bed.

  Agents Westfall and Coleman had been by a couple of times wanting to get an official statement from him for their reports, but she’d put them off. Sean needed rest, and besides, he was in the clear officially. However, they were coming by again today and she wouldn’t be able to stall any longer.

  Green eyes blinked open, regarded her lazily for a few minutes. Then the corners crinkled as he smiled at her, stretched like a big cat. “Mornin’, beautiful.”

  “That certainly sounds more promising than the last few days.” She cupped his bristly jaw, admiring the shadow. Made him look a bit dangerous, which he was. And all hers.

  “Sorry I’ve been out of it. Make it up to you?” Those eyes glinted with promise.

  She stroked his bare chest. “Mmm. Someone’s feeling better.”

  “Much. The miracle of antibiotics. Amazing.” He scooted closer, nibbling at her lips.

  “Oh, yes. Very amazing, and I don’t mean the drugs. Are you sure you’re up to fooling around, handsome?”

  “Does it feel like I’m ‘up’ to you?” Taking her hand, he moved it to his erection, standing hard and ready.

  “Why, I believe it does.”

  Pushing her gently to her back, he covered her, skin against skin. Slid their bodies together, creating wonderful friction as he parted her lips with his tongue. Played, teased, and tasted, cock rubbing against her belly. Thumbed her nipples, bringing them to attention.

  Nibbling his way down her body, he parted her legs and bent. Tongued her slit and chuckled darkly when she whimpered, raising her hips.

  “Patience, baby.”

  “All out. Please, I need you.”

  His mouth was glorious, suckling her sex, flicking her clit until she pulled at his hair, urging him. “Inside me.”

  “With pleasure.” He paused, a strange light on his face. “Condom?”

  “Does that mean you’d be willing to stop using them?”

  “That’s what it means, baby,” he whispered, brushing his fingers through her hair. “Let’s stop using precautions, let nature take its course. If you’re ready.”

  “Oh, yes.” Tears filled her eyes. “Make love to me.”

  He entered her slowly, gaze locked with hers. Pushed inside, filling her, completing them both. She’d never felt anything so right as this man making love to her, no barriers between them. Their bond, already strong, glowed as the final piece clicked into place.

  Trust. Love. Hope.

  They were together and this love was it for them.

  Moving his hips, he thrust steadily, stroking the fires. They rode the flames together, to the edge, surging. Clinging to each other, they shattered and he poured into her, hot and sweet. Sealed their love, never to be broken. Always cherished.

  “Thank you for loving me,” he murmured.

  “I always have.”

  “That makes me the luckiest man in the world.”

  Thankfully, they’d showered and dressed when a knock came on the door. Eve didn’t have to wonder who was visiting.

  “Our FBI friends?” Sean asked, looking up from his newspaper.

  “I believe so.” She peered out, to make sure. “Yep.” Opening the door, she greeted Westfall and Coleman, letting them inside.

  “Hello, Miss Marshall,” Westfall said pleasantly as he stepped into the living room, his partner behind him. “Sorry to keep bothering you, but we really need to wrap up so we can get back to Virginia.”

  Sean spoke up from his spot at the kitchen table. “Hey, Nick. Good to see you.”

  Westfall spotted him, and smiled. “Tanner, you’re looking good. A damned sight better than a few days ago, for sure.”

  “I’m feeling good.” He stood, shaking both of the agents’ hands.

  “And mentally?” They all knew the agent referred to how Sean had ended things with Jesse.

  “I’m doing okay. I feel regret, but not for what I did.” This seemed to trouble him. “Am I going to face charges?”

  Nick shook his head. “You’re facing a commendation for apprehending one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists. I suggest you accept it gratefully and move on. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. God knows you have reason to be thankful this year.”

  “Sounds like good advice.”

  “The best. Do you mind if we take a seat? I need some notes for my final report and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Sure. Where do I start?”

  “You told us your history with Rose. I need the story of what happened the night he kidnapped you and your fiancée. Start there and take me through Jesse’s demise. Leave nothing out.”

  Sean began to talk. Eve knew the whole mind-numbing story, until the part when Sean made her leave him alone with Jesse.

  The missing piece of the tale broke her heart. For Sean. And strangely enough, for Jesse, too. When he stopped speaking, there was a long moment of silence; then Westfall put away his notepad.

  “I think that gives us all we need.”

  “That’s it?” Sean sounded a bit amazed. And a lot relieved.

  “That’s it.” Nick rose and so did Coleman.

  “I can’t believe it’s over. Or is it? What about Jesse’s other plans, to blow up the nuclear reactor?”

  Westfall paused, as though considering how much to say. “One of Rose’s top men was in fact one of ours, undercover. Rose killed the agent’s partner, but never found out about him. He gave us what we needed to ferret out the men involved in trying to detonate the facility. Some were working on the inside of the plant, with Red Badge clearance.”

  “Shit, that’s scary,” Sean said.

  “Yeah. But the thing is, taking out a nuclear power plant is a lot harder to accomplish than we believe Rose’s group truly had the ability to pull off. Thankfully, we’ll never know. Our agents have rounded up most of Rose’s men.”

  “Thank God,” Eve said with a shudder.

  “Tanner, Miss Marshall, it’s been . . . well, a pleasure isn’t exactly right under the circumstances. But it’s good to know you, and I wish you both the best.”

  “Thanks. Same to you.” Sean looked lighter than he had in days.

  Now they could truly begin their lives together.

  Working on Thanksgiving wasn’t so bad. Especially when a man was lucky enough to have everyone who meant the most to him in the entire world right there, surrounding him.

  Sean eyed the piles of food spread out on every surface of the station’s kitchen. More than enough for their own shift and the other firefighters who would drop by. Some of the men on B- and C-shifts were single, didn’t have families or couldn’t get home to see them. Kat, Cori, and Grace would be here, and even Tommy and Shea planned to stop by, too. Soon the station would be bustling with people, eating, laug
hing, talking. As it should be.

  Spotting Eve in an animated conversation with Jules and Zack, he strolled over and inserted himself into the group. They moved aside to make room for him.

  “Man, I don’t know where you get that shit,” Jules ribbed Zack. “The Titans are so going to win the Super Bowl.”

  “Nope, my money’s on Dallas.”

  Eve shook her head. “It’s too early to speculate. But as long as we are, I favor New Orleans again.”

  After more friendly debate, Eve smiled at Sean. “You’re standing there looking like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. What gives?”

  “Oh, nothing.” His grin refuted the claim.

  “Come on, man.” Julian nudged him. Six-Pack and Clay walked over to see what was going on.

  Six-Pack spoke first. “What’s up?”

  Zack gestured to Sean. “The man has something going on, but he’s not talking.”

  “You know we’re not going to let you get away with that,” Clay put in. “Out with it.”

  “Okay, I have two surprises to share,” he said, barely able to contain his excitement. “Well, really three. But two of them will have to wait until the first is revealed.”

  Clay wrinkled his nose. “Huh?” Thank God the guy was pretty, because sometimes he wasn’t the brightest bulb.

  “One surprise first, then the others will follow.”

  “Okay, so where’s the first?”

  “Should be here any minute.”

  They were exasperated with being put off, but if he had to deal, so did they. More men arrived along with Kat, Cori, Grace, Tommy, and Shea, and began to pick at the food, eyeing the spread like a pack of wolves. If his surprise didn’t get here soon, he wouldn’t be able to hold them off.

  He was happy it didn’t come to that.

  “Someone told me there was a whole station full of hunky firefighters here to share my Thanksgiving with me. Lord have mercy, I’m feeling really thankful right about now!”

  Eve swung her attention toward the door to the bay, and gasped. “Mama!” Rushing to her mother, she squeezed her tightly. Drew back, her happy voice warming Sean’s soul. “I thought you were going to stay in California with Aunt Felicia this year!”

  Amelia’s brown eyes sparkled. “My plans changed when a really good man who loves my daughter gave me a call and told me how much my baby needed me home. So here I am.”

  Eve hugged her mother again, wiped her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here. Now we can really celebrate.”

  Sean walked over to them, took his turn hugging his future mother-in-law. “Thank you for coming home. You’ve made us both very happy.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “This is touching and all, but we want to know what the other surprises are.” This from Zack.

  Sean let go of Amelia and addressed the gang. “Gather around, guys. I have a couple of announcements.” He waited until they’d moved in closer before he continued. “It’s not a secret anymore that Eve and I are together now. What you all don’t know, that we’ve kept to ourselves, is that I’ve asked her to marry me.”

  “Hot damn!”

  “You sly dog!”

  After the cheers and whistles quieted, he went on. “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather share this with than all of you, my family.”

  He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous as he pulled a velvet box from the pocket of his pants. Turned to Eve and held it out. Her hand went over her mouth, her love evident for all to see. “I want to do this again, and do it right. Here, in the place I love most, with the people I love most. Eve Marshall, will you marry me?”

  With trembling fingers, she took the box. Opened it, and gazed at the big marquise diamond set in the gold band. “Oh, Sean, it’s beautiful.” Beaming, she launched herself into his arms. “Yes!”

  More cheers ensued as his lady held him close. And kissed him, quite unprofessionally, in front of most of Station Five.

  He’d never been happier.

  “Put it on me?” She held out the box, and he removed the ring.

  Placing it on her finger, he marveled at his good fortune. “Gorgeous ring for a stunning woman.”

  “Hey, Cap,” someone called. “What’s the third surprise?”

  Now would be the tough part. An exciting new chapter, but bittersweet. Letting go of his future wife, he gave her a reassuring wink, and addressed the group again.

  “As you all know, Chief Mitchell is retiring at the end of next month, and a number of promotions have resulted.” A murmur rose, the men shifting. They knew what was coming. “I’m excited, but also sad, to tell you all that I’ve accepted the position of battalion chief, effective January first.”

  This time there were no cheers, but the faces looking back at him were smiling wistfully, and some of the guys uttered heartfelt congratulations.

  “We’re not surprised,” one man from C-shift said. “You’re the best, Cap, and everyone knows it.”

  His throat threatened to close, but he went on. “I’m not so sure I deserved it, but rest assured I’m going to do my damnedest to fulfill that role to the best of my ability. Never forget you’re still my men, my friends, and my brothers. I’ll just have a hell of a lot more of you to keep in line, that’s all.”

  This earned some laughs and a lot of agreement.

  “Of course you’re wondering how my leaving will affect the station. Everyone involved said it was okay that I gave the news of their new positions, so here goes. Effective January first, Howard Paxton will be your new captain, Zack Knight your new lieutenant, and Julian Salvatore the new FAO for A-shift. Let’s show these guys the recognition they deserve.”

  A round of applause met the completion of his announcement and he grinned. Before he could yell for everyone to eat, however, Howard stepped up.

  “Before we chow down, Zack and I have a couple of surprises of our own, and our lovely wives said we could share the news.” The lieutenant, beaming, gestured for Kat. “My beautiful wife and I decided we’d tell you guys that our baby is going to be a boy!”

  His news was met with a loud, happy cheer. When it finally died down, all eyes turned to Zack and Cori.

  “And ours is a girl!” Zack shouted.

  Sean joined the guys in slapping Howard and Zack on their backs and handing out manly hugs, and kissing the moms-to-be. Then he turned and yelled at the crowd.

  “Okay, guys, what do you say let’s eat?!” he called over the hoopla.

  That got everyone moving and a line formed at the food. Amelia was swept into the throng and gently pushed to the front of the line by his gallant men. The pretty woman soaked up the attention like a sponge.

  Eve hooked her arm through his. “Thank you, for all of this. I’m so incredibly happy, I could burst.”

  “Me, too, baby.”

  After everyone was stuffed, he called the men together and they hung their stockings on the wall of the living room to kick off the holiday, a tradition they enjoyed. They also hung the ones for the men who weren’t present, with Amelia’s enthusiastic help.

  There were three strings of stockings, one for each shift, and each stocking had the firefighter’s name on it in glitter. Well, a bunch of stockings and two felt menorahs, but the sentiment was the same.

  Peace, love, and joy.

  Sean’s stocking hung above the others, for the last time.

  “They’re going to miss you,” Eve said softly, watching the men get into the holiday spirit. “At least I get to have you to myself at home.”

  Home was her apartment, while they shopped for land to build a new one, together.

  “I’m not going far. I’ll always be here for them. And for you.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, handsome.”

  “See that you do.”

  And then he swept her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly, regardless of who was watching. He figured, perhaps, they’d turn the oth
er cheek.

  After all, he was a man who’d lost everything.

  And found redemption in the arms of a very special woman.




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