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Page 7

by Charlene Hartnady

  “You really are a dick. I can relate to Alisha. In fact I’m starting to think that I was on the wrong side all along.”

  How had this whole thing done a one eighty? Then it dawned on him. “You’re afraid of commitment?”

  “Not just a dick, but full of it too. Just because a woman turns you down doesn’t make her a commitment phobe. Asshole!” She turned, the soft strands of her white blonde hair flying around her shoulders as she strode back in the direction of the village.

  “Ash, wait. Please. I thought you would be happy. Let’s talk about this.”

  “Nothing to talk about Gray. You thought wrong.”

  Shit! How did he fix this? He didn’t understand why she was so angry with him. His demon raged inside him. It wanted him to chase her, take her down. Gray felt his nails elongate, felt his canines extend. Ready to mark her and make her his. Ash was human, his demon would scare her. She wouldn’t understand the ways of the wolf.

  Allowing his wolf to overtake him, he felt himself erupt…not quite finishing the full change. It still felt good to be in his partial wolf skin with the sun on his back. He’d run. Expel some energy, give Ash some time to calm down, then he’d go and talk with her. He’d make this right.


  Gray felt so much better after a long run and a hot shower, he pulled on some jeans just as a knock sounded at the door.

  “Don’t look so disappointed buddy.”

  Was it that obvious? It was Phoenix and not Ash as he had hoped.

  “Come in”

  “She’s gone,” Phoenix announced with no preamble.

  He didn’t have to ask who Phoenix was talking about. The news came as a surprise even though it shouldn’t. Hell this meant that Ash was angrier with him than what he had thought.

  “What happened?” his friend was still standing in the doorway.

  Gray turned and walked into the middle of his spacious suite before turning to face Phoenix. “I wish I knew. One minute she was smiling, happy and the next she was angry…make that spitting mad. She called me a dick, an asshole and told me that I was full of myself.”

  Phoenix choked out a laugh, but quickly managed to pull himself together.

  “How is this funny? I found my mate and she’s gone. We’re already half mated which means that I won’t be able to take anyone else.”

  “If you said anything along those lines, I can understand why she left.”

  “You know what I mean. I don’t want anyone else.”

  “Yeah, I do but Ash is a human.”

  “I had noticed genius,” he added and when Phoenix smiled. Gray had to clench his hands at his sides to try to prevent himself from punching his friend in the mouth. “Talk fast or leave I’m not in the mood.”

  “Calm down, I’m here to help you. I work with human females. I mostly date human women. Tell me what you said to her and I’ll explain what went wrong.”

  “I’ve been with humans before. You can leave.”

  “Just because you fucked a couple of humans doesn’t mean you understand them. Have you ever spent any length of time with any human female other than Ash?”

  “No, I…”

  “Exactly my point, I’ve fallen on my ass a couple of times. Wolves are very different, we’re blunter, more practical. Humans lose all practicality when it comes to love. Did you tell her you love her?”

  “No. I told her that she was my mate, and that we needed to have sex to make it official and to complete my transformation. I told her she was mine.”

  “Was that when she called you an asshole?”

  Gray ran his hand over the stubble on his scalp. “Yeah. I told her she was afraid of commitment and that was when she got really mad. She wanted me right up until she could actually have me, then she didn’t want me anymore. Sure sign of someone that is afraid of commitment. I can see by the look on your face that you don’t agree.”

  “Human women, especially really strong ones like Ash, need to be told how you feel about them and they need to be asked if mating is what they want. Their opinion and agreement is important.” Phoenix smiled, hitting Gray in the shoulder. “The good news is that she does want you. What woman would stand against Rage if not one protecting her man? Fierce little thing, if she wasn’t already taken I might…”

  Gray growled low in his throat. “Don’t! Our friendship might not hold up to talk like that and if you even think of going near her I’ll—”

  “Calm done. I would never go there. Just agreeing with your taste in women.”

  Gray couldn’t help but let another growl escape even though he knew his best friend would never piss in his territory.

  “Listen to me. Go to her, tell her how you feel about her and then ask her if she will mate with you. If she says no, then wait a day or two and take her flowers. Humans love cut roses.”

  “They like dead plants.”

  “Love them. If that doesn’t work, sing to her.”

  This was getting more bizarre by the second. It didn’t matter, dead plants, singing, he would do whatever it took to get his little Chaser back.

  Chapter 10

  Ash had arrived back at the Demon Control Agency looking so glum that once she’d filed her report, some of her colleagues had insisted on taking her out for a few drinks. Since the last thing she felt like was going home to an empty apartment, she had agreed.

  “Thought you should know that Brice escaped earlier today.”

  “That can’t be,” Ash put down the cue and turned to face Jack. “She’s still torn to pieces, shouldn’t be able to get out of bed.”

  “Yeah, but she’s not human anymore Ash.”

  “Fuck,” she whispered the profanity. Brice was the most recent victim, the one that had been left for dead. She’d survived despite all odds and was on the verge of being cleared.

  “She’s been declared a double demon hybrid.”

  Her eyes shot to Jack who looked concerned.

  “Right now she’s been declared a level 1 threat. Shoot to kill. I’m sorry Ash.”

  She couldn’t help but think how upset Gray would be since he felt responsible for her attack. Ash took a big glug from her beer wishing she’d ordered something stronger. It wouldn’t help to wallow so she turned back to the game. “Yellow ball side pocket.”

  “My, my, Ash, you have just about the tightest ass I’ve ever seen on a woman.”

  She had always thought that Jack was teasing her. The six foot something Chaser would be considered good looking by most women’s standards. He always commented on the way she looked, she’d never taken him seriously though, maybe she’d been wrong. Then again, he was probably just trying to make her feel better after delivering the news about Brice. Regardless, Gray had shown her that she could be sexy, had told her that men were interested even though she didn’t always see it herself. Her Alpha had acted like such a jerk today, she knew he probably hadn’t meant for things to go and sound the way they had and hoped and prayed that he’d figure it out and come and look for her. She’d give him a day or two, then she’d go and find him. If he made her come looking for him, she’d kick his doggie ass from here to next Wednesday. Ash lined up the shot and sank it.

  “Brilliant shot partner,” Jack took a step towards her and opened his arms.

  In the heat of the moment, Ash jumped into his bear hug. She started to pull back, but he lifted her and swung her round.

  “Hey, put me down right now.” It felt wrong to be in another man’s arms even though Jack didn’t mean anything by it. “Jack damn it.”

  “Put her the fuck down.”

  She’d recognize that deep growl anywhere. Jack stiffened, dropping her immediately. Brownie points to the Demon Chaser for stepping towards Gray in a protective stance. What was it with men trying to protect her lately?

  “It’s okay Jack. I know him.”

  Gray was holding a rose bush, roots and all.

  “Are those for me?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he had yet
to look at her, his glowing eyes were still fixed on Jack.

  “Um, Gray, this is one of my work colleagues Jack, Jack this is my…friend Gray.”

  Jack took a step forward extending his hand.

  “Friend?” Gray’s eyebrows shot up and he looked at her for the first time. His eyes had darkened…thank God. Glowing eyes had meant trouble. Ash quickly introduced him to the rest of the group. Even Tamara, fondly known as Amazon because she was so muscular and tall, looked at Gray like he was an ice cream sundae. Up until now, Ash hadn’t been sure if the newly appointed Chaser was into men, she seemed shy and ignored all of the many advances from guys on the team. Right now, Tamara devoured Gray with her eyes and even licked her lips.

  Gray’s eyes locked with Ash’s as he said, “Come with me.”

  Ash was very pleased to see Gray, but it looked as if her doggie boy hadn’t learned a single thing from their earlier confrontation. “I was just in the middle of a game…” She turned to her friends, most of which had gaping jaws. “Red ball middle pocket.” Ash bent down low, her ass would be nicely positioned in front of Gray. She was rewarded with a low, rumbling growl. There was something about those sexy noises he made that turned her inside out. It was unlike her, but she missed the shot by a mile.

  “May as well make yourself comfortable, we could be here a while,” she said as she turned back to Gray.

  “Can I get you anything from the bar?” His voice deep and rich, it had her vibrating all over. His eyes danced their way down her body until he reached the juncture at her thighs. He sniffed softly.

  Damn, he could probably smell the damp spot in her panties. As much as she tried to play it cool, her body was giving her away. Ash wanted him, but what her body wanted and what her body would get were two different things. If Gray thought she was going to take orders from him and allow him to mate with her just so that he could complete the transformation, he had another thing coming.

  “I bought my own drink,” she waved a bottle of beer.

  Amazon took a shot and missed. Gray returned with a beer of his own just as Jack sunk the same shot she had missed. They high fived this time instead of hugging although she was sorely tempted just to see Gray’s reaction. Gray’s shoulder brushed with hers as he stepped in next to her. God he smelled good. A scent that companies tried to emulate all the time but failed. Ash had to stop herself from closing her eyes as she breathed him in.

  It was Gray that leaned into her, his hot breathe on her ear. “We need to talk.” Then his hand was on the small of her back sliding its way up her spine as he continued, “I was a jerk. I’m sorry…”

  “Your turn,” Jack held out the cue to her.

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” she turned to face Gray.

  “I realize it’s obvious, but I’m a wolf which means I…look Ash I’ve had sex with a few human women before but…”

  Ashlyn laughed, “You’re not helping things by telling me about past conquests.”

  His jaw tensed, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. What did you want to say?”

  He took another step towards her putting him just a few inches away. “I’ve never spent any real time with human women, hell, never spent much time with female demon wolves. I’ve never had much of a relationship before you.” He cupped her jaw with one of his big hands and a collective sigh rose from the women in the group behind them.

  “Hold that thought.” Ash grabbed the cue from Jack, sank the last three solid balls on the table followed by the black and all in less than a minute. Taking the beer bottle to her lips, she downed its entire contents before slamming the bottle onto the counter and turned to Gray. “Let’s go.”

  They exited the pool hall. His bike was parked next to her corvette.

  “I’ll follow you,” was all she said as she headed around to the driver’s side.

  “Where are we going?” Gray folded his arms across his massive chest.

  “Back to Wilderness. Back into the forest and we’ll try again.”


  They hiked out in companionable silence. Once they were surrounded by thick trees on all sides, with the smell of the earth in her nose and the trickle of a stream in the distance, Ash felt ready to stop.

  “So, you’ve never had a relationship,” she had to try and not smile because she knew it would look smug.

  “I’ve never met anyone that I wanted to be with for more than just sex.” Gray slid his hands around her upper arms and squeezed lightly. “Until I met you. Ash you’re mine.”

  “I told you I’m not a possession. You can’t order me around and take me as a mate just because you need to become a full demon.”

  Gray took his hands back and placed them on his hips instead. “I don’t need to do anything. I defeated Rage, the strongest wolf in the pack, there will be no more challenges. I’ve always been happy as an Omega. Ash…,” Gray seemed to struggle with finding the right words. “I need you in my life. We’ve already partially bonded because we are meant to be together. Hell, I couldn’t be with another woman even if I tried. You are mine. The sooner you come to terms with that the better.”

  Ash knew that, to some degree, she was being unreasonable. She wanted Gray, had developed some serious feelings for him in a short time. One of the things she loved about him was his strength, that no nonsense Alpha vibe he projected. It turned her on how fiercely possessive of her he was, but it also scared the hell out of her. It wouldn’t work between them if he viewed her as a possession that he could order around whenever he felt like it. Maybe that was how it worked in the demon wolf world once a pair became mated. Something else was worrying her even more.

  “So, you accidentally partially mated with me. I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you. We can undo the whole thing and you’ll be free to do whatever you want or whoever you want.” Ash’s own words were like a knife to her heart.

  His eyes narrowed dangerously, “You’re so busy trying to be the badass Demon Chaser that you’re not listening to what it is that I am saying.”

  Damn, her eyes were filling with tears. She did not cry. Ever. “I hear you Gray. I’m your possession right? Half mated so you can’t fuck anyone else so may as well take me right? Oh and the only reason I’m rejecting you is because I’m a commitment phobe. That just about sums it up.”

  Gray closed the distance between them and she had to force herself to stand her ground. There was murder in his eyes and every one of his plentiful muscles was tensed and bulging. Ash fought down a scream when he picked her up pulling her against the hard plains of his body.

  “Understand this you foolish woman”—his voice had dropped to a low rumble—“I love you. I am yours just as much as you are mine. Maybe even more so.” He dropped his head to her neck and nuzzled the skin there before pulling back to stare into her eyes which were filling up with more of those damned tears. “I want to be mated to you for always. Being mated to you would be out of choice not necessity.”

  “Gray I—”

  “Let me finish,” he pulled her tighter against himself. “The last Lore spoke of finding true love. You are my true love. Understand that, Ash.”

  A hot tear slid down her cheek. Damnit how could she not blub like an idiot with him saying things like that to her?

  “Oh hell,” he put her back down cupping her cheek with one hand whilst wiping the tear away with the other. “I’m no good at this.” Gray scrunched his eyes shut for a second. “If you need a human wedding we’ll do it. Oh hounds, I forgot to ask you if you want to marry me.”

  Gray was trying hard to do things right by her and even started to go down on one knee.

  “Get up. No stop,” she said and he pulled himself back upright drawing a deep breath. “I’m crying because I’m so happy I—”

  He kissed her quick and deep.

  “You were a little rusty to begin with, but you finally got it out alright. I love you too.”


n why waste time? I need you. In my life. Always.”

  Even though she’d continue to give him hell. Hounds but he couldn’t wait to spend it all with her. Gray grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her up against him. She squealed first in anger and then excitement as their bodies connected and that ever present energy between them fired up.

  “Say yes? Please?”

  “I’m human.”

  “Why does everyone think I need reminding of that?” He turned her so that her back was to him and cupped her breasts. No bra under the tank top. His wolf approved.

  “Human’s need to date a bit first before”—he tweaked her nipples and she swallowed hard—“before…we mate for life.”

  “No dating,” keeping one hand on her breast, he used the other to move her hair from her neck. Already his canines had extended in anticipation. He kissed and nipped at her neck and hades help him she moaned each and every time. Her scent of arousal was everywhere. “Too many clothes. Undress for me?”

  “No dating?” her voice was drenched in need.

  “No. We’re meant to be together, you’re mine remember?”


  “You are mine too,” his mouth hitched. “Forever. Now please take your clothes off before I’m forced to rip them from your body.”

  “Ooh, sounds kinky. You’re lucky I like these jeans or I’d let you do it.”

  “Do you always plan on giving me this much shit?”

  “Yes,” Ash turned and pulled off her top.

  His eyes instantly drawn to her pert, little breasts.

  “Always.” It was her way of agreeing with him but without actually saying yes.

  His heart swelled. “Can’t wait,” he couldn’t help but growl. “I love you Demon Chaser”

  Ash smiled as she stepped towards him. “Love you too wolfie boy.”

  Damn, he needed to make this official, needed inside her.


  Ash pulled off her jeans together with her underwear.

  “No foreplay necessary,” her pussy was throbbing, she knew it wouldn’t take much. Ash positioned herself on all fours and Gray caged her with his big body.


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