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Snare (Falling Stars #3)

Page 28

by Sadie Grubor

  Mimosa in hand, she lifts her chin, smiling wide.

  "Like I would let an opportunity like this pass by?" She tisks her son.

  It's Sherry's company? Sherry fucking Stone's company is interested in Toy BoXXX?

  "So, you're just going to swoop in and take advantage," he growls.

  His heat disappears when he stands up and over me.

  "She's not," I whisper, still stunned by the terms I read.

  "What?" he snaps.

  "Don't yell at me," I retort, pushing up from the floor.

  Walking over, I stand across the table from her.

  "Why would you—?"

  "It's good business. I wasn't joking when I said I wouldn't let an opportunity like this pass me by," she clarifies.

  "I still think—"

  "No one asked," Sherry cuts Kami off.

  My eyes shift between the two of them.

  "Will someone tell me what's going on?" Ember cries.

  "Cherry Popping Incorporated is going to be the proud partner, slash sponsor, of Toy BoXXX," Sherry announces.

  "Wow, I must have missed them in your videos, 'cause you've got some balls on you," I mumble. "I don't think I signed anything yet."

  Laughter bursts from Duncan and he slaps the table.

  "Xavier, you're a fool if you don't keep her," he says around his laughter.

  "That's the plan," he responds.

  I'll store that away to freak out about later.

  Stunned silent again, this time by Duncan, I barely miss the crack in Kami's façade. She drops her head, hiding a smile.

  "Wait," Em interjects, "are you buying her business or not?"

  Sherry sets her glass flute on the table and clears her throat.

  "The company is buying Toy BoXXX for half a million dollars," she explains.

  "You and Grandpa have that kind of money to buy something?" Em's oldest son, Nate, asks, eyes wide.

  "The company has the funds to invest," Duncan informs is grandson. "Our personal accounts are separate."

  "I'm gonna have to up my birthday list game," he mumbles.

  "Nathanial!" Ember scolds while her handsome husband bites back a smile.

  Nate's hands shoot into the air, palms forward. "I'm kidding," he blurts.

  "As I was saying," Sherry returns to the topic, "Cherry Popping is purchasing Toy BoXXXTM , but under the condition that Sidra Campbell agrees to ninety-day consultant terms."


  Sherry puts her hand up, silencing Xavier.

  "The ninety days is a legality thing." She flips her hand in the air. "Something about conflicts of interests and risks…blah, blah, blah." She brings her mimosa to her lips and drinks. "After the ninety days, she will assume the role of partner. It will be fifty-fifty termed."

  Upon clarifying the summary of terms, she sits back and finishes the rest of her drink.

  The room is silent and I can feel multiple eyes on me, but only Sherry has mine captivated.

  Placing her glass to the table, she pushes her chair back and stands.

  "Would you like to use our printer? Because I can assure you, no other offer like this will come."

  "You're okay with this?" Kami quietly asks her father.

  Duncan reaches out, takes Sherry by her hip, and pulls her to his side.

  "Kami, I value your business sense. If I didn't, you wouldn't be my senior VP of operations."

  Her mouth curls, wanting to smile.

  "You should know that you get your superb business sense from your mother," he continues.

  "I know," she breathes the words.

  He nods.

  "Good. Then you know I am one hundred and fifty percent on board with your mother's decision. In fact," he turns his attention from Kami to me, "when Sherry first told me about your business, I was intrigued. And when she brought the financial analysis and proposal, I was extremely impressed. You should be proud of the accomplishment."

  "Yeah," I grumble, "aside from a poor business partner choice."

  With his free hand, he gives a waving motion.

  "No one gets it perfect the first, second, or third time around," he assures. "I had many setbacks. The thing to remember is to learn from them."

  I nod.

  "So, the printer?" Sherry pushes.

  "Sure," I agree, smiling, "but this doesn't mean I'm signing anything today."

  "We'll see," she sings, pulling from Duncan's embrace and motioning for me to follow.

  For two hours, Sherry and I discussed ideas for Toy BoXXXTM. Gender specified box options: PinkBoXXXTM for women, and ToolBoXXX for men, which sparked my idea for a teen sexual education box—something parents could order with education about sex and birth control, videos, as well as condoms, samples of lubes, so forth. The SexEdBoXVTM would be a smaller venture since a lot of parents wouldn't be comfortable with the idea. However, teens would be able to order it themselves, since no porn would be involved.

  I still can't believe the turn of events with Toy BoXXXTM and how easy it was to brainstorm with Sherry. By the end of our conversation, I'd sent the agreement back to my lawyer with instructions to expedite the process.

  "Are you flying to Philadelphia?" Xavier asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

  "I'll just drive," I respond, digging my printed e-ticket from my messenger bag.

  "How long's the drive?"

  "About five hours," I say, sitting back into the seat.

  Rolling my head to the left, I stare at his profile.

  He's too busy moving in and out of traffic to notice the attention I'm giving him, so I check him out.

  Hair knotted at the crown of his head, plump lips surrounded by his well-groomed beard, and a thick neck leading to a broad inked chest. The tattoos on his right arm emerge from beneath a red short-sleeved t-shirt, creating jagged images over his forearm to the back of his hand to the smiley face on his middle finger.

  Dropping my eyes to his thick, muscular thighs, I fight a sigh.

  I'm really going to miss those smacking against the back of my legs.

  I close my eyes, mentally slapping the shit out of myself.

  "I want to thank you for helping with the girls." He looks at me, then back to the road.

  "Yeah, sure." I shrug.

  "No, seriously. I haven't exactly been an everyday kind of dad," he confesses. "These past months, being the primary parent…" his words fall away on a sigh. "You were there for them today and I don't know how I would've handled it." He shakes his head.

  "They love you," I blurt. "And I can see how much you love them. You would've been fine."

  "Nah, I don't think I could've maneuvered the period talk without scarring them for the rest of their lives," he jokes.

  "Well, it's handled, for now. But…"

  "But what?" he asks.

  "When it's time for the teen pregnancy talk, you're gonna have to get Liza involved. My vagina has not brought forth any spawn."

  "Still not fucking funny," Xavier growls.

  "Still is for me," I state, grinning extra wide and toothy.

  We arrive at the airport and I climb out of the car. On the curb, I take my luggage out of Xavier's hands and stack things on the roller bag.

  "Thanks for the ride," I say.

  His brow rises.

  "Okay, well…"

  Why the fuck is this so goddamn awkward?

  My fingers twitch to touch him, arms ache to reach out, and my damn vagina is ready to cry.

  Getting my shit together, I lift the strap of my messenger bag higher and grab the handle of the roller bag.

  "Bye." I give the most awkward wave and turn.

  "That's it?" His question stops me.

  Looking over my shoulder, I ask, "What?"

  "Fuck," he growls.

  With two long strides, his hands are in my hair and his lips are on mine. His tongue invades my mouth, making sure it's forever embedded in my memory. He flexes his fingers into my scalp.

  My heart races, a th
in layer of sweat forms across my skin, and my bra becomes the bane of my nipples' existence.

  This was such a bad idea. Starting anything with him was a bad idea. How is anyone else supposed to live up to this? There's no way the next guy will fuck like an animal, find my crazy enjoyable, and kiss me like my mouth is a place he wants to live.

  Pulling away, I press a hand to his chest.

  He licks his bottom lip and I almost cave, giving my mouth back to him.

  "This is a bad idea," I voice my concern.

  "What?" His face furrows in confusion.

  "This arrangement," I motion between us, "it's a really bad idea."

  Xavier's hands slide out of my hair and drop from my body.

  Put them back. Please, put them back.

  A hardness masks his face.

  "You're really going to do this?" he asks, looking around at all the other drop offs. "Here?"


  Emotion burns every one of my senses. Tears sting my eyes, his scent invades my nose, my skin tingles for his touch, and his voice makes my heart skip.

  "Yes," I force out.

  "This is what you really want?" He narrows his eyes, holding mine captive.

  No, it's not what I want! Fuck, you make me want too much, things I just can't…

  I open my mouth, but the words stick in my throat, so I nod.

  His nostrils flare and he inhales deeply. Exhaling, the hardness disappears from his features.

  Oh God, he's accepted it. It was no more than an arrangement. You can do this. It will be better this way.

  Pursing his lips, he nods and scratches his beard.

  In a movement so fast I don't even have time to flinch, he has the back of my head in his hand. He brings my chest to his body, fists my hair, and pulls my head back.

  Looking down into my face, he leans in so close, I feel each of his breaths on my lips.

  "You forget I see through you."

  His words are hot against my skin and his eyes are too intrusive.

  I look away, closing my lids.

  "Open them," he requests.

  I squeeze them shut.

  "Running won't work," he says, taking my chin in the fingers of his free hand.

  He runs the rough pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.

  "I've lost so much, Sid."

  My eyes open at his confession.

  "Ethan was like my brother, then my band was a family, and I live every day wondering if I'll lose one of my best friends."

  His mention of Maria, his ex-wife, causes a stab of irrational jealousy.

  "It's all been out of my hands." His thumb swipes my lip once more.

  Every muscle tenses, anticipating something, anything, he'll give me.

  "You're in my grasp and I'm done losing," he swears.

  "I don't know how to do this," I whisper.

  "I've got you."

  Then, he kisses me, and it's so good, I drop my bags to the ground.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It takes two hours to miss Xavier. At my gate, I have to distract myself from thoughts of him and what he said.

  I've got you.

  My heart aches, giving me stupid chick-flick notions, like dropping everything and rushing back to him.

  I snort out loud, drawing attention from a fellow passenger.

  Like he stood on that curb for two hours waiting for me.

  I roll my eyes.

  Sure, in a sappy movie, he would—but this isn't a sappy movie.

  The boarding announcement snaps me out of my ridiculous thoughts.

  Frustrated for acting like this, I rub my face and quietly growl.

  You aren't this stupid girl, I mentally scold myself. Quit being so pathetic.

  Moments later, someone plops down in the seat next to me.

  Ready to scowl, I jerk my head to my right and find Liza. Kel, Lucas, and Sean take seats across from me.

  "What the hell are you doing?"

  "Flying commercial," Kel grumbles, making me grin.

  "Aww…" I pout at him, "you too good to fly with us commoners?"

  "Yep," he responds, smiling.

  "Spoiled bastard," I tease.

  "Where's Jackson? I know he isn't letting you fly alone."

  "He doesn't let me do anything," Liza states. "I don't need permission to do things."

  "He's on his phone," Kel says, thumbing over to a far corner.

  "Does he really think the hat and sunglasses are working?" I level a look at Liza.

  She sighs. "I told him it's pointless, but…" Raising an arm, she motions to the walking doodle and I glance back to him.

  A group of people surround him, not carrying that he's on his phone.

  Holding his cell between his ear and shoulder, he signs things and poses for pictures.

  "I should probably help," Liza says, hesitating.

  "Go rescue your man, guhrl," I drawl.

  Her brow rises.

  "No?" I shrug.

  "I'm going," she grumbles. "I am not fond of running fan interference."

  Liza walks through the seating area, every male staring at her perfect ass.

  "Do you not see who she's going to?" I ask, loudly. "He's hot, a rock star, and makes the girl scream like a porn star."

  Liza spins around, eyes wide and face red.

  Jackson's laugh confirms how loud I said it.

  "You're welcome." I give her a toothy grin.

  My phone chimes and I grab it off my carry on, swiping the screen. It's Xavier.

  Let me know when your home.

  And the stupid I'm-such-a-girl tingles return with ideas of sending a fucking kissy face emoji.

  I am NOT a kissy face emoji kind of girl. Unless it's following something like kiss my ass.

  It's you're, not your. I can't be with someone who can't spell.

  Hitting send, I grin. There, that's more like me.

  You don't want me for my spelling skills. ;)

  Well, fuck! He has a point, but I shall not be defeated.

  I never said I wanted your bossy ass.

  Before I can declare victory, he responds.

  Cunnilingus Olympics Gold Medalist = Me

  Damn him using my outbursts against me.

  My seating zone is called, so I get in line, all while trying my damnedest to think of a response.

  "Ha, fucker, I've got you!" My shout makes the couple in front of me jump.

  "Not you," I explain, "my fuck-buddy wanna-be boyfriend."

  Their eyes widen and mouths drop open.

  "We're going to get kicked off this plane because of her, aren't we?" Jack asks Liza from behind me.

  Propping a hand on my hip, I raise one brow at the couple.

  "Don't judge me. Get your ass on the plane." I motion for them to move up in line and go back to my phone.

  "Probably," Liza breathes out.

  The Olympics require more than one participant. I'll let you know your standings after other contenders have had a chance to compete.

  The gate attendant takes my boarding pass and scans it.

  "You were upgraded," she says with a smile.

  "What?" I slide my phone into my back pocket.

  She holds out a new ticket.

  "You're in first class," she states, nodding me through the gate.


  "Go with it," Jack orders, pushing me forward.

  "Did you do this?" I turn, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "Consider it a return favor," he states.

  "What favor?" I cross my arms.

  "Guarding Liza's ass when I'm not around," he offers with a smile.

  "Oh my God," Liza huffs.

  I laugh and nod.


  We get past the attendant, standing on the ramp to the plane, when my phone vibrates against my ass.

  Not funny at all.

  That makes me laugh out loud.

  Is for me.

  Pissing him off is like the
highlight of my life.

  "It scares me when she's happy," Jack mumbles behind me.

  Liza giggles.

  I sigh and my phone chimes again.

  Your pussy's mine.

  Well, that's just…damn, that fucking hot.

  It's attached to me, so I'm not quite sure how you figure it's yours.

  It may be hot, but he doesn't need to know I think it. His reply is lightning fast, like he was just waiting to send the response.

  Creepy fucker.

  I licked it. It's mine. Those are the rules.

  "That's true," Jackson says over my shoulder.

  I clasp my phone to my chest and glare at him.

  "Sorry," he puts his hands up, "but he's right. That's the rule."

  Ignoring him, I stuff my bag in the overhead compartment. I can't sit down fast enough to reply.

  Wouldn't the licks before you have first ownership?

  This is the best text conversation I've ever had.

  "Wow, if you're going for pissing him off, that should work," Jacks states.

  Turning around, I find him in the seat behind me. Liza has her hand over her mouth, but I can see the amusement in her eyes.

  "Stop now or a disco stick is in your future," I threaten.

  He pales.

  "I'm done," he assures, sitting back into the seat.

  The chime and vibration of my phone brings my attention back.

  My lick erases all others. In fact, the rule is, the last one to lick it, owns it, which also means I own your ass and nipples.

  Holy shit. Xena clenches and tingles burn my inner thighs.

  What the fuck do I say to that? Shit…I'm stuck on a plane when all I want is to straddle his hairy face.

  Before I can respond, he messages again.

  Thinking about it, aren't you?

  Cocky fucker. It's true, but still!

  I hate you and you are getting airplane moded now.

  But I don't shut down my phone. I sit there, staring at the screen, waiting like a desperate little girl. I hide my phone when the attendant walks by, scanning the rows.


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