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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

Page 11

by Reese Monroe

  He squeezed her hand. “Nothing, for now. We need tonight to recuperate. Refuel.” He drew in a deep breath. “To listen.”


  “There’s a lot happening. We need to settle down and listen for The Great One’s guidance.”

  “Not sure I really believe in a Great One.”

  “Why not?”

  “Can’t see him.” She glanced at him, but he still faced the sky.


  No judgment. No condemnation. Was this guy for real? Did he have anything imperfect about him?

  His eyebrow jutted up, and he latched onto her stare. Shit, had he heard her? She went to loosen her grip on his hand, but he tightened. “No. Don’t,” he said. “I need this.”

  That stopped her short.

  “You energize me, love.”

  “I’m your little electrical plug-in, is that what you’re saying?” She gasped. “Oh, that sounded bad. I meant—” She shook her head. Her mind jumbled at the intensity of the man standing beside her. Staring at her. Wanting her. She could feel it.

  And what scared her even more was she wanted him.


  Like nothing would be right until she was close to him. Closer than holding hands.

  She hated feeling out of control. Manipulated.

  “Shhh.” He cupped her face. “Be calm. You’re safe here.”

  No, she wasn’t, because she was falling for this guy. While she kind of enjoyed the warm, fuzzy feeling starting to build between them, it kind of ticked her off, too. She hardly knew him. Where was this free will Justin spoke of earlier?

  To make matters worse, demons were after her and now probably after Dasha, too, and Sadie had almost died, like, fifteen times earlier today. Nothing was safe around this guy.

  Especially her heart.

  “I feel your turmoil.” He leaned down, so close his breath tickled her face.

  She couldn’t stop her tongue from sliding out to moisten her lips. God she wanted him to kiss her.

  That was so not like her, either.

  “I can help,” he whispered, leaning even closer. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” The answer came out before she could rein it in. How could she trust him? She barely knew him. “Yes.”

  He smiled, and his gaze shifted to her lips. “Allow me a kiss, then.”

  She almost said “anything,” but found her control. She inched up to her tiptoes as she nodded. If anyone was doing the kissing, it’d be her.

  His eyes shot wide as her mouth met his, then slowly slid shut. She followed suit, falling into the sensation.

  Soft lips pressed against hers. He released her hand and brought his to her face. His big, tender hands held her secure to him. His thumb caressed her cheek while he tilted her head slightly. She gripped his biceps, not sure if she should push away or pull him closer. If that was even possible.


  She ran her hands up his arms, over his shoulders, and clasped her fingers together behind his neck. He drew in a sharp breath and slid his arms around her waist. One hand rested on her lower back, while the other roamed up her spine to the nape of her neck.

  A wave of shivers stormed through her. His mouth moved to suck her bottom lip, but then he severed the connection. She nipped at his lip, wanting more. Needing more.

  He rested his forehead against hers and took several shallow breaths. “I’ve dreamed of this for nearly a millennium.”

  “That’s difficult to live up to.” She wove her fingers into his wavy black hair. He closed his eyes as if savoring her touch. Like she was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. Her fingertips memorized the curves of his skull, the silky feel of his hair. Most of all, she drank in the spiced cinnamon scent that wafted from him.

  His face flushed. Nearly glowed as he smiled. He looked…different. Wait. She felt different. Calmed. Her thoughts no longer jumbled. Her heart, though still pounding an intense rhythm, wasn’t as erratic.

  He’d done that.

  “As you did for me,” he whispered.

  “No fair reading minds.”

  “Sorry.” He brushed his cheek to hers. The contrast between soft and stubble ignited a tingle in her stomach.

  “How’d you do that?” She nuzzled his neck, craving the feel of his skin. “I feel so much more relaxed.”

  He drew in a deep breath. “We’re made to calm each other. Strengthen each other.” He stepped farther into her personal space, and she had to straddle one of his thick legs. “Skin-to-skin contact is the best method.”

  She stopped breathing. Skin to skin. As in…sex.

  No way was she ready for that. Not with everything going on.

  She gave him a gentle push, putting some distance between her flaming body and his. “Um. We should—um—I’m hungry. Need food.”

  Lame, she knew, but she had to get out of this and fast. Otherwise, her days of virginity would be over.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  “I’ve never seen you eat so much,” Dasha said.

  “I’ve never been this hungry.” Sadie shoveled another spoonful of potatoes into her mouth.

  Theo chuckled at the sight. Such beauty. Honesty. True to herself. He’d felt her desire for him, even smelled it, but he could tell she was still scared, not ready to fully face reality. He’d have to be patient, but the energy boost he’d gotten when she’d allowed him to kiss her and touch her face was addicting.

  A taste of what he’d have after they mated.

  Funny thing, she hadn’t even noticed his neck. He’d felt the Mark burn while he kissed her. He was surprised she hadn’t felt hers, because he knew hers had changed as well.

  Justin, however, hadn’t stopped staring. Theo shot him a mental command to quit, and he replied by scratching his cheek with his middle finger.

  Justin hated when Theo sent mental commands. When he was close to his brother, they came in loud and clear.

  Theo pushed away from the table and gathered his dishes. It was almost midnight, and he needed some serious rest. He didn’t know exactly what tomorrow held but had the sense it would be significant.

  “Got a gym in this place?” Sadie asked.

  “What?” Dasha sat straight. “You just ate.”

  “I know, and now I have energy.” She smiled, gathering her plate. “So, Theo. Do you?” She bit her bottom lip.

  He opened his mind to her, just for a peek, and he saw the real reason she asked, and smiled. She was scared to be alone with him. With herself. Always one to work her anxiety out through exercise, no wonder she needed a gym.

  Though he knew he could help in other ways, he nodded. “I’ll show you. You’ll find gym clothes in our—er—your room. Run up and change. I’ll wait here.”

  The girls scurried from the kitchen, whispers trailing after them, and Theo set the dishes in the sink. He glanced out the window and mentally scanned the surroundings. All was quiet.


  “In the name of The Great One, what are you doing?” Justin’s reflection appeared next to his.

  Theo pressed his finger to his lips and searched out where Sadie was in the house. Once all was clear, and she was out of earshot, he faced his brother. “Strategy.”

  He humphed.

  “I’m not like you are with women.”

  “Well, that’s been obvious for about nine centuries. But your Mark. You’ve been close to her. Why not finish it? Now? Tonight.”

  Theo leaned against the counter. “Believe me, I want nothing more. But you saw her, she’s scared.”

  “She’s strong, accepting of this. I see that as well.” He shook his head. “We need you as strong as possible. Something big is happening. The Great One is quiet. The Dark Ones are crafty.”

  Theo gripped Justin’s shoulder. He was rarely unsettled about anything. But Theo, too, sensed a shift in the paranormal, especially after his little chat with Aggie. To bond with Sadie would surely empower him, yet it also made hi
m more vulnerable. If she died, he died. Sure, bonding with him empowered her as well, and she was already the most powerful human he’d ever encountered.

  Eerily stronger. “What do we know of her birth parents?”

  “Not much time to search. You just found her a handful of days ago, and those damn demons have been on our asses like hemorrhoids.”

  “Yes. They are bent on killing her, aren’t they?”

  “And instead of getting her into bed so she’ll get your healing abilities, you’re going to take her down to the gym? You’re daft.” He turned and went to the table to grab the rest of the dishes. “Did she even notice your Mark and how it’s changed? How hers has changed?”

  “Doesn’t seem to have.” He cupped his neck. “But she will—”

  “Will what?” Sadie stomped into the kitchen in a white T-shirt and black leggings.

  Justin straightened. “Um—kick his ass. You’ll kick his ass in the ring.”

  She held Justin’s gaze intensely for several long seconds as if she were trying to pry into his mind.

  Theo wondered if she’d get that ability.

  “Are you ready?” Theo asked, tossing the dishrag onto the counter. “Justin’ll finish up.”

  He huffed. “We’re using paper plates next time.”

  Theo laughed. One of his first laughs in a while.

  It felt nice.

  He rested his hand on Sadie’s neck and guided her toward the hallway. “Where’s Dasha?”

  “Going to bed.” She stiffened beneath his touch. “We didn’t know which room to give her so she’s crashing in the one down the hall from mine, okay?”

  He nodded. Though the room was theirs, he didn’t correct her. She wasn’t ready for that. “Are you sure you’re up for a workout? You have to be tired.”

  “I’m okay.”

  Within minutes, they’d navigated the four hallways to the stairwell that led to the basement.

  “Not many Arizona homes have basements,” she said.

  “Not many homes like this anywhere. There are two more floors beneath this. Deep within the earth.”

  “Holy hell this is big.” Her voice echoed off the gymnasium. Mirrored walls reflected her beauty from every direction. The ring sat in the middle of the room like an altar.

  She all but ran to it. With one mighty jump, she navigated the ropes and started dancing around. “This is awesome. Hey, are those TVs for cameras?”

  “Yes. Surveillance cameras all over the compound.” Theo snatched the boxing gloves hanging on the wall and made his way toward her. She air-punched, spun, and danced on the balls of her feet like an expert.

  “There’s something magical about a ring like this. Nothing else in the world matters.”

  He knew the feeling, but when he held her in his arms, that’s when he felt magic. “Yep. Here, put these on.”

  “You worried I’ll mess you up?” Her gaze shifted down, and her forehead creased. “Wait. What—” She grabbed her shoulder. “Your Mark. It’s red now.”

  He dipped his head as he stepped into the ring.

  She pushed up her sleeve. “Is mine?” She craned her neck, and her mouth dropped open. “Holy crap.”

  “Red.” Two steps brought him to her, and he brushed his fingers along the newly changed flesh. “Like mine.”

  “Thicker lines.” She pressed her fingers over it. “Raised, too.” She drew in a deep breath and stood still. “Is it pulsing?”

  Her eyes went wide. Slow. He must proceed slowly. Or maybe not. She was strong, like Justin said. But could he tell her the Marks had morphed into their lifelines, connecting them more as their bond intensified?

  Her hands fisted, and her jaw clenched. Fear stormed back into her eyes, and uncertainty clouded the blue irises. He hated that. Wanted to ease her confusion.

  “Come on, then,” he said. “See if you can hit me.”

  She straightened.

  “I’ll bet you a kiss you can’t.”

  She huffed.

  “Heavier wager?” He started his dance around her and tossed the gloves to the mat. “If you can hit me, you can sleep in your own room tonight.”

  “That’s not a bet. I was going to sleep in my own room tonight anyway.” The corner of her mouth curved up into a sexy, crooked smile.

  “No. Actually, you weren’t.”

  “Says you.” She circled, her gaze sweeping over him.

  He loved how she analyzed everything. “You felt how we energized each other. Sleeping—and I mean sleeping—together will do the same. We both need it.” Sure, he wanted it just as much, but he did really need her. The torture had severely drained him, and she would get a more peaceful sleep if they were close.

  “That night in my dorm. When you held me while I slept.” She stepped forward, relaxing her arms. “It happened then, didn’t it? You calmed me. Helped me sleep.”

  He took advantage of her distraction and swept her feet. In a flash he caged her to the ground with his body, his elbows digging into the mat on either side of her head. “Yes.” He dropped a kiss to her cheek, then pushed up.

  She rolled and hopped to her feet. “No fair.”

  “Demons don’t fight fair.” He grinned. “The bet is: you hit me, you sleep alone if you want. Otherwise, you’re mine for the night.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Bring it.”

  “You have one hour.” He zoomed behind her and whispered into her ear. “Starting now.”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “You were very close on two occasions.” Theo patted Sadie’s butt and hurried out of the gym ahead of her.

  She hadn’t landed one punch or kick. He, however, landed several in the sixty minutes they sparred. Sure, they were softened so as to not injure her, but still, her cheek ached and her stomach was sore.

  “Totally not fair. You have super speed.” The dark stairwell creeped her out, so she hurried after him, nearly colliding with him as he stopped in the doorway at the top and looked back. A grin filled his face.

  He was glowing again. Not literally, but…close. Like an opalescent sheen covered him. That had happened before, too.

  “What?” he asked. “Are you hurt?” He reached for her.

  “No. Just—well, you’re glowing, kinda.” She snagged his hand and held it with both of hers. Warm, pulsing heat radiated. “You feel warm, too.”

  “It’s from the exercise and being close to you. I told you, it fuels me.”

  Her, too. Despite the sore cheek and stomach, energy-wise, she felt great. Then again, he’d had his hands all over her while fighting, and not all of them were punches. He’d even instructed her on a few things. And she’d caught on quickly, nearly landing a punch there at the end.

  “So, you’re a black belt, too?”

  “I’ve learned a few things over the centuries.” He twined his fingers with hers and guided her through the hallways to the stairs that led up to the bedroom.

  “You’re good.”

  “I’ve had plenty of time to practice.” He grinned as they navigated the last few stairs. “Plus the Archangel Michael’s warrior knowledge is ingrained within my DNA.”

  “Yeah. So. I’d say your bet was definitely void.”

  “Nice try, love.” He tugged her along until they were through the doorway. “Shower first?” he asked, shutting the door behind them.

  “As if.” The thought of showering with him…yikes. It both scared the crap out of her and enticed her. But she did smell like a sweaty old pig.

  “I’ll give you this. Go shower. I’ll be back in ten.” He winked. “And ready for some sleep.”

  Sadie didn’t know her heart could pound so fast without breaking. He strode by her and brushed a finger over her shoulder. It was as if the pulse in her shoulder jumped at his command. For that instant, she forgot the predicament she was in.

  She hustled through a steaming-hot shower and, for some reason, she splashed on some of the vanilla body spray she’d found in the bathroom.

nbsp; And yes, she fully intended on asking why he had all this stuff for her. The door to the room clicked open and shut. Heavy footfalls followed, and she gulped down the lump in her throat.

  Breathe, Sadie. It’s just sleeping.

  Yeah, right. The way her body was fired up for him, it’d be more than sleeping. But not all the way. Hopefully, he’d understand. Testing the waters would be okay, right?

  Her stomach clenched at the thought of him touching her. She turned and leaned against the counter, looking toward the open bathroom door. She gripped the granite countertop until her fingers ached.

  It’s okay, love. Come to me.

  Oh dear God, his voice was temptation personified. So not fair he could get into her mind. What if he was trancing her? Making her feel this way.

  No. He would never.

  One hesitant step to the doorway, and she stopped to smooth her tank top down the front of her. She’d opted for the shorts PJs instead of the long pants. Would he like them?

  She drew in another breath and caught his scent. That was enough to curl her toes. She shook her head, rolled her shoulders to relax, and took that final step into the bedroom.

  The lights were dimmed, and Theo stood before the window, his eyes closed. The windows filled the entire west side of the room. Too bad they’d missed the sunset. It probably would have been a stunner.

  “It’s okay. Come here.” He held out his hand but didn’t open his eyes. “I’m just checking things out.”

  She slid her hand into his. “Checking?”

  He nodded. “I can sense evil. More if I’m quiet and at full strength.” He released her hand and draped his arm over her shoulders. “It’s like a little bell. No, not quite a bell, a humming with the hairs on my neck prickling. If it’s intense, or there are a lot of demons, it feels like a boulder in my stomach, and the humming gets really loud.”

  “Can you hear anything now?” She squinted out the window, working to look past her reflection.

  Gosh, he dwarfed her. Though it didn’t seem like it was as much as before. As a matter of fact, now that she thought about it, she was taller than Dasha when she stood by her earlier. Not to mention the longer hair and pretty nails.


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