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Forged by Fate (Entangled Embrace)

Page 13

by Reese Monroe

  She glanced to her side and saw Justin across the room standing beside Dasha, holding her two bags. “Something’s wrong, Theo. I can feel it.”

  He stopped moving. “There’s nothing wrong. I’m just staying alert to listen for threats. I checked the perimeter and sensed nothing. It’s our window to tie up loose ends for you.”

  She stared at him for several long breaths, yet he didn’t budge. There was something wrong, and it wasn’t just staying alert for security reasons. She’d sensed it when he’d breezed by the kitchen earlier.

  Oh great. He was pissed because of the no sex.

  No, that didn’t feel right, either.

  “Fine. Don’t tell me.” She turned away. “Let’s go.”

  A very quiet hour ride later, Theo steered his bike into the lot near the dorms. He’d remained tense the entire drive. Nothing was said because of the noise, and she pretty much guessed he’d chosen that mode of transportation for that very reason. She’d always wanted to take a long ride with a guy on a bike, but this wasn’t what she’d had in mind. Wind in the hair and a carefree feeling was what she’d envisioned, not tension and distance.

  He kicked the stand and went to move, but Sadie held tight, keeping him in place. The sun peaked over the patch of trees beside the dorm. She rested her chin on his shoulder but said nothing.

  Instead, she stilled her mind, just as her sensei had taught her. She drew in a deep breath and caught a weird scent. Theo usually smelled like spiced cinnamon, but today he carried another scent. Sour, acrid. What was that?

  Fear. Yes, it was fear. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but deep in her gut, she did. What was he scared of?

  He’d been so tender with her last night. Loving. She’d never gone that far with a guy before. But after, when he held her, she’d begun to feel the distance.

  Maybe she’d done something wrong.

  She hugged him tight, resting her cheek on his back. His gloved hand patted her clasped hands. “Ready?”

  She nodded into him, but really she wasn’t. She wanted that gentle, tender guy back. Yeah, she liked the tough Shomrei, too, but right now…not so much.

  “Stay alert.” He slid off the bike. “And hold this.” He handed her a dagger.

  “Don’t have anywhere to put it.”

  He dug into the tank bag and pulled out something made of black leather, then knelt before her. He pulled up her jeans and strapped the contraption against her shin and calf.

  “This will work.” He reached for the weapon. “Let’s try it.”

  “I got it.” She held the dagger tight and leaned down. One quick jab and it was secure in the calf holster. “Easy peasy.” She kicked her leg over the bike and stood tall.

  Very tall. She no longer looked at the lower part of his chest. She was directly in line with his firm pecs. Wow.

  He eyed her for a long breath, opened his mouth, then clamped it shut. He scanned the area as he stepped to her side. “Where to first?”

  She sighed. She’d give him two hours to fess up to what the hell was bugging him before she beat it out of him. And if it was the no-sex thing, the beating would be extra severe.

  “Sadie,” he said.

  “Adviser’s.” She patted down her jeans and ran her fingers through her hair. Darn wind had made it one big snarl-fest. “Sciences building.”

  She started walking, weaving her hair into a braid as she moved. At least it passed the silent time.

  The stairs to the building came into sight. “You can wait out here, ’kay?”


  She stopped and faced him. “Do you smell any demons? Sense a splice?”

  “Doesn’t matter, you’re not going in alone.”

  She jabbed her finger into his chest. “I am, actually. You stand guard out here. I’m meeting with my academic adviser. I’ll be fine. I need this, Theo. It might be the last thing I freaking do that’s normal, you know?”

  “Graduating in two years at the age of eighteen is not normal. You’re a Shomrei Mate. That’s not normal. And you’re in danger from demons that want to kill you. Again, not normal.”

  “Exactly. Lots of abnormal here, but me doing this one last thing, finishing something I started. I need that. You have to understand.”

  His chest swelled with a massive inhale, nostrils flaring and pupils dilating.

  She thought for sure he’d say no. Maybe the butt-kicking would happen now, right in front of the building.

  “Fine.” He dug out his cell phone. “I’ll check in with Justin.” He glanced around, closed his eyes, and after a second said, “All feels calm. Though they’ve evaded my senses on one occasion, I’m aware of it now. I doubt they’ll sneak through again.”

  “There. You see?” She patted his cheek. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “Yes, it is actually.” He grabbed her wrist. “You’re mine to protect. I take that very seriously.”

  She smiled at the proclamation. He did take it seriously. Too seriously. But she couldn’t blame him. She’d almost died, like fifty times, since she met him. A few of those times were because she tried to get away from him. So, either way, she was in danger.

  But she liked her odds of survival much more when he was close.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Son of a bitch, Theo needed to hit something. And hard. How could he have lost control like that last night? His first time being close to Sadie, and he let his fangs loose.

  Thank The Great One she hadn’t seen. At least she hadn’t indicated she’d seen them. That would have been the worst thing to happen. She was just starting to come around to the idea of them, and he would have certainly scared her by showing that side of him.

  Did all Gatekeepers have worries such as this when it came to winning the hearts of their Mates? He should contact Beckett to see if it was like this with him. He’d also remained pure for centuries, waiting for his Mate.

  After watching her safely enter the front doors, Theo stomped around the corner of the building and closed his eyes. Opening his senses wide, he detected no evil. Whispers of Sadie’s brain waves flooded him.

  He perceived her much more intensely after their night together. They hadn’t had sex, but he’d gotten to touch a great deal of her and sleep with her in his arms.

  He felt empowered, more alive and strong than he’d ever been. Even Justin commented on how bright his skin was.

  Holding his hand up, the sun hit it perfectly, revealing the near glow. It looked younger. Firmer, tighter.

  Sadie was much more powerful than he’d realized. Energy radiated from her, and he greedily took it in. She’d trusted him enough to be close, to share a part of herself with him, and he’d nearly shattered that with his beastly fangs jetting out.

  He spun and slammed his fist into the brick wall. The sting roared up his arm, then cooled as the healing began.

  “What’s got you all fist-happy?” Justin asked from behind him.

  He turned to face his brother. “Where’s Dasha?”

  “Walked her to her final final.” He smiled. “Final final. Get it?”

  Theo grunted and scanned the area. “I don’t sense anything, do you?”

  “No. But your sensors are way more amped up than my sniffer, Gatekeeper.” He raised an eyebrow. “What’s your deal, man?”

  Theo scanned the area. The afternoon sun was high. They had a few hours before its descent. He glanced at the Sciences building and peered around the corner.

  “Everything’s calm.” Justin punched his shoulder. “What’s going on?”

  “The Great One whispers. I feel it, but I’m too keyed up to hear.” His heart hammered. “I can’t relax when I’m away from her.”

  “You spent the entire night with her. Didn’t He talk to you then?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Spill it, brother, before you pound something that doesn’t need pounding.”

  Theo covered his mouth with his hand. “Damn fangs. Couldn’t control t
hem last night.”

  “Ahhh.” Justin offered a knowing nod. “I never understood why you despised them all these years. You trust and embrace everything else The Great One has given you.”

  “Fangs, Justin. Identical to the demons’.” He gripped his neck, kneading out the knots.

  “Dude. You need to get over it. She’s going to get them, too, you know. And she’ll freak if you don’t tell her.”

  Justin was right. He knew that. And logically, he knew he needed to open up to her, completely, but he’d just finally gotten close to Sadie—what if this changed things? Distanced them?

  “Stand guard and allow me some time. She’s inside, meeting with her adviser.”

  “I got your back, brother.” He clapped his palm over Theo’s shoulder. “Relax.”

  “I trust no one more than you, Justin.” He nodded toward his brother. “No one.”

  “Sit.” Justin pointed to a bench beneath a large tree. “Commune.”

  Theo stomped off. Distance from The Great One was never good. Distractions often filtered in, especially now. Now that he had his Mate, thoughts of being with her flooded his mind. Worry for her made him tense.

  I’m sorry, Great One. He eased himself onto the bench and gave Justin one last look.

  Arms over his chest, he scanned the area like the stout soldier he was. Justin, his Companion, by his side for all these centuries, always having his back.

  Theo closed his eyes, relaxed against the wooden bench, and let the subtle breeze carry his worries and fears up to The Great One. A faint citrus scent, along with jasmine from nearby flowers, or someone’s perfume, and the grease from the nearby cafeteria hinted the air.

  The rustling leaves of a nearby tree faded into nothingness. Quiet, only the sounds of his beating heart and lungs taking in air registered.

  I’m listening.

  A sense of anxiety washed over him, but he knew it for what it was: his own fears of losing Sadie, failing to bond with her, failing Justin…failing as Gatekeeper.

  I give those to You. Tell me, what will You have me do?

  A gentle hum sounded deep within his mind, just before the voice.

  She is not like the others.

  She’s stronger. Faster, Theo thought.

  Yes. For what is to come. Though tougher on the outside, more vulnerable on the inside. The deepest betrayal one can suffer is abandonment.

  Theo stiffened. Her parents, she doesn’t know them.

  Left alone directly after her birth.

  A wave of anger pulsed through him.

  Hold your emotions in check, my son. That which we survive makes us strong.

  She doesn’t know?

  No. That which makes her strong may also break her.

  Why tell me this?

  Because she must tap into that power. You will help her.


  Your journey.

  Our journey together.


  The word echoed in Theo’s head. Together. Something about that word struck a chord. Besides the obvious. They were fated. The Great One had chosen her for him for a reason. It wasn’t just for Theo’s pleasure.

  Aggie was after her, said he needed her and Theo to bond, which meant he aimed to kill Theo. No surprise there, demons killed. Mates and Companions were the two ways to hurt Gatekeepers without actually killing them. But Aggie was planning something more. Theo could feel it deep inside.

  She is not like the others. What The Great One said earlier surfaced again. Sadie was very different. Able to hold the Mavet. Already had strength and bonds that rivaled a fully mated Shomrei. Yet The Great One said Theo needed to help her tap into even more power.

  He would not fail her. Or The Great One.

  He would help Sadie step into what she was meant to be.

  Now, to figure out how.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “I’m glad you’re doing well, Ms. Nowland,” Dr. Fletcher said. “I heard about your incident the other day during your final, and then I hadn’t seen you in the building much these past couple of days.”

  Sadie shifted her weight in the stiff leather office chair. She faced her adviser and mentor across his wide desk. Piles of papers flanked him, finals to grade most likely. “I’m fine. Just embarrassed. I had a…migraine.” She rubbed her temple. “A bad one.”

  He eyed her with a lifted brow and pressed his glasses up his long nose.

  “So, are those term papers? Finals?”

  He dipped his head. “Freshman Chem. Want to help?”

  She waved her signed graduation paper and smiled. “I’m off duty.” She’d really enjoyed being his teaching assistant. Sure, she was younger than most of the people she helped teach, but still. Dr. Fletcher was a good mentor. Kind. She imagined him as a good father with his stern yet supportive guidance. She’d come to respect him these last two years.

  He pushed his chair back and stood to his full five feet ten inches.

  She stood as well, much closer to his height than she was a few days ago. She made a mental note to ask Theo why that was happening, and how, considering they hadn’t had sex.

  Dr. Fletcher paused, giving her a long, hard look. She could almost hear his unspoken questions rattling around in that genius brain of his. Wonder if my dad was smart, too? She’d often envisioned that Dr. Fletcher was what her dad would be like. She had to have gotten her intelligence and drive from someone, right?

  He nudged his glasses up with his forefinger as he always did and said, “Let’s take one more stroll through the lab, shall we?”

  “Naw. I think I’m going to head to my room and start packing.” No way would Theo be happy about her taking her time walking down memory lane.

  Wait a freaking minute. She could hang out a while longer if she wanted. This was her moment. She’d worked damn hard for this, and it might be the last time she ever saw her mentor again.

  “I must insist. Allow me one last stroll with my favorite student. To mentor someone as special as you only happens once in an old professor’s career.” He grinned, and his graying beard wiggled as he smiled.

  But his smile twitched in the corner. She almost didn’t believe she saw it, but she had. Now that she thought about it, he clutched his left hand in a fist so tight his knuckles blanched.

  “Everything okay, Doc?” She stepped toward the door.

  “Sure. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason.” Hopefully. “I should be going, though.”

  He inched around the corner of his desk, hand outstretched. “Please. The…the professors got you a gift for graduating. Starting with Bendz Chem is a great opportunity. They wanted to wish you well.”

  She stopped two feet from the door. “What do you mean?”

  “We’ve recommended a few of our students to Bendz over the years; however, very few have ever been accepted. It’s quite an honor. Not only for you, but for us and for the school. You’re so young and with such an…unlikely background.”

  Unlikely. That was a nice way of putting it. More like a “holy crap your folks dropped you off at a hospital right after you were born because they didn’t want you” background. Not to mention the fact that she grew up in the foster care system from the first minutes of her life until she was sixteen, when she emancipated herself to attend college.

  Yeah, she was an unlikely success story. She was well on her way to proving to everyone she would make something of herself until Theo showed up in her life. No, until her stupid mark showed up.

  She scratched at her shoulder.

  This Great One sure had a sick sense of humor. She wasn’t quite sold on the Great part of all this other than the warm fuzzy feeling she got around Theo.

  “Ms. Nowland?”

  “Sorry. Um—yeah, where is it?”

  “Lab 102.” His grin twitched again, and this time when he pointed, his hand shook as though he’d had fifteen sodas.

  Damn, Theo had her so paranoid. Doc had been her mentor for two years; w
hy was she freaking out about him all of a sudden? She owed him a little time for all he’d invested in her. And if the other professors got her a gift, she’d damn well go see it and show her appreciation.

  Without them she wouldn’t have this amazing job waiting for her, and she wouldn’t have graduated so early—with honors even.

  Dr. Fletcher held the door open and waved her forward. She stepped into the hallway and glanced in both directions. Empty. Closed office doors lined both walls. To the right was the exit. In ten quick paces she could be to the short flight of stairs that led up to the main floor and out to where Theo no doubt waited for her.

  To the left she could go into the lab and see what the professors had done for her. All seemed calm. Theo would bust in if anything happened, plus, she had a Mavet and was a strong, badass karate chick as Justin had called her.

  She had every right to be paranoid after what she’d seen the last seventy-two hours, but this wasn’t the time for that. This was a time for celebration, and she would finish out this day on her terms.

  She stepped left with Dr. Fletcher close behind her. “Graduating summa cum laude in chemistry and landing the highly coveted Bendz job. You should be so proud.” His voice cracked, and he coughed into his hand as he glanced around.

  Oh yeah. That spiked her nerves enough to demand she stop two feet before the lab door. “Dr. Fletcher. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, Ms. Nowland. Just making conversation. You know it’s not my specialty.”

  True. He was clumsy at best with words and person-to-person interaction. He was definitely suited for the lab, but this was more than that.

  “Please. I must get you to the—you—just need to get to the lab.”

  Her hackles shot up. He placed his hand on her shoulder and urged her forward. Did she dare snap his wrist? Was he a demon?

  She was losing it. Dr. Fletcher a demon? Damn Theo for getting her all out of sorts. She stepped toward the door, keeping her mentor under scrutiny. He’d never touched her. Of course, she didn’t let many touch her.

  Had enough of that growing up being bullied for her…weirdness.


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