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Page 21

by Marita A. Hansen

  Shock hit him as he entered the lounge, the place ground zero. Destroyed furniture and electronics littered the floor, while ash dusted it, the smell of smoke infusing the air. Pounding feet came from down the passage. He dived over a mangled couch, grunting as he hit his injured shoulder. But it was okay, because the pain and adrenalin together were keeping his mind sharp, painting everything clearer than he’d ever seen it before. His mind was strangely his own, no anger involved, only the need to get to his loved ones and to kill everyone in his way.

  He opened fire on the passage as soldiers emerged from it, the others quickly retreating.

  “Watch out!” a female yelled.

  He spun around, seeing a Landi soldier cut down by bullets, the man having entered through the back door. Ricardo glanced up at the staircase. His maid turned her gun on the other soldiers in the passage. One fell out of it. A second later, she came flying down the staircase, yelling, “Cover me!”

  Ricardo turned around and fired off the last of the bullets in his first gun. He pulled out his second one without missing a beat, sending a bullet into a soldier’s arm, the man yelling out in pain.

  The maid threw herself behind him, then pushed her back up against the couch. “We have to get out before we get blocked in,” she said, breathing heavily. “Cover me, then I’ll cover you.” She took off for the back door, not giving him a chance to reply. Ricardo shot at another soldier as the man tried to fire on the maid.

  She yelled, “Run, Ricardo!”

  His eyes widened as a man appeared in the archway with a machine gun in hand. He pushed up and sprinted for the back door, tripping over debris. Bullets flew over him, the fall having saved his life. His attacker yelled out. Ricardo glanced behind him, seeing the soldier fall backwards, blood coming from his forehead.

  The maid yelled at him, “Out. Now!”

  She threw something at the passageway. Ricardo pushed to his feet and went for the back door as gunfire opened up behind him. Surprised he hadn’t been hit, he glanced over his shoulder, realizing the woman had thrown a fake bullet grenade—something that was used to trick people into believing they were under fire.

  He stopped in the doorway to assess what he was about to run into. Landi soldiers were fighting against his men and the Black Vipers in the courtyard. One of the Vipers cried out as a Landi soldier punched her in the face, sending her stumbling backwards. The maid screamed in response, causing the soldier to spin around. She charged at him, lifting off the ground in a running jump kick. She struck him in his chest, knocking him onto his back. She landed on top of him and whipped out a knife, slashing it across the man’s throat in one swift motion.

  Ricardo’s attention moved to the studio, noticing the door was broken open. He ran for it, weaving around the fighting, more concerned with getting to his family than engaging in battle. He stopped next to the doorway, where a Landi soldier had fallen. The man’s eyes were staring up at a Heaven he would never see.

  Ricardo peered around the doorway. Across the lounge, a wall of Landi soldiers were surrounding someone, one of the men yelling, “Where are they?”

  A female voice screamed back, “I don’t know! I’m a D’Angelo, not a Santini.”

  Knowing it was Bianca, he slipped inside the house, wanting to slaughter them all. He stopped at the sight of Vinnie, who was lying face down on the floor with a bullet hole in his back. Praying his brother was still alive; Ricardo stepped over him, knowing he needed to kill the motherfuckers quickly so he could help Vinnie.

  Moving as quietly as possible, he drew closer to the group. A Landi soldier glanced back at him, his shout cut short by Ricardo’s bullet. Before the other men could raise their guns, he took out two more. As he aimed at the last one, the man moved behind Bianca and fired at Ricardo. The bullet hit him in the arm, making him drop his gun.

  Bianca went crazy, thrashing about in the soldier’s grip, distracting the man. Ricardo rushed forward, yelling at the top of his lungs, pure rage racing through him. The Landi soldier shoved Bianca at him. Ricardo pushed her to the side and lunged at the man. The soldier’s gun went off, the bullet grazing Ricardo’s cheek. But he didn’t fucking care, his rage now taking over. He heard people shouting, fighting, but all he saw was red and all he felt was the pounding of flesh, his mind reveling in the man’s screams.

  “Stop, Ricardo!” a voice yelled.

  An arm clamped around his neck and yanked him back. Ricardo yelled out, but the arm held strong, the voice accompanying it getting through to him a second later.

  He went still. “Salvatore?”

  The arm disappeared from his neck, allowing him to turn around. Salvatore was standing behind him, looking worn-out. His clothes were ripped and bloodstained, suggesting he’d been fighting hand to hand. Ricardo turned back to the man he’d attacked, only seeing a bloodied and broken form.

  Bianca cried out to him, drawing his attention to her. She rushed forward, flinging herself at him, hugging him tight.

  Salvatore turned to the bomb shelter. He pulled the carpet back and thumped on the trapdoor, calling out for it to be unlocked. It opened a few seconds later, Sergio’s head appearing through the hole. Sergio’s relieved face fell when he saw Salvatore. He called out, “The injured first,” then climbed out, helping to remove Dominic, who appeared dazed and confused. Next came...

  Salvatore screamed Rosa’s name. He rushed forward, taking his wife off a male servant as the man pulled her out, the woman looking so small. Salvatore laid her on the floor and placed an ear to her chest. Looking panicked, he started performing CPR on her, his hands frantically pumping at Rosa’s chest.

  Anna climbed out of the bomb shelter next, instantly going to him. She wrapped her arms around his back, sobbing, “She’s gone.”

  “No!” Salvatore cried. He continued performing CPR, his actions almost manic.

  Anna gripped onto him tighter. “She’s gone, Totò, she’s gone,” she repeated, tears streaming down her face.

  Salvatore reached down and pulled Rosa into his arms, the big man dwarfing his wife, his wail breaking Ricardo’s heart.


  Dressed in his black priest’s robes, Silvio moved around the altar, indicating to the pallbearers to pick up Rosa’s coffin. Ricardo’s brother had returned from the Vatican to perform her funeral. He had a dark beard and intense eyes, which changed between violet and blue. Right now they were a piercing violet—and filled with sorrow.

  Ricardo gripped onto the gold-encrusted handle and lifted the coffin with the other pallbearers. Dominic was across from him, while Luciano, Sergio, Alessandro, and Rosa’s brother held onto the remaining handles. A couple of them were injured, but the emotional pain far outweighed their wounds.

  A wail cut through the air as they walked down the aisle. Ricardo glanced over his shoulder. Salvatore was holding his distraught son, who was crying out for his mother.

  Ricardo followed Silvio out of the church, his brother leading them to the burial site. A procession of people filed out after them, Rosa’s funeral having a huge turnout. Surrounding them were the Black Vipers, who were guarding the funeral along with his surviving soldiers. The women wanted to make an alliance with his family, which he would give them. If it hadn’t been for the Vipers, his family would’ve perished two days ago in the battle against the Landi.

  They came to a stop in front of the burial plot. Ricardo and the other pallbearers placed the coffin on the casket-lowering device, then stepped back. Salvatore yelled out as the coffin began lowering into the ground. He thrust Piero into Anna’s arms, then went for Rosa’s coffin. Ricardo rushed him, along with Dominic, both of them clamping onto Salvatore’s arms. Crying out Rosa’s name, Salvatore pulled free from Dominic, trying to do the same with Ricardo. Letting go, Ricardo wrapped his arms around Salvatore fully, the embrace paralyzing his brother. A second later, Salvatore returned the hug. He pushed his face into Ricardo’s shoulder and cried out, the sound ripping into Ricardo. Rosa wasn’t just Salvato
re’s soul mate—she was his soul.

  Ricardo placed a hand on the back of his brother’s head, knowing one thing: the Landi were going to pay for this—and dearly.

  His mind went to the three family members who weren’t at the funeral. His father’s unnamed illness was keeping him bedridden, while Vinnie was recovering from the gunshot wound to his back.

  And Brando was on suicide watch. He’d awoken the day after the battle, screaming that he wanted to die. But Ricardo knew something that would keep Brando alive, a task his brother would never turn down.


  Menna stalked towards the Don’s temporary office with Ivy. They’d had an argument a few minutes ago over Salvatore’s wife. Ivy had insisted she hadn’t murdered Rosa, but Menna knew better, because Ivy was a habitual liar. She loved her sister with all her heart, but it didn’t mean she liked her. She felt ashamed just thinking it, even though it was true. Ivy didn’t respect people’s wishes, only caring about what she wanted. And Menna wasn’t going to allow her sister to get away with it anymore, especially after seeing Salvatore breakdown at his wife’s funeral two days ago. She’d wanted to go to him, to beg for his forgiveness, but she couldn’t, because the Santini would kill Ivy if they found out what she’d done, and no matter what, she would protect her sister.

  Ivy grabbed Menna’s arm and yanked her around, her expression furious. “Whether you believe me or not, I still didn’t do anything to that woman.”

  Menna pulled free. “Keep your voice down,” she said, pointing at the Don’s office. “I’ve had enough of this conversation; it’s over.”

  “It’s not over until you say you believe me.”

  “I can’t do that, because unlike you, I don’t lie.”

  “I’m not lying,” Ivy gritted out, her eyes flashing. “And I feel insulted you won’t take my word.”

  “You’ve cried wolf too many times, so live with it.”

  Ivy opened her mouth, looking like she was going to curse the heavens. Menna slapped Ivy’s face before she could get a word out. Ivy raised her hand to her cheek, her shocked look telling Menna all she needed to know: she’d been far too soft on her sister in the past, something that was going to change.

  Menna stepped in close to Ivy, staring directly into her eyes. “I am your leader first and your sister second, so rein in your temper or Kennedy will become my right hand.”

  Ivy’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “It’s not a dare, it’s a promise.”

  “You mentioned her just to upset me.”

  “I sure did, so count this as a warning. Do as you’re told or Kennedy will take great pleasure in ordering you around. Understand?”

  Ivy nodded, although her dark eyes promised trouble.

  Menna turned to the Don’s office, rapping her knuckles on the door. A deep voice answered, telling them to enter. Menna opened the door, ushering Ivy inside. Ivy went to the Don as he headed around the desk. She wrapped her arms around the man, giving him a hug. He stood rigid, looking uncomfortable with what she was doing. Menna breathed out, unhappy with Ivy’s unprofessional behavior. Her sister could never control herself—like Farah, who Ivy had idolized.

  The Don stepped away from Ivy just as she ran a hand over his ass. Menna froze, waiting for the fallout, but it didn’t come. A second later, she remembered why: Ricardo couldn’t feel. The man obviously didn’t realize what Ivy had done. Regardless, she made a mental note to nip Ivy’s advances on Ricardo in the bud, especially after meeting Bianca.

  Menna stepped forward and shook the Don’s hand, passing on pleasantries. She then sat down in one of the chairs, Ivy taking the other. The Don moved back around the desk, lowering himself into his chair.

  Menna smiled at him. “Thank you for seeing us. Both my sister and I are very grateful.”

  “It is I who should be grateful. If it weren’t for the Vipers, my famiglia would have perished. So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he said, smiling at the both of them. “Casa mia è casa vostra.”

  “Thank you. And in return, we shall help you rebuild it.”

  “I would welcome that very much, but let’s get to what you called this meeting for. How may I return your kindness?”

  “We want the Black Russian dead,” Ivy said, before Menna could open her mouth.

  The Don raised his eyebrows. “As many people do.”

  Menna placed a hand on Ivy’s arm before she could blurt out more. “The Vipers want him dead more than anyone else,” she added. “He slaughtered fourteen of us, our sister amongst them. He also killed our mother prior to that. We want his head along with his first guard. Of course, we will eliminate Don Landi if you help us.”

  “I already have someone working on taking out Pedro.”

  “But we saved your family,” Ivy cut in.

  The Don smiled at her. “I didn’t say no to helping you, Isis.”

  “It’s Ivy.”

  “My apologies, it’s still hard getting used to you not being my maid.”

  Ivy smiled wide, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I can still be your maid. How about I meet you at eight in your bathroom?”

  He barked out a laugh. “I don’t think Bianca would approve of that.”

  Ivy’s expression turned sour. “I don’t—”

  Menna dug her nails into Ivy’s arm. Ivy yelped and pulled her arm free. Menna leaned her head close to Ivy, whispering into her ear, “Keep quiet or you will leave this meeting.”

  Ivy glared at her, but didn’t say a word.

  Menna turned back to the Don. “I apologize for my sister’s behavior; she appears to have a crush on you.”

  Ivy hissed next to her.

  Menna continued, “But it will not interfere with our alliance.”

  He nodded. “Va bene. Now, as I was saying, although I don’t need you to take out Pedro, I still want to help you. Are you aware of the D’Angelo famiglia?”

  “We have met them. They visited the Black Russian once.”

  “Well, the Black Russian has threatened their Don’s life, and since he’s a cousin of mine, I will do anything to make that threat disappear.”

  “Excellent,” Menna said, very pleased with his response.

  He smiled. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No, that’s everything, thank you.”

  Nodding, he pushed out of his seat and moved around his desk. He held out his hand for her to shake. “It will happen.”

  She stood up and shook it, happy that Ivy’s plan had worked—for now. She just needed to curb Ivy’s advances on Ricardo while making sure the other Vipers didn’t try to push themselves onto the other Santini men. She wanted the Santini as fellow soldiers—not lovers, because in her experience, love led to hate.

  Menna excused both herself and Ivy, leaving the room with her sister. She closed the door behind them, fixing Ivy with a stare. “You are not to touch the Don again, that’s an order.”

  A smile split Ivy’s face. “Okay.” She spun around and walked off.

  Menna followed her, knowing it was a lie.


  Three Weeks Later

  From the top of the staircase, Bianca watched the Black Vipers work alongside the Santini and their soldiers, the lounge looking considerably better. The destroyed furniture had been replaced, the walls repaired, along with the ceiling, which had two new chandeliers hanging from it.

  Her eyes moved to the Viper called D. The woman reminded her of Rosario Dawson, with her big smile, dark hair, and golden-brown complexion, though the Viper had paler eyes, which were set on Vinnie. Her object of interest was telling Dominic and Alessandro to move the flat-screen television over more. D hit the blonde next to her, getting her friend’s attention. She pointed at Vinnie, then clenched and unclenched her hands, looking like she was imitating grabbing his ass. The blonde next to her started laughing.

  Vinnie looked over his shoulder. He was shirtless and wearing board shorts, which hung off h
is hips. Although his bullet wound was no longer covered, he still had bandages around his ribs, which partially hid the tattoo running down his left side. He’d damaged them further during the battle, which was why his brothers wouldn’t let him install the TV. He was also being overly bossy, Dominic already having lost his temper with him twice that day.

  Vinnie’s gaze landed on D. The woman blew him a kiss, getting a grin in return, but instead of flirting back, he sniggered at what Dominic was doing. His twin was waggling his tongue at the Viper. The woman flicked him the finger, not looking impressed.

  Dominic grinned back. “America, you shall fall on your knees and worship your new ruler. Viva l’Italia!” He pointed at his cock, making a rude gesture with his mouth.

  D picked up something off the floor and threw it at him.

  Dominic’s smile instantly disappeared. “Not near the TV!” he hollered.

  The blonde next to D continued laughing, looking like she thought the whole scene was hilarious. Bianca smiled, knowing that Dominic was going to be entertaining as hell.

  A woman entered the lounge through the back door, wiping the smile off Bianca’s face. It was Isis ... no, the troia’s real name was Ivy. The black-eyed Viper stopped in the middle of the room, smiling at Vinnie’s admirer. She asked her a question, totally ignoring the blonde one, who was glaring at her. Bianca watched with interest, happy that at least someone else didn’t like Ivy.

  D indicated to Vinnie, who had resumed bossing his brothers about. Ivy raised her hand, D high-fiving it. The blonde pushed to her feet and stalked off. D spun around and ran after her, calling out, “K, don’t be like that.”

  Ivy’s grin widened, looking like she’d won a victory. Her gaze moved to the staircase, settling on Bianca. Her grin faltered as an arm slipped over Bianca’s shoulder.

  Bianca glanced back at Ricardo. Her heart jumped at his presence, the man always doing that to her.


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