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Serenity Valley

Page 10

by Rocky Bills

  “Oh, yes,” she answered, “it is my personal symbol. Come here and look at it. It is a symbol I wished to teach you.”

  I moved forward, and the entire group tightened in around me in curiosity. The lady stepped close, then lifted herself out of the water so the symbol could be seen easily. Everyone crowded around. I felt numerous breasts pressing against me, a kind of sea of boobs, if you may. I looked closely at the symbol that was just above the nipple and about two inches in size. In dark blue ink, was the right-hand side of a crescent moon. Below the moon was a triangle shape with a cross through it. Separated and above the right-hand side of the triangle was one short, straight line parallel to the line of the side. She said, “The crescent represents under the world’s sky. The pyramid represents the house of my father. The line along the pyramid side represents the third child born, which would be me. I am the third child of the house of Ackmer. Remember this symbol, Gamel. One day, you will need to use it.”

  “It’s very beautiful, my lady; it adds mystery and suspense.”

  Lady Bella giggled, and the other ladies commented their own approval. Before we could resume our frolicking in the water, we heard a loud bellow from the shoreline. There, standing on the shore prancing back and forth, were Demon and Mildred.

  I said, “Hoy, Demon, how goes it, young man?” as I moved away from the group toward the horses. Demon was prancing around, afraid to enter the water. Mildred simply splashed into the brook, waded out, and began to swim. Demon watched his stepmother swim from one side of the brook to the other, walk out, and begin grazing on some very healthy grass. Demon was still apprehensive, dancing around. Having never been in water before, he was unsure, but he slowly walked in, wetting his hooves and hocks. I went to him. “It’s okay, Demon, it's only water. Come, follow me,” I said softly, trying to be as reassuring as possible.

  Demon slowly followed me into deeper water until most of his body was submerged. He sniffed and snorted at the water. He was still unsure about it. As he slowly relaxed and began to enjoy the water, I could hear the ladies in the background, playing, splashing, and laughing. Within a few minutes, Demon relaxed and got brave enough to swim a bit. He went out a short way in the brook, then circled around and came back to me. His next attempt was more confident, and he swam the width of the brook and emerged near Mildred on the opposite shoreline. Well, that question was answered. Although rare, a few horses don’t swim and simply sink. Unlike humans, when horses submerge in water, they cannot close their windpipe. Their massive lungs fill instantly, and they drown. After a short investigation of the shoreline, Demon started back across, with Mildred in tow. Mildred got out and resumed her grazing while Demon curiously investigated clothing that was strewn about on the bushes. After a good long while of swimming, playing, and splashing about, the kitchen staff started to emerge from the brook and locate their clothing. Everyone seemed to be in a grand mood, refreshed from the warm water and fellowship they'd shared. Demon was most interested in the ladies putting on their clothing. He probably thought it unusual that humans put on additional skin.

  Fina announced, “All right, ladies, we’ve had our fun, now there be a meal to prepare. Hungry folk don’t stop coming.”

  Soon we were all making our way to Sirates House. Fulk and I escorted the ladies back to the kitchen, where Fulk said, “Thank you very much for the visit, my ladies.”

  Several of the ladies responded. “Oh, thank you two for inviting us.” “A most enjoyable afternoon.” “Most fun I’ve had in years.”

  “Fairest ladies, please feel welcome at the house at any time, and make use of the brook whenever you like,” I told them.

  The ladies returned to their duties, and Fulk and I turned to go but found Lady Bella standing directly in front of us. I knew she wouldn’t waste an opportunity to ply a bit of terror.

  “Master Gamel, Assistant Fulk, thank you for a very enjoyable afternoon,” she said. “It was much fun.”

  “You are most welcome, my lady,” Fulk said. “We would be honored if you would join us for the evening meal.”

  She looked pleased with the invitation. “I will be by at dusk, then. I will see what Basilea has planned for the meal. Until tonight, young men.”

  With that, we retired to our retreat, securing the horses for the night in the turnout. Checking the outbuilding, we found a good supply of grain feed for Mildred. The grain was a mixture of oats and cracked corn. Although Mildred grazed on rich grass, I thought it best to supplement her diet with the grain while she nursed. With our duties seen to, Fulk and I retired to the house, where we lit some of the oil lamps in the great room. We stocked the wood box next to the hearth from the stacked wood on the porch and lit a good fire. We both sat down in the chairs circling the hearth and admired the flames.

  Looking quite content, Fulk said, “Gamel, I cannot think of a better day of my life than today.”

  “Fulk, someday, we will be tested to our limits physically and mentally. When those dreary days are upon us, let us look back upon this day and remember the perfect day, and our perfect home.”

  “Aye, let this day sustain us through troubled times,” he agreed.

  Chapter 6

  We were both fast asleep in front of the fire when the rear door opened to reveal Lady Bella and Basilea carrying baskets. Fulk and I got up to welcome the two women and offer assistance.

  Bella said, “Good evening, gentlemen. My, this house is very inviting with the fire burning in the hearth, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes, my lady,” I replied. “And thank you for everything you have done for us. Basilea, is there something we can do to help?”

  “Yes, indeed, there is. Take this haunch of beef and get it turning on the spit, please.”

  More than glad to get the meat cooking, we had it spitted in no time, and the fire tended to. Basilea took the kettle from the swing arm and put a few tubers in it with some water and some seasoning added. She replaced the kettle and swung it into the hearth. Without being asked, Fulk and I set the table with plates, utensils, and mugs. With some exploration, we located a jug of cider and placed it on the table with a large jar of water and a dish of butter. With nothing left to do, we went back to the hearth to tend the meat while Lady Bella and Basilea worked on something in the kitchen. Lady Bella asked questions every so often as Basilea worked on making what I assumed to be fresh bread. After about thirty minutes, Lady Bella and Basilea sat down in front of the hearth on the wide chair. By now, a most heavenly scent was filling the great room. Fulk and I smiled at each other.

  “I know that smell! Basilea is baking her famous black bread,” he said happily.

  “Of course I am, Fulk, do you think I could pass up the opportunity to brand the house with my personal cooking smell? How could I possibly resist using my beautiful new clay oven?” Basilea responded. Turning to Bella, she said, “Thank you again, my lady. It is the finest oven anyone could dream of.”

  “Do not worry of it. You three are my favorite young misfits. If I wish to indulge you a bit, it is my rightful place to do so. I have yet to have any of my own children, so I will simply think of you as my own,” Bella answered.

  “Thank you, my lady,” Basilea said. “We are not worthy of your favor.”

  “Oh, but you are. The three of you are key to the future of the hold in more ways than you dare try to realize. The future is a cloudy place, but history does repeat itself over and over again. I tell you all that someday, I will entrust you with my life, and something even more precious to me. The three of you are devoted to one another in a bond as strong as any family ties. You are also bound to me, as I am to you. We are family.” Basilea, Fulk, and I looked at one another in amazement before our gazes returned to Lady Bella as she continued, “Once orphaned, all of you are kin to me now. Unfortunately, such devotion comes at a price. What say the three of you? Can you trust me unconditionally?” We all pledged our allegiance and devotion to her wholeheartedly. “Good. I will be making changes in your
lives that you may not understand. You must trust that one day, all will be clear to you. The lessons learned and the skills taught will all come to play in securing our way of life here in Serenity Valley. I truly love my motherland, but this is my home that I love with all my heart.”

  I said, “My lady, I speak for all of us when I tell you we will do anything to protect you and our home!”

  “I know, Gamel. That is why you are the chosen three; others will play parts, but the three of you are the key to successful continuance of this way of life.”

  Although Fulk was listening intently, he kept turning the spitted meat and checking the kettle. Basilea went to check the bread. The aroma now overpowered us, and many a stomach growl could be heard from all of us.

  Basilea was greeted in the kitchen area by two horse heads poking through the open window over her work table. She said, “We have a couple of beggars at the window. Good thing I baked extra bread, huh, my fine beasties?” Both horses whinnied and vigorously bobbed their heads up and down. By now, Mildred was just as corrupt as Demon. Basilea called out, “The bread is ready; how is the meat doing?”

  “It’s ready,” I answered. “The tubers are ready also.”

  We plated the meat, then removed the tubers and placed them in a bowl. Soon the table was steaming with hot food. Basilea brought two loaves of her amazing bread to the table. Four horse eyes watched her every move. Before we all sat down to eat, Basilea took two loaves of the black bread and gave one each to the greedy horses. They squealed and trotted off with their catch. Basilea closed the window and shuttered it from prying eyes. She repeated the process for the other rear window, then came to sit down. “Hopefully they will be busy for a while and we can eat in peace,” she said.

  Basilea sat on one side of the table next to me, and Fulk sat across from me, leaving the place at the head of the table for Lady Bella. Bella called out, “I’ll be right there. I have to get something from the basket.” She soon returned carrying a large goat skin bag. Noticing the seating arrangement, she said, “What is this? Why am I at table end?”

  “My lady, out of respect, we would be honored for you to take position at table head,” I said.

  “I much appreciate your respect, but this is one place I will feel relaxed and comfortable. Please move down, Fulk. I prefer to be included in this group without regard to title or position.”

  Fulk moved down obediently, and the lady seated herself on the bench next to Fulk and said, “Pass your mugs this way so I may fill them with something suited for the occasion. This is a sweet fruit wine from a French province in the west, beyond the mountains known as Roschale. I must warn you that the sweet, smooth taste hides a tremendously debilitating effect.”

  We all laughed and had our mugs filled, and the lady made a toast. “To the four of us, the four rogues.”

  We all drank the sweet nectar, and I said, “My lady, I do not wish to offend in any way, but do you mind if we give thanks to our God on this important occasion?”

  “Not at all, Gamel. Although my God is known by another name, I believe we all pray to the same God.”

  I was relieved, and the four of us bowed our heads as I prayed. “Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Please help guide us in the coming days to make decisions that are righteous and true. Thank you for bringing the four of us together. Help us be stronger together than separately. Bless this family. Amen.”

  We looked at Lady Bella, who was still praying in silence when I had finished. She raised her head. “Sorry; the translation takes a little longer. My mother language is not efficient and uses too many words to say something.”

  We all had a laugh and began passing the food around the table. We all took small portions of the other things so we could gorge on Basilea’s most favored bread. Looking quite pleased with herself, Bella said, “Basilea, this is simply marvelous. Thank you for teaching me the recipe.”

  “You are most welcome, my lady,” Basilea responded with a smile.

  The bread was fantastic. Some of it, I didn’t even bother to butter as to savor the natural flavor.

  “Basilea, you really must set up a stand at next festival to sell this amazing bread,” Bella told her. “I will help set up portable clay ovens and supply the fixings. You can replace the fixings with a share of the profits.”

  “Do you really think it’s that good, my lady?”

  “It’s better than that good. Just be prepared to have a standing crowd waiting in line to buy it. Perhaps you could recruit some of the kitchen staff to help you handle the demand. They would no doubt enjoy the extra coin.”

  “Thank you, my lady. Thank you very much!”

  The lady looked slightly disturbed, and after a moment, she said, “I would ask you three to do something for me that you may think improper. When I was a little girl, I was very mischievous, so they put bells on my feet to keep track of me. Instead of my father calling me Bella, he used his pet name for me; he simply calls me Bells. When we are away from others, could you please call me Bells and reserve Lady Bella for public use?”

  “Oh, oh, sure Lady, I mean Bells. As you wish. Just give us a bit of time to adjust to it,” I said.

  “It would mean so much to me, really. You see, I hold no favor in being royal born and would much preferred to have been the wife of a common man. We cannot change who we are, nor can we tell our heart who to love. The heart knows what it wants, and we must make a good life from the path we are given.”

  The lady’s honesty rocked us. We looked at one another, and then back at her. Basilea was the first to speak up. “We will do our best to comply my, I mean Bells,” she said. Basilea was embarrassed and put her hand over her mouth. We all started chuckling, then turned our attention to the meal once more. When we had feasted on the bread, meat, and vegetables, we cleared the table and returned to the chairs by the fire. Fulk fed the fire, and the flicker of orange flame lit our faces as we stared into the tangled flames. Enjoying the fire and the good company, the lady seemed to quietly relax, as if she was long overdue a rest.

  After a minute, she asked, “Can I stay here tonight? I don’t want to go back to the hold. For this night, I wish to be just Bells, enjoying my family’s company. Can Lady Bella take a night off?”

  “My, I mean Bells, you are welcome here for all time,” I assured her.

  “Oh, thank you. I have been Lady Bella for twelve years without fault. I just wish to be me tonight.”

  After that night, we looked at the lady very differently. She was truly just a vulnerable woman wanting simple happiness and was missing her family. The real lady was quite different than what she projected to the outside world. Tears ran unrestrained from her eyes. Basilea got up from where she sat next to the lady on the wide chair, and I slipped in next to her. I put my arms around her and placed her head on my chest. She was shaking in my arms as she hugged herself against me. Basilea returned with the wine skin and filled everyone’s mug.

  Fulk stood up. “I will be right back,” he said and left through the rear door.

  In a few minutes, the lady had regained her composure and sat up straight. She said, “I hope I haven’t scared off Fulk?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it,” Basilea told her. “Fulk has a good heart. Like you, Bells, he is just now learning to let go and allow himself feelings.”

  We sipped our wine. Before long, Fulk returned through the rear door and resumed his place in the chair he had vacated. Basilea took the other chair, and Fulk broke the silence. “I gave word that the lady, also known as Bells in certain groups, and Basilea would take their sleep at Sirates House tonight. I didn’t want the captain to send out search parties, but I would be very surprised if a guard isn’t already in place around this house. Such a serious fellow, I think!”

  With that remark, we all started to laugh. We were all smiling again, when Bells said, “Thank you, Fulk. I must admit you have a way with words.”

  “Thank you, Bells. I have
been secretly observing Gamel, kind of learning my words from a proper rogue.”

  Everyone laughed once more. A knock on the door gave cause for the lady to rise. “I know what this is. I will be right back,” she told us. Opening the door revealed one of the lady’s personal guards.

  “Good evening, my lady,” he said. “I just wanted you to know your night guards are in place. If there is anything you need, please let one of us know.”

  “Devin, how many of you are posted?”

  “There are five of us, my lady. Is that sufficient?”

  “Oh, yes, of course. Are you dressed warm enough?”

  “Yes, my lady, we have our cloaks if we need them.”

  “Very well. Hold for a moment, please.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  The lady went to the kitchen area and cut five huge slabs of the black bread and pasted them with butter. She grabbed five mugs from the cabinet and walked to the door. Basilea followed with the jug of cider. Bells said, “Devin, here is some bread and cider. Please see that your men get some.”

  Devin looked down at the bread with wide eyes. “Oh, yes, my lady, of course. Is that the special black bread?”

  “Yes, it is. Basilea and I baked it fresh just this evening.”

  “Oh, my lady, you are too kind. Thank you. We will enjoy it. Be sure of that!”

  “Very well, Devin. If it gets cold, you and your men build a fire ring and warm yourselves. Light the porch lanterns if you wish.”

  “Yes, my lady. We will, and thank you again.”

  While Basilea and the lady returned to their places in front of the fire, Fulk and I secured the bedroom windows and set fires in the bedroom stoves. As we were returning to our seats in front of the hearth, Bells said, “See what I was telling you, Basilea? If we had enough of your bread, we could civilize every man in the land.” Basilea just chuckled, and the lady smiled as she said, “Now, everyone fill your mug, and I will tell you of some changes we will make starting tomorrow.” The three of us looked at the lady and wondered what evil little surprise she could be hatching now.


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