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Serenity Valley

Page 16

by Rocky Bills

  She said, “Horse you make train to do! Horses more pretty ribbon be in hair!” Giselia showed no fear or hesitation but simply walked up to Demon. “You make wonderful pretty horse, are you!” She began scratching behind his ear. The pack was dropped, and Demon laid his head against Giselia’s chest to enjoy the scratch.

  Ivan arrived from behind the wagon with the locket in his hand. “You please inspect, if you like it good!”

  I took the locket and opened the heart to find my inscription engraved in beautiful script. I said, “This is better than good; it is fantastic, the most beautiful engraving I have ever seen!”

  Ivan stood tall. There is nothing better than to hear your work praised. Giselia was busy loving on Demon but noticed Ivan and me. She asked Ivan a question in their language. A smiling Ivan answered Giselia, and they bantered back and forth a bit. By now, Giselia was once again dancing around in place, squealing. Demon looked at her and leaned into her chest to get more scratching. Beaming, she said, “I know you like. Ivan good engrave, most best engrave, my Ivan!” Ivan was smiling at his wife with great pride. “No go, wait no go; I wrap locket box wrap then,” she told me happily.

  I watched as Giselia danced away with the locket. Ivan came over to the horses and began to rub on Mildred, who was very receptive to the kind attention. “This good wagon horse, pretty mare, very pretty!” he said. “Samuel, our wagon horse, he good boy, resting now in pasture; he good friend!” I already liked this couple, but when they talked so fondly of their horse, I liked them even more. These were good people.

  Soon Giselia returned with two packages. The small locket box was wrapped in a light red material and twined with a pink ribbon that tied in a bow knot. The long flat box was covered with a pale green material and twined with a dark green ribbon, also with a bow knot. Giselia said, “You wrapping like, no like it I change for you?”

  “Thank you, Lady Giselia. Your wrapping is perfect. It is beautiful!”

  “Ah, like it you thinks.” She then started dancing around and squealing, something I was familiar with by now, before running back to Demon. I looked at Ivan, and he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  “This, my wife, she good wife, but excited, she is best wife!” Giselia looked at Ivan, smiling.

  I decided to introduce myself. “My name is Gamel. These fines horses are Demon and Mildred.”

  “Gamel, Demon, and Mildred I think make good family, yes?” Giselia said.

  “Yes, we are like family. I have been with Demon since birth, and Mildred is his stepmother for nursing.”

  “Demon mother not live; she dead?”

  “Yes, Giselia. Demon’s mother died giving birth. Mildred and I are raising him.”

  “Oh, so sad, Demon mother die!”

  “I cut Demon from his mother after she died, and we are bound to one another.”

  Giselia looked very serious now. “You save horse; now horse think you he mother!”

  I said, “Yes, I think so. We are very close.”

  “Demon, he knows understand words you say?”

  “Yes, he can tell my mood and understands most of what I say if he wants to.”

  Giselia got very excited and jabbered back and forth with Ivan for some time. They both got huge smiles on their faces, and Ivan said, “Gamel, my wife say you and horse very special bond; you are of one mind, very rare. In our country, they call horse magic man.”

  “Oh, I don’t think it’s magic. We just know each other’s moods and can react to each other.”

  Ivan and Giselia talked some more, and Giselia said, “No, not magic, but people think magic when see horse you together; very special! Mildred horse very special also!” Giselia ran over to Mildred and began rubbing her neck. She said, “She, Mildred horse, become Demon more like; she smart, yes?”

  “Yes, Mildred is very smart,” I agreed. “She has started to imitate Demon also.”

  “She become special with bond Demon you, she learn.” These were the first people I had met who understand my situation. We sat down on some stools Ivan produced and spent the next two hours talking about my bond with Demon.

  Giselia could explain all that was going on between Demon and me, and how Mildred was changing and why. She also told me what could develop in the future with our relationship and how Mildred would be affected. While we talked, Ivan sat with an old worn-out harness, trying to patch it back together. It looked to be older than any of us sitting there. Finally, I spoke up.

  “I say, Ivan, you need a new harness there.”

  “No this one okay still. Maybe we buy next year.”

  Giselia said, “My husband good man. He send money family to home country, not money harness to buy.”

  After our long talk, I asked them if I could visit them and talk more. Perhaps they could come to my house for an evening meal. Although they acted very excited for the invitation, I got the feeling that they didn’t believe it would ever happen. I put the two additional packages in the pack and said, “Well, Demon, who is going to carry the pack, you or me?” Demon bent down and picked up the pack, then turned and waited for me. I waved to Ivan and Giselia. They were both smiling and nodding as we departed.

  Giselia said, “You talking Demon, he understand!”

  Off we went. I now had a better understanding of my relationship with Demon and had a little better idea of what to expect as he matured. Although I wished I could stay longer, more important business was at hand.

  On the way back to Sirates House, I ran into Lord Goodwin and Lord Hamond returning from the stable area. Hamond called, “Oye, Master Gamel. Been doing some shopping there?”

  I stopped to talk to them in front of the main house entrance. I said, “My lords, yes indeed I have been picking up a few items of necessity.” Lord Hamond started rubbing Demon behind the ear. Demon dropped the pack and leaned to get a better scratch.

  Hamond said, “Lord Goodwin has told me the tale of you and Demon. You are to be commended. What a fine stud colt has resulted. I would like to have one of his offspring when the time comes!”

  “We can probably work that out, Hamond,” Goodwin said.

  I could already see the lord sizing up how much coin he could extort from Lord Hamond. The more he wanted it, the more it would cost him. After all, my lord is a horse trader above all else.

  Hamond noticed my boots. “Master Gamel, what sort of boot is that?”

  “My lord, this is the new forest boot that Master Forwin has finished designing after many years. It is light, supple, and designed for running while being both durable and waterproof. He can dye them any color, but this color is best for hunters, runners, and forest soldiers.”

  He asked, “Are they expensive?”

  “Not at all, my lord. When you think about the quality and craftsmanship, they are a bargain. I believe he would give discounts for multiple pair orders as well.”

  “Very well, then. I must meet this master tanner and have me a pair of those.”

  “He is set up in the festival grounds on the left as you go in, my lord.”

  Goodwin said, “I’ll go with you, Hamond. I must also see about a pair for myself.” Lord Goodwin gave me a quick look and a wink. We were thinking along similar lines. Lord Hamond was impressed and wanted anything he could obtain that was hold related. I hoped Master Forwin was able to sell him a hundred pair!

  On to the house we traveled. It was getting close to evening meal, and I wanted everything to be just right.

  I fed and watered the horses for the night, picked up my pack, and made haste to the rear door. As soon as I opened the door, the aroma of fresh-baked black bread assaulted me, leaving my mouth watering. It was safe to say Basilea was already home. “Oye, princess of the castle. What heavenly food fare are you preparing this evening?”

  “Ah, it is Sir Rogue. This evening we will dine on roast lamb with carrots, bread, and cider. Do you know how many guards there will be tonight?”

  “Just make the normal amount of brea
d. The guard will not be increased because they will want to avoid drawing attention to us. Goodwin has let the rumor seed that the Sirates colt is being guarded in case of mischief with all the strangers about the hold.”

  Basilea replied, “That’s a smart idea, a good cover story for deception.”

  “Oh, beautiful one, I think you like deception perhaps too much.”

  “It’s fun, especially when Bells and I send you two men all over the countryside chasing false trails.”

  “How can someone so beautiful be so devious?”

  “Just lucky, I guess!” I placed my pack in the corner. It did not go unnoticed. Basilea asked, “What do you have in the pack? It was empty when I saw you at festival. You must have shopped.”

  “I got these boots.”

  Basilea came over and inspected them closely. “These are great boots. I have never seen these colors before. They will blend right into the forest.”

  “Yes, I call them the forest boot.” I told Basilea about Lord Hamond and how Lord Goodwin and I plotted to get him to buy boots.

  Basilea thought it was hilarious. “I hope Master Forwin doesn’t stroke out when he writes up the order. What else did you get? The pack is way too full to just hold your old boots.”

  I said, “You know, you are way too observant. The rest is a surprise for when everyone gets here tonight.”

  “Um, a surprise? You can go ahead and tell me, you know.”

  “No, actually, I can’t.”

  “Aha! So you got me something, didn’t you, Gamel?”

  “Maybe, hard to tell.”

  She pouted. “That’s not very nice, sir, to torment a poor girl with secrets.”

  “I am assured you will live!”

  Basilea was frowning now. The skin above her nose pinched together. It always does that when she’s upset.

  She walked over to me and put her arms around me. I just stood there, so she grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her. She pressed against me and put her face on my chest. I could feel the heat of her body sink into me. Her golden hair smelled of honey and wheat—this was going to be hard. She asked, “Don’t you want to tell me what my surprise is? Your poor, sweet, beautiful Basilea, does she really need to suffer?”

  “Oh, you’re making this very difficult. I want to tell you, but if I did, it could set in motion a chain of events that could topple the world.”

  “What is the world compared to a moment of happiness for your amazing Basilea?”

  We both started to laugh as the rear door opened and Fulk came in. I called out, “Oye, Fulk, what news have you?”

  Fulk went straight to the cabinet and poured himself a mug of wine and sat at the table. As soon as he sat, he took a long drink from the mug without pause. I asked, “So, Fulk, did Nesta like her gift?”

  Basilea gasped. “You got Nesta a gift?”

  “Oh, yea, she liked it okay—too much, I think!”

  “Tell me about the gift, Fulk?” Fulk was too upset to talk at the moment, so I told the tale of the mirror and brush set, proudly pointing out my fantastic negotiating skills. Basilea’s eyes got huge with interest.

  “So what happened, Fulk? What did she say?” Basilea asked.

  “Well, at first, she didn’t say anything. Her lips started quivering, and tears just ran down her face. It was horrible. She didn’t even blink.”

  Basilea’s eyes were almost popping out of her head. “So, what happened then? Did she kiss you?”

  “No, she came over and sat in my lap. I held her, and she just kept crying. Look, my shirt is all wet.”

  Basilea and I looked at each other but refrained from laughing. Basilea said, “Go on, Fulk. What happened then?”

  “We sat there for a long time, Nesta on my lap, soaking my shirt, me scared to death I did something wrong.”

  “Yes, yes, then, then?” Basilea asked in an encouraging voice.

  Fulk said, “Well, the kitchen staff started coming out to see what was wrong with her, and they got their hands on the mirror set. They made a heck of a spectacle out of the affair, and embarrassed me to death!”

  Basilea asked, “And Nesta is still soaking your shirt and clutching on for her life?”

  Fulk said, “Yea, and I’m trapped there. I can’t get away, don’t know what to do; I almost died!”

  Basilea and I looked at each other and couldn’t hold it in any longer. We burst out laughing.

  Fulk barked out, “It’s not funny, you know. Worst day in my life, I think!”

  Basilea pulled herself together. “Sorry, sorry, tell me what happened next.”

  “Well, she finally got off me so I could stand. She pulled my head down—she is really strong, you know! Then she pulled me into her and kissed me really hard; it actually hurt! She picked up the mirror set, covered it with her smock, and ran away. I don’t know what to make of all this. Can you help me out here, Basilea? She is your friend.”

  “First of all, let me tell you that Nesta is a good girl. She has one of the most tender hearts you will ever find. Her father is a drunken brute without a kind word for Trina or Nesta. As tough as Trina acts, she is a dear soul. I have seen the bruises no matter how she tries to hide them. Nesta has never seen a man show anything but cruelty to a woman, and she didn’t know how to react. She probably went into some kind of shock. Do you like her, Fulk?”

  “I think the sun rises with her!” he exclaimed.

  “Then you need to be patient with her. Show her compassion and a better way to live. This is all new to her.”

  “Why do you think she ran away like that?”

  “She was probably running to hide her present. If her father finds out about it, he will sell it for drink money.”

  “I had no idea things were that bad for her. Now I feel stupid,” he said drearily.

  “You’re not stupid. You are one of the smartest people I know. If you want her, just show her a different way to live.”

  “Well, that explains a lot of questions I have had. Thank you. Now I have some things to think about.”

  “Don’t wait too long before you see her again. She is probably more scared and confused than you are. Go talk to her,” Basilea advised.

  Fulk got up and said, “I’ll be back after a while.”

  He left out the back door, and Basilea and I looked at each other. “You are so wise, as wise as the hoot owl on a moonlit night!” I said.

  Basilea responded, “Why, thank you, kind sir. Let’s eat. We have our lord and lady coming soon.”

  Basilea and I were huddled up on the wide chair in front of the hearth when Fulk came in the back door a while later. Basilea said, “Fulk, if you’re hungry, there is food in the kitchen.”

  “Thanks, but I took food with Nesta and Trina,” he said.

  “So things are good then?” she asked.

  “Yes, better than good. I brought this back for safekeeping. Trina thought it best.” Fulk was holding the marble box.

  Basilea gasped. “Oh, Fulk, can I see it? Oh, it’s beautiful, so simple yet exquisite! What is this material?”

  “It's elephant tusk. The brush hair is giraffe.”

  “Well, I can see how the poor girl went into shock. It’s perfect. It’s splendid. Hey, Fulk, can I be your girlfriend?”

  We all laughed. A knock on the front door interrupted our talk. Fulk answered the door. “Good evening, Devin,” he said. “What’s the news?”

  “Hi, Fulk,” Devin replied. “The lady and lord will arrive shortly. We are in place.”

  Basilea called from the great room, “Hold, Devin, wait, please.” She bustled to the kitchen and retrieved a huge tray with five loaves of bread, a dish of butter, and mugs. Fulk followed her with a large jug of cider. A quick trip to the small guardhouse provided a meal for the men on station. The tray and jug was always back on the porch by morning, always empty of the bread.

  Once that task was completed, Fulk said, “I’ll bunk with you two, if that’s all right? Give the lord and lady som
e privacy.”

  Basilea said, “No problem, Fulk. I don’t think Gamel will kick me out of bed.” We all chuckled, then went to the bedrooms to light oil lamps and set fires in the stoves. By the time that was done, the lord and lady had stepped through the back door.

  Bells said, “We had to compliment Demon on his ribbons before we could pass.”

  “Good evening, my lord, my lady,” Fulk greeted. “Please take your usual room, my lady. I will be taking my rest in the other quarters.”

  “Let us straighten this out immediately,” Lord Goodwin spoke up to say. “In this house, away from the trappings of nobility, we are Goodwin and Bells. I never much liked the whole lord thing anyway, being just a victim of circumstance.” We all smiled and nodded agreement. “Good then, as it’s my first night in a real house for many years, let us have wine together.” We all took chairs at the table, and a wine skin was passed. Goodwin raised his mug and said, “To Bells's band of rogues. May I soon be one!” We all clanged our mugs together, smiling. It didn’t take long for Bells to notice Nesta’s present lying on the table. With Fulk's permission, she examined every inch of it and the contents. She was greatly impressed.

  “Do you know the origin of this work, Fulk?” she asked.

  “No, Bells, just the materials. The instruments are elephant tusk with giraffe brush hair.”

  “Yes, the craftsmanship is from central Asia, where the kukri, katara, and chakram come from. The work is that of a master craftsman, exquisite!”

  Fulk told Bells that he was keeping it for Nesta per Trina’s suggestion, and Goodwin said, “No doubt that drunken lout of a father would steal from his own child. Trina won’t let me banish him; she has too good a heart.”


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