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The Spook in the Stacks_A Lighthouse Library Mystery

Page 24

by Eva Gates

  “I’m all right,” Theodore groaned. “You go with Lucy, Julia.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said. “I’m not leaving you here with him. I don’t know what you’re playing at, Dave, but you’re the one who attacked me, not Theodore.”

  “You’re understandably confused. Let me help.” He stepped toward Julia and Theodore.

  “Don’t move another inch,” I said. “You’re wearing gloves and holding a knife. I see it. Julia sees it. We will not let you put it in Teddy’s hand.”

  Dave turned around, his back pressed against the railing so he had all three of us in sight. He swung the knife from side to side. “No harm done here. Your word against mine. Go back to your library. Take these people with you.”

  I took a quick glance at Theodore. He was pale faced and breathing in short gasps. Blood covered his shirt. The cut was to his upper arm, but he needed to have it seen to, and quickly. Julia pulled off her scarf and tied it tightly around his arm above the wound. “You tried to kill me,” she said to Dave. “Did you kill my grandfather? It must have been you. Why? What did we ever do to you? What do you want from me?” The last rays of daylight disappeared, and the world turned gray.

  “Your grandfather kept you away from your mother all these years,” Dave said. “It broke Anna’s heart to be separated from you. She’s so happy that you’re together again. You can be happy now too, Julia. Mother and daughter together, like it should be.”

  What a lot of nonsense. Dave wanted nothing but Jay’s fortune. He wouldn’t even have to get rid of Anna to get it. She didn’t seem the sort to know much about handling money. She’d hand control over to her husband and be happy with a nice fat spending allowance.

  I refrained from saying so. The man still held the knife. Thanks to Teddy and me, his plan to kill Julia and make it look like Teddy had done it had failed.

  But that wouldn’t be the end of it. How far over the edge was Dave? Would he attempt to get rid of all the witnesses? Meaning me as well.

  I glanced at Theodore. His shirtsleeve was soaked in blood. His face was very pale, and he struggled to breathe.

  “This is obviously all a misunderstanding.” I tried to keep my voice calm. I failed. “Teddy needs help. Let’s go back to the lighthouse and make the call.” I kept my eyes on Dave. “Why don’t you throw that knife into the water? Get rid of the evidence, and we can all calm down.”

  “You should do something about security in your library,” Dave said. “Anyone can simply wander in. Anna was in Italy last weekend, pretending she had a concert to give. In reality, she was knocking on doors, trying to find work. Her situation was getting pretty desperate. She burned through all the money Jay Ruddle had given her over the years, and she’d burned her bridges with most musical companies. Her father-in-law was a wealthy man. I’ve been following his movements for a long time, waiting until the right time to get involved. I intended to tell him to let bygones be bygones and remember that Anna’s the mother of his beloved granddaughter. But before I could arrange a meeting, I heard he was going to give away his historical collection. If he wanted to give it away, why not give it to me—I mean to Anna? Not to some public library. I drove down to Nags Head to have a chat. Man-to-man sort of thing.” He glanced at Julia. “I was only thinking of you.”

  “Yeah, right,” she said. Theodore groaned. His color was not looking good. I didn’t want to stand here talking all night, but as long as Dave had that knife and was in striking distance of Julia …

  “I heard your library was likely to get the collection and figured I’d check it out first. Who knew you’d have a couple of hundred people hanging around that afternoon? I saw Jay and Julia arrive, and then Jay went into the library. I started listening to that lecture, but it was—well, let’s be honest—mighty boring. I figured it was a good opportunity for me and Jay to have our chat. The library was empty, so I called out. He answered, and I went upstairs. As soon as I saw him, I could tell something was bothering him. He had this gold chain in his hand and was wrapping it around his fingers. I told him who I was and what was on my mind. He laughed at me and told me to get out. I don’t like being laughed at.”

  Eyes fixed on Dave, Julia began to slowly get to her feet.

  “No one does,” I said. “It must have been an accident.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” he said. “You’ll tell the cops that, right?” He began to lower the knife. I let out a sigh of relief.

  Julia was small, but powered by rage. She threw her entire body against Dave, throwing him off balance. The knife slashed through the air with an audible swish, but she’d knocked it aside, and it missed. I’d seen what she was intending to do and moved the moment Julia did. I grabbed Dave’s arm before he could swing again. Julia screamed and pummeled the man while I twisted his hand, trying to get him to drop the knife. He fought back, hard, and my grip began to weaken. We were losing. Then, Dave let out a yell and staggered backward. Julia’s foot shot out, and she tripped him. I let go of his wrist and he fell, hard. The knife dropped out of his hand and clattered on the wooden slats. I kicked it over the edge and heard a satisfying splash as it hit the water. Dave lay on the boardwalk, blood leaking from a cut on his head, a shattered cell phone next to him. Theodore struggled to sit up, his breath coming in harsh gasps, his face pinched with pain.

  While Julia and I had been fighting with Dave, Teddy had managed to get his phone out of his pocket and use it as a weapon. Good thing it was his right arm that had been injured. Teddy was left-handed.

  Julia and I piled on top of Dave and held him down. I fumbled in my pocket for my own phone, found it, and pulled it out. I didn’t see how I was going to be able to use it, though—not and help keep the screaming, struggling Dave down.

  “Give it to me,” Teddy said through a gasp of pain. “I’ll call for help. Mine is probably broken.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  While Theodore made the call and Julia held Dave down, I pulled my belt free of my dress. “We can use this.”

  I pulled the man’s arms back and secured them behind him with the belt. Dave kicked and swore, but he wasn’t going anywhere. I sat back on my haunches and took a look at Theodore. His face was sickeningly pale and pinched with pain, and he was sweating profusely, but the flow of blood appeared to be slowing.

  We soon heard the welcome sound of sirens approaching, and red and blue lights broke through the row of tall pines lining the lighthouse driveway. Flashlights shone in the marsh, growing stronger as they approached us. At last I could move off Dave’s still-kicking legs. Strong hands reached around me and jerked him to his feet.

  “He killed Jay,” I gasped. “He said so himself.”

  “It was an accident!” Dave yelled. “I told you it was an accident.”

  “Save it for the judge,” Butch Greenblatt said. He nodded at the officers to take Dave away.

  Julia crouched beside Theodore, murmuring comforting words. Paramedics arrived and tended to him. He tried to protest that he was fine, but they paid him no attention. “Doesn’t look too bad, but you’ll need to be checked out at the hospital.” They loaded him onto a stretcher.

  “Please,” Julia said, “can I come with him?”

  “Should be okay,” one of the paramedics said.

  “You go, Julia,” I said. “I’ll answer the police’s questions.”

  Teddy was wheeled away. Julia walked beside the stretcher, clutching his left hand.

  “You were lucky,” Butch said.


  “I’ve called Watson, and he’s heading for the station. Who is that guy anyway?’

  “Julia’s mother’s husband.”

  “He seems chatty, and Watson’s keen to talk to him. Looks like he’s going to claim it was an accident, but that won’t stand up for long.”

  “No,” I said. “He took down the rope that was blocking the stairs and carried it upstairs into the rare books room with him. No one would do that unless they intended to
use it.” I shuddered.

  “You don’t look too good yourself, Lucy. You need to sit down. Officer Franklin, help Ms. Richardson inside.”

  “I’ve got her.” Connor put his hands on my arms and looked into my face for a long time.

  “What are you doing here?” I said.

  “I am the mayor, remember? It has its privileges. The 911 operator has instructions to alert me whenever there’s a call to the lighthouse. You don’t seem to be able to keep yourself out of trouble.”

  “I’m fine.” I took a step, and my legs collapsed beneath me. I would have fallen had Connor not swept me into his arms.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I don’t go looking for trouble, you know. It seems to find me all on its own.”

  He kissed me. “I guess that’s why I love you so much.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Julia and Greg’s plans to return to New York were cancelled so she could make a formal statement to Detective Watson and fuss over Theodore. He’d spent the night in the hospital and was released in the morning with plenty of stitches, his right arm in a sling, and a prescription for painkillers.

  I went down to the police station first thing in the morning to make my own statement. Connor insisted on picking me up and driving me into town.

  Last night, he’d taken me into the library, sat me in the wingback chair, told Charles to stand guard, and then made a cup of hot, excessively sweet tea. I’d begun to shake by the time the tea was served, and so Connor simply sat with me and chatted about nothing in particular for a long time. When my eyelids began to droop, he took me upstairs, scooted me into the bathroom with my pajamas, and then tucked me into bed. When I awoke, it was daylight, and Connor was asleep in a chair, hair mussed, tie askew, shoes off. Charles was snoozing on the arm of the chair, one paw stretched out and resting on Connor’s chest.

  Man and cat started awake as I put the coffee on.

  “Morning, Your Honor,” I said. “You don’t look very comfortable.”

  Connor stretched his shoulders. Charles stretched his entire body. “I don’t want to make a habit of it,” Connor said, “but I thought someone should be here in case you had nightmares.”

  “Slept like a baby,” I said. “Safe and sound. Don’t you have campaigning to do?”

  “After I ran out of the Rotary meeting mid-speech last night, I probably should start making amends. But some things are more important. I told Dorothy to cancel all my appointments this morning.”

  We smiled at each other. Charles purred.

  Sentiment over, Charles leapt down and demanded to be fed.

  Detective Watson called to tell us that David White had been charged with the murder of Jay Ruddle and the attempted murder of Theodore Kowalski.

  * * *

  Other than that, it was a normal day at the Bodie Island Lighthouse Library. I thought we all might need some closure before Greg and Julia left, so I called Julia in the afternoon and invited them to the library, after closing, for a drink. I also invited my coworkers, Butch and Stephanie, Josie and Grace, Connor (of course!), Theodore, and Louise Jane.

  Theodore came with Greg and Julia, as he wasn’t able to drive. Julia fussed over him, making sure he was comfortably seated and had a drink at hand, while Greg threw poisonous looks across the room.

  I took Julia aside and spoke to her quietly. “How’s your mother doing?”

  “After an initial attack of the vapors at the news that Dave was being charged with Grandfather’s murder, she settled down. She might have forgiven him for that, but she says she will never forgive him for attacking me. She’s at the hotel, not wanting company. She’ll be coming to New York with me tomorrow. We’re going to take rebuilding our relationship slowly.”

  “I’m glad,” I said. We hugged each other and then rejoined our circle of friends.

  “No malicious spirits at work, Louise Jane,” Charlene said, “Nothing but a deranged man. You must be disappointed.”

  “What lead to his derangement, I might wonder?” Louise Jane replied. “Something tipped him over the edge.”

  Charlene rolled her eyes. “Greed. Pure and simple.”

  Louise Jane helped herself to another glass of wine. “Out there on the marsh, at dusk, spirits are at work. As we know, the spirits have a strong influence over those of weaker minds.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

  “Stuff and nonsense.” Theodore tried to sound firm, but he wasn’t able to disguise the slight quiver in his voice.

  Louise Jane ignored him. “I’ve sensed activity around the marsh for some time.” She leaned back in her chair and crossed her long legs. Tonight, instead of her usual sneakers, she was wearing pink and purple rubber boots.

  “Some time,” Charlene muttered to me. “Meaning since last night. Why don’t I put on some music? I’ll run up to my office and get my speakers.” And she was off before I could stop her.

  It was a fun, casual party, and the mood was good. Louise Jane was the first to leave, saying she had a long day ahead of her. She got to her feet and headed out, but not before I noticed her giving Greg a long meaningful look and him nodding in return.


  “I’m off too,” Connor said not long after Louise Jane had left. “Another day of campaigning tomorrow. The end is in sight, thank heavens.”

  “I hear the polls are promising,” Bertie said. “You have a strong lead.”

  “The only poll that matters is the one on election day,” he replied.

  “I’ve booked the rest of the week off work,” I said, “so I can be available to help out.”

  He smiled at me. I walked him to the door, and we kissed good night lightly, aware of everyone watching us.

  “Time to go,” Josie said. I exchanged hugs with her and Grace, and they left, followed by Butch and Stephanie.

  Bertie, Ronald, and Charlene began to tidy up. I reached for a dirty plate, but they told me to sit down.

  “The heroes of the day,” Ronald said, “get the night off dishes.”

  “What’s the next book for your book club?” Julia asked me.

  “We’d chosen Jane Eyre,” I said, “but Sam Watson suggested a Sherlock Holmes. I’m thinking of putting that to a vote.”

  “Excellent idea,” Theodore said. “The Great Detective has inspired millions around the world with his—”

  “Whatever,” Greg said.

  When everything was neat and tidy once again, Bertie said, “Night all.”

  Julia began to get to her feet.

  “What’s the hurry?” Greg said. “Let’s have another drink.”

  “It’s late,” Julia said. “I’m sure Lucy wants to get to bed.”

  “I enjoy your company.” I smothered a yawn. Truth be told, I wanted them all to be gone.

  “Julia’s more determined than ever to buy a place in the Outer Banks,” Greg said. “We’ll be back soon to check out property.”

  “Don’t you have your new job to get to?” Theodore said.

  The corners of Greg’s mouth twitched. “Julia has asked me to stay on, to help sort things out while she makes her decision about what to do with the collection.”

  “Oh.” Theodore’s face fell.

  Greg smirked.

  Julia smiled at Theodore. “Perhaps you can come to visit me in New York. I’d love to show you around our home. My grandfather wasn’t a serious book collector, but he does have a few nice first editions in his library.”

  Teddy beamed. Greg’s face fell.

  “You too, Lucy,” Julia said. “I owe you so much.”

  Greg’s phone beeped, and he pulled it out of his pocket. He read the screen quickly and put it away. “Never mind that other drink. Julia, it’s late. Let’s go.”

  Julia stood up, and Theodore scrambled to his feet. I walked them to the door.

  Julia thanked me once again, and I reminded her to call when she was next in town. She wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her in return. When we separated, mois
ture in her eyes reflected off the light above the door. I might have had tears of my own.

  I stood on the steps and watched the three of them start down the path. Then, to my considerable surprise, a low noise came from the side of the lighthouse.

  “What was that?” Greg turned with a cry.

  It sounded again. A horse’s neigh, lost, empty, full of despair.

  A shadow emerged from the deeper shadows of the lighthouse walls. Moments ago, it had been a clear night, but tendrils of mist drifted across the ground. I sucked in a breath and stepped closer to the solid wall, still warm from the heat of the day.

  A few feet from me, Julia, Greg, and Theodore stood transfixed.

  The mist drifted, and an indistinct shape struggled to take form. I could see a long tail, the memory of four legs, a mane. That sound again …

  “Be gone!” Greg stepped in front of Julia and spread both arms out as though to keep the creature away from her. “Come no closer!”

  The shape began to turn. Where the head should be, two red lights flared. The eyes, the horrible red eyes, focused on Theodore. The creature neighed once again.

  Teddy squealed, and he ran. He bolted down the path to the parking lot, wrenched the car door open, jumped into the back seat of the Escalade, and disappeared from sight.

  “Be gone!” Greg cried again. He took another step toward the apparition, still shielding Julia with his body.

  The creature backed up. It disappeared around the lighthouse, taking the rolling mist with it.

  Greg wrapped Julia in his arms, and she didn’t pull away. “What on earth was that?” Her voice quaked.

  “I don’t know,” Greg said, “But whatever it was, it’s gone now. I frightened it away.” He stroked her hair. “You’re safe with me, Julia. Where’s Theodore gotten to? Oh, looks like he’s hiding in the car. Never mind. Let’s get out of here.”

  I ran into the lighthouse and slammed the door shut behind me. It was real. My ghostly horse was real. Others had seen it too.

  Charles was snoozing in the wingback chair. He opened one eye and looked at me. He yawned.

  Slowly my breathing returned to normal and I mentally examined myself. That had been scary, but not bone chilling. I’d seen something, and I’d been frightened, but I’d not felt anything deep in my bones. Tonight’s horse had been close to me, standing only a few feet away, but it had not reached into my mind the way I’d thought the one in the marsh had tried to do.


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