Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2) Page 9

by R. E. Hunter

  “It’s just, he said some things…” She looked down, picking at the hem of her shirt. “Things about you. He’s bitter and jealous,” she said, “but what he said was true. You chose to hide things from me. Let me find out in the worst way possible.” She lifted her shoulder noncommittally. “He wanted the chance to make me happy. No secrets. No lies.”

  Luke struggled to keep his face blank as anger seethed within him. “He got into your head.”

  Embry nodded. “He reminded me of all of the hurt I’ve been pushing aside, all that I’ve been trying so hard to forget.”


  And he wanted to be mad at her, too, for letting her feelings be so easily manipulated, for even giving Jeremy the time of day, but he was the only person who deserved any blame in this. Embry was right; everything Jeremy had said was true.

  “What else happened?” he asked, getting the feeling that she hadn’t given him the full story.

  Her face crumpled then, and her bottom lip began to quiver. Her eyes, dry just a moment before, filled with tears.

  “Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. “Come here.” He pulled her against his chest, wrapping her tightly in his arms. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he demanded gently.

  “I… he…” she said between sobs. “He can’t be my friend anymore.”

  Luke’s arms tightened around her as she fell apart. He whispered soothing words, her tears soaking his shirt. He wavered between wanting to drag Jeremy back here to make him apologize and being thankful that he was throwing in the towel. Loving Embry Jacobs and losing her had driven Luke into a week-long drinking binge. He understood and felt a small amount of sympathy for Jeremy. Very small.

  When her crying calmed, she rested her head against his chest, her arms wrapped around him, and he thought for the hundredth time that he didn’t deserve her. He’d lied to her from the moment he met her. He let her fall for him, went as far as asking her to move in with him, all while keeping a huge secret—one that he knew would hurt her. Maybe Jeremy was right; maybe she was better off without him.

  “What?” Embry lifted her head in confusion.

  Oh shit.

  He hadn’t realized he’d said the words aloud, but now that they were out there he might as well tell her. Grabbing her hips, he arranged her in front of him, ensuring he had her attention. “Maybe he’s right, Embry. Maybe I don’t deserve you.” It wasn’t as if he hadn’t thought it a million times before, but he felt the need to tell her, to acknowledge it.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he placed a finger over her lips, quieting her.

  “Maybe you’d be better off without me.” He swallowed hard. “You can have a happily ever after with Jeremy and forget all about the pain I’ve caused. And if you want that, even just a little bit, I promise you I won’t stand in your way.”

  She shook her head, her eyes shining.

  “But if you don’t want that… if you still want me…” his eyes shone with determination and promise, “then I’m going to do everything I can to deserve every second I get with you.”

  Her mouth was on his before he could finish his thought. Her long legs straddling him, her hands threading through his hair as she whispered against his lips, “I want you. I choose you.”

  Embry’s heels clicked against the tiled floor as she made her way through the courthouse. Courtrooms lined the hallways, attorneys milling about on benches, waiting for their cases to be called. She scanned their faces, searching for Luke.

  Turning the corner, she found him leaning against one of the pillars, phone glued to his ear. Instead of approaching, she chose to leave him to his conversation, and took the opportunity to stare. He was gorgeous in a dark blue, tailored suit and brown leather, oxford shoes. She sighed. He looked as delicious in clothes as he did undressed. She wasn’t sure which she liked better. Giving it some thought, she decided undressed was definitely the way to go. As the image hit her, a wave of longing swept through her. It had been quite some time since she’d seen him in any state of undress.

  Too long.

  “See something you like?” His southern rasp pulled her from her inappropriate thoughts as he moved into her personal space, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

  She hadn’t even realized she’d been caught. Offering him a rueful smile, she tilted her head as if contemplating his question. “Maybe.”

  His eyes lit with desire. “Careful, Miss Jacobs. You’re about to enter a court of law. All questions must be answered truthfully.”

  Moving in closer, she reached up to whisper in his ear. “Truthfully, I was thinking about all of the things that I like under that suit.”

  A sexy smile graced his lips. “Funny, I was thinking the same thing about your dress.” He slid his hand beneath her blazer, lightly grazing his fingers across the small of her back. She bit back a moan as a chill shot up her spine, and she wished they were somewhere more private, instead of readying to face off against her ex in court.

  As if sensing the shift in her mood, Luke led her to a bench outside the courtroom and sat down beside her. “How’re you doing?”

  “Okay, I guess.” She shrugged, ignoring the knots forming in her stomach. “I don’t want to see him, but if going through this means getting him out of my life in a more permanent way, then it’s worth it.”

  “It’s worth it,” he agreed, giving her hand a squeeze. “I’ve got you covered.”

  She smiled. “I know you do.”

  “Today should be cake. We’ll probably be herded in front of the law clerk and given a new court date. You won’t have to say a word to Jack or anyone else.”

  Embry nodded. It was little comfort. She’d still have to see him.

  Luke checked his watch. “We have about ten minutes before we have to be in there. Do you need anything?”

  She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “I think I’ll just make a quick run to the restroom to freshen up.”

  He stood, offering his hand. “I’ll walk you.”

  “Luke, I’m fine.” She took his hand, standing in front of him. “I can go to the bathroom on my own.”

  “I’m sure you’re very capable,” he said with an undercurrent of concern. “But being that your dickhead of an ex will likely be in the courthouse by now, I’d like to stay close by.”

  Her stomach dropped sharply. He’s here? Now?

  She hadn’t even thought of the possibility of seeing Jack outside the courtroom. Embry gulped but nodded, then she followed Luke down the hallway.

  As they neared the ladies room, Luke stood to the side. “I’ll be right here.”

  She nodded again and stepped through the swinging door. Examining herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, she decided that she looked surprisingly put together despite being a nervous wreck. Her hair was perfectly in place, straight and smooth, falling down her back. Her makeup was intact, and her sheath dress blazer and understated black heels looked both professional and fashionable.

  She took a few quick breaths, hoping to calm her nerves. When she couldn’t delay it any longer, she pushed back through the door and slammed straight into a solid chest.


  “Fancy meeting you here.” The gravely, sarcastic voice chilled her to the bone, and she looked up into his cold, gray eyes.

  “Jack. You… you can’t do this.” She was visibly shaken, her hands trembling at her sides as she glanced around frantically for Luke. “You can’t.”

  Where is he? He was right here a second ago!

  “Can’t what, Embry?” He narrowed his eyes, his lips curving into a malicious grin. “Your restraining order ends today, until the judge renews it. I have to be here, it’s not my fault I bumped into you.”

  He kept her trapped against the wall from where he stood, his large body dwarfing hers and obstructing her view. Her breaths came in quick bursts, panic setting in as she started to relive the moments before he had attacked her over Thanksgiving.

  He couldn’t hurt her here, she r
eminded herself. Not in a courthouse full of attorneys. However, that didn’t help the terror sweeping through her.

  “What do you want with me, Jack?” Her voice cracked. “Just agree to the restraining order and leave me alone.”

  “You see.” His voice was friendly, but his eyes were cold—evil—as he reached toward her, his fingers just grazing her neck before she backed farther against the wall, straining away from his touch. He wasn’t bothered at all by her repulsion. “That slight tinge of red that spreads across your skin when you’re near me? I need it. Crave it. Tell your little lawyer friend to do his best. I will fight this, and I will have you again, Embry.”

  He strode away casually, as if he hadn’t just terrorized his ex-girlfriend in the middle of the hallway.

  Embry rested her head against the wall and closed her eyes, trying to dispel the memories attacking her.


  Luke suddenly stood in front of her, his brow creased with worry. “You look pale. Are you all right?”

  She gulped in a breath, hoping to calm down, but it wasn’t helping.

  “Embry, what’s going on? I didn’t even see you leave the bathroom.”

  “Jack,” she whispered.

  Luke’s eyes widened. “Just now?”

  She nodded, her bottom lip trembling.

  Running a hand through his hair, he looked around wildly. “Fuck! That piece of shit. I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

  Embry placed a hand on his arm. “Luke, please, don’t. He just wanted to rattle me. He accomplished that, but it’s fine. I’m fine.”

  He ran his fingers gently down her cheek, his touch such a stark contrast to Jack’s. “You don’t look fine.” He grabbed her chin, tilting her head from side to side. “Did he touch you?”

  She shook her head, feeling her nerves begin to calm in Luke’s presence. “Barely. I’m okay, really. He just wanted to get a rise out of us.”

  “Well, it fucking worked.” His voice shook with anger.

  “Let’s just get this over with,” she mumbled, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the courtroom.

  He tugged on her hand, pulling her to a stop. “I’m sorry.” His eyes were pained. “That’s twice now. I keep fucking up. An attorney on another case pulled me aside. I thought I had a clear view of the bathroom.”

  “He blocked your view. It isn’t your fault.”

  Luke frowned. “I should know better. I shouldn’t have even let you meet me here alone.”

  “I’m okay, Luke, really,” she insisted, not wanting to talk about it anymore. She was ready to get this day over with.

  Doing away with any professional decorum that he’d been maintaining around the other attorneys, Luke pulled Embry gently into his arms. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”

  “Don’t find out then.” She smiled against his chest. “Go in there and hand his ass to him.”

  Dropping a kiss on the top of her head, he pulled away and winked down at her. “Yes ma’am.”

  Embry followed behind Luke as he pushed through the large wooden doors and walked through the gallery. She’d never been in a courtroom before, and excitement warred with apprehension as she took it all in. The room was old and a bit stuffy with no windows. The walls were covered with wooden paneling, which added to the ancient feel. The gallery held rows of benches filled with attorneys waiting for their cases to be called. A long bar separated the gallery from the courtroom itself, where the judge’s bench sat high against the back wall. Finally, she glanced at the large seal adorned the wall behind the judge’s bench with the words “In God We Trust” above it.

  For just a moment, Embry let go of her fear and reveled in her excitement. Blood rushed through her veins. This was exactly where she belonged, where her future lay.

  Luke led her to a bench near the front of the gallery. Taking a seat beside him, she watched as he carefully scanned the room. She knew exactly when he’d found Jack because his fists tightened on the bench, his knuckles turning white.

  Embry slid her hand from her lap, and lightly grazed Luke’s pinky with her own.

  The tension left his hands and he turned, smiling down at her.

  They’d get through this… together.

  Luke’s anger was momentarily forgotten as Embry wove her tiny fingers between his, careful to keep them out of sight from prying eyes. Her touch calmed him, and he hadn’t realized how much he needed it until now. He squeezed her hand and took a deep breath, letting her touch work its magic. The last thing he needed was to lose his head in court.

  He wouldn’t let Jack get under his skin, but if that fucktard tried anything else with Embry, Luke would take great pleasure in pounding his face again. Outside of the courtroom, of course.

  “Jacobs,” the law clerk called out, and Embry stiffened beside him.

  “That’s us, beautiful.” Luke gave her hand another squeeze, then let go as he ushered them up to the clerk’s desk. They were joined by Jack and another man Luke assumed was his attorney. He felt the panic rolling off Embry in waves. Making a show of leaning in to whisper to his client, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, hoping the physical contact would comfort her as it had comforted him a moment ago. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

  She looked up at him—face ashen, big bright eyes filled with worry—and nodded bravely.

  “Let’s do this.” He winked at her and turned to face their opponents.

  “Garrett Hines.” The man stuck out his hand. “I represent Mr. Stowe.”

  Luke gave him a polite nod and a firm shake. “Luke Brody.”

  “All right, gentlemen,” said the clerk. “We have a petition for an order of protection?”

  “Yes, sir,” Luke answered. He caught Jack sneering at Embry from the corner of his eye and had to fight the overwhelming urge to pummel his face in the middle of the courtroom. “And we’d like to file a violation of the temporary restraining order. Mr. Stowe cornered my client not ten minutes ago in the hallway.” Luke kept his eyes carefully forward, afraid if he took one more look at the douchebag to his left, he’d loose his cool completely.

  The clerk turned his attention to Jack, and his own attorney glared at him, his jaw clenched in frustration. Jack whispered frantically to his attorney.

  “My client did no such thing,” Mr. Hines answered, his irritation with Jack clear on his face. “He simply bumped into Miss Jacobs as she was leaving the restroom. It was innocent.”

  “Miss Jacobs?” the clerk prodded.

  She looked to Luke for guidance. He pressed his hand to her back, urging her to answer.

  “He, um, Mr. Stowe confronted me as I left the restroom and th-threatened me.”

  The clerk’s face remained blank. “What did he say, exactly, Miss Jacobs?”

  Pride swelled in Luke’s chest as he watched Embry straighten, lift her chin and tell the clerk exactly what Jack had done.

  “He told me that he would fight this and he’d have me again.”

  Pride gave way to rage and Luke clenched his jaw, attempting to restrain himself. It wasn’t the smartest idea; representing the girl he was in love with against the piece of shit that had abused her. His head filled with visions of the many ways he’d like to take Jack to the pavement and beat the living shit out of him. But the bottom line was, he didn’t trust anyone else to handle Embry’s case, so he took a calming breath and addressed the clerk.

  “My client has no reason to make this up. We have plenty of evidence against Mr. Stowe already. We just ask that he adhere to the temporary order of restraint and that the violation be filed.”

  The clerk nodded, making a note. “I’ll file the violation. Am I correct to assume, Mr. Stowe, that you don’t intend to consent to the restraining order?”

  Mr. Hines answered. “No, sir, we do not consent.”

  “Very well. A hearing date will be set, and it may be necessary for you to come in for a conference or two before then.” The clerk continued to scribble
notes on the sheet in front of him. “I’ll have the judge sign a new temporary order of protection that’ll extend to your next court date.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Shooting a murderous glance at Jack and receiving the same in return, Luke made one last request of the clerk. “It’s clear that my client has been traumatized by her contact with the defendant. I’d like to request that a court officer escort him from the premises to ensure his compliance with the new order.”

  Jack scoffed, earning him a glare from his attorney, but the clerk motioned for a bailiff.

  Luke grinned. Fucking right, asshole.

  Embry breathed a sigh of relief as she left the courtroom with Luke, renewed protection order in hand. The court officer had escorted Jack and his attorney from the courthouse, making sure there would be no more run-ins. Even still, Luke kept a tight grip on her elbow as he walked her to her car. Though she wasn’t sure if it was for her benefit or his. She’d felt how stiff he was in the courtroom, and she knew he had to be hanging on by a thread.

  As she reached for her keys, she was suddenly spun around and pinned against the car, Luke’s lips slamming into hers. His tongue pushed into her mouth, tangling with hers as they consumed each other, breathing each other in, forgetting that they were standing in the middle of a snow-covered parking lot in the middle of January. He tore her apart and put her back together with one kiss.

  Pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers, panting, “I’m sorry, I—”

  “I know,” she interrupted. “It’s okay.”

  He looked down at his watch and cursed under his breath. “I have another conference in five minutes, then I’m done for the day.”

  He pressed his lips to hers once more. This time his kiss was slow, searing. “I need you,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I don’t want to be away from you right now.”

  Embry nodded weakly. She was shaky at best after her run in with Jack and had no desire to be alone.

  “I’m coming over as soon as I’m finished,” he stated, his eyes serious. “And I’m staying.”

  Her stomach did a flip as she watched him walk away. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.


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