Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2) Page 11

by R. E. Hunter

  Before they reached the table, he whispered, “Keep that secret-keeper shut tight, little lush.” He gave her a wink before sliding back into the booth beside Morgan.

  “Wow, I haven’t seen a smile like that on you in quite a while,” Luke said, wrapping an arm around Embry’s shoulders.

  She stared across the table, watching Brett nuzzle her best friend’s neck, then place a sweet kiss on her cheek. She felt nothing but genuine happiness for them, and suddenly, she realized she wanted that for herself. No more guessing, no more drama. Just… love.

  “No,” she agreed, placing a soft kiss on Luke’s lips. “I guess I haven’t had cause to smile like this in a while.”

  “Do I have anything to do with it?” He leaned in, hope in his eyes.

  She smiled softly as she met his gaze. “You have a lot to do with it.”

  For the next hour or so, they drank and ate, did another round of shots, and enjoyed each other’s company. Around eleven, the tables were moved aside and the mariachi band was replaced with a DJ. The chandeliers were dimmed until the lanterns were the only light glowing throughout the restaurant, throwing shadows across the walls.

  Dinner guests filled the dance floor, swaying their hips to the Latin beat, the energy of the room turning wild and sensual.

  Luke’s eyes narrowed on Embry, tension crackling between them. He stood from the booth, holding out his hand. “Dance with me, gorgeous.”

  Embry looked to her best friend, but Morgan was snuggled in the corner, lost in a moment with Brett. Taking Luke’s hand, they found their way onto the dance floor through the mass of writhing bodies.

  He spun her around, then pulled her in close, his hips dipping and diving to the Latin music.

  Embry looked up at him, blinking. “Where’d you learn to dance like this?”

  A sheepish grin crossed his lips. “Ballroom dancing.”

  He’d taken dance lessons? She pressed her lips together, suppressing a chuckle.

  “It’s okay, you can laugh. But it taught me to move like this,” he said, winking. “My mom signed up for lessons with my dad, but when he got busy with work she’d drag Cam or I along as her partner.”

  “Ah, that explains it. So Caroline’s got moves, huh?”

  Luke laughed, his eyes crinkling handsomely. “Yeah, I guess so.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “My mom’s got moves.”

  Just then Enrique Iglesias came through the speakers singing “Bailando,” and Luke pressed his hips into Embry, swaying with the music.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he gripped her waist and led her around the dance floor. She was reminded of the last time they’d danced together—really danced. It was the masquerade, last semester.

  There’d been so much tension, so much anger between them then; they’d wanted so much from each other but didn’t know how to ask for it. Suddenly, she was back in that moment as she lost herself in the music.

  His hands left a trail of fire on her skin as he skimmed her curves, and she rocked her hips from side to side, keeping time with his perfect rhythm. She was suddenly consumed by the thought of his dance floor abilities and how they’d translate in the bedroom. She was desperate to know how good Luke’s body would feel moving above and inside of hers. Embry reached back and hooked her arm around his neck, pulling him closer. His mouth landed on her nape, licking and kissing a path up to her ear.

  “You look downright edible tonight, Miss Jacobs,” he rasped as he pushed forward with his hips again, letting her feel just how edible he thought she was.

  Luke’s lips grazed the corner of her mouth, bringing her back to the present. “Where were you just now?”

  “Just thinking about the last time we danced together like this.”

  He spun her out, then pulled her close, his mouth brushing lightly against hers. “This is better,” he said, a wicked gleam in his eye.

  “Oh?” she asked, curious.

  “This time,” he said, his hips pushing suggestively into hers, “you’re already mine.”

  A genuine smile spread across her face, and she nodded shyly, thinking of all the ways he’d made her his, all the ways she wanted him to do that again.

  By the time a slow song came on, they’d salsa’d and merengue’d and dragged Brett and Morgan out onto the floor, and Embry was sure of two things. One, she owed Caroline Brody a thank you for blessing her son with some amazing dance moves. And two, her booties were sexy and fabulous and not made for dancing.

  As “Bésame Mucho” came through the speakers, Luke wrapped his arms around Embry, his body sweeping seductively against hers. Even to a slow song, he moved with such skill, and she was reminded that his dancing didn’t even hold a candle to his lovemaking. She ached to feel him like that again, his lips and hands exploring her as he

  moved inside of her. Leaning in close, she rested her head on his chest, their bodies brushing sensually against each other and sending a current of electricity from her head to her toes as they moved to the music.

  “You like this?” Luke asked, his lips grazing her ear.

  She nodded earnestly, and he pulled her tighter against his chest, humming the melody in her ear as their bodies moved in time.


  “Yeah, baby?” He looked down at her, his gaze a soft caress.

  She could barely breathe as she looked up into brilliant pools of blue. “Take me home.”

  The ride home was quiet. Morgan and Brett chatted softly in the front of the car while Embry stretched across the back seat, her head resting in Luke’s lap as he ran his fingers mindlessly through her hair. Staring up at him thoughtfully, she wondered what he was thinking as his blue eyes returned her gaze. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, and he lightly dragged him thumb across her mouth, following the same path. Then he tore his eyes from hers and stared out the window, his jaw clenching.

  She continued to watch him, wondering what had caused the sudden change of emotion, and letting her mind wander. She was juggling a lot—school, research, the hearing with Jack. It was too much, overwhelming, but somehow Luke wasn’t an added burden. He was the only thing keeping her afloat. He was her anchor, steadying her, grounding her. He was a constant, balancing counterweight, sharing her burdens and easing her worry.

  As the final shot of tequila worked its way through her hazy brain, her thoughts blurred around the edges. Thinking was becoming too hard, so she focused back on Luke, the strong shape of his jaw, the curve of his mouth, the long, dark lashes that framed his bright eyes. Suddenly, those eyes were focused on her, heated and intense, but he quickly looked away again, his lips twitching slightly.

  When they pulled up to Luke’s a few minutes later, Embry felt almost awkward as she walked past him into the house, silence and tension stretching between them. Other than the slight strain of his jaw as she brushed by him, he gave nothing away. She was beginning to think she had done something wrong.


  His eyes shot to hers, but more silence.

  “Did—did I do something wrong? Are you upset?” her voice quivered, the alcohol running through her blood doing nothing to quell her emotions.

  He ran a hand roughly through his hair and shook his head. “Embry…”

  She stood in the foyer, shifting uncomfortably on her heels.

  He approached slowly, his face almost pained. “You did nothing wrong.”

  “Then why—”

  He cut her off, reaching out as he tugged at the purse clutched between her hands and dropped it on the entry table. Next came her coat, his fingers deftly popping open each button down the front, his eyes trained on hers.

  “Why?” The muscle in his jaw jumped.

  She nodded, his heated stare making her head hazy.

  His eyes blazed as he stepped further into her space, his hand brushing the side of her face. “I’m trying, Bree.”

  “Trying to what?” she asked innocently.

  “To take it slow. Give you time.
But after today…”

  “After today?” she prompted softly, her wide eyes tempting him. She reached up to toy with the buttons of his shirt, but his hand shot out, catching her wrists.

  “I can’t,” he said thickly.

  “Then don’t.” Her voice was steady and she stared resolutely into his eyes.

  He took her in, his gaze boldly sweeping over her. Then, as if they’d never agreed to take things slowly, he let go of her wrists, pushing her roughly against the wall as he slammed his mouth down on hers.

  He drew his tongue across her bottom lip, begging access, and she opened for him. Licking into her mouth, he kissed her long and deep, his tongue stroking deliciously against hers.

  As Embry pressed closer against him, a tremor shot through her while his hands roamed her body, tracing every curve. He grabbed her thighs and lifted her against the wall, her dress nearly sliding up around her waist as her legs hooked his hips.

  She wrapped herself around him, never wanting to let go. He was everything she wanted, everything she needed. Longing and pleasure coursed through her veins as she relished his touch, his taste. Their mouths still joined, he threaded one hand through her hair, the other gripping her ass tightly as he carried her easily up the stairs. He paused only to kiss her harder, hungrier, stirring the fire in her belly.

  He pushed through the bedroom door, and she unwrapped her legs, sliding slowly down his body, feeling the stiffness of his erection as she went. Reaching for the hem of her dress, she was ready to tear it unceremoniously over her head, to do away with every layer of fabric between them, but he grabbed her wrists once more, his eyes raging with desire. “Let me.”

  She nodded silently and turned around. Gathering her hair, he wrapped it around his fist and tugged gently, angling her head over her right shoulder. Then he leaned in and kissed her swollen lips, slowly unzipping the dress and letting it fall to the floor. As she stepped out of the dress, she turned to allow Luke’s eyes to travel her body, consume her.

  “Goddamn, baby” he breathed.

  His whispered words and heated gaze rooted her to the spot, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

  She stood before him in black lace, the garter belt around her waist holding her thigh highs in place, booties still snug on her feet. Taking a step toward him, she wobbled slightly, but he steadied her in his arms, his hands traveling her body, tracing slow circles on her skin and caressing every curve. Bending his head, he trailed hot kisses down her neck, groaning against her skin as his fingers found the garter belt. Love and lust rolled off of him as he effortlessly flicked the straps from her stockings one by one.

  Desperately, she worked the buttons on his shirt, only halfway through when he ripped it off. A startled gasp escaped her lips, her eyes lighting with pleasure as she took him in. She dragged her fingers down his chest, tracing the outline of his abs, watching his muscles tense beneath his naturally tanned skin as he responded to her touch, his eyes momentarily fluttering shut as chills broke out across his torso.

  She unbuckled his belt, wasting no time undoing his pants and pushing them down his hips. At that, he took over, kicking off his shoes and socks, and making short work of his pants, pushing everything to the side.

  “Christ.” He dug his hands through her hair, angling her face toward his and teasing her with the promise of his lips. “I’ve been wanting this since I dragged you into that empty room the first day of school.”

  She pushed onto her toes, whispering against his mouth. “Then take it.”

  He nipped at her bottom lip, dragging it through his teeth. “My little tease.”

  “No more teasing,” she said, “I promise.” Her tone was serious, but verging on the edge of pleading.

  Finally, his mouth came down on hers as he walked her backward until the backs of her thighs hit the bed. She eased herself onto the mattress and Luke stood between her legs, hungry eyes down at her. “Lay back.”

  She complied and he bent over her, his hard cock straining against his boxers and brushing against her core as he licked and kissed down her neck, making his way to her chest. Unhooking the front clasp of her bra, he freed her breasts, throwing the bra aside. He took turns teasing her nipples, his soft, wet tongue swirling slowly around the hardened peaks before sucking them into his mouth. She let out a soft moan, arching her back to give him more access, her hands grabbing at his hair.

  Heat pooled at her center as he kissed his way down her stomach, his hands running up and down her thighs. He reached the garter belt and nipped at it with his teeth, his eyes flicking to hers. “I like this.”

  She groaned in response. He’d barely touched her, yet her body trembled beneath him, ready to burst as his hands traveled further up her open thighs, his mouth moving lower. He kissed over the thin lace of her thong before tugging the panties down her legs, leaving the garter sitting on her naked waist, the loose straps tickling her thighs.

  He ran a finger through her center, barely grazing her clit, and she nearly exploded. He hadn’t touched her in so long. She was overwhelmed with sensation and emotion.

  “Luke, please,” she begged.

  He ignored her pleas, taking his time as he gripped her thighs, pushing her legs apart, kissing and teasing. “So wet, baby,” he said, his voice gravelly and thick with need as he slid two fingers inside of her.

  She writhed beneath him, desperate for relief.

  “What do you want, Embry?” His hot breath against her sensitive skin was nearly her undoing.

  “Your mouth,” she sighed as he worked his fingers in and out of her. The touching, the teasing, it was almost more than she could take.

  Then his mouth came down on her, his tongue hot and wet against her center. She was unraveling, fast. Her hands gripped the bed sheets as he licked and teased her clit, pushing her closer to oblivion.

  “Luke,” she moaned. “I need you.” She ached for him; needed to feel the weight of his body on top of her, feel him moving inside of her. She needed it more than she needed breath.

  He looked up from between her legs. “I’m yours,” he promised, licking and nipping at the insides of her thighs. “This is about you, baby, let me make you feel good.”

  “But, I—”

  His mouth was on her again, silencing her protests, every stroke of his tongue taking her higher, closer to spiraling over the edge. Then, sucking her clit into his mouth, he curled his fingers inside of her, and she shattered beneath him, her whole body tensing as wave after wave of pure pleasure rushed through her, arching her off the bed, her eyes fluttering shut as she cried out. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as emotions flooded her.

  He crawled up her body, pressing soft, sweet kisses against her flushed skin. She felt his love, his adoration, as he cradled her against his chest, lightly tracing his fingers up and down her spine, lulling her.

  She was exhausted—her eyelids heavy. He’d left her completely satiated. But when she opened her eyes, seductive pools of blue staring back at her, her body woke up once more. Her lips found his, and their tongues tangled lazily, her taste mixing with his. She trailed her fingers down his chest, over the happy trail on his abdomen and into his boxer briefs. As she gripped him tightly, he moaned, but he broke the kiss, bringing his forehead to hers and letting out an almost tortured sigh.

  “No, Bree.”

  She continued to stroke him. “What do you mean, no?” she asked incredulously, nipping at his lips.

  “I can’t. I don’t…” He struggled to speak as she dragged her thumb over the thick head of his cock before he reached down to still her hand. “I don’t have enough control right now.”

  She pulled back, narrowing her eyes at him. “I don’t want you to have control. Take me,” she invited as she began to stroke him again.

  He pulled out of her grasp with a grunt. Nudging her hips, he rolled her over, pulled the comforter over them and wrapped himself around her.

  “I know you want me,” he started, his voice husky as his
lips teased the shell of her ear. “You know I want you too.” He flexed his hips against her backside to drive home his point. “But it’s not just sex with us and you know it. When you’re ready, Embry. However long.” He nuzzled her neck, wrapping his arms tighter around her, and she relaxed into his chest. “I love you.”

  Her heart rose into her throat, fear paralyzing her. She knew what he meant by ‘ready.’ He wanted her to be able to say those words back, out loud. She did love him. So fucking much. So why couldn’t she just say it?

  Shutting her eyes tight, she came up with the only response she could think of at the moment. She hated herself for it, even as the words left her mouth. “I know.”

  Luke woke to hot kisses trailing down his chest. His dick was already hard, and the anticipation was making his balls ache. He struggled to keep his breathing even, not wanting to let Embry know he was awake in case it would interrupt her forward progress. But when she gripped his cock, her warm, wet tongue sliding up and down his length, he woke right up, groaning loudly and shifting beneath her. He fisted his hand in her hair as she licked him from root to tip. He’d missed this, missed her. There was no better feeling than waking up with Embry in his bed, except for waking up with Embry between his legs, her bare breasts brushing his thighs, and her mouth on his cock.

  He let out an audible sigh, his balls tightening as she took him fully into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around him while her soft, pink lips pushed past the thick head of his cock.

  He shoved up onto his elbows, loving the sight of her mouth on him, the curve of her back and her ass in the air. It was the perfect view. And when she looked up, her wide eyes finding his as she hollowed her cheeks and took him hard and deep, he thought he might lose his fucking mind right then and there.

  “Baby,” he groaned, his hips bucking slightly as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat.

  “Mmmm?” He almost exploded as her lips vibrated around him. Her tiny hand stroked his base, covering what her mouth couldn’t reach, while her other hand cupped his balls—teasing—her mouth hot and wet around him.


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