Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2) Page 12

by R. E. Hunter

  He wouldn’t last another minute the way she was going. Her hair was loose and wild, silky blonde strands sweeping across his sensitive skin as her head bobbed up and down. Gathering her hair, he fisted it in his hands, watching her work his cock the way only she knew how—licking and sucking, teasing and nipping, swirling her tongue around the tip, then licking down to his balls and back. Taking him deep, his cock once again nudged the back of her throat and sent him over the edge.

  “Embry, fuck, I’m gonna come,” he growled, clenching his teeth. His heartbeat pounded in his ears as his balls pulled tight and his limbs tingled, his body shuddering beneath her as he exploded in her mouth.

  His head fell back against the pillow and she crawled up the bed to join him.

  “Good morning,” she whispered, kissing his chest and nuzzling his neck.

  “Good morning is right,” he rasped.

  She giggled, the sound making him want her all over again.

  “Thank you.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek. She fit perfectly in his life, his home, his bed. He loved having her back, especially if it meant waking up like that.

  She rolled onto her back and stretched luxuriously before shifting to face him. “I have news.” Her eyes shone with excitement. She looked like a little girl with a big secret.

  He chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Do tell,” he prompted, tracing lazy circles over her curves.

  “Brett’s going to propose,” she whispered, as if saying it any louder would spoil the surprise. “And he wants me to help!” She smiled brilliantly at Luke.

  “Exciting,” he agreed.

  Her face fell, and he knew he hadn’t shown the proper amount of enthusiasm. “You’re not excited?”

  “I am,” he insisted. “That’s why I just said ‘exciting.’”

  “But you don’t sound excited.” Her perfect, plump lips formed a little pout, and he instantly felt bad. He was happy for Morgan and Brett, they were a great couple. And he was even happier for Embry to be involved when it brought her so much joy. But he was a man. He liked to fish, play sports. The only thing that interested him when it came to weddings was cake tasting. That sounded like something he’d get excited about.

  He reached out, cupping her cheek. “Babe, this is your area. I’m a dude. But I’m really happy for Brett and Morgan.”

  She sat up, taking the sheet with her and depriving Luke of his view. “I was going to use you,” she continued to pout.

  “Use me?” He grabbed her waist, pulling her down to the bed and rolling on top of her, his eyebrows dancing suggestively.

  She giggled again and playfully swatted him. “Yes, use you to help with the plan.”

  He bent his head, pressing his lips to hers. “If you want me, I’m yours.”

  Taking the upper hand, she rolled so she was on top of him, the sheet coming loose in the process and exposing her naked form. Her hair fell around her face in curtains and his cock began to harden as her smooth, soft skin brushed against his.

  Ducking her head, she ran her tongue up his neck and nipped at his ear. “I do want you.”

  Her hot breath on his neck was his undoing. He stared at her, poised above him, full breasts and flat stomach, long legs trapping his. She shifted slightly, and his will power nearly dissolved. The thought of being inside of her was consuming him, causing his cock to become painfully hard.

  There was no doubt he wanted her, too. So bad he fucking ached for her. And she was ready physically. He could tell. If he had really wanted to, he could’ve had her in that classroom on the first day of the semester.

  But this wasn’t about him.

  He loved her. He was in this for the long haul. And if that meant a few more weeks of cold showers to prove to her that she could trust him, depend on him, then he’d do it.

  It would be a bit easier if he didn’t find himself in his current situation—gorgeous, naked girl that he was in love with hovering over him, dangerously close to his hard cock.

  Decision made, he let out a tortured grunt and rolled them over again, fisting his hands in the bed sheets as he warred with the desire to plunge right into her. “I want you too, beautiful.” He bent his head to place a chaste kiss on her nose. “But not yet.” Then he winked and forced himself out of bed, heading for the bathroom before he could change his mind.

  He chuckled as a delicate but frustrated growl came from the bedroom before he closed the door behind him.

  Time for that cold fucking shower.

  “Hey hooker!” Morgan greeted as she climbed into Embry’s car.

  Embry smiled awkwardly, having a hard time containing her excitement at the surprise that lay ahead. If she didn’t pull herself together, she’d ruin everything. “Hey,” she responded, trying to keep her voice casual.

  “Just ‘hey’?” Morgan frowned. “That’s all I get after weeks of barely seeing you?”

  “Nooo, hiiiiii!” Embry beamed, responding a bit too enthusiastically as she pulled out of the parking lot. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy. I promise I wasn’t avoiding you.” She felt awful, because the truth was she had been avoiding Morgan since their night out together. It was just too hard being around her and not spilling this very big secret. She wasn’t sure she could look at her friend without grinning like an idiot and giving it all away.

  Now they were headed out East, to the North Fork of Long Island, for Morgan’s surprise engagement, and Embry would be stuck in the car with her for at least an hour. She prayed to all that was holy that she’d be able to hold it together.

  Morgan’s lips twisted into a knowing smirk. “I understand. I’d be busy too if I had a Southern Sexy to roll around with in bed.”

  “Ha!” Embry laughed. “There’s been some rolling around,” she admitted, then added disappointedly, “but still no sex.”

  “I think you need a time out,” Morgan said, matter-of-factly.

  Embry’s nose crinkled. “A time out?”

  “Yes. It’s an honor bestowed upon you to have Southern Sexy in your bed, and if you’re not going to make good use of him, you should give him to someone who will,” Morgan deadpanned.

  “It’s him!” Embry argued, her frustration boiling over. But she wasn’t only frustrated with Luke, she was frustrated with herself.

  “What do you mean, it’s him? Is there a mechanical issue?” Morgan looked horrified.

  “Ooooh no,” Embry sang sarcastically. “I can assure you there are no mechanical difficulties. What. So. Ever.” The words came out in a stiff staccato, driving home her point.

  Embry practically groaned her frustration aloud as images flashed through her head, highlighting the past few weeks. They had been nothing short of torturous. Their joint stubbornness had turned their sex life into nothing more than battle of wills. They pushed and pulled against each other, fighting for something they both wanted but were somehow unable to achieve. And that was mostly her fault if she was being honest. Luke wouldn’t sleep with her until she told him she loved him, which she did, but couldn’t bring herself to say. She just wanted the sex to happen—period, without having to think about or focus on feelings. The result so far had been… interesting. There’d been a lot of orgasms, a lot of tantrums and a ridiculous amount of cold showers. Though she had a feeling she was starting to wear him down.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Morgan broke through her thoughts.

  “I can’t tell him I love him,” Embry admitted, her fingers curling painfully around the steering wheel as she blushed with embarrassment. It sounded absurd when she said it out loud.

  Morgan tilted her head, pursed her lips, then eyed Embry curiously. “But you do love him.”

  “I do.” She nodded.

  Morgan rubbed her forehead. “I’m confused.”

  “Welcome to my life,” Embry sighed miserably. “I know it makes no sense, but if I say those words…” she trailed off, realizing how much she actually wanted them, to open up to him again. “What if he does it again?” she blurted.

  “Does what?” Morgan asked. “Lies?”

  “Destroys me.” Her face crumbled and her stomach dropped at the thought. “I won’t survive it.”

  “I hate to tell you this” —Morgan placed a hand on Embry’s arm— “but whether you actually tell him you love him or you don’t, it’s not going to save your heart from breaking if he hurts you again.”

  Embry puffed out her cheeks, then let out a heavy breath and nodded. Morgan was right. As much as she wanted to pretend that she was keeping things light and easy—protecting her heart by not telling him how she felt—the reality was she was falling for him all over again. And that terrified her.

  “Forgiving someone doesn’t mean forgetting,” Morgan said carefully. “But it means giving them the chance to move forward. You’ve already forgiven Luke, given him that chance, or you wouldn’t be with him. You can’t hold this over his head forever. At some point you have to just let go and trust him with your heart again.”

  Embry glanced at her friend, then let out a disbelieving chuckle. “How do you do it, Morgan?”

  “Do what?” Morgan blinked.

  Embry shook her head and chuckled quietly. “Nothing. Just thank you.”

  A satisfied smile lit Morgan’s face. “You’re welcome. Now where are we going again and why?”

  Embry rolled her eyes. Back to typical Morgan. “The Row House. It’s an oyster and wine bar on the Peconic Bay. I wanted to check it out. I was thinking maybe I could do something nice for Luke with Valentine’s Day coming up.”

  “Oysters are aphrodisiacs, you know,” Morgan quipped, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, then clapped her hands together in excitement. “I have a great idea! Tell him you love him, then take him for oysters and have crazy, hot, southern sex and make me proud!”

  Embry threw back her head and laughed… though it wasn’t a half bad idea. Just the thought of crazy, hot sex with Luke made her shiver with pleasure.

  “Why would you pick a place so far out east, though?” Morgan asked as they whizzed by wineries, several mom-and-pop shops, and farm stands buttoned up for winter. “You know I love it out here, but it’s a drive.”

  Embry shrugged. She loved it out here, too, but she hadn’t picked it. This was all Brett. But she stuck to the script, hoping she was doing a good enough job throwing Morgan off the trail. “I’ve heard good things about it, and Luke mentioned it once so I thought it would be a nice surprise.”

  “Oh, okay,” Morgan answered, seemingly satisfied with Embry’s explanation. “You know, speaking of boyfriends, I haven’t heard from Brett all day,” she huffed, checking her phone. “My birthday is two days away, and he hasn’t said a word. My twenty-fifth birthday! This is a big one!”

  Embry stifled a grin and pulled off what she hoped was a nonchalant shrug. “Maybe he’s planning something special.”

  “I don’t know,” Morgan sighed. “He’s been acting weird lately—”

  “Oh, look!” Embry exclaimed, pointing to the restaurant lit up across the street. She silently thanked the powers that be for the distraction. “That’s it. Isn’t it nice?”

  Morgan nodded along.

  Embry pulled straight up to the valet stand, hoping to avoid Morgan noticing any cars she might recognize. Making a show of handing her keys to the valet, she quickly pulled out her phone and sent a text to Brett before meeting Morgan around the other side of the car and walking toward the entrance together.

  The restaurant was two stories with an outdoor deck and large, floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out onto the bay. Their eyes went wide as they stepped into a gorgeous, cavernous room filled with hanging lanterns and candles and rustic wooden accents. The winter sun had begun to set, slowly sinking behind the horizon of the bay and bathing the restaurant in a brilliant orange glow.

  “Wow, Bree,” Morgan breathed in awe. “This place is beautiful. Luke will love it, I’m sure.”

  Embry nodded enthusiastically, her eyes roaming the interior of the large restaurant. Brett had done an amazing job. It was going to be a memorable night for sure.

  “May I help you?”

  The girls turned to find a hostess eyeing them curiously, and Embry put on her game face. She and Brett had already gone over this, and the hostess was in on it as well, but she was still feeling a bit jittery, her nerves getting the best of her.

  “Um, hi, yes,” she somewhat stammered, a nervous smile stretching her lips. “I’m Embry, I called earlier today. I was hoping the back dining room would be available? I heard it has a wonderful view.”

  The hostess’ face fell. “There’s actually a private party in there tonight,” the girl responded apologetically. “But why don’t we walk back there, I’m sure we could at least peek our heads in.”

  Morgan waved her off. “Oh that’s all right, we don’t want to disturb them.”

  “No,” Embry shot back a bit too fast, and Morgan frowned. Embry corrected quickly, “I mean, I would really like to just take a peek, please.”

  The hostess gestured them along, Morgan first, and then Embry following behind, gnawing the hell out of her lip. She hated surprises.

  When they reached the back of the restaurant, the hostess made a spectacle of showing them the room. “Just a quick look, and try to go unnoticed.”

  She pulled open the door, revealing the smiling faces of Morgan’s friends and family shouting, “Surprise!”

  Morgan’s mouth dropped open, then she glanced back and forth between Embry and the room full of her loved ones. “Happy Birthday, M,” Embry said, squeezing her shoulder and urging her forward.

  She followed Morgan into the room, bombarded with ‘hellos’ from Morgan’s parents and siblings. Finally, she spotted Luke, leaning against one of the windows in the back, a large grin on his face as he patiently waited for her.

  It took a few minutes, but once she made her way through more of Morgan’s relatives and friends, she fell into his arms. “I hate surprises!”

  He bent his head, brushing his lips against hers. “Oh, come on.” He took her by the shoulders and turned her toward the room. “Look how happy your best friend is. And there’s more to come.”

  He was right. Morgan was beaming, surrounded by her loved ones as Brett hung back, allowing her the spotlight.

  Luke pulled Embry’s back against his chest and nuzzled her ear. “Want something to drink?”

  She looked back at him over her shoulder and smiled softly. “Yes, please.”

  While he made his way to the bar, Embry turned to stare out the window. She watched the sun sink further from the sky, her thoughts far away. Morgan was right, she had to open up to Luke. Withholding her feelings from him wouldn’t make the pain any less if he lied again. She thought she was protecting herself but all she was really doing was hurting them both.

  “She’s gonna say yes, right?” Brett whispered anxiously, coming up beside her.

  She looked up into his wide, worried eyes and wrapped her arm around his waist, hugging him to her side. “She’ll say yes.”

  He scraped a hand through his hair. “How can you be so sure?”

  Brett had always been so cool, so self-assured; it melted her heart to see him so uneasy about this.

  “She’d be crazy not to,” Embry said with confidence.

  “You think?” He reached into his pocket, discreetly pulling out the ring box and eyeing it nervously.

  Embry slapped at his hand. “Put that thing away,” she scolded quietly, then added, “And I know. There’s not a doubt. You just have to ask her.” She offered an encouraging smile.

  “My two favorite people!” Morgan exclaimed, taking Embry and Brett by surprise and wrapping her arms around them both.

  Embry watched from the corner of her eye as Brett smoothly deposited the box back into his pocket.

  “Are you having fun, birthday girl?” Embry asked, turning toward Morgan and offering a wide smile.

  “So much!” She held up her champagne. “You did this? You

  Embry looked up at Brett, then nodded. “I helped.”

  Morgan beamed at her.

  Luke walked over then, handing Embry a glass of champagne.

  “And you, Mr. Southern Sexy! You helped, too?” Morgan playfully poked his chest.

  Luke shrugged and took a sip of his drink. “It would’ve been a nice V-day spot.” He smirked.

  “Oh, don’t you worry.” Morgan winked suggestively. “I gave our girl some other ideas that you might like.”

  Embry swatted at Morgan, then narrowed her eyes and gave a slight shake of her head. Morgan only raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement, then continued joking with Luke, while Embry turned her attention back to Brett. She watched him close his eyes briefly, sucking in a deep breath. When he opened them again, he shot Embry a wink, then grabbed Morgan by the elbow.

  Embry wanted to jump up and down in excitement, instead she twined her fingers with Luke’s, squeezing the life out of his hand as she leaned in to whisper, “This is it!”

  They looked on as Brett led Morgan through groups of relatives and friends, toward the center of the room. Everyone quieted as he raised his glass to Morgan.

  “I just wanted to make a toast to the gorgeous birthday girl.” He smiled brilliantly at Morgan, his eyes lit with so much love. “I don’t know how we were able to pull this off tonight, but I’m so glad we did! Morgan,” he cleared his throat, now looking emotional, “you’ve put up with me for the better part of four years now, and I couldn’t think of anybody else I’d rather spend my life with.”

  Setting his glass on the table next to him, he slowly sank onto one knee, his hand shaking slightly as he reached into his suit jacket pocket.

  Morgan sucked in a surprised breath. Her jaw dropped open, her hands flying up to cover her mouth as her eyes shined bright with tears. “Oh my God!”

  Luke wrapped his arm around Embry’s shoulder, pulling her tight against his side. She leaned her head against his chest, her eyes filling with tears as she watched her best friend get engaged.


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