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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

Page 14

by R. E. Hunter

  “I think you just missed this,” he said, pushing his hips toward her with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh, I definitely missed that.” She giggled and the sound went straight to his dick.

  “I’m just glad you’re here.” He pressed his mouth to hers, her lips warm and sweet.

  She sighed, stretching sleepily in his arms and tucking her face under his chin. “Me too.”

  He held her tight, breathing her in, still feeling like at any moment she’d decide he wasn’t worth it. But he pushed the feelings aside, relishing the feel of her in his arms, in his bed, and reminded himself that she had the chance to leave, to walk away, and she didn’t. She chose him.

  “Luke?” Her warm breath bathed his neck.

  “Right here, baby,” he whispered against the top of her head.

  “Remember when you told me you didn’t work without me?”

  He nodded, memories of the past few months flashing behind his eyes.

  “I think you were right.”

  Embry hopped through the hallway, her hair falling in long curls around her face as she balanced on one foot, attempting to slip on her other boot. “Five more minutes, I promise!”

  “Take your time, babe,” Luke called from the other room.

  “I swear, I’m coming.” She popped into the bathroom, checking her makeup and spritzing perfume before she walked into the living room, finding Luke kicked back on the couch with a beer and a hockey game on the TV. She frowned at him. “Seriously?”

  He looked up and shrugged. “What? You were taking forever.”

  “Down that bad boy and let’s go.” She grabbed her purse and the engagement gift sitting on the table.

  Luke finished his beer and turned off the TV. Cornering her against the counter, his hands roamed the curve of her hips and snuck around to cup her ass. “You look beautiful,” he rasped, nuzzling her neck. “Mmm, and you smell amazing.”

  Embry let out a soft sigh, loving the way his lips felt on her neck, before shoving his shoulders and trying to escape him.

  But he didn’t budge, nipping at her ear, his tongue then replacing his teeth. “We’re already late, five more minutes won’t matter.”

  She pulled back, giving him a dubious look. “Five minutes?”

  “Mmmhmm,” he hummed against her lips, closing his mouth over hers.

  She reveled in the kiss, his tongue hard and demanding as he squeezed her ass and pulled her tight against him. He flexed his hips to let her know he was ready, and she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

  Then she stopped abruptly. “Only five minutes?” she asked again.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “We’re in a rush, I can be quick.”

  She pulled him close again, pushing up on her toes as she dropped hot kisses along his neck. “I like it when you take your time,” she whispered.

  Luke pulled away abruptly, digging his phone from his pocket.

  “What’re you doing?” Embry asked, brows scrunched in confusion.

  “Calling Brett.” He scrolled through the contacts on his phone.

  “What for?”

  He grinned wickedly. “To let him know we can’t make it.”

  She let out a frustrated huff. “Luke, no. It’s their engagement party!” He had to be joking. He knew she couldn’t miss this.

  Chuckling, he turned her toward the door, his hand landing a stinging slap on her behind. “Then take your beautiful ass out that door before I throw you over my shoulder and haul you off to bed.”

  She gave him a full-on pout, rubbing her sore backside and did as she was told.

  They arrived at Haymaker’s a short while later. It was a popular whiskey and wine bar in Queens. Making their way into the private lounge, they found the party in full swing. Everyone was drinking and mingling in the dimly lit room, spread out on comfortable leather booths and ottomans that were colored in rich reds and browns, while melodic dubstep pulsed in the background.

  “Drinks?” Luke offered.

  Embry nodded, scanning the room. She spotted Morgan in the corner and started heading in that direction. “Surprise me, okay?”

  He nodded and headed for the bar.

  When Embry was close enough, she wrapped her arms around Morgan’s neck. “Hey, Mrs. Parker.”

  “You’re here!” Morgan screeched. “Happy early Valentine’s day!”

  Embry shook her head and laughed. “I’m pretty sure that’s not what we’re here to celebrate,” she noted, handing Morgan her gift. “How many drinks have you had?”

  “Too many already.” Brett’s voice carried over the music as he bent his head, dropping a kiss on Embry’s cheek. “That’s my girl, though—wrecked by nine p.m.”

  “And you love me!” Morgan shot back.

  Brett winked at Embry before pulling Morgan in for a sweet kiss. “That I do.”

  “So are you doing anything special tomorrow?” Morgan asked.

  She and Luke hadn’t really talked about Valentine’s Day. He was busy with work, she was busy with school, and when they were together, they were busy with each other… which sounded like a good enough Valentine’s Day to her. She shrugged in response to Morgan’s question. “I’m not sure. I think we’re just going to have a quiet day together.”

  “And have sex finally?” Morgan wiggled her eyebrows.

  Embry shrugged, playing coy.

  “Oooh.” Morgan pointed her finger at Embry. “You did it already? Southern Sexy’s balls are no longer blue?”

  Embry tried and failed to suppress a giggle. “No, they’re not blue.”

  “God Bless America!” Morgan shouted.

  Embry laughed again, then turned to Brett shaking her head. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  Before he could respond, Morgan interrupted, tugging on his sleeve. “Look.” She pointed toward the doorway where a group of people were walking in. “We should be greeting people!” Then her eyes bunched together in confusion as she glanced around the room. “Bree, where is Southern Sexy?”

  “You do know he has a name, right?” Embry teased.

  “Of course I do!” Morgan scoffed. “It’s Southern Sexy!”

  Embry rolled her eyes, then motioned toward the bar. “Luke is grabbing drinks. Go ahead and greet away. We’ll be here.”

  Just as Morgan and Brett stepped away, Embry felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned to find Brendan, Brett’s handsome but slightly annoying CrossFit friend that they’d tried and failed to set her up with.

  “Oh, hey, Bren—” Before she knew it, his arms were around her, squeezing the air out of her in an overly enthusiastic hug.

  “Embry, so good to see you! You look gorgeous!”

  She was stiff and uncomfortable in his arms, her hands stuck at her sides. Left with no other choice, she stood awkwardly as he continued to squeeze the life out of her. And just her luck, Luke walked up right then, drinks in hand and a curious look on his face.

  She stared at him over the big broad shoulder that had entrapped her, eyes wide and begging for help until Brendan finally loosened his grip.

  He pulled away, green eyes smiling as he took her in. “Are you here alone?”

  “No, um, actually…” She motioned to Luke, who came to stand beside her and handed her a glass of wine. “This is my boyfriend, Luke.”

  “How’s it going, man?” Luke said, smiling graciously and offering his hand for a shake.

  “Oh, hey, nice to meet you,” Brendan said at the same time, holding his hand up in the air.

  They stood there in a sort of stalemate, both holding out their hands in different positions. Embry bit hard into her lip, nearly drawing blood as she tried desperately not to laugh. Luke just stared at Brendan’s raised hand, a deep line of confusion forming between his eyebrows. Embry nearly lost it, watching them.

  She nudged Luke’s side. “High five,” she whispered.

  Brendan continued to wait, a goofy grin on his face.

sp; Luke’s eyes flicked to Embry before he held his hand out, slapping his palm against Brendan’s. Her southern gent looked sufficiently disturbed as Brendan continued to grin at him, nodding his head in some unknown agreement.

  “So how do y’all know each other?” Luke asked Brendan, his good breeding and manners taking over, even though he looked as if he wanted to run for the hills. He clearly didn’t remember Brendan as the guy Embry had been set up with at the bar last semester.

  “I’m a good friend of Brett’s, through CrossFit. I met Embry a few months back when we all had a night out.”

  Luke nodded. “You do CrossFit?”

  And there it was—bros for life.

  As they began trading tips on dead lifts and workout routines, Embry tuned out and searched the room for familiar faces. After a few seconds, her gaze fell on a face she’d been missing terribly. A small ache filled her chest as those expressive brown eyes stared at her from across the room.


  She gulped, watching him as he took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving hers. He’d managed to change his seat in all of their classes, going well out of his way to avoid any interaction with her whatsoever. It hurt. She understood that he was in pain, and it was her that had caused it, but she missed her friend.

  She lifted her hand in an awkward half wave, hoping he’d reciprocate. He did, inclining his head in a slight nod. Embry turned to Luke then, who was still caught up in conversation with Brendan.

  “Hey.” She touched his arm. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Luke dragged his attention from Brendan, following Embry’s gaze to where Jeremy sat. His face grew grim, the muscle in his jaw working under the surface, but he nodded and reached out to squeeze her hand. “All right. I’m here if you need me.”

  She headed off across the room, Luke’s eyes at her back, Jeremy at her front. “Hey,” she greeted him, then took a seat next to him in the booth.

  “Hi.” His tone was clipped, cold. Clearly, he was still upset.

  “I didn’t know Morgan invited you.” She forced a smile. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I knew she invited you,” he flicked his eyes to Luke, “and him.”

  She ignored that and turned toward him. “How are you?”

  “I’m fantastic, Bree,” he bit out. “How about you?”

  “I—I’m okay,” she responded softly.

  “That’s wonderful.” It didn’t sound so wonderful.

  The coldness in his voice, the complete and utter indifference, broke her heart. “Look, Jer…” She trailed off, at a loss for words.

  His eyes shot to hers, blunt and hard. “Don’t.”

  She reached to touch his arm, but he tore himself away from her grasp.

  “I miss you, Jeremy,” she said, nearly choking on the words. “Please—”

  “I said don’t!” he snapped. He was so close, his nose was nearly touching hers, and she could smell the rich tang of scotch on his breath, see the pain beneath the anger in his eyes. He took a large gulp of the drink in front of him, then turned away from her. “Just leave me alone.” His words were laced with anger, but she could hear the pleading in his voice.

  He was drinking, possibly drunk, and she knew this was probably the worst time to push him, but she couldn’t help herself. She missed him, wanted things back the way they were.

  “Jeremy, don’t push me away.”

  He turned on her, his eyes blazing with fury. “Don’t push you away? Don’t push you away?” he half-yelled, pointing at her chest.

  She recoiled from his biting words. Had her rejection really affected him this much? Changed things so drastically between them?

  He shook his head, a bitter look in his eyes. “Says the girl who threw herself at me when it was convenient, when you were lonely. Says the girl who gets so drunk she doesn’t even remember crawling half naked into her friend’s bed, begging him to touch her, then pushes him away as soon as her fucked up, lying boyfriend comes back into the picture.”

  Embry’s hand flew to her mouth, her heart filling her throat. Panic suddenly took over while her brain scanned through the events of that one night, trying desperately to remember if she had done what Jeremy was accusing her of. Could she… ? Did she… ? “I didn’t…” she insisted softly.

  He rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up. “Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Standing from the booth, he slammed his now empty glass on the table, bringing his angry face down to her level. “I should’ve fucked you when I had the chance.” he spat.

  She sat, frozen as his words made impact and cut straight through her. Tears clouded her eyes, shock pulsing through her system. Before she could respond, he stormed away, disappearing onto the balcony.

  Luke continued to chat with Brendan, Brett eventually making his way over and joining the conversation. While Luke mostly listened, giving input when necessary, his eyes were trained on Embry. It was difficult to make anything out from across the room, the music blasting and conversation all around making it impossible to hear, but it didn’t look like it was going well.

  His heart thumped heavy in his chest as he watched his girl, sadness pouring off of her, trying to fix her broken friendship. Jeremy didn’t look like he was having it. Luke’s whole body went on alert as Jeremy stood, slammed his glass on the table, and got in her face.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he said, quickly leaving Brett and Brendan behind as he tore across the room. Jeremy had taken off toward the balcony, but Luke let him go for the moment. He was only concerned about Embry.

  Before he reached the table, she rose and nearly ran right past him, tears streaking her face.

  Reaching out, he grabbed her wrist and spun her around. “Hey.” He swept his fingers gently down her cheek.

  She looked up at him, jade eyes cloudy with tears.

  “What just happened?”

  She dropped her gaze and bit her lip. It was clear she was blaming herself for whatever just happened, and he wasn’t having it.

  He lifted her chin, forcing her eyes to his. “Talk to me.”

  “He said,” she choked out between heaving breaths. “And then I…” The tears streamed faster as she buried her face in her hands. “I’m sorry.”

  He pulled her against him, hugging her tight. “Shhh, it’s okay.” Removing her hands from her face, he inspected her, using his thumbs to swipe at the tears falling from her eyes. He pressed a kiss to her lips, then released her. “Go splash some water on your face and take a few breaths. I’ll take you home.”

  She nodded obediently and he watched her carefully until she disappeared down the hallway. He had every intention of taking her home… after he had a little talk with Jeremy. Tearing through the bar, he headed for the balcony and burst through the doors, the winter air biting at his cheeks. He was reminded for the hundredth time how much he missed the warmth of Georgia.

  He found Jeremy leaning against the railing, hunched against the cold but a fire burning bright in his eyes. “What the fuck do you want?”

  Luke held his hands up. As much as he wanted to let his fist get acquainted with Jeremy’s face, he knew getting into a fight with a drunken asshole wasn’t going to do any good. And it would only hurt Embry more. “I want to talk.”

  “So talk.”

  Luke ran a hand through his hair and counted to ten, trying his best to stay calm. “I get it, dude,” he said. “She broke your heart and I’m sorry.”

  Jeremy scoffed.

  “I know what it feels like to lose her, and it fucking sucks,” he continued. “But it wasn’t intentional what she did to you. She cares more about you than I’m comfortable with, so I’m asking you to stop being a fucking dickhead and realize that you’re hurting her. Either suck it up and be a good friend to her or back. The. Fuck. Off.” He clenched his jaw, staring Jeremy down.

  Jeremy laughed, and Luke had to fight the growing urge to throw a quick punch and shut him the fuck up. He took another breath, clenchin
g and unclenching his fists at his side.

  “In the big scheme of things,” Jeremy shrugged indifferently, “you’ve caused her a hell of a lot more hurt than I have.”

  Luke had no argument there. “I have,” he admitted. “And I’m making up for it now. I remind myself every day how lucky I am that she gave me another chance.”

  Jeremy let out a mocking chuckle, and Luke nearly let his fist fly. This kid was infuriating generally, but when he was drunk he was completely unbearable.

  “It’s fine, really.” Jeremy threw his hands up. “You two deserve each other with the amount of fucked up shit you do to each other.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow, and Jeremy narrowed his eyes condescendingly. “You look confused. You mean she didn’t tell you about crawling into my bed naked, begging me—”

  Before Jeremy could finish his sentence, Luke’s hand shot out, gripping Jeremy’s shirt as he slammed him back against the brick wall of the balcony.

  “You do not want to finish that sentence,” Luke growled.

  Jeremy’s eyes went wide with rage as he fought against Luke. But other than landing a weak punch to Luke’s side, his drunken, uncoordinated movements had no effect. As Jeremy continued to struggle, Luke loosened his grip on Jeremy’s shirt, sliding his hand up. He had him by the throat when Embry came flying out onto the balcony.

  “Luke! No!” She was frantic, but her firm plea reeled him in, kept him from crushing Jeremy’s throat.

  He held tight for another moment, to support himself more than anything else. Jeremy’s confession had been a big blow. Just the thought of it made him want to tighten his hand once more, squeezing until Jeremy’s his windpipe was crushed.

  It couldn’t be true. Still, images attacked his frontal lobe—Embry naked and begging, in Jeremy’s arms, in Jeremy’s bed. Luke shook his head, trying to displace the nauseating thoughts.

  “Please, stop,” Embry pleaded again.

  He glanced quickly in her direction before bringing his eyes back to Jeremy and loosening his grip. Jeremy tore himself free with a grunt and Luke stepped away.

  He turned to Embry, swallowing thickly. “Is it true?” A dull ache formed in his chest as he stared at her, imploring her to say something, anything. He needed her to deny it, but she remained quiet, her pained gaze darting back and forth between him and Jeremy.


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