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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

Page 30

by R. E. Hunter

  “No big white wedding with Southern Sexy?” Morgan wiggled her eyebrows.

  Embry wanted all of that with Luke, and more. Although she pictured it as more of a small, intimate wedding on a beach. She shook the thought from her head. This was about Morgan.

  “This is your day! I say we take a break, go sip some champagne on the back deck, and then we find you your dress,” she offered, in hopes of distracting Morgan from more southern sexy wedding plans,

  Morgan shook her head and came to sit on the balcony with Embry. “We can drink champagne right here.”

  Embry eyed Morgan. “Is there a reason you’re keeping me locked in my bedroom?”

  Morgan lifted her hands and shrugged. “I’m on strict orders.”

  Embry’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “From whom?” she asked, though she was certain she knew.

  “Georgia peach.”

  “Would you stop calling him that?” She hated the nickname, but she thought Luke secretly enjoyed it. Morgan had distracted her from the point. “Why is he giving you strict orders?”

  “Who can tell?” She shrugged. “Southern sexy has questionable motives at best.”

  Embry let out a frustrated huff. “Since when do you and Luke work together or agree on anything?”

  Morgan’s eyes tightened with pain, and Embry suddenly knew exactly when. Luke had eventually opened up to Embry and told her all about the night of the accident, what it had been like for him. Morgan had held him together, kept him going, and they’d leaned on each other for support. A bond had formed between them, and he seemed to understand Morgan now.

  Embry groaned then. “Am I really stuck in here all day?”

  Morgan nodded emphatically and held up her glass of champagne. “Might as well make the most of it!”

  By the time Embry had been let out of her prison, Morgan had tried on at least twenty dresses, and the sun was now sinking over the bay, the sky outside looking like a perfect watercolor painting.

  A knock came on the door, and Embry ran to answer it. She found Luke smiling on the other side and threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face. “There you are! I missed you. I’ve been stuck in here all day!”

  He raised an eyebrow and exchanged a look with Morgan. “You have?” he asked, feigning innocence.

  Embry slapped at his chest. “Yes, I have. So what was the reason?”

  He shrugged, offering an infuriating smile. “No reason, just wanted you to have some girl time.”

  Morgan hugged Embry from behind, then pushed past them into the hallway. “Girl time over! Ladies, let’s go!”

  Luke and Embry moved aside as the caravan of women and dresses left their bedroom. Something was off, though. Their explanations weren’t making sense. Either Luke or Morgan was up to something, but Embry had no idea what.

  She was distracted from her thoughts as Luke pulled off his suit jacket and tossed it onto their bed, then he loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. He looked good enough to eat.

  He smirked at her, reading her thoughts. “Want to go sit down by the dock for a bit since you’ve been cooped up all day?”

  “Yes!” He knew her too well. All she wanted was to be out by the water.

  They made their way downstairs, and out the back door.

  “I didn’t get to finish the research today,” Embry said, as she noticed her laptop laying out on the coffee table. “Morgan kind of interrupted that.”

  “That’s fine.” Luke shrugged, looking out at the dock, seemingly preoccupied.

  Embry tugged on his hand and pulled him to a stop. “Luke?”

  He turned back to her. “Yeah, baby?”

  “Is everything all right?”

  He cupped her face, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips and smiling. “Nothing could be better.”

  He grabbed her hand, and they stepped off the deck. Luke stopped abruptly as they reached the dock, bending down to inspect the small circuit box attached to the side. “Hold on a sec, sorry. There was something here I wanted to check the last time I was out here and forgot.”

  Embry nodded and looked out onto the bay, the moon rising in the sky as the sun finished setting.

  Suddenly the dock was illuminated in beautiful, glowing lights strung from one piling to the next, lighting a path all the way to the end. She gasped, her breath taken away by the beauty of the twinkling lights reflecting off the bay.

  She turned to find Luke standing behind her, grinning like a fool. Had he been doing this all day? “You did this?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. “You like?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him then lit up, beaming at him. “I more than like.” She pressed up on her toes, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Luke, it’s beautiful.”

  He shrugged it off. “Not as beautiful as you.” He grabbed her hand, leading her out toward the bay. “C’mon.”

  They reached the end of the dock where Luke had set up large lanterns and a pile of blankets, and she turned to him, stunned tears in her eyes. “You did this for me?” she asked in awe.

  “I did.” He took a seat on the blanket, leaning his back against the piling, and pulled her down between his legs, her back against his chest. “All for you, baby,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

  She stared out onto the bay, lights shining all around them. “This is perfect.”

  He nodded against her in agreement, and she snuggled into his arms, content to look out onto the water as the small waves lapped against the dock, the lights casting a soft glow on everything around them.

  “We’ve had some pretty important talks out here, haven’t we?” Luke said thoughtfully.

  Embry nodded, her mind going back to the first time they’d come out onto the dock. Luke in his worn Georgia hat, his muscles busting out of an old T-shirt, fishing pole in hand as he tried to explain to her that he was a professor. That had been the start of it all, and it seemed like since then, any important talk, breakup or makeup, had happened right where they sat.

  He eased her away from his chest and stood, walking the end of the dock and looking out onto the water, contemplating.

  She pushed herself up and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, but he turned in her arms, breaking her hold.

  His eyes burned into hers, bright and sincere. “We’ve had to overcome more than most in a short time,” he said, softly, lifting his fingers to trace the curve of her face. “I’ve been faced with losing you too many times, Embry, and if I’m sure of anything, it’s that there’s never going to be anyone else for me, it’s just you. It’ll always be you.”

  She was hit with a rush of emotion, his words causing a flutter in her stomach.

  His eyes clung to hers, pleading and intense as he bent to one knee.

  Oh my god! Her hands flew to her mouth, her heart beating erratically in her chest as moisture rushed her eyes.

  “Some might say that it’s too soon, to give it time, but if there’s one thing I learned over the past year, it’s that I need you. All of you. You’re my family, my everything.” His voice cracked on the last word, his eyes filled with emotion.

  He held up a small box and opened it to reveal the most beautiful round, brilliant cut diamond, shimmering wildly in the hanging lights on the dock. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she looked down at the man she loved, her world, about to make her happier than she’d ever been.

  “I don’t work without you, Embry. I never have, and I never will.” She felt the passion and intensity behind each word. “It doesn’t have to be tomorrow, or even next year, but marry me, baby. Promise me that you’ll be mine for the rest of our lives, and I promise you I’ll spend the rest of our lives—”

  “Yes,” she whispered, cutting him off. “Yes.” She fell to her knees in front of him, crushing her lips to his, their tongues tangling, their bodies twisting together filled with passion and love.

  He broke the kiss, holding her face in his hands, his forehead resting against hers. “I love yo
u, baby. So much.”

  She nodded silently, unable to form words, she was so overwhelmed with emotion.

  Without another word, he laid her onto the blanket, quickly doing away with their clothes as his hands and lips explored her. She felt everything and nothing as she floated above her body, happier than she’d ever been.

  He held himself above her, his arms shaking with effort as he eased himself inside of her, stretching and filling her, completing her.

  “Luke,” she sighed, breathing his name as she breathed him in, relishing the feel of him inside of her, all over her.

  He looked down at her adoringly, his blue eyes burning with lust and love. “I’m right here, baby. Always.”

  They lay together on the dock after completely exhausting each other, wrapped in blankets and in each other’s arms.

  Embry wiggled her fingers on Luke’s chest, admiring the light reflecting off of her beautiful engagement ring, and smiled up at her fiancé. “It’s so beautiful, Luke.”

  He smoothed a hand over her hair and placed his soft lips to her forehead. “I’m glad you like it. It was my grandmother’s.”

  She sat up, looking at him with eyes wide. “Your grandmother’s?”

  He nodded. “My mom gave it to me when we visited in April.”

  Embry’s jaw hung open. “You knew… then?”

  He chuckled and pulled her back down into his arms. “I’ve known since the second I saw you, beautiful.”

  Luke hung back and watched as his beautiful girl, glowing with happiness and his ring shining on her finger, walked back into their home to find all of the people who loved her there to celebrate with her. He’d arranged for them to head over a few hours after he’d proposed, knowing that she’d want to share the moment with those closest to her.

  She glanced back over her shoulder, green eyes shining as she mouthed, “I love you.”

  His heart leapt in his chest as he thought about all that they had to look forward to, and for just a second, he saw their lives stretched before him—a wedding, little green-eyed babies with blonde hair, summers in their cottage on the beach. A wide grin spread across his face.

  Following her through the back door, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a gentle kiss above her ear, where, covered by her thick hair, was a small, white scar that reminded him every day of what they’d been through and what they could overcome. How strong they were—together.

  He held her tight and whispered in her ear, “I love you, beautiful.”

  She was his universe, his everything, and now she was his forever.

  Luke stepped up onto the porch of their cottage and pulled in a deep, calming breath of ocean air. He’d never expected to spend any significant amount of time here, maybe a few weeks out of the year. He’d honestly believed it would lose its appeal, whatever it was that made it so special, if he lived here full time. But after selling the townhome in New York and making the move with Embry six months ago, neither of them could imagine calling another place home now.

  When she’d finished up law school, they’d left New York as soon as possible. As much as they’d found peace there together, they wanted a fresh start, somewhere new to build their life together. And what a life it had become.

  She’d passed the New York bar before the move and was now studying to become licensed in Georgia. Luke had resumed his practice in Savannah, many of his previous clients giving him business as soon as they heard he was back. Embry had taken a different route, wanting to work in family law and help families who’d fallen victim to domestic violence. It may not have been the highest paying job, but she had flexible hours and seeing her come home with a fulfilled smile on her face every day made it all worth it.

  Pushing his way through the front door, he dropped his briefcase, pulled off his suit jacket and went in search of his wife.

  “Baby, I’m home.”

  No answer.


  “In here,” he heard a frustrated mumble coming from the kitchen.

  Rounding the corner, he found her sitting in the middle of the wooden floor, surrounded by what looked to be an explosion of flour. Not again. Her blonde hair was tinged white, and powder dusted her pink cheeks.

  She looked up at him, green eyes blazing, narrowing in challenge as if daring him to say something.

  He kicked off his shoes and socks and padded into the kitchen, leaving dusty footprints in his wake.

  “It’s eight o’clock at night, baby. Were you trying to make pancakes again?”

  She glared at him, and then her face fell, her eyes welling with tears.

  “Hey,” he said softly, cupping her chin and searching her upturned face. “What’s wrong?”

  He dragged his thumb across her plump bottom lip, removing the powder to reveal the dusky pink beneath. Sucking his finger into his mouth, he was left with sugary sweetness on his tongue.

  “Mmm,” he groaned as he leaned in to taste her lips. “So sweet.”

  She continued to pout. “It’s confectioners sugar.”

  He placed kisses all over her face, his lips coming away frosted with the sweet substance. “What were you making?”

  A single tear slipped down her cheek before her face crumpled. “I was trying to make you a cake,” she said in a tiny voice.

  Just then he noticed the smudge of pink across her left cheek. Dragging his finger through the thick substance, he sucked it into his mouth. “Mmm, frosting?”

  She nodded dejectedly.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” He suppressed a chuckle, not wanting to upset her more. But it was just a damn cake.

  She threw her hands up in frustration, sending a shower of powdered sugar raining down around them. “I suck is what’s wrong. This was supposed to be special.”

  Gently cupping her face, he swiped at the tear that had left a streak down her powdery cheek. “What was supposed to be special, love?” He quickly ran over their important dates in his head, hoping he hadn’t forgotten one… nope. He was in the clear.

  He surveyed their kitchen as he waited for an answer. Glazed sugar covered most surfaces, and it looked as though a violent crime had taken place on their counter. He hoped it was nothing more than a few broken eggs and some red food coloring, but with Embry baking… you never knew.

  “This,” she said, waving her hands.

  “What?” He tried hard to maintain a serious expression. She was clearly upset, but she looked so fucking adorable with her pouty lips, bright eyes shining, hair a mess and covered in powdered sugar and frosting.

  She looked up at him, her eyes filled with hope. Then she turned and reached for a small gift bag that had been hidden behind her.

  He took the bag, a wide grin spreading across his lips. “What’s this?”

  She shrugged, nervously biting her bottom lip. “Open it.”

  He leaned in, tugging it from between her teeth and planting a demanding kiss on her sweet lips. She opened for him, her body responding automatically as she let out a low moan.

  He broke the kiss, his eyes burning into hers as he licked his lips. “Mmm, you taste so good. I’m pretty sure I know exactly how we’re going to get all of this sugar off of you.”

  The beginnings of a smile tipped the corners of her mouth, but her eyes anxiously darted to the bag in Luke’s hand. “Open it, baby, please?”

  He smiled. “Okay, okay.” He had no idea what it could possibly be.

  Pulling out the strategically crumpled pieces of silver and white tissue paper, he reached into the bag, his fingers brushing against a soft piece of fabric at the bottom. Had she gotten new underwear? More lace, he hoped.

  But his sexy thoughts vanished, his pulse pounding wildly in his ears and his heart swelling in his chest as he pulled out the tiniest piece of clothing he’d ever seen. Two football helmets, one for the Gators, one for the Dawgs, decorated the front, with the words “baby divided.”

  He held out the onesie, his eyes wide and filled with love and w
onder. “You… I… We?” He swallowed with effort, his voice thick with emotion.

  She nodded, an infectious grin spreading across her face as her eyes filled with tears.

  “We’re going to be parents?” Holy fuck. They’d just started talking about it a few months ago, he never imagined it’d be happening, and so soon.

  Embry nodded enthusiastically again. “We are.”

  Setting the onesie carefully aside, he tackled his wife to the floor, lowering her gently onto her back in a dusty cloud of sugar. He peppered her face with kisses as she squirmed beneath him, the sound of her laughter egging him on.

  With every kiss, every tangle of limbs, he managed to remove another piece of clothing until they were both naked and covered in a sugary glaze, making perfect use of the mess she’d made.

  She climbed on top of him, straddling his legs and licked a wet trail down his chest. coming away with a fine coat of sugar across her lips. He stared up at his beautiful wife, green eyes shining down, a blonde curtain of hair falling around them. She was his universe, his everything, his forever. And now she was giving him even more—a child that represented all of the love between them.

  He rolled her gently onto her back, easing inside of her as he whispered against her lips, “I love you more than all the stars in the sky.”

  I think I’d have to write another book to thank all of the people who have inspired and encouraged me along this journey. I could not have done it without the love and support of all of those close to me. If I missed you, please, please, forgive me. You all mean the world to me.

  First and foremost… My readers. There aren’t words to express how grateful I am for each and every one of you. You took a chance on me, took the time to read my words and fall in love with my characters and my story. Thank you for the reviews, the messages, the encouragement, and for helping spread the word and showing your love and enthusiasm for a story that is so incredibly close to my heart. You’ll never know how much it means to me!


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