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[Druids Bidding 02.0] RenFaire Druids: Dunskey Castle Prequels

Page 56

by Jane Stain

  Emily told everyone what was on her mind.

  “I wish we had more time to ourselves.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “You have time to yourselves during the week,” said her dad.

  “This is the cushiest job ever, only working weekends,” said Vange’s dad.

  “You know that’s not true,” said Emily.

  “We do? Where could you possibly go during the week? We never see your car leave,” said her mom.

  This was the teasing game they played about not being able to discuss time travel.


  The antiques business was still in full swing because Dall always showed up to help his clan out and Peadar never missed a chance to help Shane. But they knew ahead of time when that would be now.

  We spend plenty of time together, but it’s all adventuring and socializing and ...

  And she was happy.

  Emily went and hugged all four of their parents and tickled her own until they laughed.

  She looked over where all six boys were playing basketball nearby.

  The boys liked the faire alright, but by now they didn’t need the workshops. This was about the hundredth opening day of workshops they remembered. Four of them were twelve and the other two were ten.

  Emily watched them have fun awhile before she tried another way to say what was bothering her.

  “We hardly ever spend time as a family. Dall and I have to zip off to … away, and so do Vange and Peadar…”

  Her dad put an arm around her. “Don’t feel bad about that. We love being with Tomas and Tavish. Be glad they’re with family.”

  Emily hugged him. “Oh, I absolutely am glad they’re with family. Never doubt that.”

  Her dad chuckled. “And I’m absolutely glad you’re the ones supporting this family. Retiring was the best thing I did in too long.”

  Her mom brought their brunch over to the outdoor seating area, and while they all sat down and dug in, she made her own observations on the subject.

  “I agree. Our lives are better and fuller than ever, Emily. We’re all doing something we love.”

  Emily looked over again at where Tomas and Tavish were playing.

  “This is hardly a good life for them, though, being homeschooled by their grandparents and moving around so much. They should have a steady group of friends besides each other. They should be in school.”

  Dall surprised her by speaking up then.

  “I did not go away from home to be schooled, and you have never had nary a worry about my education, lass.”

  Emily smirked at him.

  “That’s different, Dall.”

  “Aye? How is it different?”

  Emily looked her husband in the eye to make sure he wasn’t teasing her. But no, Dall was being serious. She lowered her chin at him in a way meant to show him she couldn’t believe he was in earnest.

  “You were homeschooled in another time.”

  Calm as ever, her husband was unaffected by her exasperation.

  “Aye, but how else? I do not see it.”

  “Dall, the whole clan passed on the knowledge you got.”

  “Aye, and your whole clan does the same with our lads, you ken?”

  What is he talking about? There aren’t clans anymore. And in modern times we have a whole extended system of civilization that our kids are missing out on. We’re depriving them. How can I make him see that? And do my parents really not see it?

  “Gggrr. But all we can pass on to them is how to run a renaissance faire. They need the skills and knowledge to do whatever is in their hearts to do.”

  Surprisingly, her dad felt otherwise.

  “Emily, you and Dall and Vange and Peadar ought to be training the boys to take over running the faire for you one day.”

  Emily gave her dad her best incredulous look.

  “Dad. They’re just kids.”

  He gave her a knowing look and shook his head no.

  “That’s how it seems, but the time goes by really fast from here on out, Em. They’ll be dating before you know it.”

  Her mom was nodding and smiling. When Emily noticed, her mom made a joke that hit Emily right in the gut, though her mom was smiling and innocently laughing as she said it.

  “And that’s six new women you’ll be dealing with. Best the boys get to know them at the faire so that you meet them early.”


  The story continues!

  Dall and Emily watch grown-up Tavish and Tomas adventure with the women who were their faire girlfriends in Druid Magic.

  Johnathan is a woad warrior in the time of Hadrian’s Wall in Celtic Druids, and his adventures continue in the early 1700’s in Meehall (which is also about Michael) and Ciaran.

  Jeffrey sends the woman who was his faire girlfriend away on time travel adventures in Druid Dagger.

  Gabriel goes by the more Scottish name Conall, and his books will be out in 2019.

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  Jane Stain




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