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The Paradoxical Nature of Knowledge

Page 5

by Ashley Douglass

odd helmets with tinted visors.

  Everyone entered the room then took their seats, Maria choosing to sit next to Ebony since she was her only friend. Ms. Pearson leaped to the front of the room then instructed everyone to put on the odd helmets. Everyone complied as she pressed a button on a small remote.

  Maria was plunged into darkness after she slipped on the helmet. Imaging flashed as words were whispered just beyond her consciousness. Information poured into her mind, flooding her senses. Her every neuron buzzed with electrical impulses as her thoughts sped. Then as suddenly as it started everything ceased.

  She took off the helmet, blinking in the harsh lights, as she turned to Ebony. Ebony rubbed her eyes after setting down the helmet then turned back to the front.

  “Now that download has been completed the mental retrieval test will be next week and remember you all have to complete a writing exercise tomorrow.”

  “What a waste of time. When will we ever need to write?” Ebony asked Maria jokingly.

  “My father believed that writing is a vital piece of our culture and that literacy is extremely functional.” Maria answered

  “Your father must have been an aristocrat,”

  “Now would anyone like to make a comment about the information?” Ms. Pearson asked looking around the room for any volunteers.

  “I only want to mention that Rico Rivera must have been a very influential philosopher to inspire so many scientists to invent a false ganglia to increase the mental processing of the brain though it seems odd that he believed that the only reason he was able to envisioning the future applications of the Artificial Cerebral Processing Chip was only due to an orphan that he took in that was troubled by her overly active imagination.” the rich girl in the front stated.

  “Yes that seems very strange but many of the most creative individuals had a muse,” the teacher pointed out as the she nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah by challenging scientists to understand the complexities of the brain, he ushered in a new technological era. He indirectly reformed communication, reshaping personal relationships. He made learning more efficient and redefined the justice system.” the wealthy boy added quoting her thoughts, giving meaning to those hushed words that were issued from the headphones within the helmet.

  “Do you have anything to add Maria Rivera,” the teacher asked as everyone turned to Maria.

  “Um the justice system is more sound than it was in the past. Wittiness can falsify testimonies for their own gain and are victims of forgetfulness. The panel of peers can be extremely biases. For small cases these factors, which are vulnerable to manipulation, are negligible but in a case in involving capital offenses these factors upset the balance of justice. With the new system, inspired by the ability to read the mind, the innocent can save themselves from execution by allowing access to their memories along with hard evidence.” Maria explained then looked shyly down at the table top when everyone remained silent.

  “Um that was very analytical, Maria.” Ms. Pearson finally commented as Maria looked up then smiled bashfully at the praise as the other students rolled their eyes annoyed.

  “Well that is all for today. You are dismissed.” she said as everyone rushed to the door. Maria followed at a slower pace as Ebony led the way down the hall to a small lunchroom. A poorly disguised robot watched the children from the corner. Its rubber face was unmoving and its hair was overly shiny. Its glass eyes scanned the room in a very systematic manner.

  Maria sat next to Ebony when the robot disappeared in a back room then returned with a tray of warm cookies and a pitcher of milk. The robot passed out the cookies wrapped in thin napkins. Paper cups were handed down the row as cool milk was poured into each raised cup as the robot passed.

  “Um that is Molly the maid.” Ebony answered as Maria watched the robot return the tray to the kitchen.

  “Um okay,” Maria mumbled as she turned back to Ebony. She lifted her cookie, which had left puddles of chocolate on the napkin. She took a large bite when Omar approached her.

  “I did not enjoy you showing off in class.” he said leaning forward, his weight causing the table to squeal.

  “Um sorry,” Maria apologized when he snatched the rest of her cookies.

  “I will take these as your apology” he said then walked back to his seat with her cookies swinging about within the napkin.

  Maria stood up, causing her chair to tip over, when the robotic maid walked pass their table. She glared into its marble eyes then commanded it to retrieve her cookies. The machine stiffened then marched over to Omar.

  “What?” Omar asked, rounding on the android annoyed when it jerked the cookies from his hand.

  “Hey, those were mine.” he yelled as the android turned away.

  “I am talking to you, you synthetic hominid!“ he yelled but the machine simply walked over to Maria, then placed the cookies in front of her.

  “Thank you Molly,” Maria told the robot as she smirked at Omar. Omar pounded on the table with his fist then turned away, leaving the lunchroom.

  “I did not know Molly was even programmed to do that. She only responds when there is a fight.” Ebony stated as Maria finished the rest of her cookies.

  “Well it seems all tools have their uses.” Maria answered as Molly recovered her systems silently in the corner, unusually still with its swiveling head fixed.

  “Yeah, I suppose so,” Ebony agreed timidly unnerved by the possibility of Maria’s unheard off mastery of machines.

  After Maria was done she followed Ebony back to the playroom, but Ebony soon left to go to the bathroom. Omar crept behind Maria then snatched Snickers from her grasp. She rounded on him with balled fists. He looked down on her as he held the dog by its neck.

  “I don’t know what is going on but no one makes a fool out of me.” he told her threateningly as she glared at her dog, hanging limply from his hand.

  “You don’t know who you are messing with.” she mumbled under her breath.

  “Oh really?” he asked then shoved her hard in the chest, pushing her over.

  “Come back with my dog!” she yelled as he walked out of the playroom. She got up slowly as her mind formed a single thought and she fumed with rage.

  ”He is going pay for that.” she growled under her breath as she balled her small fists and all of the lights within the playroom began to flicker.

  Migraines and Other Medical Abnormalities

  Maria pulled the covers taut then replaced her pillows at the head of her bed as Ms. Pearson inspected the girls” work. Ebony waited for her to finish by the door then led her to the elevator along with the others who had finished making their beds. Ms. Pearson followed them after everyone had left the room.

  They walked down the hall to the playroom. They sat down when Maria noticed that the boys were already there along with Mr. Johnson. Omar watched Maria from across the room with Snickers hanging by its collar, its body dangling limply from his grasp.

  Maria clichéd her fists as he threw the toy dog by his side but her anger abated when she remembered how her father would tell her to think thinks through. She did not need to resort to any rash actions if a reasonable choice was still available to her, for rash actions are rarely without consequences.

  She walked over to Mr. Johnson then told him about the theft. He nodded half listening then left, promising to return soon. He patted her on the shoulder then hurried off. Maria returned to Ebony’s side.

  “Oh don’t worry, Mr. Johnson will be back in a few minutes. He usually pops in and out but what did you want to tell him?” she asked as Maria looked up at her.

  “I wanted to tell him that Omar stole my toy dog.” Maria told her as Ebony became alarmed.

  “Oh well you may not want to tell him because if you get Omar in trouble then he will be mad at you and besides Mr. Johnson rarely interferes unless there is a fight. He does not want to keep track of our possessions. He believes that is our responsibility.” she warned as Maria shook her head.
  “You don’t understand my mother gave me that toy before she died. I am not leaving without it. I am not afraid of him.” Maria stated boldly.

  “Well maybe you should be because Omar is a good fighter and he is much bigger than you.” Ebony pointed out as Maria folded her arms across her chest.

  She could not simply let Omar have Snickers, it meant to much to her. The elusive memories of better times were locked within its marble eyes. Snickers was a manifestation of a brief period of happiness, a period when both her parents were alive and well. She could not let that go at least not without a fight.

  Maria rose to her feet then marched over to Omar as Ebony watched her fearfully. Omar got to his feet, holding Snickers by its head. Maria’s stance was firm and her eyes were unyielding.

  “Give me back my dog.” she demanded as everyone stopped what they were doing to watch her.

  “And why would I do that?” he asked as an arrogant smile began to take shape.

  “I said give it back!” she repeated venomously as he gasped, his face contorting in pain. Snickers fell from grasp as he held his head, his finger buried within his hair. He dropped to his knees whining softly as she picked up the toy then turned away.

  “What are you?” Omar asked her fearfully as she backed away, clinging onto Snickers for support. Everyone was looking at her nervously as if she were a monster. She turned away from Omar, unwilling to acknowledge the building fear growing within his eyes.

  She hurried

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